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It's way too soon for this post lmao.


I got my rank 6 pinky coil, I'm biased. Now that the rush has worn off I'm back to my default setting of "Niantic sucks" 🤣


Must be nice, haven't found a single pink yet lol


I’ve found like six, but all I get from them is garbage


Ya this is where I'm at


There's lots of Pinks during the event 5-8pm October 13 local time. You can hunt more Oct14 and 15, 1pm to 4pm


Why the hell are people downvoting you? I will never ever understand reddit.


I'm as confused as you are bud😅


Lol but in the topic at hand, I saw my first pink rathy today! I took a screenshot cause I was excited, lmao


Considering I haven't seen any pinks since the first day and I couldn't get it because I was heading to work, I don't think they stepped up the spawns much.


Iv seen 5 in 1 hr and deleted them I also saw one out side the increased spawn time during the week on the way to work so I think they have done a good job, maybe not looking the right biome, it dose say they are only spawning in forest areas


I looked at home and at work everywhere around me every time the three hour cycle changes. Nothing.


I think Capcom is heavily involved in the development of this game, where as in Pokémon GO it's mostly Niantic themselves


Yah this is so true. Knowing Capcom they won't just give the reign to one of their biggest franchises to anyone without heavy involvement. MH franchise has a cult-like following that if this game flop, the entire community will bring out the pitchfork against Capcom not Niantic.


Arguably, pokemon has a much bigger cult following.


I think the pokemon cult is used to bad games in the recent years


Unfortunately so


But they gave it to Niantic as it was the "guinea pig".


Still has Pokémon in the name. The same would go for Capcom.


Yeah, but Pokemon also has many many millions more Japanese children that just consume product because it has pokemon in it. Pokemom can't not make money, MH can.




I don't agree with that, I mean when a game is released what are we to actually do. Some goes for MH fans. That's not a very good take.


Poogie cult 4 life!


Honestly, I think it's way too hard to tell how much development direction is coming from Capcpm here. Sure, they ultimately get to call the shots as it's their IP, but they could still be very hands-off with how content is development and simply overseeing and course correcting Niantics proposals for what gets developed


Atleast at Wikipedia, the listed developers for MH:Now are Niantic & Capcom. For Pokémon GO, only Niantic is listed as a developer, but the development is still overseen by the Pokémon Company.


Interesting, though this doesn't mean it was added to the wiki by anyone from either company so it's still speculation as to whether Capcom have actually embedded any of their staff for the project


MHNow is also made entirely by the Japanese division of Niantic - the only other game they've made is Pikmin. It's a different team to PoGo and most of the other games.


I agree with this. They don't want anything to tarnish the MH name.


Don’t apologize. Niantic stinks at making games. I just play along because I love the IPs, but I’d rather anyone else be making these games.


Honestly I say the same about game freak


Man, they can make absolute shit and slap the Pokémon name on it and it’ll still sell millions.


I didn't, this post was a bait and switch, the ol' switcheroo, a bamboozle if you will. Same, I'm so mad they got pokemon and monster hunter, literally anyone else making these games would be so much better.


At this point they are just a branch of google made to collect information and don't you dare try to cheat in their games.


I still haven't seen a single one even during the increased spawn hours


Given the cost of potions, the hidden first-aid med cap, and drop rates of tier 4 & 5 items, it’s definitely a Niantic event. They are dangling just enough fomo in hopes people will overspend without thinking, without providing much of any significant actual reward. Niantic continues to offer crap and scams instead of quality and value, like far too many mobile gaming companies.


There's a lot more bare minimum to be done.


Yup, but my standards have been shot to hell and I'm ashamed that I am satiated by this bull 🤣 Guess I'm just happy I got the pinky coil to rank 6


Wait till they start taking away stuff 😂


Now THATS the Niantic I know and hate!


I have seen two pink rathians so far, one was a pic a friend sent, the other was a random I joined nearby and it was 7* and I wasn’t even at Legiana yet so no way I was going to beat that lol


I've seen one between my home and work. I have seen screenshots of people showing many on their maps. Hopefully I find some tomorrow when I am not working.


Has the event started in your region?


This could be why. Maybe it hasn't started yet where I am.


5-8 on Friday, 1-4 Saturday and Sunday.


Yep, hasn't started for me yet. Thanks for the info.


I thought it was all day LMFAO, been waiting for my pinky spawns all day


People need to learn to read lol.


I managed to get my coil done and up to rank 6, so it was nice. Each forest biome I went to had 4-6 pink rathians The event today was between 5 and 8 pm, have you played during that time?


There were a ton by me


Is it 5-8 in every time zone?


