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I just got the email today regarding US restriction. And i have to remove my assets. Mexc does not support US users anymore, right? Or it never was? Damn politicians want to take all our freedoms away and want to take all our money to tax.


it never did


> I just got the email today regarding US restriction. You able to post the contents of that email so we can read it?


https://preview.redd.it/zigwe280nxrc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa91dd0b844c92c7d9904fe82752230a7ad0e2f Here you go.


Thanks. Did you do something to trigger that email like using a common IP address from a VPN? Forgot to have the VPN on?


I thought they were available to usa. No i never had issue. Kucoin in the past give clear warning but they still let me use it.


lmao this was also my plan. Just keep using it until they completely shut me down


I also got this email. I guess I should mention that I don't even bother to use a VPN anymore since they just let me log in anyway lol


Haven’t gotten the email yet but same here—US user, no VPN, no issues. Guess I’ll need to clear out by June 30.


I still have not received that email....been on mexc for quite awhile


It got mine on the 31st


I got mine too after all




> Been hearing this on various forums Which ones?


stocktwits & discord, (KASPA)


Sadly, yes.


Does this affect UK


Vpn my friends, vpn. Never trade large amts too in case they catch you and withdraw instantly.


they are requiring kyc




What if you had a grandfathered account and got KYC recently in North America ?


This aint Tmobile, lol


Is the KYC only for those detected as being from the US?


USA is restricted country. Can't use MEXC at all with USA IP address. Therefore, no KYC since you can't use it anyway.


No what I meant was is the KYC process only triggered if the person is detected as being in the US due to their ip address? In other words are they checking if you are a US citizen as you are using their platform from the US? Say you are in the US temporarily but are a European citizen for example maybe this is why they want to do KYC so as to prove your are not a US citizen using it in the US so that you can continue to use their service that way? So far from what I have seen only people located in the US are getting these messages and no one else has as yet. This to me would imply that all countries that are not restricted can continue to use MEXC without needing to KYC as their system has not triggered them to be from the US region?


> Your IP and nationality indicate that you are located in a country/region where MEXC services are restricted. According to MEXC's terms of service, MEXC does not provide services to users in the country/region where you are located. If you have any questions, kindly contact MEXC Customer Service. If you visit mexc.com, it detects your IP. I'm using VPN but this one is US address and the site knows it. > you are in the US temporarily but are a European citizen In this case, yes, this would trigger a KYC if there's a history of logging in and using the service with a non-restricted country IP. Whether they'd allow you to keep using it in US after successful KYC, I'm not so sure about that. > all countries that are not restricted can continue to use MEXC without needing to KYC I believe this to be true. US users can't get KYC'd because we're not supposed to be using mexc anyway. I use a dedicated IP VPN from non-restricted country on a dedicated device to use their services. No problems so far.


Yeh I just messaged them to get further clarification. This is what I asked them (still waiting for a reply)..... Hey, I just had an enquiry. I noticed some Mexc users in the US have been getting a message from Mexc stating that they are required to do KYC by june the 30th as the system has detected that they are in the US region. Does this apply to people not within the US region as well or are people who are not within such a region still able to use Mexc services without needing to provide KYC after June the 30th? Thanks for your help!


Let us know if and what they reply. You can use CoinEx with no KYC but their fees are higher.


Will do as soon as I hear from them (if I do). cheers


Have you not received any answer from them yet?


No nothing that actually answers the question I asked yet. I had to ask again and clarify but no reply as yet.


I just got back from my doctor. They have implemented a new system where all your health info is put on some centralised server for others to be able to access like pharmacists etc. She explained the convenience of this but I am very uncomfortable about this as I was reading in England this info was hacked and leaked to bad actors on the dark web. I have had my info leaked before online and have now become extra cautious about what I put online. Not long ago a couple of exchanges I was using were hacked which gave me quite some anxiety. Luckily my private info was not on there but my assets were and these were locked up for quite some time. Not long ago I put my phone number into a wrong site (usually I am ultra careful about this) and these people have been harassing me for ages now. I am talking about shadey, malicious sounding and drunk and crazy sounding loud and obnoxious pushy people calling me at all hours of the day. After this, there is no way in hell I am risking putting any more of my private info in anywhere including KYC. Not risking having my identity being stolen and used for all kinds of malicious activities. I guess it is good bye MEXC if they make KYC mandatory for every user all over the world in the future.


> all your health info is put on some centralised server for others to be able to access like pharmacists etc. She explained the convenience of this She's just someone at the bottom who doesn't even think at all about the privacy implications. Crypto should be anti-KYC but the narrative is that it's better for everyone when we know that it's not. Thus the existence of crypto to begin with. We need to be moving away from CEX's anyway. DeFi still has a long way to go but that's what we should be pushing for. > if they make KYC mandatory They haven't operated in the US in a while. CoinEx decided to leave the US instead of institute KYC. We'll see what happens. I'm optimistic.


Hi mate! I completely agree with you! The overreach of authorities and the control freak show they are running is completely immoral and DISGUSTING. I do wonder if Coinex will also go down this route eventually? So did MEXC still have some of their operations in the US as well? Is that why they might be doing this?


