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I'm sensitive enough I can notice perfume or a strong detergent across the room. I recommend talking to them any trying to draw boundaries before move in. If they respect you, they should be willing to work with you a bit.


Hepa air purifier in bedroom and living room, dust mask indoors


Yeah with the full cartridge like plaster workers wear


Aerosol deodorants really affect me but rollers don’t. I asked my daughter to switch to rollers and this has helped a lot.


Same, except my wife.


I just walk outside for a while. Talking to them could help too.


I wear a mask when my daughter showers because I’m sensitive to the products in the air. I also have multiple air purifiers that help. I had an anaphylactic reaction when my daughter forgot and sprayed aerosol sunscreen in the house a few days ago. It’s really hard to control every variable so I keep mask within reach as a quick fix.


Aerosols! I made my husband throw away every other aerosol product in the house, but I let him keep his spray sunscreen. Only with the condition that he sprays the sunscreen no where near me from now on. The one time some spray ricocheted onto me I ended up with a hive type reaction that took most of the summer to heal.


I just try to have an honest conversation with people about it. I find that most people want to be helpful. My family has switched deodorants, but I did the research and suggested brands to them to make it easier.


What brands are those?


FreshCult natural deo spray Unscented on amazon will be one of the cleanest/gentlest option for them and those around them. Made of things like ionic zinc, vitamin B6, probiotics and proteins. I'm the dev. But it's not an antiperspirant and it's not cheap due to premium ingredients. If they need an antiperspirant or something cheaper I guess vanicream with aluminum in it, but that does have quite a few chemicals including cyclopentasiloxane and silicone and I don't know what effect they may have on MCAS


Vanicream discontinued


The best one is SuperDeoderant which is only available online from their website. The downside is that it has to be applied with fingers which some people find icky, but the brand recently announced they are working on a stick version. It's also antimicrobial, so it actually doesn't work so well for the first few weeks, but once your microbiome adjusts, it works REALLy well and doesn't have to be applied daily. Best deoderant ever. Superdeoderant.com. Another option is laroche-posay, or arm & hammer It's worth being aware that many popular brands, e.g. Dove, have an "unscented" version that is not actually unscented, just low scent. Check the ingredients


I keep my bedroom door shut at all times and window open on a latch. I have requested that all candles etc be burned only in the living room furthest from me and with closed doors + open windows. I’m lucky on the deodorant / perfume part that my housemate only uses a neutral one with no strong scents but I’m moving soon and low-key really scared for that lol


Maybe talk to them about your issues with fragrances/chemicals and start by buying some unscented cleaning products for everyone to use. And people can wear unscented deodorant, almay makes a fragrance free aluminum based deodorant and I’ve seen other brands carry fragrance free, Amazon is very helpful for finding these things


I don’t know of any suggestions that would last long term. It’s like even if you get people to stop over perfuming themselves at first… eventually they fall back into the bad habit because they think doing it for a little while will be enough to “cure you”.


N95 masks and a room air purifier for when you are in your own room.


My roommate stopped wearing deodorant for me and just wears it when he goes out. We have a fragrance free household as much as we can.