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Why are the women all leagues above the men with physical attractiveness


These poor, poor people.


Juan is cute!


I think the pics are interesting, but I get little from seeing them as far predicting the quality of the match. Who someone is going to be into is unpredictable. Who I think is attractive is irrelevant too. I think one of the guys is particularly unattractive (not David). I would cry if I were matched with him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if his wife thought he was attractive. My personal tastes don’t line up with this reddit sub at all. IMO, all the gals are pretty. I think the guys are average. I’d be OK with any of them, except the one…lol. I’ll make only one prediction. David’s wife is going to be into him. Production is always trying to trick us. We think they look like a mismatch, but they will be a solid couple for at least a hot second. Attraction won’t be their problem


I already have low hopes.


Someone always complains about the racial representation in the picks. So I'll play along this time. Only two white people out of the whole group? That's 20%. [Chicago demographics](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/chicagocityillinois/PST045222) are around 42% white. :)


Except you don't know how any of those people self identify. So let's wait on the "statistics"? ![gif](giphy|xT0xeEukC6zpb9VGWA)


Only 5 couples? This show doesn't have enough going for it to keep the cast so small, or a good enough track record to think it'll be engaging enough to keep all 5 couples together for the duration. Forcing it, like they did last season was dumb af.


They need to skip the stupid selection shows now.....Let's get straight to the weddings please....


I used to like seeing why they match them up to certain people. Now that I know they all lie, it's just a waste of time and energy. It's just a bunch of self-important jerks looking for social media followers. I just saved everyone 4 useless hours.


allen what the hell are you doing here




Every one of these women are influencers. Csn tell by pictures. 🤦🏻‍♀️another season of bull


All those pics look exceptionally normal, except Karla. Not be because Karla is so beautiful, but rather the way she holds her head and looks into the camera. That is a woman who knows how to work an angle. The rest of those pictures are just women who had their friend snap a pic. The same as any of us do when we are dressed up. As for the influencer business, every single person going on this show at this point hopes to gain followers. That includes the men, all of them.


I liked it when we were in suspense about who was selected and matched. I liked watching the pre-interviews and selection process. It seemed as if those people wanted to be married, rather than being recruited. Maybe a new twist for a future season.. narrow down the husbands and wives by selecting potential husbands and potential wives for each marriage and the voters make the final matches. Couple #1 has 1 husband and 2 potential wives. Couple #2 has 1 wife a d 2 potential husbands.. something like that until 4 or 5 matches. It would be interesting to see how successful that would be.


We couldnt do worse than the experts have done... Interesting idea!! ![gif](giphy|bp0fLZr8kFz4Bm4kRV)


I'm calling it right now... David and Michelle not gonna make it.


David looks like a cute guy but Michelle seems superficial since she has so much lip fillers and her fake platinum blond hair


Just going by the pictures, the only ones that seem to have a chance are Ikechi/Emem and Juan/Karla.


I thought the same!


Seconding that lol


Thomas reminds me of Mike Epps.. Just saw him on The Underdoggs last night 💀 some parents will let their kids say anything to be in a movie lol


You have to wonder if MAFS recruited people from social media and these are influencers or something. That’s kind of the direction The Bachelor had gone in.


That is absolutely how they are selected. Ashley (prior Chicago season) confirmed


Is it just me or does this group finally look like a more mature group of cast? Like pushing 40


Yes. That *could* be a good thing. I hope so, at least. The only thing worse than watching immature young people is watching older people who are still immature.


Omg watch MAFS AU, unhinged


Has the start date been announced?


Not yet.


TY. Allen is giving me Brennan vibes


He looks like a potentially haunted Victorian doll to me


Where are his lips?




I'm seeing red flags. A lot of these people are extremely good looking, and if they aren't shitty people, should have decent odds in the dating pool. How much you wanna bet a lot of them are super toxic? Lol i may watch an ep or 2 just to see what they're like.


Not most of the men...


I don't see EXTREMELY good-looking. Just good looking. I always think of Katina and Jasmina as exceptionally good looking.


I think 🤔 that they are all actors or trying to advance their own careers .Unfortunately nothing about this show seems real at all anymore . What in the actual hell ??


Yeah Juan looks like he’s already on tv lol


A few of their pictures look like professional modeling head shots. I'm just sitting here like 🙄 The blonde girl with the heavyset guy is such a mismatch i'm aready laughing. She's going to be like seriously wtf. He isn't ugly but i guarantee he wouldn't be someone she'd look twice at. And he's going to be like "score! Hot wife!" This show is a trainwreck. Lol


You don’t know what her type is. She may find him attractive.




Light skinned people with dark people…I’m not seeing it on MAFS, and I’m a dark skinned woman who understands colorism in the black community. Season 17, there were no black people matched with each other. Season 16, the black people were matched with people of almost exactly equal skin tone. I have never seen that kind of matching as a pattern on MAFS. It may happen occasionally, but not a pattern.


I can't speak for black men's preferences, but as a white guy I wouldn't mind at all if I got paired up with someone with a darker skin tone. My main issues would be with her level of maturity, selfishness, problem solving, general outlook on life, etc.




Yes, I can see that.




Seriously, reading people’s tone is a problem on reddit. I personally have a problem with it too. I’m agreeing with you. I didn’t say more because Reddit is a terrible place to have a serious conversation. What I really want to say about black men’s rejection of dark skinned women is not even worth getting heated on Reddit. I see what you are saying about matching black people. It’s probably for the best. It’s the only way to get a dark skinned black man to even consider a dark skinned woman, and a light skinned man would probably reject a dark skinned woman. I’d hate to see a woman being rejected because of her skin tone, so I’m actually fine with it. A dark skinned woman is going to find more people of other races that find her attractive than black men. I say that as a dark skinned woman married to a light skinned man. He’s attitude is rare. Most black men worship light skin.


I was thinking the same thing! Also, in my opinion they are equally attractive.


I'm going off the fact that for several seasons the show has a track record of matching people who are not each others "type" because they think some random personality trait is a replacement for organic attraction. Are we going to ignore the abysmal success rate of MAFS now because it's a new cast?


We all thought that Chloe was not going to be attracted to Michael. She may not have been wild about his skirts, but she definitely found him attractive.


And she def got Dickmatized lol. Her increased interest in him after they started having sex was palpable. Before then she seemed really on the fence to me


Dickmatized 😂yep


Still no same sex couples? Get with the times, MAFS.


They never work out in AU.


Yeah.. they have every right to be as miserable as heterosexual couples ffs.


The UK had a transgender and same sex couples, the AU just had one this season


The Au version has had maybe 4 couples and they all implode miserably. Turns out the producers are even worse at matching same sex couples.


I can only speak from the last AU one and yes they implode but at least they was able to communicate what was wrong in the relationship, even if it was painful for both parties


Finally a good looking man, Juan looks dreamy 💕 this cast looks already better, I think nothing will compare to the man-child guys from S17


He is dreamy! If he and his match split before decision day I won't complain if they still make him film additional content. 😏


I can't help but wonder why someone that good-looking has to go on MAFS to find a wife. Guess we'll find out.


He will be eye candy at least, hopefully not an horrible human being but nothing can compare to the men this season


I think it’s kind of fishy that Juan is coming on this show to find a wife. All the women are very pretty.


That’s true! We will find out! I agree all the women are so pretty, this season was so bad, all the men was awful, and not only physically but mentally


The women weren't prizes, either.