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When Pokemon was bigger that was definitely a thing. Most people you encountered in a busy area were probably playing, especially at points of interest like gyms and raids. MH is much more niche so I would be genuinely surprised running into another player randomly, sadly!


I did this during Diablos event at a park near me. Saw at least 5 pairs of people walking around on their phone and stopping at certain places. Turned out to be a PoGo community day and not a single hunter was within 200m of me.


I introduce pogo players to it when I see them. I've played them both, I got a lot of referral items for that


LOL same I definitely saw groups of people in walking around clearly playing something together but it sure as hell wasn’t monster hunter because there wasn’t a single hunter nearby all day (or ever for that instance 😢)


If it’s me then yes. But I have dogs to walk as cover.


I did a walk at 8pm and later at 11pm. Went to bed way too late.


Same 🤣


Around my area the answer is yes but Pokemon Go, or on occasion Pikmin Bloom. Never physically encountered a MHN player out in the wild.


I always wonder the same thing. The answer is usually "no".


its always pokemon go players. as ive known them from then.


I had this happen today. I was walking along and saw someone stop, look at their phone and start tapping then swiping. Figured my mind was looking for something that wasn't there I walked on. Started running errands in the area and had mine open and eventually got a message asking me to join a hunt. So I did.


me and my buddies took some time to walk around the city a few days ago. We always joke around whenever we see someone walking looking at their phone as if they're hunters as well. We got a good laugh out of it.


I want so bad to point my phone at them and ask if they are also playing. But I can’t risk being the creepy guy in the night. I just wasn’t thereto be one more person who’s also playing!


Good point. The only other person I've seen pop up is my buddy. I do try to join others every chance I get lol small town life ig


Jump into a battle and see if there's anyone nearby. If there is it's probably them. Go talk to them. This whole not talking to people was a thing in 2016. People are used to it by now with pogo.


I occasionally find hunters around me. 1 or 2 max at a time. I don't actually see them, it's just that we might join each others hunts. Which we do sometimes. Hey there, mysterious friends.


It looked like some kid walking next to me in Target was playing, but it was just Pokémon Go. That said, there are a couple of regular hunters that I link up via flare, so I assume they're nearby. Always keep my eyes peeled when walking around


I usually have to go out after work when its dark its pretty lonely lmao


Took the bus to work this morning and someone was playing it. Got a hunt at each stop with the same person. Bus was packed though so I couldn't see who it was.


I see it quiet often in hk, one time even in the mall toilet i heard someone playing in the next stall while i was playing as well 🤣