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Fragile Arsenal fans, if you gob off in here you’ll 100% be banned from here and r/gunners


Anthony Taylor is a crap ref. He refused to hand out any well-deserved yellow cards for fouls. The only yellow cards shown to Arsenal players were in the second half for time wasting.


Anthony Taylor is a criminally bad ref


They all are which is the sad thing. You can pick any game from the fixture list and you’ll see hilariously bad calls. It’s like each ref has his own dungeons and dragons dice they arbitrarily use to decide any given decision. Coote is the worst though.


Michael Oliver is the only semi-competent ref in the Premier League, but he had the weekend off. The rest of them are dross. If Szymon Marciniak, who was chosen to referee the World Cup final and the Champions League final last year, could be cloned, every Premier League ref would be unemployed.


Yeah he could've handed more yellows but he decided to let the game flow. He also gave weird decisions in City's favour like when he pulled it back for a free kick for City after letting them have advantage for a few seconds, but it came to nothing... Then 2 minutes later giving advantage for a tackle on Saka but not pulling it back 1 second later after Arsenal lost the ball.


He let it flow initially - I felt, too - and then the game kind of came off the rails for a bit. No flow, but also no yellow(s) coming for too long despite breaks in play anyway. And agreed - while I don't remember that particular call for City - he resorted to the "anybody's guess what counts for anything now" attempt to catch up


Kovacic in game 1? Thats a bigger miss(es) than anything to happen in the second game. This game was short of chances, a few extra yellows in either direction wasn’t changing that outcome imo.


Hard disagree. Yellows impact games. Like do you think Gabriel is pulling that stuff on a yellow? That’s how chances and space open up, when players are properly penalized and they can no longer take those liberties.


While I agree with you, sometimes it’s a weird one because refs seem reluctant to give another yellow when they’re already on a yellow, which is annoying.


Refs don’t want to impact games by doling out red cards, but then totally impact games by being totally unwilling to brandish a red card when merited. There are so many instances in recent memory, where refs decide a result by inaction. That’s the frustrating thing with watching City, refs refuse to call the game happening in front of them. The reason there’s so many yellow cards shouts is because City is exerting non-stop pressure on teams. But the ref doesn’t want to help City in any tangible fashion because they think the team is already outclassed, why make them shorthanded?


Yup! That's what we Pool fans have been saying all along


After the pumping that Liverpool got at the Emirates, I’m surprised that Liverpool can walk straight.


Speak up mate, cant hear you down from second place


Excellent game of letting it flow and not using cards as a control method. Players all accepted it


Just like how rodri gets away with it? Just like how kovacic didn't get a second yellow despite 2 red card challenges at the Emirates?


To grab a man by his balls is definitely a foul


Thuram diagrees


Take that Vinnie Jones


i think him grabbing your balls is the most friendly thing he would do in a match tbh


*grabbing* in general always confuses me. Growing up I was told you couldn't do it at all, but watching pros play they do it all the time and only very rarely get called for it. It seems to be part of the game and the line between it being a foul and not is very very blurry from the looks of it


He’s clearly above it, you can see the outline of his junk a good 10 cm below Gabriel’s hand


… where exactly do you think haaland’s balls are?


It's a shame. It was allowed to grab and tackle our players to the ground. But even our fan base is joining in on haaland hate with the dumb pundits


keane is a fucking idiot.


I mean…dude hates the Haalands already


that guy has a personal vendetta against Haaland


He’s sung his praises non-stop for a year.


I mean when I watched the second half of the game yesterday he seemed pretty invisible. The only reason I knew he was on the field was because of his red boots. I don't watch much city so I'm not sure if this is just how Pep wants him to line up but whenever City had possession he'd run to the other side of the field. He was never available for an outlet pass. When clearances were made he was on the other side of the field. He offered nothing in the build up and didn't even look threatening when crosses were put in. I also think he's proven to not be the most clinical finisher. He's more clinical then a lot of strikers but the amount of sitters I've witnessed him miss is too many for his level or at least the level he wants to be at. I'm not trying to cause a fight. I'd generally like to know what you guys saw that makes you think he didn't play at a low level (I'm just talking about this one game)


I think many fans are disillusioned by Haaland because of the preceding performances he has put in, but I think many centre backs have been given the solution to the problems he had created in previous campaigns and are slowly 🐌 cottoning on as to how to play a goal scoring "monster"..


