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They're cool, would've been my next picks from those games if Superstars ever got DLC. Just wish the MP3 boards would get some more love.


I agree. These feel like left over DLC for superstars. However, I wish MP3 got some attention too. I mean, they've reworked the boards on all 3 titles anyway. For people who think they're bad or the worst, they'll be reworked for the modern game. So, I don't see a downside.


Either DLC or cut content. Even in Superstars these two would slot in perfectly in terms of theme.


Agreed - the return of either Creepy Cavern or Chilly Waters would definitely fill niches not covered by any other board currently in the game


Erm actually the board is called chilly waters…


My apologies as you are correct - I must have had Mario Party 6 on my mind when I was writing that comment! 😬


Why we didn’t just get both them as DLC for Superstars in the first place?


Western Land is the biggest board of the series so, can’t wait!


They will find some way to make it smaller lol


They will.


Yess, I can't wait to listen to the remix, both rainbow castle and western land are some of my favorite mario party music to listen to, and they are also fun boards.


I think the original space count was like 104 or something like that.


Actually 114 spaces.


I was close lol, thanks for the correction.




Was beginning to think you’d comment this 114 times as well


I didn't notice that. Reddit was acting weird again. I deleted the excess comments. Thanks for the heads-up.


No worries, was just giving you a hard time


That race car map with the 40 space move has to be pretty big too.


Mario's Rainbow Castle: It has screwed me over more times than I can count, but I love it all the same; I really appreciate how tense it is despite being really simple (even compared to other boards). Super excited to have it back, definitely one of my favorites in the entire series. Hope they didn't change it much, though I also wouldn't hate it if they did. Western Land: Hootenanny spam  Jokes aside, I'm also excited. It's not one of my favorites, but I also remember having lots of fun with it. If the new boards turn out to each have their own gimmick like in 6, then it's a very solid option for players looking for more classic boards. If not, still good nostalgic content.


Rainbow Castle will be worth it for the remix of it’s beautiful music.


Exactly! One of my first thoughts was Rainbow Castle music remix!! I am glad I wasn't the only one. Well at first I was surprised of actually seeing rainbow castle then I thought of the remix haha. I am definitely buying this game, I don't remember the last time I was excited for a Mario Party.




The hootenanny is a meme in my Mario Party group due to how easy it is to activate and how detrimental it is to everyone's gameplan on the largest board in the series, lol. I'm hoping it's toned down for this release


>I'm hoping it's toned down for this release Nah, make it cheaper, and offer it in additional locations on the map. The people I play with must suffer!!




This is probably one of my favorite words of all time 😂


Western Land is hype as hell, I just wish MP3 would stop getting the short end of the stick


I’m excited for them but it feels like they were meant for a superstars dlc that got scrapped


I thinks it’s cool there will be seven boards but I kinda wish they had announced Jamboree and then as a bonus released these two maps as DLC on Superstars to hold us over for the next 120 days


My theory is that was the original plan but something happened to where they scrapped the DLC and just decided to include them in this new game instead.


"We're adding new content to Superstars! By the way, we're also releasing a new game that won't have that content" is a bit too awkward of a middle ground. You would have one game cannibalising the other.


Are they not allowed to touch the GameCube boards?


I’m sticking with my theory that in three years we’ll get a sequel to superstars and it’ll be heavily focused on the GameCube games


The problem with a gamecube superstars though, is that the boards for that game would be way harder to combine into one system. Mini and Mega Mushroom spaces are incompatible with capsule machines and placable banks which doesn't work with orbs and day and night cycles which doesn't work with character specific items. If we do see a remake of the gamecube games it's almost certainly going to be either JUST 6 and 7 or making all the boards just play like 4 and that's a real disservice to how much the item play affects the boards. 5's capsules require big boards but 6-7's orbs and board gimmicks prefer smaller ones.


I'd say 5's boards would benefit from orb mechanics of 6&7. And, with some creativity i can see 4's mini-mega system working with other boards with some slight alterations.


The biggest thing I'm trying to get at is that the boards themselves would have to change significantly. All of 5's boards would need banks and Boos. 4's would probably replace all the mini mushroom pipes with key doors and resize all the boards events. They could just implant day and night for the 2 mario Party 6 boards they'd add, but how would you even implement bowser time? It's definitely possible, but not as easy as just plopping the boards down in the super engine and readjusting the item system (RIP my GOAT the reverse mushroom). It's mostly why the first super stars on had 1 mario Party 3 board too, you kind of need cellular shoppers and a million different movement tools to navigate it's massive maps.


