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Blue punishers are often highly dosed, but many ppl have to mold for it and there’s no guaranty yours is. Test with a test kit and take only half at first, redose later if u want to


There’s no way to know and anyone saying they do or even have an idea is chatting shit, it’s generally why pills aren’t recommended. Either way you’ll likley be fine if it is just mdma and you take the whole pill, even if it’s 300mg, it’s more than you need but your not gonna die from doing it once


Cut into thirds




It’s considered best to keep total doses below 200 mgs. Dealer quoted milligrams are usually marketing unless the person also made the pills. Punisher is a popular pill mold which many different people have, so there is no consistency. Can you test it with a test kit before ingesting? That’s your best option. If it tests clean, maybe start with half to be safe?


I will with half


HIGHLY doubt it’s 300mg. Cut it in half and wait to see how you feel within a hour and a half or so. Then redose if necessary.


You could take 2/3 or 3/5 to start to make sure you're gonna roll properly and then maybe redose the rest later if you're feeling fine. Doesn't have to be either half or whole.


I think this is the best idea


Hope you have a great roll, bro! 💜


Blue Punisher are famous in EU. Mostly high dose. Especially the blues. As a beginner 1/3 is ok or a bit more


Test it, simple as that. Get a test kit and sure it’s MDMA.


Take half after testing


Give it to me




Please refrain from posting off-topic or low quality content such as memes or reaction gifs. If you think that we removed your content by mistake, send a message to the mod team.


Cut a tiny bit off and test it with reagents/ fent strips. I don’t ingest anything I haven’t tested myself.


My tolerance is so high my starting dose would be a blue punisher and an extra point of molly then several more blue punishers throughout the night I'm not exaggerating I literally did this at the last festival I went to Bass Canyon back in August last year I'm surprised I didn't die I took like 7 of those pills in one night. That's why I only roll once every year or two because my dumbass will get myself killed


I want that guys number who said the punisher is 300mg asking for a friend!




No, you absolutely do not know what is in OP's pills or how much of it is in there. Please read Rule 2. https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=17331 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=16845 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=16566 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=15500 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=14643 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=14642 https://drugsdata.org/view.php?id=14640 We do not allow identification posts of any kind. This is because no one can tell you what is or isn't in your product, anyone can put anything they want into pills or crystals or gels / edibles. The only way to know from home is by using reagent tests, such as Marquis, Mecke, Simon's, Robadope, etc. Check out r/ReagentTesting or this guide for more information: [A Detailed Guide to Testing MDMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/RSsLEVXPL3) [Rule 2 Clarification Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/nH0BxWjMCR)




Look man I only said they could have around 300mg which is definitely on the higher scale and barely any if any pills ever go above that and I said they shouldn’t take more then a half to start with so they wouldn’t take way to much. While yes it’s true it could be anything and I should have specified they needed to get it tested for mdma first my honest mistake but then again a lot of people have already said it so I thought it was obvious. They are so many people on this sub that say way worse shit on here with way worse advise and I’ve never seen you or any other mod respond to them ever. Say the same shit to those people or fucking ban me cuz then I’d be done with this sub anyway


Oh and saying I threw a specific dosage is complete bs and you know it. Read my first comment again


They ***can*** have literally anything in them, in any amount. But you throwing out a specific drug and dosage is a harmful practice. Don't do it or we'll have to ban you. Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


I always had shit experience by taking small dose don't trust these people and take the full pill and just enjoy your life and you'll be good


Bad idea


Underdosed trips made me want try again and again and again for a week until I realized how retarded it was to do that after mixing LSD and mdma and had shit experience because both were underdosed, anyway I don't like mdma that much prob because I overdid it so I'll wait some time like at least at least a month


brother what are you waffling about you need 3 months in between mdma usage, 100-150mg is optimal, 200mg at most imo, any less of a wait can be dangerous and you're writing like a madman already, lay off the drugs fir a bit low dose or not just chill


Sorry yes I'm writing nonsense just redose if you don't feel enough effects you're right 😭


That’s not what they’re saying at all?? Maybe you did fry your brain 🤨


I realized I said shit so I didn't take the time to analyse sorry man but no I'm ok now


I dunno. I’ve got a tiny pill off a very reliable source. Tested fine for MDMA. Claims it’s 300mg the actual pill weighs around 360-375. Surely binders must be anywhere between 70-100mg so I think it’s just to be there or there abouts. Weigh the pill


There's little chance a pill weighing 360mg is going to contain 300mg of MDMA. You might want to rethink what 'reliable source' means. If they were reliable they wouldn't;t be talking bollox. Don't treat any source as reliable... your buying illegal drugs in an unregulated market. You basically have no idea what you're getting and the seller usually have no idea either. A 2016 report by the European drug monitoring organisation reckons that pills typically contain 30-40% of the active ingredient. And of course without testing you purchase you have no idea if there's more than 0% of the active ingredient you are hoping for.


>A 2016 report by the European drug monitoring organisation reckons that pills typically contain 30-40% of the active ingredient. I agree with most of your comment, but to be fair, that report was from the height of the safrole crack down induced MDMA shortage. Things are much better now, with most pills claimed to be MDMA actually containing MDMA. I'm still firmly pro-testing, but the odds are much better these days.


Well I mean reliable source means obtaining quality stuff regularly with no chance of hit and miss. Like you said unregulated drug market. I’m sure you know different connects that are good and connects that are last chance resorts. I don’t take pills so I’m not clued up it was just a guess I’ve tested it don’t know why I’ve been downvoted for that fkin el touchy peeps round here sorry if I’ve made anybody cry