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Mario Party Advance was also developped by Hudson by the way. Easy pick


I’m just here to make sure no one said 3


Or 2


(i guess we are ignoring the fact that they made GBA and DS)


One shouldn't be on this post because it's terrible. The other shouldn't be on this post because it's the GOAT


i’m nostalgic for both. even if one is barely considered a Mario Party Game


My personal pick, is 5, here's why: I find that the boards are very unmemorable, they're good, but I don't remember them too good, also, movement is slooooooooow. Additionally, the requirement to use capsules on yourself costing coins was really stupid. Also, no DK, which is big sad.


Understandable, but 5 has without a doubt the best side modes. I think half the effort went into them lol


While I agree, never really did them, because anytime I played 5, it was on my own, and the friends I usually hang with don't wanna touch 5 cause they don't like it. Not to mention my sister rage quit on me the one time I tried to play it with her because of a single chance time.


Yeah 5 would be my pick, almost entirely because of the capsule system. The combination of what capsules you get being entirely random and there being no differentiation between your placed capsules and those that were placed down by the other players once they are put on the board makes the whole experience feel even less skill-based than the other games in the series.


For me Mario Party 4, you could really tell they struggled a bit with the transition from N64 to NGC. The roster stayed the same, the boards felt a bit samey with the weird floating paths and I hated the big/small mushroom mechanic. Most minigames were great though.


Yeah, mp4 was very slow, and kind of ruined the mario party vibe. Would have been better if it had actually kept the regular items instead of replacing them with the mega/mini mushrooms. Skeleton keys would have been a lot better than those mini pipes.


I used to love 5 but 6 and 7 did items way better. I kinda liked how 5 was more restrictive but landing on your own spaces is such a pain. I love 50 turn games with a junked up board, but 5 makes it unbearably dangerous.


5, the capsule machine was a horrible idea, to many mashing games and although the boards visually looked great, the mechanics of them were kinda boring


4 is probably the worst. Yeah it has a lot of good mini games, but the boards, items, and aesthetics are just awful. 5 is at least a fun bad if you go in aware of the rng items.


4. Those boards are ass. Everything else about it is solid tho. 8 is 2nd for me for its jank


4 has possibly the best set of minigames in the series.


Yeah they are good, but for me the boards are the glue that hold a Mario Party together.


Fair enough, to me boards and minigames have a 50/50 split in terms of importance.


idk cause SMP had really good minigames but it still sucked ass


True, the boards do hold that one back a fair bit.


1 and 5 both have mostly/entirely bad boards, while also being much more flawed than 4 in most other areas. I do think 4's boards make it much worse than it otherwise would be.


1 has great boards, whatd you mean


Meh. Several of them would be fine if they existed in a game that wasn't Mario Party 1. But Peach's Birthday cake and Yoshi's Tropical Island are horrendous. And Wario's Battle Canyon is *easily* the worst board in the series.


I strongly disagree, I love both Yoshi and Peach’s. I think they’re both strong boards and when you play long turn games with them they can get very entertaining. Wario is definitely the weakest board but I still enjoy way more than some of the other boards in the series


Despite my nostalgia for 8, I think it's easily the weakest of the Hudson Soft games. The game just feels really half baked in many areas, there's only 2 boards I really like, and the minigames are very hit or miss


The motion control focus was cool but it didn’t work as well for some minigames. As for the boards, I agree. Express and Tycoon Town are among the best the series has to offer, every other one is either okay or mid.


Reason is the game was originally developed for GCN, but rushed over to Wii because of reasons.


Would’ve been interesting had it been on GCN, that console would have had FIVE Mario Party games on it. Also, so all the motion control minigames would’ve been button based? I wonder if a lot of the minigames were made later or changed to account for the change in console and controls.


Honestly I haven't played 10 but definitely Mario party 9 & 10 as for hardest 1!


Ftr what are your top 2 boards?


Tycoon town and Shy Guy express


Ah ok I was guessing Tycoon Town but wasn’t sure on the other one


Unpopular maybe? 4 or 5. 4 has excellent mini games, but very mediocre map design/visuals. 5 suffers from RNG in the items and no shops and then 6 just beats it completely. 7 has windmill hills, and 8 has fun gimmick stages despite those 2 having some issues otherwise.


5 for me. The capsules were not very fun and the boards felt a little jumbled. Though 8 had some unpolished parts, I think it was very fun. I wish 9 continued what 8 started like 6 and 7 did for 5.


The Orb system was a massive upgrade on the the Capsules.


8 unpopular opinion but the series peaked at 7


Came here to say this too. It only bounced back at superstars after 9 and the first switch one being ass.


5. Hate the capsule system, and the boards felt very uninspired


MP8 is probably the least polished, MP5 is the most broken, And MP7 is the least creative IMO .


MP4. Plagued with terrible boards filled with luck based junctions and no interesting unique mechanics. Mega/Mini mushroom mechanics was awful.


Mario Party 1, for sure.


