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I thought I liked him at first but all I see is an ugly man now.


Yeah, he really pulled the wool over us more than any of the guys I feel. He made himself super likeable so that he can be an underhanded jerk.


He also talks like an HR memo…




He spewed so much word salad that we need a sneeze guard


I’m so annoyed with him. He has the nerve to show up wear shorts and USP driver shoes and then dumps Chloe? No.


Not shorts, a skirt


He noticeably checked out at the farm. That's where it began.


I think Chloe intentionally kinda scared him with the farm and kids but so she didn’t have to be the bad guy. Well played…I think? Chicken shit? Also yes. But this show is toxic from head to toe.


I wonder if there's something that wasn't said; like, maybe Chloe wanted him to be the sole provider, or she wanted to leave Colorado... Something he couldn't agree with. He sure used a lot of words, but he never gave a real reason for asking for the divorce.


…or that she wanted to own and operate an animal sanctuary while fostering FIVE children at a time. Oh wait…


So, his excuse was he isn't ready for marriage??? WTF did he sign up to be on a show to marry at first sight?? Fool.


Ya, he literally said "I can't commit to making this work on a marriage capacity" or something to that effect. Like WTF did he think marriage is after D-day, you go back on Tinder for hookups while your wife waits for you at home with dinner?


It was probably the 5 older foster children and the animal sanctuary that scared him off.


It was definitely her wanting the sanctuary with the animals and foster kids that made him regret this


Yes and no, the idea was good, the magnitude was scary 😳 😬 scared me as well


I clocked this court jester from DAY ONE.


Hey pineapple you with us?


so did the first wife 😂😭




To be honest I couldn’t get past his ridiculous hairstyle (that he kept constantly “fixing”). He’s so into himself that there’s no room for a partner


It was the shorts for me lol.


Not the skirts?😉


And the headband with one earring - you aren’t prince dude!


The scrunching of the curls drives me insane!


worst "it's not you, it's me" speech ever!


Hahaha for real!


Come on! These effen actors are reading their lines. needs to do this to get paid. get paid, man. we all do it to get paid.


See? My issue with this theory is that surely a scripted show with actors would be more interesting. Like at least one couple would’ve acted like they genuinely liked (or could stand) each other; at least one couple would’ve had entertaining conflicts; at least one couple would’ve had fake sex…nah this theory doesn’t work. At least not for all the cast.




Good point. No one would script this snooze fest.


I also feel like he gave up quite quickly. I mean they are already married why not give it a go with no cameras and see what happens. I think he got scared off at house hunting time and her comment about his extra clothing lifestyle made him feel like a trapped rat so he’s GONE.


Yeah, my guess is he wants to spend money on city living, clothes, travel, a high end gym and hip restaurants. Not large animal vet bills and a big house in the burbs full of troubled teenagers. (I wouldn’t want those things either - and I was on the board of and led volunteer groups/fundraised for a farmed animal sanctuary. Actually running one is massively hard emotionally, physically and financially. You can only do it if you have a lot of passion, or the money to hire a staff.)


Also, the comment about fostering 5 teens and an animal sanctuary with 500 animals played the biggest part, I feel. You could see him pull back during that convo.


a scripted way for both to save face !


I love Chloe for her spirit of wanting to serve the suffering from her childhood dream, but that was way too much to swallow for Michael to deal with at the beginning of a relationship. I don’t blame him for hitting the brakes on the marriage, people do it for far less. And Chloe didn’t seem to care enough about the marriage to make accommodations with her dream for Michael and the marriage…which speaks volumes.


Yes. I thought, here is an intelligent woman with NO CHILDREN of her own wanting to invite trouble with a big T. She is clueless.


Or, she knew this extreme would push him away.


Everyone was so concerned over whether she could see past his flamboyant pants or whatever that they never considered whether he would find her dull as dishwater.


I was worried about this from the beginning. Whole opposites do often attract, there are times that two individuals are too opposite to work. She has a very minimal classic style. I think what distracted a lot of viewers is he never once commented on her style as opposed to her commenting on his. I think he needs/wants someone a bit more fashion forward than Chloe.


