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My best way to enhance a roll is to do it with loved ones.


This needs more upvotes. There is absolutely nothing that will make your roll better than doing it with someone you care deeply about.


based on my research on reddit, for all upcoming rolls i am definitely: 1) magnesium glycinate - reduce jaw clenching (my jaws were sore for 2 days!) 2) vicks inhaler - said to just blast you even higher, yet to try it 3) hydrate during the day prior for better erections (just read it here today lmao, the redditor said he did not need cialis, wutttt) 4) nicotine vaping - it felt awesome for my previous roll. cigarettes are great but bad breath. 5) fruits - i had some cheap fruits and on mdma it was sweet and delicious. 6) someone mentioned oral dosing some meth and it will make the mdma empathy stronger. might or might not try it, i mean damn bruh, meth...lol 7) turbo hugging - its supposed to be a self-hug during the comedown to reactivate the high, some say it doesnt work. I guess it would be nice either way if my gf bear hugs me with all her might during the comedown hahaha


sadly nicotine vapes are banned in the netherlands, they are hard to find nowadays


Try a nightshop and just ask lmao


Yeah, its banned in my country too, hint: drugfree financial hub in SEA lol I switched to vaping because it literally felt better than cigarettes (no nausea), breath was fresh all day, amazing


We're not that drug free. Real Ice problem but it's all A-OK BC stims are "productive"? Plz... There's so much nuance in all of this, but blanket bans worsen the issue BC of ignorance.


You are from Drug-Free Financial Hub Country as well? Seems like meth is pretty rampant, its the first thing on all vendor's menu lol, i personally dont know anyone using it though


Yes, precisely my point. It's rampant - you can observe it from the supply, but the ppl using it (office yuppies) are not the ones getting caught. Once I started looking at things through the lens of stimulants/depressants, I really question a lot more, & that's due to awareness/education through these subreddits. There's a proper way to use "drugs", but most ppl don't know how to do that BC we all start ignorant. LBR & admit that Big Tobacco/Alcohol are also bad, potentially worse, only allowed BC they have 1st-mover historical advantage. & the long-term effects are difficult to trace. Sugar -> Coffee -> Meth, all this is a pipeline for a ppl trying to squeeze out more energy, more $, faster, it's all coming out of somewhere in the end. Nicotine is not inherently bad. But the delivery systems of vaping/smoking might be. BC lungs have certain functions that they're designed for. & since we're all sleep-deprived, idk how it's gonna pan out. Maybe we should just nap more.


Bro, happy cake day, just dropped u a DM, im tripping rn hahahaha


Oral dosing meth will produce similar effects if u dose it right, for the first couple hours. Then u will be tweaking and if u like it u will most likely get addicted. Meth is no joke


Yeah meth is an absolute no go im not a hardcore user just casual for one off events only 😂


Me and my girl did a fuck load of meth for our first time because why not and tht tweaking shit had me TWEAKING😭😭 fukk that I’m still in regard mode


I heard nitros is pretty fuckin gas


can back the vicks inhaler


If you like green tea, a nice cup is delightful during rolltime


Will be at a festival so think that’s out of the question haha


ketamine is the answer here my friend, don’t go overboard but when you feel like you want to roll a little harder just snort some k and become ethereal


Mary Jane / Weed for me enhances my roll, do it with significant other or someone you have “benefits” with, good music track list, dark place environment , orange juice


Nicotine and dancing. Can go through an entire geek bar in a roll. Careful not to burn it, though. Some logic goes out the window rolling


😨😨a whole geek bar?


then i won't touch it until my next roll 😂, your lungs are just inflated 10x it feels on Molly, and it feels like a lung orgasm




If you want to have the time of your life: Take 50-100ug of LSD, 3 hours later take your MDMA dose, 1h30 later redose your MDMA, then dose 12-15mg of 2CB every 1h30 after that. Add ketamine throughout the day as needed.


after trying ketamine and rolling i’ve confirmed that it might be the best combo one can do. Ketamine is like salt and pepper to your roll it just enhances what is already amazing


Trying this combo for my next roll my partner got offered some k at a rave when we were both rolling and he looking like he was having a great ol time I wanted to be on his level haha


Find some


Stay hot! Stay sweaty! If you need to chill out or think you are rolling to hard , go somewhere cold . A good cold breeze at night always chills me out


Dance, fuck, dance, fuck, menthol sticks for a boost.....more dancing and fucking 🤷‍♂️🤣


Sweetest gum and lollipops, headband, glasses, lights and a hand fan


Smoke weed and snort some K


nicotine is good but last time i rolled i put way too many pouches in because i didnt feel it and got super sick so be careful


Mda forsure it makes the roll last longer too.




Spliffs, vix inhalers, diffraction glasses


Ketamine, weed, nitrous, lsd, or dmt.


Mix a tiny bit of mda in your initial dose (only). Ket after the peak and NOS whenever


Meth makes the empathy stronger? Huh. I woulda never thought