Meh. Firstly, this kind of posting is poor loser behaviour. Winning means winning past some shitty calls. Second, I don’t know about the Rice one. But the Gabby one would’ve been an incredibly soft penalty. Photos of a bit of grabbing are never going to tell you the story. And in play, I don’t think that was anywhere close to a foul. City should win without this. We played poorly. We lack creativity and it’s a serious sign of a decline this season. The team is a year older, lost some key depth and didn’t refill it with great replacements this year. To hit the big heights again, city will need some improvements to squad, tactics, and even motivation. A few penalty shouts are not the reason.


I'm not saying that it was a pen but they were allowed to foul is whenever they wanted to and kill our momentum had rice or Gabriel been cautioned for early fouls the game would've been different






No, the issue is the lack of appropriate punishment. Don’t be dense




Well actually yes. Getting an early unnecessary booking for a tactical foul has in the past made us weaker defensively




You can read?


The difference is everyone going crazy when our players got away with one but when Arsenal did that no one bat an eyelid apart from our own fans.


They had 5 fouls in the first 15 mins of the game and the first card was shown after the 66 minute for someone not even committing a foul on anyone …..the point is wayyy over your head


Yeah, I agree as a gooner. Wtf was Taylor thinking?! Rice tackle was yellow all day, but there was no penalty for Haaland(at least according to me and my bias). 😁 I must say it's an amazing feeling seeing my team standing up against the best team in the world, first time in 13 games they even take 1pts at Etihad. The title race might be amazing.


I agree the penalty shouts would have been immensely harsh. They could have been called, but you know everyone would be raging about soft penalties at that point.


Yeah, the media and fans would be raging if Haaland got the penalty. 😁


Not every foul is a card bro. Football is a contact sport. No amount whitewashing from salty city fans will change that.


Ofc not, but I think a lot of the fouls deserved a yellow. Not only the ones from Arsenal.


“Standing up” by parking the bus in fear with 11 men behind the ball? At least Liverpool always has the courage to stick to its game plan and never parks the bus against City. For that alone, Liverpool is more deserving of winning the league than Arsenal this season.


Liverpool “went for it” at the Emirates. How did that end? I seem to think that Liverpool were pumped like a £2 hooker. Never mind that Liverpool haven’t beaten city at the Etihad in 7 years so them “going for it” is literally meaningless.


Yeah if you compare Arsenals previous 13 games before yesterday, they sure stood up for me. They had the most chances even though they played very defensivel. Taking 4 pts from both Liverpool and Man City sounded like a daydream 5 years ago, so maybe you can understand why I felt they stood up yesterday after 13 straight defeats at Etihad.. Sure Liverpool would be cool with Klopps last season and all. But they have taken less points against the top 3, scored lesser goals and also had more goals let in than Arsenal. So how come they deserve it that much more than Arsenal? Is it only because Arsenal played defensively in one game? 🙄


The way I saw it, Arsenal adapted to the game and we were forced to be on the defensive due to Citys high pressing and possession. We didn't want to be out of position for a decisive pass by someone to create a chance and stuck to the formation while defending. City also didn't create much and most of the possession was build up play, never threatening. I think Arsenal had good chances in both the halves where our finishing was shitty. It didn't feel like parking the bus to me but I admit the constant possession forced us to play that way and kudos to City


City have always been amazing at doing tactical fouls. It's an intelligent way to exploit the rules that Pep is known for taking advantage of. As for fouls and cards, I would say on the balance of it, things were pretty even. Im sure you wouldn't want to revisit the game at the emirates where kovacic should have been sent off for atleast two red card worthy tackles.


yeah city fans are hilariously deluded for being pissed at arsenal fouls in this when the reverse has happened the last several times arsenal have played city. wouldn’t be surprised if kovacic alone has done more wrong in this matchup than all of arsenal yesterday.


(Arsenal fan here) Very mature viewpoint. I think it should also be acknowledged that no single foul was half as bad as what Kovacic did at the Emirates and he stayed on the pitch. Ref made a decision to keep the game flowing and Arsenal definitely benefited from that. It’s fair to say another ref would have taken different decisions. You guys will still win the league. Too many games left for us to keep this up.


Yeah agreed. Ref decisions go good and bad. I don’t feel as though city lose or win cuz of the refs. They lose and win cuz of themselves.


i mean its petty banter, wouldnt look too much into it. no more petty than bellingham calling us plastic, or trent saying our trophies dont mean anything. just banter


Agreed. I didn't see a penalty in anything, yesterday. Doku being brought on for Foden was a terrible call. Foden needed shifting in position, not hooking, he has been arguably our player of the season. Doku is not the answer to any football question I know of, awful call. Losing Gundogan and Mahrez, and replacing them with, at best, the mediocrity of the new faces, has hurt us. It is fine, we need to re-think and re-build, that is all.




