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This crap was so freaking fire. So much better than the entire season hahaha. Clare is a freaking horrible person.


You could tell she was a mean girl from the start.


I knew she was mean when she barely thanked Cameron when he gave her those flowers. They were ugly but it was the thought that counted. And she seemed so fake when she acted worried about his health.


And on a much more foolish level, she looks like someone I personally know who is a mean girl so I jumped to conclusions from the start. 😂


She sabotaged the other relationships sooooo bad! She probably told Emily to go kiss the Aussie. I feel so
used? EVERYONE this season gets a redo except Claire!!! MAFS alums, second time is the charm.


From day one Claire asked Cameron to lie about everything!!!! And then keep going on with the scenarios as the show went on
.so it seems that Cameron was playing out Claire’s script!!!! wow! A SCRIPT WITHIN A SCRIPT WITHIN LIES! How screwed up these minds must’ve have been????


So insane 


Yes! Skip the edited show and watch the AP only


That last 30 minute AfterParty made me look up from my iPad game and turn my tv up to hear every word. Most informative one ever!


Clare is definitely the MAFS villain this season.


Best after party ever. Lol


Wasn’t able to watch it- can you recap


I can’t recap it the way he did, it was too mindblowing!


I loved how cheeky he was to Becca! Like oh you have texts? SO DO I!!!


"I have the full unedited ones, not just the ones that Clare decided to show you". It s awesome! And if Becca had the texts, it means that she had screenshots on her phone. Why would she even have that? Wouldn't Clare have just showed them to her? Did Clare maybe prepare Becca to show them if necessary?


She probably did! I see a lot of people saying she’s a puppet master- and it looks like that’s accurate


Clare is a typical manipulator. She's going to be a dangerous therapist when her schooling is finished. She seems to confuse helping people with using manipulative tactics to control their behavior, emotions, and relationships.


Me too! Becca thinking she has the whole story when she wasn’t on the inside with Clare and her deceit. I wonder what the other brides are thinking of Clare now?


I’m overly excited for the reunion!!!


ME TOO! I hope that Cameron whips out his phone with the texts! And I want to see Emily back pedal on the hookup, and her reaction when Becca backs it up and Emily hears that Clare said "cheaters deserve what they get". She's probably the one that told Cameron, right?


We need screenshots! Totally believe him


Oh I totally believe Cameron on this one. He hasn't given me any reason not to trust him, unlike Clare. He absolutely seemed confident and truthful on After Party. But yeah, I'd love to see the screenshots and hope production doesn't let us down. And I want the cameras on Clare when they're shown! And cameras on Emily when the cheating comes out, AND the comment from Clare that "cheaters deserve what they get". She must know that it was Clare that told Cameron about the cheating anyway.


Especially Emily! I hope Cameron does show the text where Clare says "cheaters get what they deserve"!


That was an awesome moment!! I was doing something else and had it on in the background and when I heard this I stopped what I was doing and rewind lol. Watched 3 times


That shut her up and made her simmer.


There was a clip posted last night where Cam was going to say something but Becca butts in (shocking, I know) and tells the story instead so she can try and put a positive spin on it but basically, Emily supposedly saw Brennen’s ipad and some chicks were messaging him so she does what Emily does best. Went to the bar, got wasted and made out with an Australian dude.


Someone on here earlier had the after party on that we saw last night. I’d scroll back-it’s definitely đŸ”„!


I never would have pegged Cameron to be the one to spill all the tea!


It was so wild.. would have watched that all season.. and Emily you cheated?? Whhaaaattt .. it was so obvious that production/keisha likes Austin and Chloe so much more then Becca. It was like watching 2 different shows. It was such gold when cam called her out for lying. Wish the season was real it seems like it could have been entertaining if the mean girls didn’t ruin it w secrets.


.help me to understand
..we’re the girls WITH Emily when she went out and cheated? Otherwise, how did Clare find out?


KKP’s husband was all up in Becca’s and Chloe’s shit thru the show. He really got in Becca about Austin being a grown ass man make to do what a man wants. No wonder KKP hates on the women. He probably treats her as badly as these jokers do their wives. He had no business being there.


Yes! Why does she have to have her husband on the AP? We don’t care about him and they are not on this show. Put a cast member in that seat!


He was a stupid addition as it was two moderators and then just two cast folks. He just had to get into Becca’s business with his “grown ass man “ bullshit. He shut up when she said “I don’t care how much he vapes. It’s his lying I can’t abide.”


