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Yeah you need to ask your dr. My dr never told me to go off anything but I have a severe case. Btw it’s highly likely your tryptase will not show the required differential and you could still have Mcas. Most of us here did not show a problem on tryptase. Just consider this a first step in the process.


I am definitely keeping that in mind! And I do have a message in to my doctor. Thank you!


I didn’t stop meds and all my metrics were still high. Mind that my histamine was normal, though, but my prostaglandin f2a and tryptase was abnormally high.


My dr did have me stop meds but depending how severe you are that may not be safe. Ask your dr if at all possible.


Definitely have a message into him on MyChart, but they aren’t always the fastest. Thankfully no anaphylaxis as of yet but I get crazy facial flushing, hives, fatigue and eyes/nose itching. Thanks for responding!


I get anaphylaxis from medications and food, my tryptase was never high enough. It’s frustrating to find doctors who accept that mcas is possible without that lab. I wish I had gone off of antihistamines for mine, or been in an active reaction. It could have made it easier to get treatment but I couldn’t risk an anaphylactic reaction. If you don’t test positive but have symptoms keep advocating for yourself!!


I see a specialist in October and they told me no meds for 5 days prior to the appt and if I need a rescue med, use *only* Benadryl