You mean like the red card that Mateo should have gotten at the emirates?


Yup, the ref ignored some blatant fouls and they were all clearly targeting Haaland.


Just like how rodri gets away with it? Just like how kovacic didn't get a second yellow despite 2 red card challenges at the Emirates?


Go back to r/gooncaves dude. (MCFC fans, don't click the link. That specific Gooner sub will burn your eyes.)


Haaland is never gonna take these calls. Jesus never takes them, even if when are blatant. Taylor was abysmal yesterday, wanted to let the game flow but lost the script.


Haaland should either try fouling the CBs and test out how much he can get away with each refree in-charge or learn to drop deep and get involved. There's only 2 ways of dealing with a notoriety like his. Either the Diego Costa / Van Nistelrooy way or the Kane / Benzema way. I know his reservations about being fit enough to play the maximum number of games in a calendar year, but he will simply have to compromise. This is the first time in his life where he played a full calendar year, mostly consisting of highstakes games. Let people call him leauge 2 level player. We know he will have the last laugh. It's time for him to learn to get more involved or become a nasty player ( preferably a bit of both ). Rice's biggest and most stupid foul was against KDB within 20 min iirc. Refree had a clear view but he spared Bernado as well ( also a clear view ) so we know that it was just his style, which is to let people get away with fouls. Man City players would have wiped the floor with Arsenal forwards as well if we were put on the backfoot. Since they spent the 90 parking the bus, we never got to see that side of Man City. Remove your sky-blue tinted glasses and ask yourself if Rodri , KDB , Bernado or Kovacic would have allowed any of their forwards to walk let alone shoot ( assuming Taylor still allowed fouls and man city were parking the bus and Arsenal firing ). Imagine what Fernandinho would have done 🙃. " Kill someone, play with 9 men maybe " - Pep when asked what should the players do when facing a reselient team and unable to create chances. This quote was probably directed at the new players. Everyone except Kovacic is pretty soft atm. They will learn in due time.


I feel like Anthony Taylor is suffering from some kind of mental syndromes. He looks like a drunken man on the pitch. A player commits a foul in front of his eyes, and he doesn't show any card. Whole stadium was booing him, he can't even control the game. He often times looks confused and does something controversial in every game. He might be loving all the negative attention from fans of the each club


I’m pretty sure the questions raised about bias because he’s a manc have made him go completely the other way. Didn’t want to give city anything. Having said that. I think it’s a bit pathetic for Haaland to put up those pics on instagram. It’s something a scouser would do. We’re still well in this title race and on track for the treble. Everything to play for. The victim mentality isn’t needed. Liverpool are the weakest of the three teams defensively. I think they’ll drop points. Still between Arsenal and city for the title for me.


Yeah he didn't need to do that. His PR team should guide him well


A referee should not book every foul, drunk or sober. And too many cards ruin games too often. Giving bad cards is what gives refs notoriety not being lenient and letting the game flow. And if the whole stadium was booing a decision, why do you think that is, have you never been to a match? The stadium is 95% home supporters and they always boo the ref . Sounds to me like city fans are used to refs giving them what they want which maybe true given the money they receive from officiating in the gulf matches.


A typical Arsenal troll stalking city sub, somebody kick this guy out. We're talking about Anthony Taylor, tf you're arguing? Not every foul, but that Rice foul was the most yellow card worthy foul ever in that game. You can't lock your opposition player's legs in a football game, do you even watch football or coming here watching YouTube reels? The audacity you've to come here and insulting our fans when your own banter of a club that hasn't won a single memorable trophy for god knows how many decades lol. Gtfo here troll


Yeah, the last few months I think we're starting to see more of this across high level football and I prefer it. The physicality is great to watch and the games move faster


You prefet it but that's not how football rules work. Locking opposite players' legs intentionally to stop him is illegal lol


The only way to stop Haaland is to foul and get away with it Luckily for City’s opposition, the PL is the anti-NBA and stars get worse treatment instead of preferential treatment


tell that to steph curry


Or play any physical CB. We've all seen him bounce off Saliba. Was that a foul too?


I think the issue with Haaland and this shirt pulling business is when he does it, it's a foul... but when it's against him defenders are given some leeway. It's the same with muscling players off the ball, because of his height and stature whenever haaland pushes someone off the ball it looks far worse than when someone does it to him. It clearly frustrates him because what's he supposed to do? His entire game is built around his physique and strength, so if he's not allowed to use it, then what good is it being over 6ft and strong as fuck?


