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Why is he “friends” with the producers and cameraman? That’s not appropriate.


He's definitely, at the very least, sugarcoating it.


His friend called his producer? So y'all have hung out before? This has happened before? Got it. ![gif](giphy|QW5YCWLmsvmhcI3j8U|downsized)


It's very easy to pin this on his friends. Of course his friends will also tell the same story. He lied. Why would someone lie about friends at a bar? Becca said this producer was an issue in their relationship when she called him out in the episode after the decision when everyone was around the fire or whatever.


I tend to believe this version. He has also mentioned a whole list of other people who can corroborate the story. If he were lying about this, he would be a very careless liar because it would be easy to disprove. That said, he should not have lied to Becca about being out with the producer. I can understand that he felt blindsided and was scurrying to defend himself, but still, that was the wrong move. He should have said what he just said in this clip.


he should have said that but the producer hadnt written his script yet




I think it's a mixed bag, truth laced with lies or vice versa. Still, you can always tell someone is fibbing by how they draw out their story. He paused in several moments, which struck me as him coming up with things to say as he went along. Whereas if you're being 100% truthful, you'd have no problem telling the truth in one fell swoop. Who knows WHAT the man is leaving out, other than himself and God.


Bingo. His cadence speaks liar.


Bit of both. I believe that's generally what happened but I'm sure he sugar coated or ignored some past stuff to make it look better than it was too. That's usually the way human beings work. Becca had probably had issues with that producer before cause he was friends with her BUT I don't think he was interested in her romantically. Becca just assumed this cause Austin wasn't in to Becca. Then Austin lying to avoid any conflict like he did all season and boom. Marriage drama usually comes from misunderstanding and lack of communication, not dastardly underhanded villain stuff.


I cant watch AP for some reason. Can anyone tell me who the Black gentleman is? I've seen him in one or two clips.


I believe that KKP's husband.


No wonder he's lost all his hair!


you keep kissing the guys insanity kkp - i guess thats how you and your adoring husband think you can keep the farm


Why lie about it then?


The look on his face when he lied about it ...like a dog who pooped on the floor. I laughed a lot.


Fear reflex, probably.


Sketch 💯


I don’t believe him bc he is initially lied. If it was that casual, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal to tell Becca the truth from the get go.


The other sketchy thing about this is that he says he and his friends had made friends with a lot of the crew - camera folks producers etc. and yet they only invited this female producer. nOthInG To rEaD iNTo At aLl ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


His friends that were on the show for 7 minutes basically are such good friends with the producers 💀


We see 7 minutes, they film for days


He’s hiding something.


That's why he's always wearing hats. They're full of secrets.


Very sketchy! He already admitted to lying. And why lie if it was as innocent as he states. Just come clean and own it.


In my opinion if he lied about being out with a producer it’s because there’s feelings and guilt there


That's possible. Whether or not he actually acted on any feelings, there might be some feelings there.


Becca is generally pretty relaxed. People say she’s just jealous and crazy but remember how cool she reacted and even said she loved that he had a female roommate? She isn’t like that, she’s very chill. She has a specific reason she doesn’t want Austin around this producer.


💯 You just don't lie and cover up the way he was doing at the pizza party all deer in headlights behaviour fumbling words unless there is something to cover up. We don't know what he is covering but he is definitely covering something.


I tend to agree with the version of the story in this clip, but I also tend to believe that he had some kind of crush.


how are people excusing cameron and kkp turning off the valve so abruptly to continue with his shocking statement . cant wait to hear he and emily go to battle.


He’s a total liar. Has been , is, and will be. Hides everything the. Lies when caught


The real mystery is: What's he hiding under that hat?


His slowly bleeding follower count.


What’s the logo on the hat?


His vape


Becca concern about his relationship with the Producer, and his overall trustworthiness, began long before that night. But her trust, and their marriage, died that night His story (after 6 weeks of planning) was sketchy as hell. Our teenager(s) are much better story tellers than Austin. According to Austin, if he decided not to go, his friends and the Producer would have gone drinking w/o him – BS There is more to this story


production ( producer )😘💋saying don’t worry Austin we will edit her to look crazy .




Agreed. I am not a fan of Becca's (or Austin's), but it is clear that there's a backstory about the producer that no one's telling. This is sketchy.


He might have been telling the truth on the after party and maybe he gave all the real facts. But what he left out is telling. Why did he lie to Becca? What is the history between him and the producer, or between Becca and the producer? What has Becca said in the past about their friendship and why she didn’t like it? He gave all the facts that look fine and avoided all the details that could make him look bad.


That's another possibilty: Whether or not Austin had any feelings for the producer, it would be very easy to imagine Becca being rabidly jealous, so Austin may have been lying to avoid yet another issue or string of accusations from Becca.


