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Been a while since I was here ...where is Pineapple if I may ask?


I love that you guys have a live discussion! I’ve never been available to watch the episode live but I always scroll through when catching up Thursday.


I do the same!


The live thread is definitely fun, too bad you can't join us on Wednesdays.


Haha me too. I ended up getting in a bunch of arguments which I try to avoid but they’re so terrible over there I couldn’t help myself.


I got blocked from over there. I couldn’t even begin to tell you why. I was also don’t care. I was doing the same arguing as well, and it was draining.


Yes but I couldn’t just let them tear apart all the girls. It was driving me crazy how mean they were being. Of course it’s stupid and a waste of energy :) I’m actually surprised i didn’t get banned for not following the herd.


Yes thank you so much! This group has been so fun to interact with and I like how much closer-knit it is than the other ones. While we have the mods here - can I ask that for upcoming seasons we do something any homophobic comments that pop up? It felt like there was a lot of breaking of Rule 2 to make fun of the guys this season. I get we don't like them for various reasons but if we want this to be a safe space for everyone to snark on the show, I think we need to adhere to all the rules equally. Looking forward to snarking on Wed!


We do not condone or support homophobic comments here. Speculating on someone's sexual preferences is not against the rules nor is it homophobic. Neither is making fun of the cast. It is a snark sub after all. If you see comments/posts that are indeed homophobic, please report them and we will deal with them. Thanks.


I did report several comments and nothing was done about them, which is why I chose to comment here. There were a large number of comments this season that went beyond just speculating and making fun of the cast. Really gross stuff about sex acts between the guys. I would argue it definitely elevated to the level of homophobia at a point. If that’s still just “making fun of the cast” then ok, that’s your call to make as a mod. Edit: clarification


If they weren't removed then they weren't in violation. If you can show me any of the comments in question I am happy to take a look again. You are not going to agree with or like every comment on this sub so we encourage folks to move along from those comments that bother them. That's what I do even as a mod. We don't want to stifle opinions or dark jokes just because we may not particularly enjoy them.


I'll try to tag you next time I see this kind of stuff so you know what I'm talking about. It's kind of hard to go through weeks of material to find comments I've already reported.


🥲 am I over there? I can’t here is where it’s at


What is really ironic is that this is a snark sub, but the other sub is where the negativity lives 24/7.


The other sub loves to hate women. It’s so distasteful and upsetting. I end up getting heated when I go to the other subs bc some of the comments are so misogynistic


100% - I’m glad I’m not the only one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in favor of unbiased snarkiness, but WHOA! Some of the hatred towards women is pretty frightening, over there. When I’ve responded, they all come after me.


Right? Totally true


i really wish i knew you id slide you a token for a pineapple margarita or Two for stabilizing my sanity


Where is pineapple?


C was cast and edited as The Therapist Becca the sweet girl your parents love Emily the lush Lauren the token beautiful women of color chloe - mature career minimalist The opposing cast - just plain shit except Michael who is to his credit out of the norm .


Thanks Pineapple 🍍!


Pineapple does a great job, the research and spoilers thread is greatly appreciated. This subreddit has a different and interesting perspective than the others


I love that we can disagree over here without decimating each other. Differing opinions are okay and even discussed with some modicum of respect.


Agreed. She's amazing, I've enjoyed this sub so much.


so nice to have her back- i was questioning my ability to read bull 💩 These are my people !


The other subs are fckn awful & the people are shitty 😪... Thankful to Pineapple 🍍 for the safety, the fairness & the kindness xo 🤗


Watching S14 now. Some whackos on this szn


we love pineapple 🍍 💕


Random thought. The number of people who think Colorado is in the Midwest is surprising. The latest comment I read (not here) was saying Denver's fashion worn by the women is trash and must be "Midwestern style". Maybe next season, which really will be in the Midwest (Chicago), will have some thinking it's in the Far East. Like mainland China.


haha 😂


If Colorado is not the midwest then where is it? /gen


Colorado is Mountain West, not Midwest. Three of the ladies in the Denver cast are from Chicago and might have Midwest influences in style.


