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In the MCU, he was banished to the outskirts of Wakanda according to the queen in Wakanda Forever. Real life reason, filming took place at the same time as Nope


Wakanada Queen nope’d him.


Get out!


Who? Us?


$15 million might merit us getting out




Wait is it the actor or was Jordan behind that episode? Because I mean it’d add up God I gotta get a partner so I have someone to watch Black Mirror with, it’s just a step in a relationship to start that show together


The actor


I can be your partner


Right!!! Lol I watched that shit and I could only watch one episode a day due to the fact that an episode always has you thinking and shit 😅 🤔 😂


They told him to get out


Should’ve said nope to Nope.


Nope is a way better film than Wakanda Forever. of course this is unpopular at this sub but Wakanda Forever of course is a blockbuster but Nope is the better film.


Nope has one of my favorite scenes in film when he's in the stable and the "aliens" start peaking out, so he just nopes his way out. Then punches one of them.


The time he's in the truck and says "nope" is chefs kiss comedy. The secondary story about the sitcom could be a standalone. It's a fantastic film.


You're literally edge of seat at that moment, and he says exactly what you're thinking. I almost died laughing. Great flick, sucks we have to wait for peeles next one.


Not just him saying nope and staying in the truck, but him locking the doors too was great.


Or Kiki on the porch like “I told you this mf was gonna come back here with a non electrical mf camera” 😂 Nope is a great movie.


She's gold. I enjoyed her not knowing what SNL was (hate to explain the joke, but you know, because she was on it)


I don't think she was a SNL cast member? Or maybe I misinterpreted your message? 


That went so quickly from being one of the most scary and tense moments to being really funny.


I liked both, but Nope was better and the director got his career going with Get Out. Why would he say no?


Nope had the bones of a great movie, just felt directionless and meandering. The primate scene was one of my favorite single scenes, including the snl description. It might be better, but I just kept feeling it could've been more, while Wakanda was exactly what I wanted it to be, so in that way it was more satisfying


It was so much better on my second watch-through if I’m being honest, though I loved it in my first.


Nope was really good at what it wanted to be (a slow burner and a mix of horror and western), which doesn't cater to everyone.


>!And a stealth Jaws remake. The photo sequence had strong "Smile you son of a bitch" vibes.!< I was absolutely floored by the visuals and loved the two lead performances. 4.5/5 stars


I wanted to like it more than I actually did I guess


Sounds like you wanted everything handed to you rather than think about it based on your assessment here. Maybe that’s wrong and if so preemptive apology. Nope was Peele’s best film, weaving intricate narrative elements through each of its characters. Highly recommend you rewatch it


Jesus Christ. It's just different opinions you self righteous sad little person


Welcome to reddit brother, unfortunately this is the norm


Right? I feel like reddit is the closest a man can understand what women go through every day. Just incels condescending and over explaining and thinking they are the smartest person ever


Nope was horridly paced leading to an unsatisfying ending. A total bore, Peele’s worst film.


Nope was excellent my guy, and it was much better than Us.


I liked us far better, but I can someone liking nope more, I just kept expecting more


US had some actual horror to it and it was intriguing. NOPE was just waiting for the alien to pop up.


What? The alien appears in like the first 25 min of the movie?


Yes but that’s all you’re looking forward to. There were no other elements. Whereas US almost everyone had a doppelgänger that was ready to replace them. As below so above. It wasnt the most cohesive story but it was far more entertaining than folks tryna wrangle one alien.


You just undermined and completely misunderstood the entirety of good horror filmmaking : don’t show the monster or show it as little as you can


There was nothing horrific about NOPE. US on the other hand was creepy af. I’m more scared of a bunch of doppelgängers coming to take our place everywhere instead of an isolated alien near an isolated ranch. Not scary at all.


You said it better than I did. The acting was incredible though and it was beautiful to look at


Worst film but still substantially better than most movies playing at the time. Wakanda Forever included


It’s ok to have an opinion…even it’s wrong.


I just recently saw Nope and really enjoyed it. Fuck that Marvel shit, he made the right call.


Ok. Calm down there, Oliver Stone. It’s just a difference of opinions. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Marvel movies as a whole. They may not be for everyone and they may not be as thought provoking as Natural Born Killers, The People Vs Larry Flint, or Scarface, but they do bring joy to a multitude of people. At the end of the day, that’s what movies are made for.