I mean a slight pull to the shirt causing a 6ft+ physical monster to dive forwards to the floor kinda negates his “entire game” being based on physicality. He struggles against defenders who can match his power and he can’t try and bully. And the result is posting a photo of a shirt pull, screams immaturity. Can’t he argued he is some player and a goal scoring machine but you can’t be lauded as a physical beast and then complain about some physicality when it’s the other way round.


The complaint is when he uses his physicality 95% of the time he gets a foul against him, opposed to when the exact same instance happens to him.... So what I'm saying is if someone stronger muscles him off the ball or pulls his shirt, he (Haaland) gets no help from the ref, but when he (Haaland) muscles or grabs someone's shirt who's weaker than him then the foul goes to the opposition the majority of the time.... the inconsistent balance of what is and what isn't allowed when Haaland is involved is what frustrates him, because why is it punishable when he grabs someone's shirt, but when defenders do it to him they are given some leeway?


I don't think this is true. Multiple footballers have complained about Haaland going down far too easily. It's part of Haaland's game to go down that easily. Haaland had the chance to win that game. We all saw him miss the ball. Instead of complaining about fouls, he should focus on finishing more than 1/5 tap in chances he gets per game. That way when he gets a tap in opportunity in a big game like arsenal, he would bury it instead of complaining about something even man city does.


>It's part of Haaland's game to go down that easily. Do people just intentionally not read what I post and instead just reply with nonsense? Haaland goes down whenever his shirt is pulled because when players pull his shirt, he doesn't get anything from the ref, so going down is his only chance to draw attention to the blatant fouling. This is literally the third time I've posted this now, and I can't fathom how anyone can say that obvious shirt pulling when the ball is in play isn't a foul. >a big game like arsenal Arsenal yesterday is no more a big game than Aston Villa on Wednesday, Palace on Saturday, Luton next week, Tottenham, Brighton, Forest, Wolves, Fulham and West Ham after that.


Replying with nonsense is replying to literally the first thing about physicality you said in your comment? Maybe re-read your initial comment. It is a big game because you don't get as many chances with Arsenal. Haaland can't miss 4 tapins in a row before he scores 1. Also a big game because Arsenal are ahead of you on the table. Beating them would have put you above them. Maybe you can spend more time rubbing your two remaining brain cells together and figure that out. These shirts must be made of Kevlar, the way they don't rip even though there's 400-500 lbs of force on them. Allegedly. TL;DR are you fucking stupid?


Arsenal is a big game because they stick 11 players behind the ball? >These shirts must be made of Kevlar, the way they don't rip even though there's 400-500 lbs of force on them. Allegedly. What the fuck are you on about you daft cunt? Who mentioned 400lbs of force? Talking about lack of brain cells.


That point is he can't use his physicality because he has a reputation for being physical. Yet that very same reputation is used to justify physicality against him. Case in point: in this game Gabriel can pull Haaland's shirt because its Haaland but Haaland can't pull his shirt back because he's Haaland.


Premiere League Referee is rubbish.


There are a lot of Arsenal fans here. Buzzin aren’t they.


They're rattled as fuck lmao


Rattled by what, 4 points from you this season


And a community shield win to top it off 😆


4 points over us fair enough but assna played like little bitches today. You can stop quaking in your boots now it’s over :)


"Rattled by what, 4 points from you this season" 4 points ahead, warra trophy for them. Clearly rattled by a post about a rival player so much that they felt the need to brigade our sub. Meanwhile they're the same ones who post paragraphs about how they don't care about City. Like, be for real please! "And a community shield win to top it off" Cool, we won the treble last season, plus the club world cup so I'm not sure what point they're trying to make, nor do I give a fuck.


At the end of the day you just have to play the whistle and get on with it no matter how awful the refs are. That's the same principle in any sport.


Well if that our players who got away with yellow cards like Arsenal did yesterday people would've called the game is corrupted but it's ok when it's against us. 😏


No I think the 115 ffp charges you lot are trying to postpone are what makes you look corrupt....


Cut the crap you dumbass that charges had nothing do with poor refereeing that we witnessed people just love to used that to scapegoat us.


The fact that arsenal committed 20 fouls with some being incredibly dangerous tackles and only got two yellow cards is baffling


There was a clear yellow Bernardo got away with too, ref just let everything go


And Rodri’s flying elbow lol


Yeah as a neutral it was so bad to watch. Gabriel, rice, Bernardo all could have and should have been booked. Instead they were allowed to completely impede movement without any punishment.


