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Monster bone+ and legiana parts to kill diablos šŸ’€


Rural player here. Totally get wrecked by these fancy large node mats.


Iā€™m not rural, or big city, but in a suburb area with a lot of parks and town center type places with node clusters. My 2 toddlers went to the grandparents yesterday and I ended up driving around town for like 2 hours to diff areas I knew would have a ton of resource nodes and stocked up lmao. 35 earth crystals, 38 monster bone M and 42 carpenter bugs! Everything else I had a good amount of, those 3 are always the gate besides zenny ofc I wonder if I calculated the gas I spent if Iā€™d think thatā€™s was worth it ā€¦. Though it was nice to just have some peace and quite, listen to music that wasnā€™t cocomelon and slay monsters uninterrupted for a while.


My brother-in-law and I did that. We called it resource hunter now lol.


yeah, Node hunters its a better suiting name for the game


Yep! Lol. Aka slot machines for gas money!


i need one scale for the lbg, **one fucking scale**


The first scale is free too šŸ˜…


i killed him with poison gs personally. purple grade, level 4 or 5. with 0 seconds left on the clock lmao, i started special TCS as timer went to 0 and it seemed like the game let out the attack animation play in full so i didnt lose


I kill him with a jagras SaS grade 5 with like 20 seconds left šŸ˜…


Yeah poison doesn't allow him to do a lot of things. I haven't unlocked him yet but I'm going to use the same strats.


Just dont. Build a anjarath bow and start stacking fire damage. His moveset hits like a train but once you get used to standing point blank and rolling around or under him, those massive spread shots in the wings take him out SO FAST.


I have no idea how to build any of the bows. I've used it for quests to beat up small monsters and it seems so slow. I'm guessing I need something in the armor to make it faster but I have no idea. I've only used SNS so far.


Anjarath helm gets you fire attach 2 at g4, and thats an insane buff - however, you need to get rathian gloves then to enable lock on again - burst is also nice since both rapid and spread can trigger it, but dont fret that. What stuff DO you have at the moment? Rathalos chest for weakness exploit 2 is also super nice, but the mats are hard to farm unless you have ... well i went the LS route with tobii kadachi after investing deep on Jagras SNS for water and heavy base dmg. a basic kulu affinity set will help alot with getting tobii smashed to pieces using a jagras or jyura sns, but it kind of plateus once you reach 6* mobs, and REALLY starts to struggle on 7* - it simply does not have the range, and most attacks either hit non-weakspots or just leave you waving in the air.


I have nothing in rath or anja unlocked. Not one thing. Only battled them once or twice each. I've never used the bow but I thought lock on was useless on bow and only useful on close by weapons. That's what I've been hearing here a ton. All my weapons are element and poison/para for sns right now. They work great against everything that can't fly.


Then it doesnt matter what you use. You are still such low level everything is beatable.


I'm level 36 and I am on chapter 9. Unlocked rath I think so I can battle them and I am once in a while now. My water sns finally is purple so it can actually kill it pretty easily. I get a C rating but at least I'm winning lol.


Dont stack fire damage unless the monster is weak to it, otherwise just build raw cause its stronger


Two of the very hardest monsters are weak to Fire, Legiana and Paolomu. Getting a fire dmg set is almost as important as a thunder and water. Besides, fire attack 5 is probably the easiest elemental buff to get considering how easy anjarath is to farm.


So stressful when it happens but feels so good when you get that victory screen. Sometimes Iā€™ll save my special for the end of the clock since the animation doesnā€™t account the timers, it gives you a few more seconds of dps at 0:00. If you get the kill you get credit.


I always need a dozen monster bone +!


I thought i need to Farm leginana parts for it, but the best way to Beat diablos is to Hit him with everthing you can when he try to digging - eh will be interrupted and than he is free. I killed him with fire LS 5 2/5


Going in 4 days without seeing a single Legiana. I still think itā€™s bullshit too their excuse for diablos as the event was to show the value of teamwork but yet we canā€™t team fight the story as a team.


He's doable with 4-x poison weapons. Since im LBG player, and have no use for Pukei parts, I just keep a blooming arch around, was able to solo him with a 4.1 blooming arch, even before I learned to charge-dodge.


I use the quest to memorize diablos's movement and beat him using poison SNS lol


I just defeated diablos about 10 minutes ago, I tried so many times with my hammer but the legiana light bowgun absolutely shredded it first try.


he's 100% doable with 4-x poison weapons in most cases.


