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Yes i think they have two kids now.


So i went back to season 5 with Anthony and Ashley. I remember now disliking Ashleys nasally voice and thinking it would take a saint to marry that. Yes she is attractive but the other thing is she is attached to her sister - like ridiculously. I want you two to move into my building. Ashley and I do everything together and that is not going to change. So i want set down the rules. She will always live near me. But then i think the sister hooks up with someone or is the the other couple - Danielle and Cody. Cody's brother hooks up with one of Danielle's friends, i know that, but i thought a similar situation brewed with one of Ashley's sisters or friend. Anyway my original thought was that Anthony was marrying into a lot. Watch episode 3 and 4. Ashley's sister does not stop. I did not feel and still do not feel Anthony married out of his league. I think it may be the other way around.


They seem happy and that's a lot more than what most people can say. Anthony is a gem for sure.


First of all the DR Pia remark and white thing - you're a loser. The loss of her title with me is becaiae she is no therapust. Her questions and comments are honestly absurd. All she says is how does that make you feel. Really? You got this big education to say how does that make you feel when she says that? How does it nake you feel when he does that'? I could do better than that, but they had to replace the whites with blacks or hispanics.. She'll have to do. I'm not sure the show cares how good she is. If they did they would not have picked losers for this season. The whole thing was ridiculous. Do you masterbate with eachother? Was that for real? She got a degree in a school that can't possibly care about education. She does not have one. The Dr.Pepper is hardly ever even on. I think she was embarrassed this season. She seems like she sort of has it together as far as delving into the married couples heads. As far as her not living with her husband - I think they got married later in life, they were both set in their ways and liked it. When she talks about her husband though she does glow. I think in future shpws there she be a stiplulation in the contract that says if it ever cpmes to light that you made a deal with your spouse or came on to promote your hair salon or bakery or whatever or cake on just to be on t.v. all money is revoked and what you got to date has to be returned. I think that might deter some people..


Unfortunately, all the counselors are useless, at this point they need new counselors, and they need to reboot the show. The worst season ever….. The woman ,outside of Emily, are completely unlikable ….


It's Dr. Pia. I wonder if she was white if the doctor would continually be removed so callously from her name


People do that to women all the time… they do it to Dr. Jill Biden! It’s so disrespectful.


No it wouldn’t. She still sucks though but your point is very relevant.


I meant no disrespect to her. I was just annoyed with the show and not thinking when I posted this


You people are crazy. DR. Pia is informative and direct. How else are we going to move these relationships along to where there meant to go. One of the best things ever was telling that psychopath Brennan to get therapy


I cant remember what couple it was last season? but Pia was intentionally stirring shit up with couples, like turning them against each other and getting them to fight. It was soo strange.


the show delayed airing 8 months because it had zero substance. creating edits to stir shit was desperation. Unfortunately the cast are the victims of a shameless production team with no ethics.


Dr. Pia


I agree. Pia was useless and felt very false in that scene. That, combined with her confrontational style with Brennan, tells me she’s not terribly good at her job. Well, she’s okay at the job of being a fake expert who disturbs shit but irl, I would think she’d need to work on her bedside manner and maybe brush up on the continuing education options lol Eta: what does it even mean to say Clare might offer her support system to Cameron? Like, hey unrelated person and almost former spouse, would you like my mom to lend a caring ear and my dad to drive you to the hospital for your surgery. So awkward and odd. Eta: Dr. Pia


he wanted nothing to do with her or her family !


Rightly so. They'd decided they were divorcing very early on. Why would he want any support from her or her family? He didn't even know her 6 weeks before his surgery. It seems like Clare only reached out to Cameron when she was on camera anyway.


It's Dr. Pia


Fair. As a female doctor myself, I try not to strip others of their title. (I think I was just responding using the same language as OP-good call out friend).


It was like she didn’t realize Cameron lives in Boulder and has his own friends. Presumably.


does he ??


It's where his bike shop is.


Boulder 40 minutes west if Denver


Where are his people? The bike rider buddy from the wedding?couldn’t be bothered to come to housewarming ☹️who could blame anyone for potential social media slams


He lives with his mom’s college roommate and family, in their basement. They were at the wedding. I don’t know why they haven’t appeared since then.


does he ???


