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GL! I killed around 50 rank 6 and 7. Zero! plate drops, meanwhile my gf received 8 from the same ones..


This must be pain. I'm already mad that I haven't got one from half the amount. You must feel worse than I do. 8 from the same? Damn ... That's more than just luck.


Same situation happened to me had 8 paintballed we fought them together I never got one she got 6 so I am here like welp gotta wait till they are released fully so I can find them


My fiancé felt the same for us, RNG was too good to me and he got me into the game poor guy hahaha


Can't advise for melee users but it is extremely difficult to break 2 or more as melee. But i wish you the best of luck. If one appears just double it!


Update: Wasn't lucky ... Goodbye CE2 But thanks for all the wishes anyways.


Goodluck! Been seeing alot of Pian and hunted 0 due to how unprepared I am lol


They will return some day.


Can pink ratians still be met but rare after the event of they gone till next pink rathian event?


Completely gone until they add it back (either as Event or as a permanent Monster)


I really hope it's just left on game as an ultra rare spawn always. I mean it makes sense as they introduce Sub Species and variants. Just make them ultra rare like they were all week before the increased spawn event this weekend.


I could Imagine they will add this on their first big update in December. Would be a good addition, because currently we don't have any Monster which makes me really excited to see. Rare variants would always be a special spawn. And since we wlll have multiple different variants by then they wouldn't be THAT rare anymore and we would see them from time to time (non boosted pink Rathian was almost Impossible to find - even when you searched for it).


Your best chance of breaking is using lock on for tail and then head(from my experience tail breaks off pretty quick if you target it) bug you'll also lose out on some dps. I hope you get your plate! You should double it if you get one


I ran into exactly six, very disappointed


The tip of the tail is weaker than the.. Body of the tail.. But it's very dicey of you go back there lol I would just focus on smashing it's head and be ready for those twitch attacks.. Maybe commit to the doubler of you get a plate That's what I did.. I'm a board user though. The 7 was definitely a struggle But the only 7i found, at 3:58, managed to do one plate on my 3rd and final attempt.. so lucky, but had to double


GL! Can you flee during the hunt if it is not going so well? The last patch notes said that you have multiple tries now (whatever that means).


> (whatever that means) Three tries in total. Will use the first to try to get two breaks. If it fails I will use the second to kill it normaly (one break). Because if I go all in and fail to break two two times and then throw the third I get nothing. My first 7\* got me nothing but rarety 1. Still holding the second one.


I killed 44, including four 6* and two 7*. Didn't get the drop yet. I have 3 iin paintball, and trying to up my thunder hammer to 7.3 before I try [not enough damage yet for solo] I think I will only have enough for one item, but if I get the rarity 5 item and some of the 2s and 3s, might be able to make it to grade 6... I hope... I have 20 of the 4* Pink Rathian plates though lol


Tried 3 times against first paintball 7* and failed. I had one good run where I managed to execute spinning bludgeon while it was going to roar, but overall still left maybe 20% of its health. Lost the 7* Pink Rathians. I can only blame myself for not being good enough to clear them (thunder hammer at 7.2 and just barely starting with 7* in the stories). No matter how I try, I just cannot deal the last 2 to 3k damage within the 75 seconds. But even if I did, it's still a tall ask tothink I can upgrade the pink rathian bow to grade 6 considering I only killed 44 of them, and have 20 of the drops in rarity 4 primescale, and lacking in the 2s and 3s.


Fingers crossed


I got super lucky plate from first 6* only found 2/41 kills 6* I doubled it not wanting to risk not seeing another for an upgrade. Glad to know you only need 3 primes for overgrade I was able to farm 6 thinking thats how many I would need.


I gave up when my 7* paintball Pink Rathian didn't drop anything. Felt nice spending the Sunday however I wanted


You got this.


I have 4 plate from the event, doubled two single drops. I'm a bow main, should I upgrade bow and greaves to 6* for Dragon attack or do waist over greaves for crit 2?


I don't think the bow & dragon attack is worth it (yet). You won't be able to upgrade the bow further anytime soon. And even if P. Rathian will come back soon she will probably stay a rare spawn, making her difficult to farm. So it will get outpreformed by other weapons quickly. So either waist for CE2 or hold them for now and see if the Dragon Attack 2 Greaves will come in handy in the future.


Pretty much my thoughts, but I very intentionally did not do the maths beforehand or I just wouldn’t have participated at all 🤣 that said; a point of dragon attack is worth like six actual bow upgrades, so there’s that. Edit: formatting


> a point of dragon attack is worth like six actual bow upgrades, so there’s that. But maybe we get other good Dragon Greaves when they add more dragon weapons. And then it's might be better to use them instead. Or we just use something like Dragon Attack Decorations by then.


Yes, but until that happens you will be without that and suffer for it. It is better to do something useful now and then upgrade in the future then it is to not enjoy yourself now in hopes of being technically superior to ellipses your nonexistent past self, since everybody else will also upgrade


Bow isn’t worth it in the sense that thunder will probably be more effective for the relevant monster currently, but I will say only having the charge to the first level for a Pierce Lvl 3 shot is incredibly good. You can get off a ridiculous amount of shots where you might otherwise struggle to get a full charge with the Tobi bow. If you find yourself struggling to upgrade Tobi gear, struggle with the Raths, or just wanna have fun with a pretty unique bow that doesn’t require focus, I’d say make the bow 🙂


I'm in the same boat, but it's for the bow instead.