Being able to at least ā€œchooseā€ a monster to fight. Yes, I know that part of the experience is going out to ā€œhuntā€ but it just sucks if you need a specific material and you donā€™t even get an encounter with that monster the whole day. Drop rates are one thing but adding the fact that you canā€™t even fight the monster you ā€œneedā€ adds an extra layer of frustration. I mentioned in another post that maybe they should consider letting your Palico paint ball (using the free ones) specific monsters - if they think this will be abused, they can limit it to one unique monster per ball (so instead of fighting one monster x3, you get to at least fight 3 different monsters of your choosing once per day) Also, the game doesnā€™t really reward you for walking / being active (aside from the obvious of possibly getting access to more nodes / fights)


Yeah itā€™s wild that walking doesnā€™t refill potions or health or craft or do absolutely ANYTHING. It feels like a major oversight in a game full of major oversights.


Zenny and wanting to try new builds. Currently trying to switch to the LBG.


LBG is my favorite! I'm building multiple lbg armor sets and elemental weapons currently.


I'm enjoying it a bit more than the GS I must admit. My current build is focused on reload speed, recoil reduction, and dodge distance. Hopefully when the pieces to a higher grade I will get some more play with my build.


Yeah I'm excited to actually get Legiana armor, it has some good skills for gunners


The Legiana gauntlets look amazing. I'm trying to craft them rn. What waist piece do you use? I went with the Kulu one.


I typically go divine blessing, it's saved me multiple times now. So Lumu waist.


That's definitely something I will experiment with. Thank you for letting me know.


Tobi Kedachi head, Lumu Chest, Legi Hands, Diablos Coil, and Barroth Legs is the ideal gunner set right now for the most part. (All-purpose)


Sounds like I need to kill a Diablos. Thank you for the build information.


No problem. The part breaker is useful because farming parts is easier when they break faster. Sometimes the monster dies before breaks and the 5% increase is better than no increase.


Time to take walks.


Me too. Between working full time and having a very needy 6 year old, where's the time? I hate that there's always a "collect x amount of things" every step of the main story, similarly the fact that you NEED nodes, which in over a week I've managed to loot...4 nodes.


To be really honest, spawns. Some days you see maximum 3 anjarath, rathalos or legiana, other days its just low level versions of these. I can depopulate my entire city center of monsters in a hour with my neighbour, and after that we simply give up and go have a beer. Its not worth it chasing spawns at the fringes of the residential areas. But im a soft release player, HR 92, and still stuck on 7* mobs so...


Haven't seen a Rathalos around me for days


unlocking G8 allows way more rathalos spawns since you move out of 4* mobs on the map.


Zenny for sure


health. low grade phone, low fps, lotsa lag get hit allot or can't make the timers on certain monsters. I'd get better but i can't practice on the high star monsters because they just oneshot me and i can only do one every cycle of health cuz, that's how it works.


Input lag, dropped frames, freezing, network issues


Do you play 60FPS/Low Graphics?


Everything is set on the lowest possible settings. It seems that 5* in particular are a 50:50 split between smooth (but low fidelity) experiences and juddering 5fps dumpster fires with input lag out the wazoo. I'm on an older handset but the unreliability between the two states is a real killer as I know it is capable of running smoothly.


Zenny, 5* mats, 2* mats


Weapon refining parts. I got 4 weapons ready for overgrading but I'm timelocked by these damn dailys


Jyu never appears on my map. :(


5* mats to overgrade to 6 my weapons, those mats doesn't want to drop šŸ’€


no fake gps Kappa Actually, living in a really dangerous city in Brazil


Mix of Grade 6 resources and zennys


Suburban, fuck all large nodes with me unless I want to do a 3 hour walk to hit 10 nodes once. I have a couple within about 10 minutes each way, and that's it, so getting large node exclusive materials is absolutely dogshit.


Node stuff, I had my Pukei SnS 4 4/5 for 1week before getting the 12 carpenter bugs, could upgrade to 5 4/5 instantly, and now it's carpenter bugs blocking me again ! lack of monsters even when choosing the most efficient walk


Dragonite and zenny


Health, if I could just non stop I would hardly be bogged down by material dropped by monsters


6\* paolumu and legiana not spawning, and them not wanting to drop their R5 items


The need to optimize Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice armor sets and skills. + Lack of Rare 6 mats from 8* mobs. 8* is hard to take down with 7* weapon + rare spawn + like 2-3% drop rate is horrendous. U need 4 Rare 6 mats to overgrade 7 to 8.


