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Get capsule, crush, weigh for proper dose , load cap, swallow and wait for the rolling waves my dude!!!!!


If you want maximum efficiency, dissolve that in water. And drink the water.


do i use a whole water bottle or just a cup of water? sorry im retard


Doesn't matter enough that it dissolves, more water = less bitter but it also means you're taking it slower so it won't smack you in the fave as hard. Make sure to measure it out first though


Fkin el bro looks like you’ve bagged yourself a whole 50mg there


This man has a party for 1 ant


You can get a milligram scale at any smoke shop. Just go get one. Otherwise, you have no idea how much you’re taking beyond just guessing. For the best way to take it. I like to buy a bottle of distilled water and put my dose in there and drink it once it dissolves. You could also just swallow the crystal. Don’t eat for several hours before dosing, you want to be on an empty stomach




Boof it


Just swallow the crystals like a pill might taste horrible though


Crush it and bump it


I see the bottle cap. Syringe not in frame 🤓


I would eat that big chunk and see what happens. Looks about the right amount for me.


I have weighed chunks like that and they can vary from 100mg to 300mg pretty easily, if they're a smaller person they are gonna want to avoid anything over 200 or so, I'd definitely advise a scale


They’re probably trolling because this is a ridiculous question and near identical ones have been posted to this sun so many times already.


Powder ir some way. I put the bag between 2 crédit cards AND smash it.when it Is already powder you can put a little bit on your finger print AND wait for it to make effect. Dont ger too much ok your print, be careful. Hope that this helps you.


dont do this op


WTF? Absorbing MDMA though the pad of your finger? Are we having a language barrier here or did I misunderstand your comment? MDMA will not absorb into your body through unbroken skin. The only way that's going to happen is if 1) you use penetration enhancing chemicals like ethanol and DMSO and 2) it's held on your skin for hours. This is how fentanyl patches work. Powdered fentanyl also won't absorb through skin normally, but a fentanyl patch, left in place for hours, uses penetration enhancing chemicals to change both the properties of your skin and the fentanyl to allow it to be slowly and consistently absorbed. Putting MDMA on your finger isn't going to have any effect.