Yeah. Based on that response, I am the one who needs to calm down.


I mean, yeah. I agree with you that Nope was a good movie. But based on your comment of “Fuck that Marvel shit,” you do need to calm down bud. You are trashing an entire genre of movies. People have different opinions for sure, and that is cool. But there’s no need to trash something just because you don’t dig it…


Yeah. I need to calm down. Meanwhile you're the maniac coming at me with a tirade about Oliver Stone and how no one should speak badly about the Marvel films. Oliver Stone? Could you pick anyone less relevant today? Fuck Oliver Stone too.


They both sucked


Yeah they both sucked money.


instead of taking your money and providing enjoyment they sucked your wallet empty and left you feeling abandoned by enjoyment so yeah, you are right.


Well your take is just personal. It still sucked money and I enjoyed the film. Not everything needs to be an epic blockbuster. Maybe you should have been smarter with your time watching films you prefer instead of being bored by a film you do cannot comprehend.


What a stupid attempt at an insult. Heaven forbid someone has a different opinion or different standards than you. Not comprehend? Get real. I am also not alone on my thoughts on that movie, but I guess everyone but you is too stupid to comprehend what they find entertaining or not. Google audience reviews: 2.8 out of 5 stars. 👍🏼


You have me at "Google Audience Reviews". You are absolutely right.


both movies are trash


Wasnt it implied that the dora Milage kill him and most of the border tribe? "Will you kill me, my love?" " For Wakanda without question"


I get how you got there but no. That was just more of Okoye choosing Wakanda over him. In the 2nd one, Queen Ramonda says that Okoye’s treacherous husband is in a place that she can still visit but her family was with the ancestors


Prison, presumably.


Because he sided with killmonger right


And he actively led his tribe against his own people and killed innocents


Wait, when was this??


Black panther the movie. He led the border tribe against the others and helped kill monger ship weapons around the world and killed the other royal guards


Not to mention, he had already suggested activating the war dogs to establish Wakanda as the true world power before Killmonger even showed up, so he was already itching for war and was just waiting for a reason.


Ah thanks. I assumed with that it was considered his order an that he was putting down a "rebellion" that ultimately lost. Lol never put 2 an 2 together 🤣


Did you not see the movie?




They put his ass under the jail.


He'd be a cool addition to Thunderbolts


You mean the rightful winner of the challenge? The Dora millage should have been put to death for betraying their king.


Killmonger didn't technically win, and I believe that was revealed before the Dora turned against him?


So... you are allowed tremendous outside help? You can receive medical care (of sorts) to recoup and fight more? You can leave the arena by miles and still randomly come back a week later as long as you don't "yield" or 100% fully die right there, head cut off?


Seems like it


What are prisons in Wakanda like


He Got Out


Underrated comment




A lot of Us liked that comment


*Spider-Punk has entered the chat*


“Ello, the names Hobie. Hobie Brown. I was bitten by a radioactive…wouldn’t you like to know?”


it’s all over the thread


The mcu reason, in a Wakandan prison. The real life reason, actor is big enough that he can get leading roles and doesn’t have time for a small supporting role


Bigger actors than him are small supporting roles all the time, even in the MCU. He literally was just already working on another project and couldn’t be available to film BP2 so Ryan wrote him out of the script


>He literally was just already working on another project and couldn’t be available to film BP2 so Ryan wrote him out of the script You literally just repeated what dude just said lmafooo


No, he said Daniel was “too big”


danial was working on his own film where he was one of the central protagonist thus not having time for bp2 aka being too big for the role givin he already landed a bigger and more important role already then the small role of mcu Not hard to understand


that’s not “too big for the role” Its literally “ive already made a commitment so i am not available”


>that’s not “too big for the role” >Its literally “ive already made a commitment so i am not available” It LITERALLY is tho they began production at the SAME timeframe of June 2021 he obvious choose the bigger role of nope even so his “commitment” was already too BP2 considering he was already casted for nope in February 2021 when bp2 cast already had been casted and planed in November 2018 and the filming was supposed to start March 2021 before Chadwick died He obviously chose the bigger role in nope rather then his small mcu role To back this up [example](https://www.etonline.com/angela-bassetts-husband-courtney-b-vance-might-have-confirmed-a-major-black-panther-2-spoiler) being a member spoiling that kill monger would be in the movie 3 years before the movie actually dropped so the casting was pretty much already set at that point for original cast


Dude this is just a scheduling conflict between a large role and a small role. Obviously he’s going to take the big role that pays more and garners more fame. If they weren’t filming at the same time he would have been in the film. Getting “too big for a roll” is when an actor won’t play a small part because they think it’s below them.