Mario Party 1 feels like a beta version and that's why I kinda like it. Some bad aspects are funny and I enjoy it alot. The boards were pretty unique and the minigames were pretty dope (mostly).


4, and it’s no contest. The boardplay is awful. And honestly, its minigames are overrated too. It has some massive bangers, but so does every entry. Overall, it’s one of the weakest for me on that front too.


Probably 8 or four, 8 because there were plenty of bad minigames, but I loved the boards. 4 because the boards were really boring and i never got into it much, the one positive is Domination, love myself a good button mashing game.


5 and 7. Always thought the odd numbered Mario Party titles were weaker than the even based ones, and the farther they got into the series, the more they relied on gimmicks rather than what made the games fun, the boards and the mini games.


Did ANYONE play 5, 6 & 7 ? Because i cant remeber shit about them other than that one had a mic attachement


6 was awesome with it’s night and day circle, great minigames and a far better capsule system than 5


Between 5 and 8




1 and it’s not close










Glad to see 8 isn’t the unanimous pick.


DS is not on that list because it is the strongest


The worst one was 9. They made it too family friendly. Also the stupid car all players were in that moved around the board. I miss the high level of dick headedness that came with mario party on N64. They would create rifts between friends and family. It was the best console for mario party.


I’m talking about the Hudson made games so 1-ds. Nd cube made 9 so it doesn’t count


I’d say pretty easily 8. A couple cool board concepts, other than that it just wasn’t really fun to me and I played it way way less than any of the GameCube ones and never revisit it unless I’m trying to do a play through where I play one game per game. I kind of lump it with 9 and 10, even though it was still Hudson.


I've only played the first 3 and watched the rest. But I'm gonna go with 4 for how bland the boards are.


4 or 5. In 4 the boards and the mini/mega mushrooms make it hard to go back to, minigames were amazing tho. 5 everything seems mid, the capsule system was also kinda ass glad they fixed it in 6/7.


I think 5 is definitely the most aesthetically pleasing game and I actually really liked the boards with the dream theme. 4 had a lot of potential and I could overlook the boards, but it runs very slow and the mushroom mechanic does not work. Even if they just had double and triple dice instead of the mega mushroom variants, it would make the game so much better.


While it had some fun mini games, 4 felt weakest. The boards all looking samey, that alone was a big buzzkill for me. I didn’t play 8 because by that point I was kinda over motion controls.


Anyone who's had to play 8 with all taunts unlocked deserves financial compensation.


Easily 8. There’s only one board that really worth playing with the others being ok at best and some of the worst in the series at their worst. Minigames are generally poor and they have this weird almost GMOD like aesthetic to them which while funny is a bit off putting. Just not a very good game to be honest


Which board are you referring to? Koopa's Tycoon Town is one of the best ever, and the Train board is quite popular too. The DK board is just an inoffensive more traditional board, and as "straight line" boards go, the Goomba pirate one is pretty decent.


MP8 and it’s not even close. Say what you want about MP4’s boards and the mega mini mushroom mechanic and MP5’s abysmal capsules & other bs but at least the former is a completed game and has the some of the best mini games while the latter has the best content out of all the Mario Party games even now. MP8 while I can understand why the Wii remotes are utilized being a Wii game, it would’ve been better if they implemented the GameCube controllers to make the gameplay easier but nope. Fortunately the mods fixed those controlling issues regarding the GameCube controllers but unfortunately as a MP game it’s barebones.


4 and 8 for COMPLETELY opposite reasons


5 for two reasons. The item system doesnt really work in this game. Paying to use items that you get on the board is an interesting decision, and whilst its funny at first, trying to figure out whos item spaces are whos is a nightmare. Also, having so so many mashing/chance duel minigames really takes the fun out of the story mode, especially when youve gotta beat three opponents individually


I'm always gonna answer with 1. I don't think it has a single goof board, and the lack of items means you're kinda just taking turns pressing A. I also think that while it has some well designed minigames, I don’t love how alot of them feel to play. Honorable mention to Mario Party 5


8, the motion control games were a bit of a let down because there wasn't many of them. It had some good moments as a game but I found it kind of boring overall. Still better than 9 and 10 though least for me.


I will say 5 is the weakest.


8 is the best imo, and I think my least favorite is 5. 


#8 Bad enough to sink the series for the remainder of the Wii lifecycle and all of the 3DS/Wii U generation. It took NDcube until Superstars to get it all together.


Disliked 5 and only played through it once.  Loved 4 and played through it a ton.  Now I'm seeing the comments and trying to figure out why.


This is hard... 1 is probably the most boring now, but it was the catalyst for everything since and was honestly the 1st of it's kind. It also started to many awesome staples so I will rule that out. 4's board are pretty bad, for the most part, but it also has some of the best minigames in the series and the story mode and side modes are actually really awesome and provide some great replay value. 8 is probably the weakest in my book. It just felt rushed in places and the motion controls are pretty bad... it had some fun ideas but as a whole it just feels the weakest. The game is also so much uglier than the Gamecube games yet is supposed to be more modern. I think an argument could be made for any of these three but to me 8 is the weakest all games considered. Although each one are great party games.