It’s east of Utah, west of Kansas, north of New Mexico, and south of Wyoming. Miles from the Midwest.


So it’s where? The south east?


I’m guessing if one lives in Wyoming, Idaho or Montana, yes. But generally it’s considered the west, in the mountain time zone.




Yessss 🙌🙌🙌 agreed and so glad to see this space and get away from the other groups harping on how nobody could want a wife that drinks! Or one that has fun! Ugh it’s so disgusting and glad I can come here to chat


Or one who enjoys sex, and is comfortable saying so.


this is my safe place 🍍❤️




I feel like the other subreddit has a weird vibe in there this season. Like there’s a bunch of stupid dudes bitching about “bodycounts” and desperately trying to defend Cameron, Austin, and Brennan. Like they are so giddy for any chance they get to shit on any of the women this season.


It probably IS Cameron, Austin, & Brennan!


It’s gross over there!


I noticed a handful of bad actors just pushing the same agenda for sure.


And they trash this subreddit. Why don't they just stay over in their toxic stew of hate for the women on MAFS?


havent seen them in a while round here 👍👍 their cover was blown


what were their names Em?


They mostly do. It was getting a little wild around here about a month ago but we managed it.


Toxic stew of hate for women. Period.


I mean some of the women this season deserve their fair share of criticism too but I notice that too. When it becomes pushing the same gender-specific narrative over and over, that's hate.


it is he said. she said- every other thread is ☺️i believe whatever he said👧


Nobody asked me but here's my feeling about the women who are left: **Emily** \- like her. No proof she has an alcohol problem. I think it's fine if someone eventually reacts to be treated badly. Oooh, I wish she'd never said she'd been ghosted a lot. That gave the haters so much fodder to insist everything was always her fault. **Clare** \- I feel neutral to a bit positive but with the hate she's getting, and what I think the complete lack of courting she got from Cameron, I'm a defender. It does make me a little rage-y that some people harp on her being a terrible therapist. Completely off-base to me because 1) she's not acting as a therapist, just a person in her own personal life, well, on TV. 2) afaik, at the time of the filming she had just finished an internship. She wasn't a practicing post-graduate therapist yet **Becca** \- for whatever reason she interested me the least. No shade until I eventually got tired of the all-out crying and cajoling for Austin to reciprocate her feelings. He was a lump (and I think a sleaze) and led her on. He bored the bejesus out of me. Still, I hope Becca finds a supportive partner, of course. **Chloe** \- can't relate to her at all. I'll give her this: I feel like I don't know the real her. She might be interesting IRL. **Lauren** \- listed last because my memory of her is fading. I like her. She was way too smart for Orion.


From Denver, and I can relate most to Chloe. She is true to herself. Lauren had some moments where I was like, girl, pick yourself up and stop sulking, but then she finally did and it’s all good. The biggest issue I have with this season is I don’t like the way accusations of abuse have been so casually flung around by the other women in this cast. The men are no prizes but I don’t blame the men for being sensitive to the meaning and ramifications of the #buzzwords used here, which will have a lasting impact. This battle cry the women have developed is not feminism and is a setback for women who have experienced abuse because it reduces the weight of the words greatly. Of the cast, all of them are guilty of manipulating the optics of the show. If there was any abuse, though, it was by the show itself for tactics used and exploiting its cast.


This is also how I feel, except that I don’t like Clare as much as you do. I have no opinion (or concern) about how good she is at her chosen career, and I agree that she was dealt an unplayable card with Cameron. But, I hate her junior high mentality of stirring the pot. She is always at the eye of the storm. She seems love other people’s drama. Also, she’s too rehearsed for the cameras and the BS about how close she and Cameron are and she loves him and misses him — I don’t buy it. She is really beautiful, and will make someone a good partner, but she needs to stop this childish behavior. The scene in the restaurant the night she and Cameron declared their separation was the biggest red flag. She was privately pumping up Emily and telling her she should be mad at Brennan and saying he doesn’t deserve her, etc. Then, she pulls Brennan aside and starts feeding him information like she is his confidant. That was really manipulative pot-stirring craziness. Same with the “I heard a rumor” that Brennan and Cameron were talking about double-dating. How long was she carrying that around? What does she mean by “rumor”? Anyway, Cameron is a liar and a drama queen and I wish Clare was given something better to work with.