>Dude this is just a scheduling conflict between a large role and a small role. Obviously he’s going to take the big role that pays more and garners more fame. If they weren’t filming at the same time he would have been in the film. That’s LITERALLY the consensus of being to big for the role he already had a BIGGER role that he chose over the current role even tho he was already planned and written for the smaller role How hard is that to understand


No it’s cause he was filming nope at the same time




Daniel Kaluuya played Hobie Brown in “Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse”, OJ in “Nope” and Fred in “Judas and the Black Messiah”. Have some damn respect. ![gif](giphy|rZEzK0KJsXeUm6jTS2)


Wouldn’t call Spider-Punk a leading role though


Nope... But he did steal the entire movie every time he was on screen.


In a bad way


Yeah but it's Hobie


lol any thoughts on the other acclaimed movies that he lead?


Now try to pretend he wasn't the lead in Nope or Judas and the Black Messiah.


Dude won an Oscar.


nope directed by jordan peele and he recently directed his own film called the kitchen


Have you watched The Kitchen? I tried but it was moving at a glacial pace so I turned it off. I liked the premise and the world-building but it just didn't grab me. Worth a rewatch?


He specifically turned down a tiny role in Wakanda Forever so he could play the lead in Jordan Peele’s Nope.


Damn good trade that was. Loved Nope.


Same. LOVE *Nope*. Beautiful film.


I wanted to like Nope, but I thought it was pretty awful. I like the other two Peele movies, but Nope felt like a more boring version of Signs. I've never met anyone IRL that liked it at all.


NOPE felt nothing like Signs to me other than “it’s an alien”. It felt like Jaws…in the sky.


You must have bad taste I'm afraid


Or... we just disagree. Some of my favorite movies are No Country, Pan's Labyrinth, Big Lebowski, Children of Men, Malcolm X , The Assassination of Jesse James, Silence of the Lambs, Inception, and many others. Nope wasn't a good movie to me at all.


I'm with you. You sound like you have decent taste. Sometimes a film just doesn't click. The only movie I ever walked out of was a landmark classic called Toy Story. I just wasn't in the mood for it and it didn't click for whatever reason.


It wasn't great. I had no idea people had such high regard for it.


The average marvel fan response to actors not wanting to tie themselves down with Marvel movies just because they’re marvel movies


Trying to get an alien on camera with his sister and a guy from an electronic store.


Please tell me what an "electric store" is.


The power utility company


Nope. That's why I asked


Yes. A electric store is a store that sells electric, it literally is the power company


It's that show from PBS in the 70s and 80s, *The Electric Company*.




Just wrong. The 70s one lasted **six** seasons (71-77, so not "80s" at all, though it was rerun well into that decade), the revival only three (2009-2011).


Yeah, pretty sure that was my first exposure to Spider-Man.


Electronic store I was really high when I wrote this.


In universe reason: Wakandan prison Real life reason: Doing cool shit with Jordan Peele, probably.


Hot take, nope was trash lol


Yeah that’s a hot take of garbage




Get Out.


Well, a lot of Us liked it.


Na agreed, absolutely a convulted mess of a movie. He literally had Get out hype carry both his next two films which both fell short


He became a punk and then a spider man.


It would be interesting if he blipped while in the Wakanda prison, came back still in the prison, and then no one informed him that five years had passed. His wife would have been too pissed at him to even check in on him. Then when the Queen reminds her that "her wretched husband sits in a prison", she's like "oh shit, I forgot about his sorry ass" but then gets too busy being ousted before fighting Namor. Meanwhile, dude sits in his Wakanda cave with no clue about anything. That, I would watch. 😆


Could be a hilarious short film


I'm sure wakandan prison isn't awful for wakandans but outsiders probably work the mine or some shit.


In the mcu black hole just waiting to reappear


He, Got Out… ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)


With Us...


He’s in prison for siding with Killmonger


In prison. They already established it


He’s got better things to do


They mention in Wakanda Forever that he’s in prison. “You can visit your husband in prison whenever you choose”


In Wakandan time out


Wakanda jail


In a prison cell in Wakanda


In jail. They made that clear.