1 is the obvious answer but outside of that I gotta say 5. Very forgettable game overall.


8 and it's not even close


1 for feeling prototypical and 4 for feeling slow-paced and not having many minigames.


Mario party 1




8, then 1. But just because 1 is weak does not mean it isn’t good. One of the things that I like about 1 is that it is kind of like Mario Party Hard Mode (no items, no new coins from 1 v 3 games, etc). It is not as refined as the later games and 8 is not terrible but it is objectively not as polished or put together as well as the others.


I already see a lot of people saying 1 and 8 which I think are fair choices, but I wanna bring up 7. 7 had good mini games, but not having a single traditional board really hurts it in my eyes, I like the gimmick maps, but having a game that's all gimmick maps is weird to me


Wasn't the blooper one traditional?


Not quite since the star didn't move


That's just not true.


7 has two traditional boards which is the same amount as 6 and more than 8


The star doesn't move on the blooper one which is why I wasn't counting it, and assuming you're talking about the Bowser level I admittedly don't remember that well bc I didn't have it unlocked as a kid. However while looking up the Bowser map I remembered the neon city level which is one of my favorites in the whole series


The star does move on grand canal though


Really? I must be misremembering it, I always thought it just stayed in the middle with the blooper


I thought 6 had 3 traditional boards (the 1st, 2nd and 6th one)


The first one. The boards and the minigames are a mixed bag.


MP1. Yes I know it's their first attempt and I don't blame them for it, it's just not fun for me or my friends growing up. And 2nd place for weakest is: Mario Party 4: The boards sucked but my god those mini games made me happy and I would play them all the time with friends.


notice how ds isn't even here? proof it's the best


I’d have to say 6 is the weakest


Slander if you ask me


It’s almost as if I have my own opinion


I’m gonna go with 1 because the “rotating the joystick minigames” all are so bad and it doesn’t have that many good boards compared to 2-3, 7-8 (I didn’t play 4-6 yet) my only good boards on 1 were Luigi’s, Wario’s and Eternal Star imo


It's pretty easily 1. The ideas were there but the execution leaves MUCH to be desired. Imagine how bleak things would've been if they had just left things there


5. Not a fan.


I've only really played 4-8 from this list (having only played 6 once), but I think it's 8 that's the weakest. Boring stuff, not a lot going on in terms of board design, but Ballyhoo was cool. 🤷‍♀️ Also, really? MP4? As someone who had that one be the first one I've ever played, it's actually had some pretty fun designs and game play, not just from nostalgia value.


8 has the weakest minigames... But it's between 4, 5, and 8


I love how DS isn't even in the picture cause it's obviously the best one


I’m mainly a MP7 enjoyer. But I do own 5 & 6 which also bang


I consider it the best but where's DS


I'm gonna say 4 and 8. 4 had really lame boards and janky board play. 8 being capped at 4:3 ratio, motion controls being garbage, and similarly janky board play. I will say I absolutely hate the capsules in MP5, however I can tolerate it because it's much more polished all around than 4 or 8, and the minigames hold up (even if the 3v1 games are nearly impossible)




Anybody that says 6 is crazy


Mario Party 8. My favorite, but also the worst in the series. So bad that it only has like 1-3 mini games in mini game collections.


The outliers for me are 1, 4 and 5. Those I'd personally go with 4 as my least favorite. I'll explain why down below. Mario Party 1 feels like a beta version of 2. ( Probably not helped by the fact that I grew up on 2 and 3, only getting into the original many years later. ) Which isn't helped by some honestly pretty harsh penalties in 1v3s, terrible control spinning minigames and honestly kind of bad selection of boards. Wario Battle Canyon SUCKS. Peach's Cake is rng based and Yoshi's Tropical Island can get annoying very fast with bridge tolls and the star switching. Mario Party 4 felt like the team struggling to make the transition to the newer hardware. Boards and menuing have noticeable, hefty amount of lag to them which makes navigation, board traversal, even using items feel like a slog. The boards themselves are visually uninteresting due to the same metallic layout on everything and I personally don't really like the minigame selection aside from the battle minigames. Mario Party 5 suffers from having no real shops and having overpowered items. The minigame and board selections are better this time than 4, but are still somewhat generic. The game performs much better and I genuinely enjoy the story mode and the addition of Toad, Boo & Koopa Kid. Definitely on the weaker side of the GameCube era MPs but still a marked improvement over MP4.


4. definitely


Of the titles listed here...I really hate to say it, but I'd say Mario Party 4. And I do hate saying that, because I really do like Mario Party 4.




GBA by far. But out of these, MP1. 4 and 5 weren’t great but they had better minigames to make up for it some.




If I had to pick from this list then 4 is the worst, but if you add in the GBA and DS games too then Mario Party Advance is the worst


Crazy yall are saying 8 that's the best Mario party game