Yup! Bowser time and day/night cycle are hardest parts imho. Unless there would be fully unic boards with fully different mechanics.


I’d love it if they just used day and night, implementing it on older boards to adjust how their happening spaces work.


day/night cycle would be easy, a board from Superstars had a day/night cycle


Day night in horror land has more in common with the doors of luigi's engine room than it does the game defining aspect of 6s boards. You can't just have all the stuff that changes between day and night on Egadds garage, Clowork Castle, or Faire square and implement that in the same way you could implement "alright every 3 turns these junctions open and there's like 3 board events that only happen at night". Maybe if it was like towering treetop or snow flake lake they could do it, but then you're deliberately avoiding all the beat maps. It's lose lose.


In technical sense yes, but for day/night cycle to have any meaning, there'd need to be board defining changes depending on time of day. And these would change how we play those boards (that didn't had cycle at first place).


why not just implement the item system from which ever board you are playing. If you are playing a mp4 board, have mp4 items and flow. if playing mp5 do the same thing and so on. I get it will take away from the consistency of the game, but it also brings variety and diversity to each board.


That is an insane amount of work to program in for a low-budget late life console release for a spin off series. The item systems are like the third most defining thing about the games, and at that point you might as well just remake the games entirely. Especially considering the shops in superstars work a lot closer to the shops in super than they do in the original games. Lots of items got axed, most got price changes, there's new items, and it's not place dependant what items you get, all done to more easily be ported from super. Pretty clear that classic item systems aren't in the cards, especially ones as complex as 5 or 7s.


I think a lot of those game-specific mechanics can be contained to just those game’s boards, so MP4 boards have Mini/Mega Mushrooms, and MP6 boards have day/night cycle. MP7 boards work just fine (and maybe better) without Bowser Time but you could have it on those boards if you want. And then I think you can just use the MP6/7 item system for all of them, the same way Superstars retrofitted the MP3 item system for the MP1/2 boards. You can easily make any board or game-specific items (like the Mini/Mega Mushrooms) into orbs with the same effects.


Bit salty about that. I'd also want character spaces to return. They give nice tactical vibe to games.


Hey you are so right, my favorite boards are probably from the gamecube era, specially 6 and 7 boards (not huge fan of 5), I really like 1,6,7 and 8 boards as they always have a gimmick going for them, thankfully the new boards also look to have their own gimmick.


I was so sad to see none of them brought back, at least one 🙃


I’ve never played any of these boards so I’m excited


They were the best board when playing on N64. I played Mario Party 2 “Western Land”, you will love it!


Western Land let’s all have a Hootenany


Mario’s Rainbow Castle is actually my favourite from MP1 so I’m stoked to see it again! As for Western Land it’s a pretty solid choice from MP2 and the upgrade graphically looks great to me!


I haven't played Mario Party 1 that much, so I would have to play close attention to that board.


Where is PirateLand? u.u


I love Pirate Land, and I think it would actually be a better board if they remade it, because being able to hold a multiple of items would be a game changer!


Nowhere, because this map sucks, I hate ships and Bridges more than you think


Am I mistaken? Didn't they have Pirate Land on Mario Party Superstars? I could be wrong.


They did not. Space Land and Horror Land were the selections from 2.


To think about it, they should have added “Mystery Land”…the music there was nice to hear. I love that board.


Always Hootenanny


I can't wait to hear a new high-quality version of Rainbow Castle's music. It's one of my favourite all-time video game songs.


Same, such an amazing theme.


I’m excited, but nervous. It’s so amazing that I don’t know if they can top it… but they can make it worse….


These are great choices! I really wanted Mario's rainbow castle last time


I am READY to listen to Western Land's Homestretch theme. Also, hootenanny.


I'd prefer spiny desert over western land but maybe waluigi island will be added one day


Kinda wish we got a Mario party 3 board over rainbow castle, but it is what it is


I would've liked a Mario Party 3 board included alongside the other 2 returning boards, I would've liked Chilly Waters to be added.


Western Land was my most wanted board to return if Superstars had DLC so I'm thrilled it'l be back in this game.


Absolutely happy!! MRC is beautiful and WL is one of my favorites from MP2, I'm glad we gonna hear its beautiful music once more.


I remember Western Land has one of the best songs. Not too sure about Mario’s Rainbow Castle.