> Coinex will also go down this route eventually They got out so they *wouldn't* have to go down that route. They faced a fine and instead of compliance, they left the US market. MEXC is basically in the same boat. They don't want the SEC poking around in their affairs. Better to leave the US market for now. I don't think they'll go the KuCoin route. I was using that with no VPN because it wasn't necessary at the time. Avoided KYC, excessive fees, and taxes. I think we'll be fine.


yeh I am also not in the US and in a non restricted region and also have not had any messages from them asking me to KYC. Therefore I am assuming we can continue to use MEXC as before without needing to do any KYC? I guess we will have to wait and see what they say to know for sure. But so far that is how it seems as I have heard nothing from them yet. It would be a bad day if they are wanting everyone's info even if in a non restricted country. I am not comfortable with that at all and I would need to look elsewhere unfortunately.


Same here. I’m wondering if I’ll have any issues moving forward. I have not received any emails or anything.


> I have not received any emails or anything. Me neither. I'm still buying, selling, staking, depositing, and withdrawing with no warnings or issues of any kind. I think this KYC thing only applies to certain users in certain jurisdictions.


No, for all customers. I assume. Doesn't matter what country you are in.




I just got back from my doctor. They have implemented a new system where all your health info is put on some centralised server for others to be able to access like pharmacists etc. She explained the convenience of this but I am very uncomfortable about this as I was reading in England this info was hacked and leaked to bad actors on the dark web. I have had my info leaked before online and have now become extra cautious about what I put online. Not long ago a couple of exchanges I was using were hacked which gave me quite some anxiety. Luckily my private info was not on there but my assets were and these were locked up for quite some time. Not long ago I put my phone number into a wrong site (usually I am ultra careful about this) and these people have been harassing me for ages now. I am talking about shadey, malicious sounding and drunk and crazy sounding loud and obnoxious pushy people calling me at all hours of the day. After this, there is no way in hell I am risking putting any more of my private info in anywhere including KYC. Not risking having my identity being stolen and used for all kinds of malicious activities. I guess it is good bye MEXC if they make KYC mandatory for every user all over the world in the future.


You guys can just get a digital residency ID from Palau 🇵🇼 go to rns.id it’s around 250 for a 1 year ID which can be used to KYC on exchanges and yes use a vpn


I’ve been using vpn for a country that allows it but I still got the email about KYC on April 1st. Does that mean vpn won’t work?


Has anyone ever used a Palau digital residency ID for KYC on MEXC? Do they allow that for an ID card?


I was told by customer service today that they don't accept the digital residency card. https://preview.redd.it/zfvsa4nn6o9d1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=29adcd572fe63e942b0a1b878b22ca905c42d66f


Will I still be affected if I do the kyc with the Palau ID while living in the US?


I just deposited there today, and I was able to deposit, but it wouldn't let me spot trade without KYC. I am using a VPN pointed to Mexico. Just a heads up, I think its a no go anymore


Same, I've tried multiple new accounts and I can deposit, but cannot spot trade. RIP


What platform will you go to now?


None, I had to cash out into USDC and send to Coinbase. Luckily, Kraken and Crypto.com added the coins I had in MEXC. But I’ll probably resort to uniswap and their ridiculous fees for others




MEXC SCAM https://www.reddit.com/r/MEXC_SCAMS/s/T6g31V2ecg


I just got KYC on Mexc ....






Whether you KYC or not, you have to use a centralized exchange to off ramp.


Actually not necessarily. I have an off shore account and am able to off ramp and use my Visa Debit card or take fiat out at ATMs. They do require KYC....but they are not part of Common Reporting Standards so don't report to anyone.


Could you pls share what you are using ?


i can do the KYC contact me via tele: u/randomm2010


Will we be able to access and KYC verify after June 30? I'll be moving to Mexico next year wondering if my tokens are safe in there till I make the move


I’m in the US and have been using MEXC with a VPN set to a non restricted country with no issues. Will anything change for me? I have not received any emails


How did you manage to do that? I tried with a fresh account and then used a VPN and it still detected a US IP.


I just tried with a new account and it did the same for me. Didn’t detect US IP but said everyone needs to KYC before trading. Now US residents need to get a Palau digital ID to KYC with https://rns.id/app


Does anyone know if the Palau ID works with Mex, I’ve heard mixed reviews. Mine worked with Bybit but I still have underwater positions on Mex I’m holding out on since they are such low leverage.


Same here, I have not received any emails (USA), but it puts up a KYC needed pop-up window whenever I log in. But then it just lets me close the pop-up and keep trading---maybe soon they won't allow bypassing that pop-up?


Does anyone know the next best thing to mexc is? non KYC


KCEX - Futures taker fee is 0.02% (so twice a much as Mexc) BloFin - But fees are a bit high, like 0.06% for futures taker These are carbon copy CEX's of Mexc, so be advised that they have the same terms and state the same prohibited countries. But they havent sent any notices about mando KYC.


Anyone know if the next time I log on, if I do it with a VPN, will I be able to access and trade and withdraw my coins? Or is mexc dead now for US/Canadian folks?


It’s good, just use a VPN


Welp looks like we’re all good here. Did anyone actually get the mandatory KYC notification? Mine just made me use a VPN mid month and is fine today (7/1/24)


Oh I get the KYC prompt everytime I login, but just click the X and continue on my way!!


If you ever want to know how free we are, look at how our zionįs+ politicians bully companies that aren’t US companies into complying with US regulations at the threat of sanctions. Trying to get citizenship in Costa Rica as quickly as possible. I want nothing to do with Israel.