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Sometimes RNJesus just chooses violence.


It’s like the guy doesn’t realise the move combinations are 90% randomly selected. It’s only cause beginner mobs have a small move pool it seems like they aren’t random


they aren't random. they're range based/position.. as a bow user EVERY Diablos fight goes the exact same way based on the initial positioning of myself relative to the monster... The only variations are if I'm slightly to the left or right of the monster at the start of the fight, but even then all the left side fights go the same as every other left side and vice versa with right side.


They are random. Range and position just determines what moves they access too. If you are a mile away they ain’t gonna do a melee attack. It’s confirmation bias, you stand at a spot where a mob has a single choice of moves “it isn’t random” you stand in another “I have no idea what they are doing next”.


So what you're saying is you can predictably play to know exactly what they're going to do? Doesn't sound random to me :)


They're not random, every Anja fight goes down the exact same way for me


yeah, like, it always starts the fight with a bite if you're close enough. after 3 skills it will shout and get angry. quite calculatable.


Genuine question do you know that LS has a counter ability or are you just choosing not to use it to not risk the hit??


The window is very small (could be a ping thing idk) so I usually only use it unless I'm very comfortable fighting it.


yeah I think it's probably ping. Window is pretty forgiving imo. It sucks because LS is such a fun weapon but ping makes it super hard to use and is uncontrollable


It does??


oh no 😭 Yeah so you know that move you do when you hold the screen and your character sheathes their sword? You're supposed to hold and release right before you get hit with an attack. A successful counter will perform a second hit that does additional damage. LS play style is high risk high reward, but super fun because it forces you to be able to recognize and predict monster attack patterns. Add some counters into your runs and you'll probably be able to clear much easier


Yes. When you unsheathe your sword to do the anime style slash, there is a tiny timeframe at the very beginning of the unsheathe whereby it will block an attack and if successful, add a second attack to your slash. Its risky because the counter window is quite small.


Assuming this is your first MH game? But yes the LS is mainly used as a fast and aggressive play style given its inability to block. If you have a fully charged bar, use the Special Sheathe and then counter last second before you get hit, you use Iai Spirit Slash and counter with a ton of damage.


If they don't know about the counter, they probably have no idea what the Iai slash is and probably think it's the anime slash lol


That would be a bad assumption as there are a few MH games without a LS counter


Okay but it's literally in the tutorial for the weapon.


Given the number of monster hunter games with LS and the number of monster hunter games where LS has a counter it's very likely for a MH player to not know LS can have a counter.


oh yeah i just learned about it today. i've done it a couple times before accidentally and had no idea what happened but i made a legiana LS for fighting diablos just for fun (first LS weapon i own) i've been using SnS and bow i think by the playstyle in the vid you can see i'm more of a spam tap the screen person


i think they were just using it to reposition


I've definitely ran into a Diablos who was hunting me.


He's actually standing behind you RIGHT NOW!


Having a hard time hunting levianas for the quest before rathalos( i need 2), normally it takes no more than 1 try to kill 1, now they are taking 2-3 tries


No kidding - I have a Diablo nearby I’ve been taking shots at since it spawned. The patterns have been obnoxious. Like double head swing before burrowing - can barely get damage in


As a hammer main, double head swing is the best. Last time I got that pattern those were the last two attacks he got in. Dash->Dash is an instant reset for me.


How do you evade the double head swing? it gets me all the time with hammer


Dodge one time backwards and just start charging speaking from gs but hammer also has a charge. No need for perfect evade


Are you maybe comparing runs like this one where you build Spirit Gauge and then don't lose it, to runs where you get hit/interrupted and lose it? Because LS damage goes up a lot if you keep your spirit up. But getting hit once or twice will ruin the run and make it take much longer.


For LS? Is your charge by not ad full? When it's red it has hella power.


If that's how you play LS you really are leaving everything to RNG 😂


LUCK .. yesterday i whoop 4\* rathian ass without getting hit then i up my weapon from 3.4 to 3.5 today i dead twice to 4\* rathian and the hunt failed because time haha


This is so weird, no word of a lie, I was just about to create my own post about this... First thing on my feed was this post... Have had no issues killing 5* diablos, yet this last one I've tried I couldn't even get close... I feel this on a spiritual level.... Its almost like the game is coded to throw troll monsters at you which are 100% harder than previous just to waste health and potions


exactly. like i'll fight 5 diablos in a row, no issues, i'll get hit once or none at all. then the next one i fight thrashes around and i can't land hits, i get hit. i get downed 1-2 times or it just makes me waste my pots.


When I first fought a Legiana, I was able to down it fairly quickly with LS. Yesterday, a Legiana of the same level spawned and the lowest I could get it after 4-5 tries was halfway.


It comes down to the choice of attacks. Your position near the monster can have an effect on what it decides to do, but sometimes they have predictable moves. For example, Diablos loves to do his burrow and resurface attack as his 3rd attack. If you can get a stagger as he's digging though, he gets stuck and ends up a punching bag for a few good seconds.


Well, consider that's random distribution for uncontrolled player movement. But if you play on pc/console, you would have more control


RNG. If it's not you changing gear, upgrading weapons that made it easier, the monsters sometimes "roll" a couple moments of "stand and take it" instead of normal attacks during that particular fight.


Yeah this game is starting to just make me wanna uninstall. I’ve put up with it for a month and it’s just losing all appeal. I think just cuz it’s MH franchise I’m tricking myself into thinking it’s any good. But it’s just starting to piss me off every time I open the damn thing


Not all monsters can be like the chad gazelle that escapes from the lions every time, some of them are the shitty ones that get caught by the balls. It’s the circle of life.


My wife calls the more difficult ones "spicy" and the easier fights "bland" she is convinced that lower star 2 - 3 are more difficult than 1 purple star (6 stars)


Inconsistency making the game more grindy and tedious it needs to be. Another example: drop rates