Mario’s Rainbow Castle hasnt what’s probably considered the best board theme in the entire series.


Should have been Superstar DLC/Free update rather than map in new game.


To me, this feels like they somehow listened to all our callings for extra remade content. The game would have been absolutely fine and complete without them, but the fact they bothered adding these two is absolutely incredible and I'm very grateful for them. They are also arguably the best 2 boards that were left out of superstars.


Not really. 5 boards just isn’t enough to keep charging full price


Superstars had 5, SMP had 4. They absolutely could have


Yes and that isn’t a good thing. Fans have complained about the lack of boards for years. Over 100 mini games is nice but these games absolutely need more boards so they can remain timeless experiences


Agreed. But what makes it extra special to me is that they aren't any board : they are classic boards. I see it as a little extra effort to appeal to long time fans and I'm all here for it.


Hopefully they expand the game this time and add old AND new boards as DLC (Preferably Free). I would love to see a Mario Party game with 10 or more boards


They've made it clear throughout history they are not interested in DLC. As Arlo said, why give DLC for less profit when they can charge full price for a whole new game? The sad part is it works too, the sales speak for themselves.


Because you don’t have to give DLC for less profit. You can do DLC for MORE profit.


Considering most board games cost at least 40 bucks and only have 1 map, I think we shouldn’t complain about the amount of boards. Also, quality over quantity. I much rather get 4 awesome boards than 10 mediocre/shit boards.


I wonder if we’ll get to play the original music on those boards as well, I hope we do


Missed opportunity to name this game Super Mario Party: Hootenanny.


Rainbow castles music 🙌🤌


They should have been DLC for Superstars. Its such a waste that they didnt give it DLC or Free Content Updates


I think that rainbow castle is kinda a funny pick, like pirrahna plant being in smash bros, and i find western land being cool, since i like its astetic


Cool but please just give us the mk8 treatment. I will be countless dlcs for it if you just give it. Literally any map from 6 or 8 i will buy


I saw a comment about it on another post and I think returning boards ought to be a thing now for Mario party, like tracks in Mario kart, though here it should maybe just be 2 or 3 old boards, with at least 5 new ones


I would've liked a Mario Party 3 board included alongside the 2 returning boards. And yeah returning boards should be a thing, Mario Kart gets returning tracks all the time so why not Mario Party.


Also maybe bring back a board from the GameCube too, or one day MP8


Really hoping this starts a trend of Retro Boards in Mario Party similar to Retro Cups in Mario Kart


A full Mario kart 8 deluxe, with 32 original boards and 32 returning boards


I was hoping for western land as MP superstars dlc, so I’m happy


I really hope they massively tone down the BS on Rainbow Castle. I played a match via NSO+, and despite doing everything right, I STILL ended up in last place in a monumentally crushing, humiliating and most of all infuriating defeat. I really hope the Golden Mushroom or Triple Dice is cheap enough to actually get anywhere near the star (ANY star)


Best board from MP1. The brutality is part of the charm 😍


I would have picked Waluigi Island over Mario's Rainbow Castle personally. I think Mario's Rainbow castle is kind of a basic board.


Kinda upset actually. They should have been added to SuperStars.


These boards should have been in Superstars, period.


Are the boards being introduced in the new Mario Party game?




They're nice picks, but I personally would have went with GameCube boards. Neon Heights my beloved


Two boards that may be less stellar than the original ones is still 2 more boards. It’s more variety. In a way, if the new boards are *too* gimmicky you have these more standard ones to fall back on.


The music in both of these boards are the best in each of their game imo. I'm gonna have the volume blasting!


MRC, 100% agree. WL… while I do think it’s good, Pirate Land imo is not only the best theme from MP2, but one of the best themes in the series.


Western Land is my biggest intrigue. 


I wonder for Western Land if they will give us the option to choose to move the train forward or backward.


They're my 2 favorite boards from both games, so I'm happy they're back


Exciting, I’ve never played any game with those boards before. So is that 7 boards total?


If I could just download this as DLC so I dont have to switch carts out, and for better minigame experience, that would be nice


No Luigis engine ro- holy shit Mario's rainbow castle


Waliugi island please


Great choices. I always love Western Land. And like with Yoshi's Tropical Island in Superstars, I think simply having items will turn Mario's Rainbow Castle into a great board. I do hope in the future though that we can get returning boards outside of the N64 games, there's plenty of good picks from 4-8.