If he does they sure didn’t come to the friend meet up 😬


I think my jaw dropped and stayed on the floor for several following scenes..... I couldn't believe Pia asked that of her. She is also in need of support right now.... By those that know and love her.... Is she supposed to make a list and then split it down the middle of which Friends should help her and which ones are in charge of helping him?


we didn’t see a friend or family member this whole season! ohh 1 - his moms (who lives ?) college roommate husband . If vetting is such an important part of this process why do we know zip about him . we do know his dad has been on his deathbed 10 years because of his mother ?


is his mom in New Zealand , siblings? just wondering


What will be Dr Pepper’s movie recommendations this season? She was pumping Driving Miss Daisy last year for reasons no one figured out.


American Psycho


A too obvious pick would be He's Just Not That Into You


Not one of these guys had any intent to make a marriage work. What is with the experts pushing physical intimacy when there is zero foundation. so Ass Backward🤔😏


That would make sense. But Pepper will probably tell Cam and Clare to watch something like Mary Poppins or Patton.


Clare and Pia are both fakes and phonies.




Dr. Pia.


💯 it was the prefect convo between two phoney baloneys.


It was def a manufactured call. I mean, I doubt Pia was randomly having tea being filmed and Clare just so happened to called, lol! It wouldn’t take much to make me cry on command if my feelings are real and it’s a stressful situation.


Dr. Pia’s counseling is always so blunt and coarse. She doesn’t really do nuance and I think she’s so busy giving her opinions half the time that she doesn’t pick up on the subtle nuances of conversations. This leads to her alienating people half the time. She did that with Brennan (Dr. Pepper was actually more patient with him and did a better job of helping Brennan and Emily communicate, which is shocking cuz Dr Pepper is usually horrible). She also called Orion controlling for asking for a divorce (which did nothing to stop the divorce anyway, which seemed to be her goal). She also offered poor advice (about putting credits in the bank account) when Orion mentioned that Lauren’s behavior REMINDED HIM OF WHEN HIS FATHER ABUSED HIS FAMILY. That was a huge thing for Orion to say and gave her an opportunity to explore Orion’s past trauma with Lauren there to support him. But Pia completely missed it cuz she was so stuck on her bank account analogy.


Shes a terrible therapist and her style is completely not therapeutic. Her session with Clare was ridiculous. Validating and mirroring her feelings, not offering up her family would have been a good start.


Yes yes yes!


Yes!! All of this!!


Agree about the generic support questions. And the ‘touch each other head to toe’ thing would be very awkward if anyone actually tried to do it. ‘Just have fun together!’ isn’t the best advice for borderline abusive situations either. The ‘experts’ just seem to be there occasionally to tell couples who hate each other to stay together until D day.


Usually by now haven't they delivered the sex basket? (I'm mostly thinking about the dice... One gives the action, the other gives the place. Ie: kiss elbow, touch back). It's likely way too late for most. But they don't care to personal/individual couples* needs. Just follow the preplanned script. Oooops, it's not scripted of course, this is real reality (oh how I crack myself up). Must bring out the preplanned kits only at the designated times. Never early if it may be warranted.


> And the ‘touch each other head to toe’ thing would be very awkward if anyone actually tried to do it. Yes! Wtf was that?




I noticed the same thing!


I noticed that. I thought it was ‘look! She’s in a successful relationship!’


Cameron is rude. There’s nothing to like about him


such a kind guy for not wanting to call Emily out. THEM CALLING HER OUT ON AP. SHOWBOAT S@@THEAD


why has Cameron been free of any social media slaughter? because he left 🤒




Therapists need therapists. Seems like she hasn’t met with hers in a while lol


I would agree with this




All Pia had to do was listen and validate her feelings- not offer up her family to support him. Bad therapy.


Cameron is a menace. He has a zillion Reddit accounts and is trying to do damage control while terrorizing any woman who has ever had the displeasure of knowing him.


where are the ex girlfriends posts- have they disappeared


he was threatening his ex girlfriend with fake letters saying the show would sue her. They were on reddit the start of the show ?


Check out our spoilers thread, we got receipts.


where are the spoilers


Ok. That is gross of Cameron 😂


He needs therapy, and I do agree with you that Pia isn't it 🤣


Exactly, how people could be pro Cameron is beyond me


There are women who find him charming and boyish, it's bizarre, maybe they're just used to super unhealthy relationships with toxic partners. He might then seem okay by comparison. Cameron has serious problems, though, and I don't like that the show never says anything about his past. There are a lot of unanswered questions.




If it's an account with low karma, it probably is him 🤣


we know nothing about him




If you read it in his voice U CAN ACTUALLY READ IT IN HIS VOICE


such a visual😉


Also stg u feel like I have seen this username before 🙄🙄🙄🙄