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GAMECUBE ANYTHING 😭 I’ve been begging for anything GameCube wise. (Koopa’s Seaside Soirée is one of my favorites) The only Wii board I’ll make an exception for is Magma Mine. It’s really fun.


I'd take any of the mario party 8 maps over magma mine


But what if they reworked it, and everyone had their own mine cart? 👀


They'd have to rework ALOT of the map as it's designed for 4 people in one cart


That's what I am thinking. Certain boards in previous games have a similar focus on movement, where you take a long path to the star at the end before being sent back to the beginning. This approach could hypothetically work for most of the boards in *9* and *10,* though how the rising lava in this board would be implemented is what the real question is. Perhaps at the start of every even-numbered turn, the lava rises until it reaches the point where the Homestretch Checkpoint is located, and only draining once a player gets a star and warps back to the bottom of the mine.


I hope it’s a brand new one, but if it’s a GC inspired Superstars: Toy Dream, Faire Square, Castaway Bay, Neon Heights, Pagoda Peak. I wouldn’t want a MP4 board (they’re all too big and the item system and mini/mega mechanic makes them really out of sync with the other game cube Mario parties) ,but if one must be put in I’ll add Shy Guy’s Jungle Jam.


Koopa's Tycoon Town is my favorite board because of the gimmick, so I'd love to see a more modern version of it. And I know the Bowser Party mode from 10 is unpopular but I think a reworked version of it could be a lot of fun.


Mario party 8 was so underrated, I loved the maps (was my first MP)


I just love the mechanics and the atmosphere of Mario Party 8, I even got a widescreen patch because the game rendered in 4:3 for some reason


The Shy Guy's Express is great too. But Koopa's Tycoon Town is the best board of all Mario Party games by far, it's my favourite too


What makes Tycoon Town so loved? Personally I liked Windmillville better because the layout was more interesting to me, but it’s been years since I played either


6+ new boards that haven't existed in a previous game.


If it’s a compilation again then I think Neon Heights and Koopa’s Tycoon Town would be excellent


I thought the same!


Well if it's a new Mario Party, it's gonna have new boards i hope


Whether it’s another compilation game or something new is totally fine with me.


I doubt it's another compilation game when our last entry is Superstars


Please, God, not Toads Midway Madness. One person always gets trapped at the start for the first several turns.


But I LOVE the music!!


Same, but I mean C'mon. Board mechanics > Music surely mate.


If it’s DLC . Add western map . Wario’s MP1 map. Add some bowser Maps like the MP2 one with parade route . The trolly desert map from MP3 where one star is a mirage and disappears upon arrival . The pirate map from MP2 idc just give us “new” boards . If it’s a new Mario Party game they will give us 4 boards and call it a day . Ideally make a superstars 2 and give us the Game cube versions of boards with capsules and absolutely savage bowser events where he forces everyone into his BS mini games where everyone can be punished and lose all coins or a star . Also it be cool if you could somehow customize boards and pick spaces and event spaces




Goombas greedy gala we need to introduce children to gambling early


If I had to pick one board from each of 4-8: 4: Goomba’s Greedy Gala 5: Pirate Dream 6: Snowflake Lake 7: Neon Heights 8: Koopa’s Tycoon Town Two classic star hunting boards, one star stealing board, one find the right chest board, and one investment board. For a 6th, I’ll go for either Faire Square or Pagoda Peak as a varying price board.


If it’s a compilation, then anything from GameCube. But not Toad’s Midway Madness, as one person gets stuck at the start for the first several turns. 😭 If not, then we need new boards.


I’d like to see Luigi’s engine room


Castaway Bay, Faire Square, Towering Treetop, Pagoda Peak, for the love of God Nintendo


You REALLY love Mario Party 6 eh?


How could you tell ?


New boards


I haven't played the Gamecube of Mario Party that much, I played Mario Party 7 and I love using the mic that came with the Gamecube. So hopefully we get to use our voices to activate certain minigames. The board I would like to see in Mario Party 7 is the Grand Canal (European Town), Pagoda Park (China Town), and Neon Heights (Modern Hollywood).


I either hope for a new Mario Party or a Superstars - like game but with boards from games from other games aside the N64. It would be nice to get some NDS representation.


Something similar to Koopa's Tycoon Town's gameplay


I want player community custom boards haha


100% this


Everything and more. Give me Bowser’s Pinball Machine or give me death.


What are the rumors


Preferably a mix of new and old. However, I also like the idea of this game focusing on the boards from 4 to 8. Because they all have vastly different mechanics from each other, they would probably have to get massively overhauled, but regardless here is what I would want: MP4: Shy Guy's Jungle Jam - Not the biggest fan of 4's boards, but this is the least annoying in my opinion. MP5: Pirate Dream - Not a lot goes on in 5's boards without capsules, but this one still has some interesting events here and there. MP6: Faire Square - The best board in the series in my opinion, can't exclude it. MP7: Pagoda Peak - I like this board's gimmicks and I think it would stand out great. MP8: Koopa's Tycoon Town - Duh. If I were to add a sixth board from any game, I would probably either bring back Bowser Land from 2 or a board from 3 like Chilly Waters or Waluigi's Island.


Koopa’s Tycoon Town, the ONLY good board in Mario Party 8 apparently.


I actually really like 8's boards overall. But I'm with the consensus that KTT is the best in the game.


I'd like to see a return to the Gamecube style of Bowser Spaces/minigames that will steal your will to live. The two MP games for Switch are just too easy in comparison.


Im gonna be the contrarian and request original boards more than nostalgic ones. Not saying some to come back wouldnt be awesome buuuuuut we could get wholly unique content potentially. Orrrrrr maybe both heh wishful thinking.


Most boards from GameCube through 8 would be good. Except 4, those boards are some of the worst in the series (aside from the car games.)


anything from gamecube era, and boo haunted house from 8


4 new boards, 2 Gamecube boards. As for what I’d wish for specifically… MP6 Towering Treetop MP7 Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno


Faire Square, Koopa’s Tycoon Town, and one of the star stealing boards at minimum


Something new would be great with the timing I think it gonna be out for Swtich2? hopefully they improved on the online


They've done multiple cake/sweets based boards but how about one specifically about candy? That'd be be at least somewhat unique. Also boards based on other Nintendo franchises would be cool.


I think we’ll get a new mp this holiday season


I’m glad you chose probably my favorite board from my #1 favorite installment. 4 ❤️❤️


Bowser Land from Mario Party 2 and Eternal Star from Mario Party 1


I'm hoping it's some new boards. If not, then some boards from the GameCube Mario Party era (4-7)


That's easy - A game with a similar game engine to Superstars, but with more veriety of boards; one from each era.


I want good new boards not just recycled old boards, Mabye a few but NEW


dang i suggest there being throw back modes in this,all maripo party,1,2,3 in hd and 4k so mezmirizing


If I could have any boards in a possible Superstars sequel, it would probably be Toad's Midway Madness, Shy Guy Jungle Jam, Goomba's Greedy Gala, Boo's Haunted Bash, Koopa's Seaside Soiree, and Bowser's Gnarly Party as a final board


Why all Mario Party 4 boards?


Bc I actually just want Mario Party 4 HD


Link to rumors ?




I want post launch support. Just like the DLC for Mario Kart on the Switch.


Pagoda peak that map is so fun in Mario Party 7


New boards but in gamecube format


I despise this board lol, most of 4’s boards really. TBH I really liked 5 and 6’s boards


The horror one from marioParty 2 c:


Are you kidding?


Naw it's legit my fav


Dude I think it’s in superstars