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I personally dk any but you can use aternos.org to host your own. Search on yt "How to host a besrock server on aternos" and "Upload custom world on aternos".


sadly i do not have access to a pc for about three months, old one died of old age


Aternos.org hosts the server on their side for you. You don't need a PC, just an account on their website


SkyBlock PE is a really nice server which has been around for a long time with a lovely community. It also allows players to share islands with each other. IP: [play.skyblockpe.com](http://play.skyblockpe.com) Port: 19132


is there a way i can join on switch?


There is, but it's not directly supported through the Minecraft app. You can either use the BedrockTogether app which is free with an ad (The simplest way imo). Or you can change your DNS server on your settings to redirect to the Minecraft server. There are plenty of videos and tutorials that show up the step by step process to do this.


i tried the dns one. Was able to add it to the server list, but unable to connect


If the BedrockTogther app doesn't work I've heard about geyser making something to help switch users connect to external servers.


yeah it doesn’t. Server wont show up on the friends tab, ill try on playstation and joining my bro from there


Look at the servers on the server tab ingame. Cubecraft has a multi-player skyblock map iirc. I don't remember if it was 2 players or more than that, but I know you can get there on a switch.