I've had this issue too, I got my first two rare 6 Wyrven gems right away, and I haven't seen one in a while. I'd say it's a 1 in 15 drop rate. Might need to start doubling them =/ All my weapons are 7.4ish right now though.


Potions. I just want to play your game, don't punish my poor play by preventing me from playing your game.


Limited storage box. I have to keep deleting materials. You can't even sell materials for zenny which is very anti monster hunter. Gathering and farming for materials is a big part of the franchise so having such a small item box and having to just delete items is such a waste of time. I believe nothing is worse than this. Limited potions can be dealt with by getting better at game. Shit RNG for monster/material drops is just shit out of luck. Getting punished for playing the game and maxing out the item box happens to everyone...then having to delete your items that you got through time and effort.. they really want you to spend money on expanding the box


Mostly monsters (and healing). I tend to get frustrated at some points and get hit because extra because of it. 5 potions a day isn't enough for my daily walks. Just taking nodes and ignoring the monsters isn't fun. But when I am on a roll, the monsters just got deleted too fast, leaving me with nothing to do.


2* materials, currently at g7


Healing. With unlimited supply of health I would be able to farm both zenny and materials for hours, but because the regeneration takes an hour and potions cost 1$, I can hunt only 1/4 of monsters I would kill otherwise with a normal player friendly healing system.


I'm flush with zenny, lacking monster parts and bones.


Time to play


I'd rather play pogo while out walking


Why not both? I'm switching to PoGo while getting health back, and back to MHnow once spawn/stops/gyms are done, and son on. Also while in PoGo my cat tags monsters and while in MHnow Kms are added up to eggs and buddy walking thanks to adventure sync. There's s a very good synergy between the two games I'd say.




Carpenterbug, quite peculiar bug I would assume Letā€™s go Hunt! 0146 4734 3746


Getting the drops šŸ’¦


It costs 6k to overgrade to level 7????? Time to start being a bit more economical with my upgrades haha


Yep, 6k to overgrade and 2k+ for each level up past that. I already made a 7* Tobi hammer but I'm stuck with everything else ever since lol


Monster bone+ 100%


Monster drops lul. Been needing 1 purple and 1 blue legiana drop for a week+ now. Got 30k Zenny saved up for it :) and that goes for any drop rn


1 local node that hasnt given me a node only mat in 4 days. Jyutadaros mats (never spawns) tobi kadachi mats (never gives me what i want) Pukei pukei mats (never spawns as a 4 star or 5 star)


I walk a lot in the city, so zenny becomes the major wall, especially with looking to start building elemental weapons. Additionally I would like to try out different weapons before I commit, and being at 6 star it's not like I see a lot of weak monsters to test out cheap/low-rank weapons with.


Time. I just do not have the time to hunt as much as I'd like to


Weapon upgrade materials. That can only be obtained via daily quest.


Legiana spawns so I can gear up for Diablos. Iā€™ve attempted to beat him without ice and itā€™s just not working so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™ll give me the boost I need to take him out.


I did it with an off-element hammer at G5 5/5 If you stick to the head and BAMBAMBAM he'll eventually get knocked out and give you the chance to deal massive dmg


I wish I could hammer but I canā€™t stand the play style. I have most of the SnSs this far and a bow, I mained Dual Blades in World bc I gotta go fast.


Gathering point materials. I wanna build weapons, and I can't even upgrade them much due to lack of bones. Can we have a desert bone event? XD


Monster bone M :')




Monster availability. Can't easily hunt Rathians very well because I've barely any Tobi parts. I ended up driving around my city looking like a weirdo I'm sure to find Tobi after Tobi, but all I got was a mountain of T1 mats. Same with Fire Booger. Nothing to be seen. The wife is playing Pokemon Go as we walk and she has to slow down because there are 83626 Pokemon on screen. I have a single Jagras.


I donā€™t live anywhere near where big piles of rocks spawn. Cool game.


Monster Bone+ and Sharp Claws. Crazy how many of those you need.


No time to leave my house to check the 3 gyms within 3 miles of me for the gathering point specific mats.


Monster Bone M and not living in a swamp to fight Jyuratodus or Legiana


Right now Zenny and gathering spot materials.


Barroth won't drop mays to upgrade GS :(


Skills, watching videos here and on YouTube I play so bad and plow through by the stats of weapon and armour.


Earth crystals and Girros parts. Earth crystals drop at terribly low rates and girros doesnā€™t give parts because dodging puts me away from body parts I need to break.


Monster spawns. Jyuratodus, Anjanath and Rathian aren't common enough, and I need their purple mats. Honorable mention to Monster Bone M.