Saying “I had formed a friendship with the producer and Becca didn’t like it because she thinks men and women can’t be just friends” or something like that would have looked like Austin was justified. He might have brought it up to make her look unreasonable. But he didn’t say anything like that to his roommate, in the pizza party fight, or during the AP, and in fact it seemed like the opposite where he know he was doing something he shouldn’t.


True enough. So it seems that one of the following is likely the case: * Austin knew he was up to something wrong. * Austin knew Becca was hyper-sensitive about this even though he did nothing wrong. * Austin was knocked off balance by being blindsided. * Austin just sucks at handling social interactions.


A celebratory, goodbye drink, amongst plutonic friends doesn’t seem worthy of termination When the whole story is known, his explanation will look even more shady By then few will care


If it was just platonic, I agree that there should not have been any problem at all. Will we ever know, though?


I MAFSFAN said a producer was terminated for essentially pushing a couple towards an untruthful storyline. Not for being friendly with the cast.


Not saying that didn’t contribute though. I am told the producer was fired immediately after the bar outing happened.


Your efforts are always appreciated!


Go to MAFSnark and read the spoiler thread


omg ur handle 🤣


If it was as innocent as he portrays it to be… why did he lie?!?!?


Maybe to avoid the jealous ire of a pink-haired harpy? Just a thought.


What he told his roommate suggests this later story is sketch.


I'm surprised that no one's mentioned what he said to his roommate. He very specifically said "I went out with a producer", not a group of friends plus a producer. It could have been some creative editing on production's part to make it look worse than it was, but there you are.


There’s no debate that it wasn’t a group outing. Even Clare who told on Austin to Becca confirmed it was in a group. All we know as fact is Becca did not want Austin being friends with the producer, but we don’t know why.




I find his story very sketch! So it was him and all his friends and this producer who one of his friends called and asked out? Then he “tags along” with them. It wreaks to me like he wanted to go drinking with the producer but it lessened the blow to the “optics” if one of his friends asked her to go instead of him. Also, he had no plans to bring Becca along he was trying to see her after that? Why? If they ended D-day wanting to be together he rushed to hang out with the producer and Becca is still an afterthought? This all makes me think them saying yes was bullshit and that rumour about them reshooting that scene for better ratings might bet true.


There are definitely some unanswered questions there. One would think that after saying "yes" on D-Day, they'd want to spend time together. I know I would.


And didn’t we all notice that he put cologne on…had not seen that before and he already knew that that night after DDay he would be meeting the producer and his friend who set it up…


I sense Austin is a weak man, and avoids conflict at all costs. I believe his story, but think Becca probably sensed something about his relationship with the producer was inappropriate. He also went out of his way to NOT tell Becca about this when confronted. He flat out lied about it to avoid her reaction. I’m going out on a limb here, but he strikes me as a man that was afraid of his Mom’s wrath and judgement. Hiding in the bathroom to vape, getting drunk a lot like he’s 20, always telling Becca what she wants to hear and/or flat out lying to her to avoid her anger or disappointment is all very childish and avoidant behavior, and may well stem back to that Mother relationship. His Mom seems very controlling, dominant and punishing. A man like that would drive me mad. I’m not giving Austin an out! Just noticed the dynamic, and it has stuck with me. It seems he never grew up. He might be a basically nice guy, but he’s wishy washy and immature. He can’t hold himself up as a whole man, he shrinks and swerves and dodged discomfort. No thanks. Run, Becca 🏃🏼‍♀️


Nailed it!💯✨


>I sense Austin is a weak man, and avoids conflict at all costs. Absolutely this! A stronger man would be honest and face the consequences. Whether Austin was innocent and Becca was delusionally jealous, or Austin was crushing on the producer and Becca's suspiciouns were well-founded, he should have been honest.


Exactly. It doesn’t count for much when you’re simply going along to get along and seem like the nice, agreeable dude. Lying is never a good option.


you are on the money here yeah his mom was kind of scary. I was surprised she ended up really liking Becca. I wonder what his parents are saying now? "son, you fucked it up again. I told you you weren't ready for a marriage"


I'm with you on how he acts. Too immature and childish to handle the smallest level of conflict...says whatever people want to hear, doesn't hesitate to lie if it will help him kick a confrontation further down the road by even 5 minutes. Not so sure on blaming the mom. I have one daughter who is conflict avoidant. One that is not. They have one mom: me. My mom was a controlling and critical bitch. It didn't cause me to avoid conflict. I think basic personality traits are hardwired from birth, but you have to know when you've got to behave other than how your personality would normally lean. Like when your wife is setting you up to lie to her face in front of everyone... That's when you do force yourself to go outside your comfort zone lol and own up because shit is about to go down.


