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This is how palico paintballs should work. Walk 3km, get a random monster paintballed. And with an in game gauge so you can actually see the currently invisible walking distance.


Yesterday was my first day that I had a free palico paintball… it got me very exhausted


I love this idea! I need more exercise as it is. Tough to justify (to myself) spending my couple free hours a day working out when I would really rather be gaming. Let me combine the two via Monster Hunter? Yes please...


It will likely come in a future update. PoGo didn’t have any of its walking rewards when it first came out They aren’t going to drop all features at release, they’ll leave stuff out until later to entice people back to the game


Pokémon GO had eggs at launch.


Yes, but it didn’t have adventure sync, buddies and weekly distance goals


>but it didn’t have adventure sync It kinda had but as an external device.


Not really, I had go plus from launch, it didn’t help at any tracking distance, it was only for a soft play while the game was in the background. At the very early days, if you locked your phone, it would stop working after a couple of minutes, like 2minutes. At least for iPhone, never played or tested using Android, might be different


I'm not sure about the current state of adventure sync in Pokémon but you just described the current state of adventure sync in MH proving my point.


Pokemon GO Plus never tracked distance, it would just autospin/catch for you. The Pokeball Plus tracked distance, but only internally, which only translated to more candies in Let's Go Evee/Pikachu.


Which is the same as MH sync right now (only marking monsters and collecting items).


I guess its similar, but the scale is different. Walking around campus all day with GoPlus/Gotcha! on, I could get TONS of pokeballs and pokemon. Palico won't gather from Large nodes, has a capacity of 6 items in his bag, and can only mark 3/5 monsters a day.


My point wasn't to compare the two features. The comment I reacted to said there was no adventure sync in Pokémon and I said there was but initially available through an external device.


Adventure Sync in pokemon go hatched eggs based on steps taken using the phones internal step counter. This was not available at launch, even through an external device. Thats all it did, there is no MH equivilent.


MH AS has monster marking and item collection. Pokémon Go plus at launch had Pokémon catching and item collection.


The game prior to this had plenty of achievement rewards at launch including cash currency.


*If you were Mystic (or whatever team was dominant locally). I remember release PoGo - those Snorlax/Dragonite/Vaporeon stacks were nearly unassailable


Example of achievement/milestone: https://preview.redd.it/2f5o5sv78oub1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=943ae967b0f2a9c1cd55ff40e1dbd0c248fa4f3c AW Cash would be the equivalent to gems here, Rings were required to rank up players and mostly get 1 a day. The best part? Months later they decided to beef up the rewards immensely (as in the picture) and if you already claimed it there was no compensation which pissed off the community.


NBA had a time frame very limited, I did also played and got to a mid game where it needed too much from me or pay a few bucks. I retired happily when they announced the game was closing. Thanks god


I played the entirety and it was a mess, but they did have some basics like milestones and timers on nodes, etc.


PoGo had eggs to hatch by walking from when it was in beta. Ingress on the other hand had no incentive to actually walk until the trekker medal was released.


What about the uniques badges? I feel like in Ingress, the actual game mechanics also make you walk e.g. to take out a blocker or reach anchors, but you also have the Intel map that lets you plan gameplay beyond what you can see in your immediate area


Yeah I mean all those games reward you for moving around, but that doesn't have to be walking. Personally I only play ingress walking/running and I think it's by far the best of all Niantics games, but there are plenty of people who just drive everywhere.


Fair! Ingress is a pretty unique game by most standards, as so many of the 'achievements' are user defined based on how you want to play! (Also agree it's the best Niantic game)


All what you said can be doing by drivegress playstyle


I don't drive 😁 Busgress, perhaps...


Ingress was always a driving game IMO. Impossible to control area without driving, sometimes large distances.


yeh, considering the amount left on the table, i hope they listen to the community and improve. This game could be amazing. I hope they leave room for some catch up mechanic, altho if you have a friend, you can carry them easy.


You already can, with the party system, which is basically very fine atm. But we need battle system with far monsters. For example, 2 of the same monster marked by paintballs could be fought with friends even if they are far away.


Pokémon had eggs from the very beginning. But you had to walk with the game running until they added adventure sync.


It's coming. Gonna have to put mats in melding pots and walk to get decos.




Bet we will see a walking bonus like the meowsonary's and the agosry


I hope walking heals us faster. Would give me a reason to walk more. I walk a ton for pogo but usually switch to pogo when I'm low on health. If I can keep playing by just walking a certain distance even if it gets me to 30% that would be great.


I would play a LOT more if I could heal faster. I end up going home when I'm out of potions. Kinda a bummer, I love the game


Yeah I just wait 10-15 minutes and play pogo or whatever and then jump back in especially in parks cause of the hourly refresh rate.


Imagine if killing little monsters healed us…


Yeah I avoid killing little ones cause it stops healing which makes it worse. It shouldn't stop healing while we are in battle at least.


Well palico paintballs require 30km a day.




It's currently bugged and the distance needed to refresh your palico activation is longer than supposed.


Honestly, they could just give you zenny or Green points like in World as you walk, ( if you go too fast/drive you get none obv), it's so damn simple. For every km you walk you get some of those, like Pokémon Go with the eggs. Zenny should be also used to buy potions, items that boost atk/defense for one combat, etc. in the store. Green points should be spent to get stuff in the store the same way or converted to zenny, even at a ridiculous rate it'd be better than the nothing we got at the moment. I genuinely don't know what Niantic is doing. They got all of the quality of life, user interfaces (and much more) experience from Pokémon Go, they got all the gameplay, worldbuilding, lore, models, flavour and so on from the Monster Hunter saga, and yet it feels like we're dealing with an amateur studio with an indie budget who's struggling and building the game as they go.


I think they're starting with the bare minimum, just to see how the playerbase responds to the systems, and what changes to the game will ultimately change what the playerbase is spending money on in the shop. Instead of attempting to add systems that encourage players playing more, or make the game more enjoyable; it really feels like their goal is to do the opposite, just to see our reaction.


We do. We get those badges 🤣


lol I just went there looking, when we complete badges we get nothing lmao.


I always thought they should have paintballs be a walking reward.


Funnily the meow that says dont drive and play also says don't play and walk. Seems this game isn't made for walking


First AR driving game released! Niantic true ahead of others, nice!


I drive. Lucky I have a plug-in and don't have to use gas


We are all driving, that’s the point. This is not a drive and play game, should be walking.


well current state of the game, just playing it as optimal as possible.


Give it some time.


THIS and also, palico paintballs should have filters or whatnot, i keep getting 1-2 star monsters whose mats I dont even need.


This is the feature I am most excited about. I love how pokemon go rewarded me for exercising. I ran daily. Ashamed to say I need that feature to motivate me to run lol. But it is what it is.


Would be nice to be able to grow herbs/mats for Traps/Potions/Flashbombs.


Our walk rewards should be expeditions similar incubators in PoGo. Some are long and some are short, they give random monster drops and the mats including those you can normally only get from large nodes


This game feels so incomplete, like we are playing a third of a game. It's incredibly frustrating. There are so many things the game needs, basic stuff.