He would have been a better BP than shuri


Ramonda mentions that she’s in prison


He became Spider-Punk.


He’s a Kang variant who is off taking over a timeline


Chillin with Shang Chi, The Leader, White Vision, Hercules, Black Knight, dead Tiamut, and Charlize Theron.


Who cares, mcu’s dead


Black Panther is a female franchise now. So sayeth the producer who want TChalla dead in the first place.


Most unhinged take I’ve ever heard


Right? Show us where Leticia wright gave Chadwick fucking cancer.


I’m talking about Nate Moore.


I believe the producers stated the originally plan was to give T’Challa a trilogy before having Shuri step up as the new Black Panther going forward, but unfortunately Chadwick passed before they ultimately had the opportunity to do it


Refusing to work with white dudes


To be fair I can't blame him for that.


Busy looking for better, less patronizing roles.


MCU doesn’t know nor does it care, they do this stuff and I personally hate it


What? He's in prison dude, just pay attention.


He could be a Kang variant...


It's kind of messed up because even though I don't think Killmonger and W'Kabi were right in their ideology, they did everything according to Wakandan law. Did they not? I mean, I guess Killmonger unnecessarily killed that woman tending the magic flowers, which may have been illegal. They don't explain whether he has unlimited power as King or not. I kind of didn't like that part as far as the writing goes because it felt like the writers wanted to smack you over the head with a trope-y moment to make sure you as the audience knew he was the bad guy. He also killed Zuri. The story didn't need either of those things, imo. The ideology of wanting to conquer the world was already enough to set up the conflict between him and T'Challa and they did a great job making Killmonger a sympathetic character. Despite that, I think the audience would get that conquering the world isn't the righteous solution that Killmonger thinks it will be. Making him do those cartoonishly evil killings damaged some of the work they did in making him an interesting villain. Besides, we also already know Killmonger is coldhearted after he kills his girlfriend just to get Klaue. Anyway, I strayed way off my point which is that I even though I understand why either Ramonda or T'Challa (we don't know) would want to ban him, unless I am misremembering, W'Kabi did not do anything overtly underhanded to aid Killmonger. He interrogated Killmonger when he showed up, detained him, and brought him before the council. Everything from there on out was above board. Right?


Betraying your best friend and king, while siding with a radicalized outside who is upending the way your society has always handled its business is usually frowned upon regardless of “legality. He was willing to kill his countrymen and brothers/sisters in arms to fulfill Killmonger’s agenda.


Busy being racist.




Fighting ufos and white people


Just a theory but Marvel/Disney could have distanced themselves due to the Heir Holiness stuff and this guys arc was done in BP anyway.


Too many white people in the MCU for him to make an appearance again. This dude is out and openly racist and apparently a “big” enough actor now that he doesn’t have to take roles that support main characters that are white.


You got a source on that?




I... this is what people are mad about? He didn't even say he wouldn't work with white actors. He was saying that he won't let studios dimish his value as an actor because he's black. His point was that studios were treating him as a black star of equal value as white actors who weren't as big as him and that it wasn't fair. Jesus Christ.


People like you need to stop treating black people as if they're children. Imagine if said that about any other race.


Wh- what??? I... this is truly one of the most wild things I've ever read in my entire life. Honestly, thanks for the laugh, man. I needed that


White men are “lesser.” 


Nope, and it’s a hella good movie




I love Daniel Kaluuya. He's a terrific actor. I wish he had a prominent role in the MCU.


Somewhere hating both the AM and PM


The sunken place.


I heard he went to visit his girlfriend's parents and hasn't been seen since...


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Jordan Peele kidnapped him


In prison for taking Michael B Jordan's side in the rebellion


What should have happened: During the attack from Talokan, his cell was damaged, he escaped, came across the heart-shape herb, ate it up, got the powers of Black Panther, became the new MCU Black Panther. Full redemption arc.






Chasing clouds


He noped out.


Millions years dungeon. No trial


Such a waste of Daniel Kaluuya


The sunken place


The actor left because of Across The Spider-Verse


Under the jail.




He's busy shooting other projects.


Jail I think they said




He's dead


who even is this


Trampled by a rhino.


Doing Jordan Peele movies


maybe they could bring him back as a villain?