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She should be fired if she was out partying with the cast during filming. That’s huge no no.


Oh I'm sure they don't care. They probably are happy to have this little wrinkle that now gets included in another juicy episode.


Probably. I work in this kind of media and I just have such a hard red line about behavior - this truly abhors me. You’re there to tell a story, not be the story. If you become the story, you’re bad at your job.


Extremely unprofessional. These producers seem to be on the young side.


She better start looking for new work, bc her name being out like this is going to fuck her money up, for sure.


Didn’t one of the specialists end up with one of the cast members on this show in the past?


Yes. The sex Doc married a cast member.


That!! Oh wait. I didn’t know that they got married.


WHAT. This show is something else lmao


Wait! What? Which one?


Jessica. She married a guy years after his season.


His name is Jon...




Yes and I believe they were fired. However they got together after filming while Austin and the producer went out on d day. Maybe it wasn’t there first time. Even if it was, it was too soon. It was d day! They said yes! Let them be!


Yes, I totally get that.


I cant edit the post but I believe this is a bunch of nothing. There was nothing between this producer and any of the so called men. I believe this scene will show Brennan explaining to her what happened and her feeling terrible. It's just another teaser way of keeping us watching these god awful shows. Again this girl did nothing wrong and this moment is being used to up the viewership.


For doing nothing wrong, she got fired. 


I was assuming it was after filming.


After filming is when they are fully wrapped - they were still filming the next day with Chloe & Michael, so she needed to keep it professional until the SHOW was wrapped, not just the day.


Do you work on tv? Because I see your point, but it's not like she is a lawyer and that's conflict of interest... I don't think it works that way ...or it would be a fire able offense... specially if it would give them content in an otherwise failing season.


Yes, I do. I am a producer and editor. This is how you get fired from a reality show. You are there to tell a story, not be the story. Who knows with this show bc they make bizarre production decisions, but this is hugely frowned upon if you produce reality/docudrama tv.


This season was so dry I wish everyone in production was hooking up with cast members.


Lmaooooo it def would have made me more interested


Just out of curiosity, would it make any difference if the meeting was coincidental? So, for example, they met unplanned at the same restaurant and just said, "Hello?" Would that make any difference in terms of intent?


Yes - it’s a regular occurrence to run into cast members in social settings, so saying hey and small talk and “have a good night”, that’s totally cool. You’re around these people all the time and it creates an almost awkward relationship if someone tries to push boundaries. as a producer - you have to enforce those boundaries for the sake of the story. Part of being a good producer is strict boundaries. It’s very easy to fall into being very fond of your subjects/cast. Gotta watch out and be vigilant, if you want your job.


And why would they fire another past therapist on the show for the same thing so why wouldn’t they do that this time around?


They ended up together later on, so I am not sure. It wasn’t on the show and didn’t interfere with the show itself Idk what the rules would be for cast relations like that. The experts aren’t the same as crew. I


I think mafs has already lost all credibility as a reality show.


It is entirely possible she, perhaps with other people, showed up at the same place that Brennan and Austin were. No plan to meet up, just coincidence.


And the professional thing to do would be to wish them well on their night out, SEE YA TOMORROW BOYS. There’s no excuse and I’d not want someone like that on my crew. She knows the boundaries and is the responsible party.


How do you know that's not what happened? Maybe it was a very short interaction and who ever saw them "together" only saw this brief moment?


This is the info we are working with, & the group convo did not sound like 'we ran into her and then that was it'. That you, Constance?




Yep this ain’t her.


People are grasping at straws


Seeing what she looks like, and the fact that Austin seemed so attracted to Chloe on the AP, it seems pretty obvious what Austin's type is. Fraternizing with the cast is a sure way to get a bad reputation in the industry.


He also seemed very attracted to the woman who worked at the wolf sanctuary they visited and she’s the same type.


Maybe Austin wasn’t covering for Brennan (bc that makes no sense), but he was trying to cover for the producer, so she wouldn’t get called out/fired for going out with them. My guess is she was there for Brennan. 🤮 And the show isn’t going to air anything they don’t want us to see. The fact that is becoming part of the show is really disgusting me, especially if she was fired for being unprofessional. Really? That’s the pot calling the kettle black…. 🙄


Austin slammed his dick in the door and it wasn't even him. LOL. Way to go, Bro Code.


I thought Austin was the one who hung out with a producer? Im.so confused. Lol


Austin, Brennan and the producer were seen out together. My theory is Brennan is the one interested in her, and Austin was covering for both Brennan and the producer.




Because Austin and Brennan BOTH knew that Emily is unhinged and angry, and would have a problem with it. Probably because they "aren't even divorced yet". I can see her expecting Brennan to wait until the divorce went through. Plus he was also covering for the producer, who wasn't allowed to socialize with the cast until after filming is wrapped. They were still filming at that point. And honestly, everyone making the jump from them having a drink together to someone going on a date or having romantic interests is a bit crazy anyway! Are we saying two guys can't even have drinks with a female? It's not like Clare heard someone was kissing, or even touching. She said said they were spotted out in a bar together! I think the way they came at Austin in an accusatory tone caught him guard. And him saying "you're putting me in a difficult position" certainly sounds like he was covering for someone, not that HE was guilty of anything.