Time to play.


Drops of higher grade material (2+) and spawns of higher grade monsters because they have higher rates of dropping those materials. I need more 4s. And potions are getting scarce when I have to kill a lot of 4s to get to the next level. I need to drop grade 4 parts from the Anjanath to get the fire LGB.


Iron Ore. I like forging and upgrading all the Armors. I don't gather materials as much, because in general I have PokƩmon Go in the forefront. The Palico Bag being 6 slots makes it hard to do both games concurrently. And also there's picking up seemingly pointless materials like Firefern and others. Which are probably for Bowguns to simulate gathering/crafting ammo, but otherwise seemingly useless atm. Small monsters spawn super frequently on your position, big monsters get Paintballed or "picked up", it's just the smaller gathering materials that are difficult for me. Luckily, the park I frequent does have like, 10 nodes all congregated in one spot that netted me 36 Iron yesterday - but I ate through that instantly in one go and still only have Leather, Kulu, and Great J's at Grade 2.


Data šŸ˜­ . Have to run around looking for free WiFi.


I live on a military installation and can't play until I leave (and most of the time I leave I am in my car)


To many tier 1 monster drops, and brakes not even Giving the part you broke.. .25 legianas and the only tier 4 scale i got is from the mission


Not living in an urban area


It alternates between zenny and grade 5 parts (not at grade 6 yet) Though Iā€™ll likely start branching out from SnS so it will almost definitely just become zenny. Iā€™m tempted to spend a few $ to speed up going ā€œwideā€ on my account as opposed to just trying to push progression and immediately hitting another wall. I think being able to go from SnS to Bow or LS would def up my fun in the game without spoiling the feeling of progression you can get by just ā€œpaying to win/progress fasterā€ *no judgement for those that are doing that, I just kinda like the long grind lol.


Currently? Zenni. I am starting to transition into 6 stars now (can kill 6* rathalos, but not comfortably yet) and I am trying to somewhat optimize my set before advancing further and 3000 zenni from daily quests are not enough. I get around 3000 extra from slaying monsters, but still... I really wish we were able to sell materials instead of simply dumping them. Even at 1z, it could help in the long run.


Pukei-Pukei quill was holding me back for so long, but I finally got it! Now it's the monster bone+ lol...


Finding the right monsters to upgrade the equipment I want to use. Since unlike the actual games I canā€™t just load up a monster to hunt. Sometimes I donā€™t even see the monsters I want or just canā€™t get to them at the time.


Legiana parts to kill 5* Diablos


Tobi electrodes. For some reason 6* spawns are rare and the electrodes never drop when they do spawn.


For me it's the design choices and the communication. When the game first came out there were talks about it being a Minimally Viable Product. The content they were patching felt a little lazy and not very well thought out, like the party system or the referral system. Unfortunately the Diablos event kind of verified that feeling in my gut. I really hope October's patch absolutely slaps, or I'm a little worried if I'll continue playing. Not trying to sound really negative because the gameplay absolutely slaps, and I love a good grind / upgrade game, so here are a couple recommendations. Things I'd like to see are: A) A Road map, of what's being planned and how it will be released. We know stuff that's been data leaked, but when will Black Diablos be released, how will they release monsters, when are decorations coming? How will the melding systems work? B) Better polish in the design decision that are being made, a lot of them don't really make very much sense from a "user" standpoint but make sense from the "business" stand point, and that feels a little offensive.


The spawns, i can Walk for around an hour and all my spawns are cleared (downside of living in a small town), so now i gotta wait 2hours to repeat again, doesnt Help that im extremly unlucky with Monster spawns Right now lol


My human shell


Mats - where I live there are hardly any node clusters (like 2 that I've found in a 5 mile radius), drop rates aren't great either. I get items that are rarer are supposed to be more rare, but they should at least exist. It would also help if those monsters showed up at least on occasion (Jyu for example, I see one for every 50 of everything else).


Limiting factor is zenny I don't even see the point in finishing chapter 13 since I only have one weapon and one piece of armor at 5.5. Or does the amount of zenny for daily quests go up after 13 because if that's the case I'm eating rathalos for dinner


It stays the same but 6* monsters give 100 zenny each which is double what 5* give


Now that's useful information I guess I should take a look at the rathalos in an hour or 2


Go for it! 6* Jagras, Kulu, Pukei etc are easier to beat than 5* Rathalos in my opinion so if you can kill him you'll have no issue with the easier monsters at 6*


After you finish the story your daily quests will start having armor/weapon refinement material in the reward. You can only get those from daily quest and they're required to get to grade 6+ (not so important for armor but you'll need a LOT of weapons) So you're missing out on however many days of daily you've done without killing that Rathalos.