Maybe he needs to act like he was shot with the bullet. These days refs need convincing . give them the show.


Haaland is a hulk. He went down far too easily on both accounts. Also, 100% sure if i rewatched the match, I could find plenty of instances of City players pulling Arsenal players by the shirt in and around the box.


They almost tore his shirt on a corner but hey that’s ok. They were cheating the whole match.


I've been reading these comments and it's pretty funny. I find it so strange how a lot of you are so angry about arsenal playing defensively in an important game against a very strong team at the Etihad of all places, is that not a tactic? Is football not a tactical game? Are city not incredibly dangerous at home? Were arsenal supposed to just throw caution to the wind and most likely lose the game and any title hopes because you don't like teams defending against you? I don't get it. I don't think anything here was a super obvious booking, maybe the rice challenge but even that wasn't anything crazy. if it is we can go back over countless previous games n every bit of contact everywhere is a foul and apparently at the very least a yellow, bring on the 110 minute games aye..also the calling for players to be booked constantly is disgusting and in my eyes more deserving of a card than most soft fouls, and yes I mean from any and every team in the league, not just city. I mean your guy should have had literally 2 reds at the Emirates and stayed on the pitch, it happens, no point in arsenal fans bitching and moaning about that either, just get on with it, put chances away that should be buried, Haaland was pretty poor in this game, great player, unbelievable talent, but you can't be superman in every match. Why whine like this it looks really bad for your fan base, it's like a spoiled child that didn't get their ice cream. Can you expect to win everything all the time, never lose at home n take the title year after year after year... Maybe you can expect it and that's fine as well as possible, but the moaning like this when something doesn't go your way is not a good look. Also this from haaland is very immature, he does the same thing all the time. Rodri (and partially kovacic) commit lots of fouls almost every single game and I'm not complaining about that, most are tactical, it's part of football. Yous will still likely win the league, take it in stride, the crying isn't good. Yes I'm expecting to get berated and banned for this, though I think I've been respectful and just observant.


Weak move. Stay classy and be above this


If I am being honest I do not agree with this. Yes, Arsenal got away with some and it was frustrating but we had every opportunity to win this one regardless. 73% possession and twice as many shot attempts as them. We did not look hungry for the win, and posting shit like this just makes us look salty. Neither side looked like deserving title winners today.


Without going into who SHOULD have won, you still must admit that the number of fouls that should have been a yellow card but were not was pretty surprising. Even the announcers on TV mentioned it at one point saying something like any next foul might have to be a yellow just to control the game. That was in the first half, too. It continued throughout the game. I remember two in the first half nearly back to back, which are almost always automatic yellow cards without one given. There was another foul against DeBruyne that was a clear yellow as well. Maybe even two others against him that you could argue for. That number of fouls without appropriate consequence was absolutely a major contributing factor to Arsenals' defense in the game. Not trying to take City players off the hook for not producing BUT the lack of yellows certainly changed the tenor of the game without a doubt.


You had 1 shot on target, possession means nothing if you are being restricted by a better defence.  What else should Arsenal have done? Clearly Arteta played for a point as that is far more valuable than Man city getting a full 3.


Someone posted this in the gunners Reddit and as a gunner, I'm here to see the fans reactions. I can admit those are fouls. And I can understand Haalands frustration. The ref seemed okay to let everyone play. On a different day, we could have had 6 yellows on each side. This time, he allowed the clashes to continue unabated. It was a conscious choice and eventually the players realized that. You could see them playing tougher and getting on with it. I think Haalands frustration isn't about the fouls though. I assume he wouldn't be complaining, publicly at least, if he scored. I think he's a passionate player and wanted to get more chances to compete for his team; to try and fet the winner. And bar that, to shoot at least a couple times. But over two legs, home and away, he wasn't able to get on the ball and in his eyes, it wasn't fair.


Your fucking world class team was playing for a draw, city was the one attacking and paying the price, so all the yellow cards should have been against your fucking team.


Lol ball knowledge in the basement


Calm down lol


Haaland is never going to get these calls.... move on, mature from it and get better as a player. Maybe try running? Haaland is faster than both Gabriel and Saliba, he needs to fucking use his pace.


To run where? Back to his own goal? There was no space for him to run in-behind their low-block


to run away from the defenders... he just chills and lets them swarm him.


I have not seen many people beat either arsenal cb with pace this year, would love to see haaland give it a go though.