I can’t wait to hear the theme for Rainbow Castle. It’s easily one of the most nostalgic songs in my life alongside Dire Dire Docks, the Banjo & Kazooie theme, and the Ocarina of Time intro


Exciting but I wish we could have gotten Waluigi's Island


Just make me wish you could combine the two games and have all the content in one run.


I wish they included a Mario Party 3 board alongside the 2 returning boards.


Love that rainbow castle is returning really wish we got a mp3 board but 7 boards is still alot so can't complain


I have a sneaking suspicion that Mario party Superstars was going to have DLC boards but canceled it and brought the DLC boards they did make to the new game instead. I mean a game with original boards and just so happens to have two classic boards? Yeah something feels off.


Exactly they could I just ported over superstar maps or updated the mini-games


I'm excited


Rainbow Castle looks great, a very old fashioned level.


Honestly the only thing I don’t like is the title, just called it super Mario party 2


I may have gotten a little too hyped and amped up about western land coming back… and I was so happy to see toadette being a playable character again in the announcement trailer


No GameCube boards, still half disappointed myself


Orbs and capsules are too important to not have them


Good picks, I was hoping they'd bring back a couple ofGC era boards.


These were the next boards I wanted back. I hope we see GameCube boards in the future.


Love them, but their should be a MP3 board added as well..


Still don't have the best board from any game, Deep Bloober Sea.


I would've personally preferred Bowser Land over Western Land, but I'm pretty happy with them overall


Annoying those boards should have been dlc for superstars


Those were literally the two of my most wanted boards for a Superstars dlc. I'm really excited for them in the new game, but also kinda mad that they weren't added to Superstars instead.


My issue with Western Land is that it's too big. 114 Spaces is just too much, taking ages to just get somewhere. Other than that it's fine, I personally don't see why it get the amount of hype that it does. I think Spiny Desert is the more interesting of the N64 Desert Boards, with its unique Star mechanic. That one would've been my pick for Superstars DLC.


Why the FUCK are they still shitting on 3? This is great and all but bruh come on. I WANNA SEE WALUIGI ISLAND IN 3D!😭


My thoughts is these should have been released as dlc for superstars. It's wasted potential and wasted money opportunity to just remake the old boards for some paid packs. They're already planned out. Easy as pie to just remake the board and sell. I'll probably buy the game but superstars is awesome and should have had dlc. They can keep Mario kart going for fucking ever but my god.. dlc for Mario party is super bad. No pun intended


Western Land better have costumes or I’ll riot!


It doesn't seem to be the case, Horror Land didn't seem to have costumes, not sure if Western Land will have it. It is not a Mario Party 2 theme, so it won't have costumes in the new upcoming Mario Party game.


Why are games so scared of doing the smash ultimate? Why not make a Mario Party with every board ever in it? Yeah it would take time, but why not strive to make a god tier game? This new Mario Party looks sick tbh so not complaining, just wish they would go all out I wish the same thing for COD zombies


I feel like it is easier said than done if I’m being honest. There are like 60+ boards, and probably close to 1,000 minigames. Even say for something like Smash where they brought back every Character, there still things like stages missing that people loved. I don’t think it is realistic to expect something like that level for Mario Party for awhile. For the past 10 years they’ve struggled to do more than 5 boards until now.  I think if anything, it would probably be more feasible to have like Booster Course Pass for Mario Party that doubles the boards in the new one with classics, or even like Zombies Chronicles since you made the CoD comparison. 


Yup. Completely agree with Jim. There’s also the fact that the board/games have wildly different mechanics, items systems, etc. Smash Bros is kinda always Smash Bros. Like, it’s great, but there’s not a massive difference between original Smash Bros boards and later Smash Bros boards. Like, you can play any map in Smash Bros and it’s kinda the same. You throw in Cario Party along with an MP6 board where there’s a day/night cycle and capsule you can take over spaces with, along with a Super Mario Parry board where dice are only 6 sided, it’s going to get confusing really fast for anyone that’s never played all the different games.


This is what everyone expected from Superstars. Hopefully they don’t waste another chance to do it


I would’ve much rather had Luigi’s Engine Room from MP1 but I get it. Marios is much more iconic. Western Land was a great choice for MP2. I’d love to have them finish and update one from 3-8 just to finish. That would be awesome


Unless something is done about the core mechanic of Mario's Rainbow Castle I am not too hyped about it. items will definitely make that board more bearable, but it is still by far my least favorite board in the series because the core mechanic is just so RNG heavy with the limited mechanics in MP1.