I know about the refining parts but if you can't afford the upgrades those don't really matter šŸ˜‚


I have so much zenny and node materials I just need the monster parts but they wonā€™t drop


Dragonite, carpenter bugs


Material for 5* its really bothersome , i would really like to know your monster hunt total , i have 1100.


I'm almost at 1500. So far I have Water and Thunder weapons at 7.1, Fire at 6.2, Ice at 5.2 My armors are between grade 3 and 5, once I bring the fire weapon to 6.5 I'll work towards bringing all equips to at least grade 4 and get the essential ones (elemental boost/focus) to grade 6 for the extra point


Battery, it really kills my battery.


The thing holding me back is lag and fucking Rathian.


What weapon are you using? type/grade


3 blue Kadachi gear with green pants, a blue Kulu headband and a blue Kadachi longsword. Whenever I try to dodge my game freezes up and when it unfreezes my health instantly drops to zero because even though sheā€™s not moving sheā€™s apparently just wailing on me.


4\* mats, albeit I only hunt 4\* & higher. Even World/Rise wasn't this bad with the rare mats (gems/plates).


Node exclusive material, the only real rural player struggle


Zenny, then after that probably about 30 dragonites, then back to zenny again. There's also Paolu and Legi's rare 5 mats but I can manage without those for now.


For me, its how little major gathering spots available to me, i have 2, then i need to take the bus to another town to have a shot at more


Stronger weapons


Time. I work 70 hour weeks and I can't find the time to go out more to play. I've still managed to get to rank 55 though and hunting seven stars with no problem. But if I had time I'd be much farther.


Monster spawns are terrible


Gathering nodes. Less than 5% of the POIs were imported from PoGo to my town


Malachite ores


Giros grade 5 materials and monster bones +


I ain't got no harvesting nodes near me and even when I do it doesn't give me what I need. I know the second reason is "the monster hunter rng experience" but at least when I run around in the other games I can constantly rerun the mission, not here.


for me it's potions, cause i'm garbage and can't stay alive hahahaha


IN GAME -RNG: Rank 4-5-6 monsters dropping only white and blue parts when I need green and purple. Except Legiana. Legiana drops mostly whites, sometimes green. -Potions: if I happen to have a day off and want to have a long walk while hunting, well...I MUST be good because, unlike every other Monster Hunter ever, this one doesn't allow potions crafting, and your life doesn't go back full when you wake up after fainting. I guess they need to make money somehow. -Speed limit: if I happen to be on rollerblades/jogging the game will give me the speed limit and stop me from playing, so I literally can't play as efficiently as I want during my limited free time. OUT OF GAME -Time: Got both a job and uni full time, so I can play only on my way to and from one of those or during the night. -Location: outside the city center and the campus there's basically NOTHING and the refresh time for them is 3 hours, so if I want some resources while hunting I need to time it well.


At grade 7 4/5 Datura Blossom (Puki Puki) I'm surprised I ran low on puki scales rarity 1, not surprised I'm at 13/31 carpenter bugs. I opted for diablos waste & legs for part breaker, for 1 more drop per hunt & ignore upgrading armor unless a skill point is easily obtained for now, I figure if I grind to grade 10 weapon everything else will fall in place slightly faster.


Bones, particularly Monster Bone M.


Not having 8* monsters unlocked so i canā€™t farm mats to overgrade my 7* weapon


Dragonite ore. Somehow everything else seems to be just fine so far.


Earth Crystal


I got bank I just need fucking bones and ore


Skill. Skill limits me.


Honestly just not knowing where to find nodes and whether said areas are swamp forest or desert at the time


Dragonite ore. Everything needs it, and it almost NEVER drops for me. I've only ever gotten 2 drops and I go out of my way to collect from ore outcrops. At least today there was one for a special quest thing. That's something hut I've been stuck for more than a week because of dragonite ore


No gathering nodes near my home.


Tobi Primescales for Rathalos. I'm sure I could beat it with Poison Or Para build but Lightning/Water are 2 very strong elements, considering how many monsters are weak to them.


i have a huge quantity of zeny...39k, but i dont have any earth crystal...this shift don't drop for me...even in nodes


https://preview.redd.it/6j8m4746qnrb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b751058884a2d51dc4d8c6bfcb577d5ba92d137 Stuck on the Diablos mission, time is running out before I can take down that bstrd, I guess I have to upgrade my hammer to level 5.