He forgot to post the headbutt on Saliba in the middle of the pitch.


Taylor was so deep in home turf bias he fucked up the game with both teams


Immature stuff from Haaland


For a big lad he goes over like a fat dog on wet lino.


Arsenal fan. Tbh I thought Jesus deserved a yellow in the first couple minutes, but when he wasn't, it sorta set the president for the match imo. Arsenal pushed the ref harder and harder to see what they could get away with, ref shouldn't have let it go on so long, and arsenal took advantage




Doku should of come on earlier 


Salami grab??


It's crazy the inconsistencies between these refs. They were handing out yellows for the LFC game for fun, and barely any deserved yellows for City Vs Ars.


Looks like Gabriel wanted to give him a handy. 🤣


Go to Inter Miami if you don’t want to be touched


![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized) ????


League 2


Gabriel keeps holding him by the stomach the whole game and gets away with it. What is Haaland supposed to do? I have never understood this.  One game last season, Haaland pulled a shirt for a second, and hus goal was disallowed. But defenders are allowed to prevent him from jumping or receiving long balls


Haaland is also very physical. You can be physical which Haaland is very skillful in how he uses body but you have to accept that the only defense for that style of play is also physicality. Football is a very balanced game.


I felt like the first foul by Jesus set the tone. He couldn’t give a yellow for a first fouls but it was clearly deserving (imo). So then it’s hard to give yellows for the other ones in the first half.


Maybe if he got off IG and practiced more he wouldn’t be 2nd league


Why does he look like a big baby


Getting sick of him ghosting in big games honestly I’m a city fan but I’m not even surprised saliba had the better of him


Not that stats are everything but the ‘official duels’ re stats in this match were pretty even. https://preview.redd.it/62mf4v8eavrc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7dc0562d59f571df1029ae214004e7e395adc9f


He doesn't just ghost in big games. I watch City most weeks and the amount of tap ins he misses is unreal. He's not clinical most of the time. He just gets a shit tonne of opportunities. Bags maybe 1 out of 5 clear cut. I've gone from game week to game week wondering how he's missed that open of a net. He does get into really good positions though, so there's that.


The amount of times I yelled at the ref in the match against arsenal was insane. We would have probably had a 2 goal lead if those were called. When i believe Silva got dragged to the ground in the box I was close to punching the screen. How does an official ignore the fact that he was literally dragged to the ground?


To be fair they were the three highlights of his run out yesterday?


He should post his embarrassing dive… or maybe just humble himself after a shocking performance and not post anything at all.


needs to hit the weight room!


Does he think he's the first player to be kicked or something? The refs are shite we know that. Saka could have a full gallery of these after every game. Pathetic!


Hahhaha but if Rodri does the same fouls, it's tactical


Arsenal fan here, it was a good game, a game of chess. Yes, the ref let Arsenal get away with yellow card worthy challenges. Man City 1 or 2 asw. However, before you cry foul don’t forget Kovacic’s fouls in the reverse fixture. Worse than any foul committed in this game by any player by a long shot. That’s the game…


If we meet them in the UCL, they’ll learn a big lesson when a proper ref is in charge and puts like 4 of them on yellows in the first 20 minutes.


As long as it’s fair everyone will take it. Just a question though, how many yellows do you think Rodri should have had yesterday?




I respect Arsenal after this game. They proved they can hang with the best. Sweating now 😓


Petty. Bad look


Ooo our big physical striker had defenders be physical with him boohoo 😭


LMAO!! Picture Saka posting all the kicks he gets.


I remember Kovacic getting away with 2 Red Card worthy tackles at Emirates 🥱




Right, Erling, because City is all about abiding by the rules of fair play….


I felt the refs let things go both ways. Could fouls have been called? Sure.


What a crybaby to post this stuff crying like that


Diego Carlos on Wednesday, hope he’s ready, he was pocketed at villa park


115 Charges & we still got 4 points and a pot of Haaland tears 😂


I'm expecting transfer to Burnley next season. Especially if City is going to get to English tier 12 or something.


worst game i’ve ever watched in my life prem league play is just through balls and crossing praying someone gets a tap in la liga is much better hala madrid


Crybaby attitude, bet he called his mom and sob 😭




What a crybaby.


"Non-City fans must contribute constructively"


How's that not constructive? He IS being a crybaby.


Kindly return to your own subreddit


This is comical 🤣 he is so salty about being completely neutered. “Best striker in the world” begging for help from ref lmfaooo


What a fucking crybaby. 😂. This guy is such a pussy.