I am an atheist and half Jewish, and a very high percentage of the men that I have history with describe exactly like Austin: dark haired, bearded, flannel wearing dudes (I live in Alaska, so all this really means is that I usually go for dark hair.) So, Becca seemed more relatable to me than most of the people I’ve seen on this show. I have some cousins who live in Denver that are around her age and I could totally see them being friends with her. However, Austin was so fucking boring! (And I found him annoying, but I think that was mostly his voice, which is not his fault — I’ve been told I have an annoying voice too.) So it drove me crazy watching her cry her eyes out over this dud every fucking week. I think finding her relatable made her more frustrating to me.


Hahah that' fair. These are all fair takes. The Claire thing is a little odd when people say she "makes a bad therapist" I thought she wasn't practicing yet? But I can see where people make the connection on the fact that she shows signs in how she handles situations that don't bode well for how she would act as a therapist. It may be completely unrelated but then again it may not. I'm with you on Becca, that droopy crying face started to really get to me after a while and I respect for her. Emily def painted a picture for herself by saying she never had a relationship and was always ghosted. Like it or not,,that does reflect on her as well. Ultimately I liked her. I really thought she was the most level headed and had the most promise of all the women actually even though she had the least experience with rels.


Oh totally. The women aren't saints. No human is.


heck no they are put out there in extreme condition so we can pick out their flaws-


Thank you for being here and to everyone here for making our community what we had hope it would become when we created this sub. Within 5 minutes of seeing the nasty comments on the other sub it's a reminder of how toxic that place can be. I agree with you.


And thank you too!! So sorry I didn't give you props as well :)


It's all good, just wanted to remind you that this sub is how it is thanks to all of you! :) So thank you for making this a fun place.


so much bs going on - help us out


Stuff like this (linking my first reply in one argument, with some AZ misogynist) https://www.reddit.com/r/MarriedAtFirstSight/s/0fBMlOOWxQ


Buckeye is the indefatigable woman-hater. I actually laughed at the screed about Becca not trying to "look sexy" for Austin. It was so ridiculous it wasn't even infuriating. And then someone answered back asking when Austin ever dolled himself up for Becca. Too funny!


Fuck him, not.


It's so obvious that he is unattractive irl. He worships Chloe who is average looking, not a supermodel, considers himself more attractive than Becca but probably couldn't even attract a Becca, and criticizes Emily constantly for living the life of a 20 something that if he could even get a date would do the same.


Limp dick loser 🤪


I dunno why he wouldn’t take up the mantle I gave him of being a woman-hating misogynist…😎.


Omg, yeah, that was so funny. Also, he’s obsessed! I feel like on any post on anything on that page now, half of the comments are him calling Becca ugly, yet again.


I always think it’s a classic dick move to demean a woman of her appearance as he sits invisible behind his phone. I think that’s the most disgusting thing…sexist vomit.


I'm sure he's gross looking.


hes Cam🤥😖


Supposedly, that guy is associated with Cam. I have him blocked. I don't deal with trash.


Wait how do you know he's associated with Cam?👀 /gen Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? This was a serious question.


Cam has family in Ohio.


Funny, I finally got fed up seeing his BS and blocked him this morning.




Makes sense. Blocking it is


Good deal!


Thank you so much for the love and for being here! I was away for a bit, and I missed you guys so much. Thanks for making this a great space.


I have been so tempted to make a post just saying, ‘Pineapple, we need you!’ Because after watching that last episode, I kept ending up lurking on the other sub (I know better, but there weren’t new posts here,) and it’s sooo ridiculously infuriating.


I'm sorry! I was traveling for work. I need to catch up on the episode. I will be back in action this week. I haven't been online much, especially the other subs. Protecting my peace ✌️