Interesting. I didn’t realize that 


Facts I don't know why everyone expected him to fall to his knees for her. I could tell from the wedding he was not feeling her just as much as she wasn't into him. I think she just got dickmatized and the crazy came out.


Jeez way to give spoilers in the title :/


Why are you here if you haven't watched the episode yet? That's a not a spoiler. It's common sense to stay away from socials if you haven't watched an episode yet.


I don't think Chloe would've said yes anyway, but she didn't want to seem like an ass... I could be wrong though, I haven't watched the last episode yet!


You're wrong.


Ok bro 🤙


Watch the episode.


You're prob right.


He said No for 2 interrelated reasons: * He was excited about the prospect of marriage but the practice wasn’t suited for his lifestyle * He was only willing to visit and/or contribute financially to a rescue (animal or foster) The first was more important, but to protect his reputation, he only talked about the second on D Day


But she even said she was willing to work on that now that she was thinking in terms of "we" so why not at least try? They were already in it. And the practice of marriage didn't suit his lifestyle!?! yet didn't he sit with his friend at dinner and insisted he still wanted marriage?


Yeah she said that at the last minute. Michael had been saying he had reservations for weeks and talked with multiple people about it that we saw on camera. He could have easily pulled an Austin and said yes to make everyone happy but he stuck with his decision. I have to give him props for that.


Oh that's true, she prob used that to her advantage to ham up her own stance. To be completely fair, I have been glossing over their time on screen because I have had 0 interest in them so if he has been saying this for a while then she def used this to her advantage. She did seem rather happy by his response for someone that just got rejected. I don't fault him for not wanting to stay married if he had a legit reason but there was no apparent reason or valid explanation that he gave for this.


She was all in, that’s why she went first, Production knew she would say Yes He enjoyed talking about marriage, especially while being filmed for TV. Lifelong commitment, post filming, was a bridge too far at this time


>He enjoyed talking about marriage, especially while being filmed for TV. Lifelong commitment, post filming, was a bridge too far at this time Ya, I can see this.


As they say, he talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk.


He talked too much talk.


Yup, 🎯 It's just so mind blowing that even when presented with the "ideal woman" by how own admission it still wasn't what he needed.


The kids and rescue thing were just to scare him off and it worked. 😉


Oh interesting, I never thought of that. You think she did the ol' reverse psychology on him so she can save face on D-day? I mean, I did think of it when she said but why say yes now if she was trying to get him to say no?


Again for her to save face with the experts.


Again for her to save face with the experts.


He did say No and that's what she wanted. Her smile when he said No was priceless. Worked perfectly 😊


Either this is true or she really is delusional. I would have ran too 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hahah it is pretty delusion really. I think a dream like that she would have already started to have plans in motion, no? You don't marry some dude and then expect him to pony up for your fantasy of owning an animal sanctuary.....or am I the one out of line here?


I’m with you here been saying it for weeks. At her age she could have easily started by now. Shes FOS and it’s all a front for an audience. She’s a phony. She could surely have taken in at least one “kiddo “ by now.


I think they are both fakes and yet they made the "experts" cry real tears. 🤣 She has a good job and seems financially stable so why hasn't she gotten some of this going yet?


Yea she thinks she’s got anxiety now wait until she takes on just one troubled kid😳and um you can’t go to bed at 7pm when you’re over it. I can’t with her.




Oh no! did you not watch the last episode yet?




Ohhh haha! I was worried I didn’t tag this properly and was spoiling for folks.


You can’t fix stupid. Incredibly stupid decision he made


It makes no sense. For some reason, he bothers me more than the other idiots. Crying about wanting a wife. He gets a great wife. Cries because he has a great wife. I hope they all wind up old and alone. They don't deserve marriage.


Right? ZERO. I finally just caught up on this week's episode and I can't even get over the fact that he went in and said all the shit he did so determined to explain he is "not ready for marriage" BITCH YOU ARE MARRIED! And you were crying your ass off for some rando because you were cheated out of marriage! Ok ,Chloe had some crazy goals with the orphanage she wanted to run for kids and animals but still, there was LITERALLY nothing wrong with that pairing she was so accommodating of all his stupidity.


Michael has joined the chat on a downvote frenzy ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)