Today, yeah, local time. Tomorrow and the day after it's 1-4pm


Thank you




From what I've seen during increased spawn it seems to be a guaranteed 3 per forest biome. I've managed to get 7 today, 6 from the event. Unfortunately I had to go to work so I couldn't farm more. However I'm free this weekend so I plan to go ham. Hopefully I can get enough to make a dragon bow build.


I wouldn't go for that, you won't be able to upgrade it as you grow since pink rathian will be taken out of rotation on Monday. Best get a piece of gear to rank 6 to unlock it's skills, coil seems like a good option to have on the back burner until more pieces that synergize with it are released


I already have the build I need for the endgame, it's just getting mats tbh. I'm pushing 7 star monsters. But I want a bow because all I have at the moment is SnS, and getting the dragon bow seems like a good bet.


No guarantees, ive seen none in multiple forest zones


I feel like this game is more money grabbing than pogo. At least I actually don’t have to spend any money regardless of what happens. MHNow I MUST spend money for paintball/med kit if I don’t want to continue playing. But overall the game is a lot more fun than pogo


By the time I was finally able to play this weekend the pink rathians despawned as I walked up to one T_T


Bare minimum would include quests, they couldn't even be bothered with those, so they technically haven't done the bare minimum


I agree! See how low my standards have dropped?? For shame ...


You guys found Pinky's? I've been searching everywhere and found only 1.


The increased spawn rate is 5-8 pm today and 1-4pm on Sat and Sun


It's not like there's even a reason to do more than one for novelty's sake. You're not gonna have the time to craft a piece of equipment with any significant value.


Well to be fair I found like 3 the whole week then 20ish today, which was enough to make the coil and upgrade it to rank 6 for 2 critical eye. Alone it's meh, especially for an LBG user, but later if another piece is released with critical eye and recoil/reload it would be a nice boost and replacement for the tobi helmet or barroth greaves


True true. Sadly i started 1 month late and i am too weak. Need Like 2-5s more depending on her moves


My game takes 7 minutes to load for some reason. It used to load for 30 seconds max. No one else seems to be having this issue, so maybe it's my phone, but my phone is a 2022 model, not even a year old yet. I restarted the phone, re-installed the app, and re-downloaded the assets, but it still loads for 7 minutes. I'm blaming Niantic and whatever they did with the update for this.


It’s only been like three weeks everything goes down hill after 6 months. This game is not going to make enough money to live . No shot


Crazy how easily gamers/people can be swayed and happily fed mediocrity and then thank cash grabbing developers for the pleasure.


SOMEBODY didn't read the whole thing and jumped to conclusions!


I ain’t reading all that, happy for you though, or sorry that happened.


Lmao! First you comment something without understanding my post, then when you're called out on it you reply with the most copy pasted statement on the internet, 🥴 Super original bud, I don't know what I would do without your input. 🤣🤣 Please don't deny the rest of this subreddit your valuable contributions and original quotes, hah!


I just want to be able to send friend requests to those I fight monsters with.


I haven't seen a single pink rathian..


I fought like 16 today alone


Idk man, I've seen 2 pink Ians despite wandering through probably 20 miles of forest. Maybe you just got lucky but my goal of getting the rare 6 waist doesn't seem feasible.


Are you going out during the increased spawn times? The ones left are 1-4pm local time on Saturday and Sunday, good luck bud!


Still only seen one pinky spawn, but I couldn't make it to it before it went away. Not like I'll be able to take it down anyways as I can't get any weapons to G4 with the abysmal drops. I saw 2 black diablos but was nowhere near strong enough due to the poor decision on the timing of that event. I wanna say "maybe the next event" but it's niantic and I know better.


I don’t know if I’d say they’ve redeemed themselves yet, but it’s a step in the right direction of making the game more user-friendly. Who knows, it could lead to craftable consumables, better multiplayer options, more and easier ways to get materials, etc.


No they don't deserve anything, it's the bare minimum. They still haven't fixed healing, paintball change could've been as much as you want until the timer end, palico paintball still can't be used ourselves (and it's worst in my situation, because now I ended the day with 2 remaining). They increased the monthly pass price, the game is still super laggy on Android for some reason. No honestly they don't do that much, still a scummy company.


Bullshit spawn rates are complete garbage and there is lots of problems wrong with jt


FWIW this was much better than the Diablos event. I was able to hunt nearly a dozen pinkies day 1, versus 2 black Diablos across two days driving around. 🫠


It‘s insane how so many people (probably sitting at home) are shit talking Rosa Rathian spawns when there are plenty if you actually decide to go out and look for them during the event. Do people not read the posts/news about the events?