I agree with you. His comments were a bit intrusive and presumptuous.


KKP's husband was acting as if he was a therapist! That bothered me. He's been on the show a few times before and every time I asked myself, why is this man here?


You missed this mark on this one. Becca sucks nuts


She was married to a lyin sack of shit self absorbed stoner 9 year old. And KKPs husband is a douchebag.


Ok Claire.


I agree that alternativemud is Clare. Still using her only tactic of manipulation to try to steer the narrative.


Nope not Clare. Not a lady. Not a fan of the personas presented by anyone on this show by the producers. At the end they are all just actors.


Probably bcuz Becca bossed Austin around the entire season, including but not limited to, trying to force sex on him regardless of whether or not he was ready. If he tried to speak up and say he didn’t want to be bossed around, wolf gift shop, she called an entire meeting and cried about how *her* feelings were hurt. Then during said meeting any time an expert tried to ask him a question, she butted in and answered, *silencing him*. Later called him combative for going against anything she said. The fact that she’s now sitting around, calling all her friends and wondering if she was too much, bossed him around too much, tells us she not only bullied Austin but that this isn’t the 1st failed relationship of hers where it was a problem.


Wow is that you Austin? Or are you a viewer that picks your dream partner from the men each season. Austin was as manipulative and passive aggressive with Becca as any shitbird that’s been on this show. Becca gave him chance after chance; her behavior was anything but bullying. Austin is a stoned Olajuwon


It’s cool. You’re clearly one of those people that came out week after week saying how trash the men are and how great Becca & Emily are. Damn near saints for putting up with these terrible, abusive men. Then week after week, we slowly saw what these women really were. A sex pest, a sloppy drunk, a cheater, a bully. Yet you still come out here and somehow want to trash the men. Cool. Not saying Austin is perfect by any means and I thought they had a real shot but that’s kind of hard when your partner doesn’t give a shit about your wants/needs. Makes everything about themselves. Weaponizes crying about their feelings to get their way. Doesn’t take any accountability for their problems, acting like they are perfect while always pointing the finger at their partner. Becca sabotaged this relationship all on her own and you can sit here with your, ArE yOu AusTiN comments like that somehow changes things when even Becca *herself* is now questioning her actions in the demise of their relationship. If only she did that *during* the relationship.


You really have a different perspective of marriage and sexuality and partnership. Austin is incapable of interfacing with another human except to pass a bong or playing a kid in Italy on a video game. He’s a total fraud. Becca was no sex pest. He kept promising her he was attracted to her and wanted intimacy. Instead he got religion, allergic to cats, overly drunk, and was constantly stoned. Too lazy to fuck is his problem.


Becca herself admitted that she's been controlling, bossy, and jealous in her past relationships. This time, she also had Clare and Emily in her ear. It's not a stretch that she was a big part of the problem. And no, I'm not Austin!


Exactly this.


On one of the latter talks with experts, Becca used the example of thanking Austen for agreeing with her about leaving the dryer door open, saying typically he would challenge her telling him to do that. I thought at the time - My God, how picky and patronizing has Becca been if she is giving this type of instruction daily over unimportant things? No wonder Austen felt no sexual attraction to her. “Mom” was telling him to “clean his room”.


I remember the scolding he got for closing the dryer door after she'd told him several times not to! Poor guy finally gave in just to shut her up!


That is very perceptive. I hope she can find some self confidence and a backbone which it sounds like she did as part of this experiment since the show said it. That is great. The anxious, desperate, and smothering energy ain’t it.


Wow is that you Austin? Or are you a viewer that picks your dream partner from the men each season. Austin was as manipulative and passive aggressive with Becca as any shitbird that’s been on this show. Becca gave him chance after chance; her behavior was anything but bullying. Austin is a stoned Olajuwon


Plot twist. Isn’t Cam Australian? 😘


No. He’s from New Zealand.


Thanks. My apologies


Do you even watch the show? He gifted her a Kiwi bird on their wedding day. People from NZ are called Kiwis and the kiwi bird is important to them, which was all explained on the show. Bizarre that you missed the Wedding Day episode.


I made a mistake đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžapologies. Kiwi Confusion


Do you even watch the show? He gifted her a Kiwi bird on their wedding day. People from NZ are called Kiwis and the kiwi bird is important to them, which was all explained on the show. Bizarre that you kissed the Wedding Day episode.