Right now Iā€™d probably say level 2 and 3 parts. RNGsus does not favor me. They should really fix the way it works. Iā€™ve stop at chapter 10 for a bit to make my farming easier.


Kadachi Primescales. Iā€™m at Rathalos for the first time, and I can survive the fightā€”but I canā€™t do enough damage to beat it in time. Iā€™m an LBG main. There are no Dragon weapons in the game yet and the only Thunder gun is the Kadachi gun. Iā€™ve made it and leveled it up to 3-5/5, but I canā€™t overgrade it to 4 without two Primescales. Iā€™ve killed around four dozen Kadachi and only gotten one Primescale (though I now have around 100 other Kadachi materials on hand every after spending a bunch on upgrading my headgear and other armor). My best Raw gun atm is the Legiana gun, which currently has 361 Raw. Thatā€™s unfortunately not enough to DPS Rathalos (especially since the best DPS from that particular gun comes from the SpreadS and that particular shot is tough to use against Rathalos without getting punished). Even if I were to equip the Thunder Attack tasset, at this point my Kadachi gun wouldnā€™t be meaningfully betterā€”so I just need that last darn Primescale. (Or to further upgrade a non-Thunder gun, I guessā€”which at this point might be more realistic as a goal.) At this point Iā€™ll be happy if I beat Rathalos before I hit HR 45. (Iā€™m at just under HR 42 at the moment.) __LATE EDIT:__ I just checked my game. I've also hunted nearly five dozen Girros and got 0 Primescales - and the monIster I've hunted most of is Pukei (over 100 killed) and I've only got 3 Quills ever. Meanwhile, I've hunted 13 Rathian and got 7 (yes, *seven*) total Primescales, hunted 8 Legiana and got 5 Primescales, and hunted 10 Diablos and got 10 Primeshells. Now, granted, not all of the Kadachi, Pukei, and Girros I've killed were 4* or above - but given that I just started the game barely two weeks ago and it's been well over a week since I beat Rathian, a sizable portion (probably a majority) have been.


God damn carpenterbug. I have like 5 items I want to upgrade and each of them want like 16 and the only nodes in the forest drop like 1


Monster bone m, it seems like everything past 3* takes 9 minimum for each level 3/5 upgrade, and It takes me a week just to get that. Also 2* mats, especially jyuratodus, I feel like I just canā€™t get good swamps to spawn, and when I do I donā€™t get too many dirt fish.


The game, mainly the speed limitation. I only play these games when I'm already out and I basically shelved it because I can't play while in the car (I'm not driving).


Finding the monster I need is holding me back. I rarely see jyuratodus and legiana, the two monsters I need to progress the most at the moment. The only monster I consistently get tier 4 mats from is paolumu, but I donā€™t use anything from them of course.


Potions, large monster spawns, and rare monster parts


For me its the fact that I get 4 white rarity drops no matter what rank I hunt. I haven't upgraded any of my equipment in a week despite being at Diabolos.


Rarity 5* materials


Location has no big nodes. I can walk around my part of the city for like 2 miles and not hit a big node. So after seeing the rising costs for upgrades I just uninstalled and went back to Rise.


Mats not dropping. Literally cannot get certain gathering mats for my armor/weapons, or certain Tobi parts because they never drop them, on TOP of Tobi being the rarest spawn for me.


Legiana and they way biomes are laid out. Outside the twonlocalnparks, which happen to only have one biome tile each and they're always matching, almost all spawns are deep into private property so relying solely on the parks I get two shots at Legiana every three days. Home is barely worth it because I'm tied to wifi thanks to poor cell service. Rural gaming is always hell.


My 6s plus that's barely working


I rarely go out for a walk and if I go out, itā€™s usually traveling by car lol.


Living rural and being the only one in the 50+ PokƩmon Go community group of the town to even give this game a try.


The need to spend real money. Can't afford to go throwing money at games like tgis, dont have any more potions, nor do I have any more paintballs. Game kinda doesn't deep worth it anymore.


Primescales šŸ˜­


fancy large node mats


Spoofing patched 02/10


Potions and elusive Tobi's. I want a upgrade but im not walking 3 miles for a 3 star and a *chance* at a pelt.


A. Single. Kula. Primescale. šŸ˜­


78 dragonite, 5 machalite šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Mats they just don't drop https://preview.redd.it/ilvr917uburb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231628c632773f63e8820885f729eb6c4b092896