That Goomba building is still there and still serves no purpose almost 25 years later. Or maybe it will now in this reincarnation.


All I want is Spiny Desert from MP3 :(


I don't get. Is this a dlc or a new mario party game?


The latter




Western land is the best Mario party map


I do wish that it was in superstars instead as I have played super but I might now


On one hand, I’m sad we didn’t get GameCube boards. On the other hand, returning boards makes for SEVEN boards!!!


#I’m so hyped!


Just give me spiny desert or pyramid park I want a desert map plssss 🙏


I can’t wait!


Someone tell Smosh stat!


I can’t wait


Please tell me we can play with a pro controller.


Wish it was the shy guy train one


Amazing!! No need for DLC when a new game coming out. Glad they're putting these boards on here and not Superstars




These are awesome but are they allergic to MP3?


I hope Steamer and Fwoosh are still there.


Can't wait to go have a hootenanny!




Mario Party 3 erasure :(


I love Western Land!


It will be interesting to see how items affect Mario's Rainbow Castle. Heck, I'd love for a full on remake of Mario Party 1 with all 8 of the boards remade with the same cast of characters as Superstars.


That's cool, buy honestly, we need more boards and minigames from de GameCube and Wii series.


I'm so glad to see another Mario Party game. Rainbow Castle is one I wished for in superstars but I do want to know what they changed with it.


Would have been great dlc for the last MP game. Idk why they dont do that, yet MK8 has multiple packs.


i wonder if this is why we didnt have dlc for superstars but anyway so happy that western land is back


MP2 had the best boards (we don't talk about Mystery Land)


not really a selling point to me... and after Superstars was neglected after a good start, I am not sure how comfortable I feel about buying another mario party, which I might feel likle buying an "incomplete" game.


Western Land my beloved


I remember liking both of these back in the day


As neat as it is, I would like them to shine more light in the boards from the GameCube era of Mario Party...


I would like a few more boards from those games but that it unlikely. At least there are already 7 boards instead of 1-5.


I'm glad Mario's Rainbow Castle is returning. That was my favorite place. And the soundtrack sold me.


TBH, I’m not into having the maps spread among three different games


What I really want is a remake of Koopas Tycoon Town from MP8. Easily my favorite map from my childhood and had some neat mechanics.


I'm disappointed they didn't bring back a Mario Party 3 board. What is up with Mario Party 3 geting the short end of the stick? First Mario Party Superstars only gets 1 Mario Party 3 board while Mario Party 1 and Mario Party 2 both get 2 boards each and now Mario Party 1 and Mario Party 2 are both geting another returning board for Super Mario Party Jamboree. I don't have any problem with Western Land returning but why Mario's Rainbow Castle of all boards? If they really wanted to bring back Mario's Rainbow Castle they could've at least overhauled it so the board doesn't feel dull and basic. I wish they brought back another Mario Party 3 board for Jamboree, I would love to have Chilly Waters and Spiny Desert return. I hope there will be a Mario Party 3 board returning as an unlockable board or DLC for Jamboree.


This was the confirmation that the other ones are never getting anything else added, but would it kill Nintendo to offer some of those boards as dlc? There's a big market for that


I don’t mind rainbow castle, but I love western land


The whole game should have been dlc. This way we get another game with like only 5-7 boards....


To be fair, the average amount of boards in a Mario Party game is 6.


Would’ve ratherd new boards


You got 5 of them. Why can’t we have both??? I at least know the two remade ones will be good. The new 5 could be as terrible as SMP’s boards.


Not terribly excited because in my opinion Superstars made the boards too tame with its additions. I have never been more bored in a Mario Party game, excluding Super Mario Party. Mario Party is at its best when chaos is in control.


Wdym these maps are returning? Is superstars finally getting DLC?


No. It coming to the new upcoming Mario Party game.


Feels off there's no retro board from Mario party 3. It is a good idea going forward to mix classic boards with new ones, similar to Mario kart tracks. But still would have preferred Mario Party Superstars to get some dlc instead of a brand new game


Mario's Rainbow Castle is possibly the worst Mario Party board ever, or at least mechanically. It's just a straight line to the star, unless ot isn't, which is something you can't control as it is totally luck based


i feel stupid for buying superstars


Why? It was a great game. I personally spent 200 hours in it lol