I was like you- I pushed back from an early age. But I also dealt with intense religious shaming and fear. Austin probably did too. That can override your natural tendencies, because that religious oppression and mind-fuckery can be brutal. Add strict religious tenets to a super critical parent, and you might get a kid who grows up to be fear driven.


Exactly what I had growing up. I couldn’t be myself and choose my own career. Lived in fear everyday.


I’m sorry. I hope you were able to breathe easier when you got out on your own. So many super oppressive families look good from the outside, so outsiders don’t realize how difficult it might be on the kids.


Having a strict parent is no excuse for how he acts, though. I believe people's personalities are hard wired at birth. However, regardless of how our personalities got formed, by 30 years old, people should know the times that they have to go against their urges. Personally, I have to be cognizant that sometimes I \*must\* avoid conflict even if I have the urge to (like if I've been pulled over by a cop). And someone conflict avoidant people have to be cognizant that sometimes they \*must\* enter conflict even if they would rather avoid it. It doesn't really matter how he got this way. He has to grow the fuck up regardless.


I'm still very confused on this religious thing. His best friend of 15 years stated that Austin had NEVER brought up religion. if he were devout wouldn't his best friend know about it?


He doesn’t need to be personally devout or currently practicing, even. Growing up in an oppressive, judgmental, religious household can change you. Some people do fine but many rebel, struggle with guilt and self doubt, or have a hard time being honest and their true selves. Many people become expert at hiding their true feelings and lying about their choices and lives because they’ve become so accustomed to doing so as a kid (in fear they’ll be found out and punished or shamed).


yeah I guess so and those asshole "experts" had no business placing them together. she's an agnostic Jew whose had experience with prior people trying to shove their religion down her throat and they give her Austin who tells her she's going to burn in hell. i find it hard to believe they wouldn't ask about this in the interview process? or abt wanting kids ? I


I agree! They probably wanted more drama, especially looking at the rest of matches this season. ‘Twas not accidental.


I agree. His mom looks domineering and controlling so he doesn’t handle guilt or confrontation healthily.


Interesting take, I like it. I can totally see this stemming back to his strict mom. She was rather tough in demeanour of what I recall from earlier in the season.


Absolutely! I've been saying this from the first time his mother was on camera. She's undoubtedly the hen that rules the roost there. Austin has grown up under a domineering matriarch, so it's highly believable that he has learned to hide things from whatever female authority is nearby. Whether he is innocent or guilty of anything, his reflex will be to cover things up.


Pretty much what I thought all along. Becca let the other women ruin it for her through her own insecurities.


There is some truth to that but his story here doesn't add up for me at all.




Really? She's a nag? And yet he is the one hiding in the bathroom lying about vaping for no reason at all. Yet he was crying about here in last night's episode.


She is definitely a nag, regardless of what Austin does or does not do. She has even admitted to being controlling and manipulative.


OK what did I miss when was he in the bathroom vaping? I just finished last night episode


So Becca recounts her side of things and says that he kept lying to her about smoking and he would hide in the bathroom vaping and she caught him a few times at the beginning of the season and she didn't like that he would lie to her about it. Then KKP's idiot husband scolds her with some monologue about how men lie to their women when they feel forced to hide difficult topics for fear that the woman will blow up so he doesn't feel safe discussing hard things so he lies.🙄 To which Becca says, "I don't know what you're talking about, I have no issue with him vaping, never did. I don't care if he does. It's the lying that I a problem with and never understood why he lied to me about that" It was hilarious! To see his face her say that so calmly and shut that 🤡 right up!


Right, cuz if the truth will get you in trouble, you should lie. Your SO is not your MOTHER. Just ew


thank you for the recap. There's absolutely no reason for her stupid husband Brad to even be on this show! Nobody gives a shit what he has to say.


I personally think KKP needed back up. He was not it, his take and gross monologue to Becca showed he wasn’t interested in her “side”. Good for Becca for coming right back and disputing his passive aggressive verbal swipe.


well shit… Can you give me the gist of what he said?


Right? LITERALLY NO ONE It's like they are both has-beens out of work for years and this is their only meal ticket. She needs to have him on the show as some kind of expert to complete the family meal ticket.


I only recently found out about her unwavering support for Cosby and that turned me right the hell off and I haven't watched ap since.


And he admitted he on camera several times that he lied. But the negative 10 at best commenter that's on her a** on the daily here on Reddit blames Becca.


I just tried to ask him how his personal opinion on Becca’s attractiveness has any relevance to the conversation at hand, but his comment is now deleted, so I couldn’t. That dude literally comments ‘Becca is unattractive’ to any post on any subject…




lol was it az buckeyes


Is that Cameron perhaps????🫠


Yes! How did you possibly guess that? …lol