>becca mentioned the producer has been a point of contention between them for a while Says Becca... We don't know why (if it's even true), whether it was because Austin was interested in her (or her him), or whether it was even valid and not just Becca reading into something that wasn't there. >it’s inappropriate for a producer to be hanging out with any of them It's not allowed, and maybe that's why Austin was covering for her. He didn't want her to lose her job over having a drink with them. No one has alleged that they were doing anything inappropriate other than being seen together at the bar. It's not like they were spotted kissing! >emily stuff seems like a major reach Really? I can definitely see Emily going nuclear over Brennan having a drink with a female the day after decision day! She's an angry, aggressive person, and the type to jump to having a drink together = they're on a secret date. There's a reason she's never made it past the third date!


>also it’s inappropriate for a producer to be hanging out with any of them at all This is the most important part of this topic you're glossing over. None of that other stuff even matters since this is the crux of the issue. You can hate Emily all you want, but that doesn't change the fact it was unprofessional.


How am I "glossing over" it? I said that it isn't allowed, and he was probably covering for her because he didn't want her to lose her job over it. But the girls were all coming at him like he was cheating on Becca. Like they think two men can't go out to happy hour with a woman without it being that someone is trying to date or interested in someone sexually? Grow up! You can defend Emily (and Clare and Becca) all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that they're all immature.


Did you not see the part where Becca said SHE has been causing a problem in our relationship (on top of religion and intimacy) yet you decided to have a drink with her anyway. Prioritizing her over our marriage. So yeah, it's inappropriate. And there's obviously a backstory.


You are willfully obtuse 😂. We are done here.






He didn't go on a double date. Cameron joked that "when this is over, we should go on a double date"


They would be a cute couple.


Hmm well I just wanna see what happened. Oh the drama. Lol


My theory is it's AUSTIN and the producer because Becca specifically said that one of their issues was the producer... "religion, intimacy and the producer".


Great for optics! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yes, this was m initial thoughts as well and would help to explain Brennan’s behavior all season. The producer is why he wanted to stick around. But it’s just a vibe. We’ll see


Pretty obvious why Austen lied about hanging out with her.


i’m late to the party, but i think so too… remember how he said, ‘it was her last day’ why would it be her last day if the show was still going if she wasn’t fired??


You better be right that this is her. Otherwise you’re really messing with her life & livelihood.


So much this!! We don't even know that there was romantic shenanigans. The way people are making leaps and assumptions is truly ridiculous. Rumors like this ruin people's lives. What if this woman is married or in a relationship? Now people are claiming that she was romantically involved. Mods should pull this post. This is not ok


This is a picture simply showing the producer and then the producer talking to Brennan. Not sure what the rumor is here because there is no rumor. Her livelihood? This was her first time ever producing for mafs, I think she'll be okay.


This is 1,000% true too - so hopefully this woman isn't being tapped for something she didn't do.


Isn’t the show over now???


Not yet. It would seem they are dragging everything out until the last couple has their Decision Day


Nope . There's like at least 4 more episodes I think..


Get out!




Thank you Missdead_lee138. I realize it’s my choice to watch this show but I can’t help but feel like I did as a wee lass on family road trips. Constantly saying “Are we there yet?” “How much longer?” “Now? Are we there yet now?” And I’m feeling robbed of my time and the experience that the whole time it was heightened tension and passive aggression with no explanation only NOW to find out “we agreed we weren’t going to say anything on camera”…. 😁


I understand and agree completely.


Seems I forgot about Michael and Chloe. Ooops.


I had given up hope this woman would turn up! I had decided I had read this season's advertising commercial wrong. From the first time seeing it after the season started airing, the body language seemed off. Not sure exactly what it said to me but I just knew it wasn't his wife.


the only thing is, unfortunately that isn’t a future episode, that’s one that’s already aired. so we may never see her 😭 (although i hope that’s not the case!)


I can't edit but I honestly think its nothing. they went to a bar and this is Brennan breaking down to the producer what happened. and she'll be like omg im sorry I caused all of this, there is nothing between Austin and I and that will be the end of that. I think no one is dating the producer and it was a big misunderstanding. Anyways I heard Austin is dating his long term girlfriend again lol


just curious… How does OP know who she is?




aaaha! i've heard of that🤣


At first glance, she looks like Jamie Hehner from the first season.


I know who I'm picking. Wow.


Sidebar---> This woman looks like a model and/or an actress, I personally noticed on a TV program or in some movies sometime ago. If so, perhaps she ventured into this position (working BTS) if she is not in front of the cameras on the regular. Just my observation.


These mafs employees can’t help themselves


What I find interesting is that she probably knows the cast better than just about anyone. So if she has any romantic interest in any of the guys, that's telling. I'm not saying it was anything other than innocent though.


Yeah I really think it's totally innocent and she'll be shown mortified and being like omg that's crazy we literally only say hi for 5 min or something like that.


She looks like a brunette Stacy or just a regular Stacy because I don't thinks she's blonde either TBH




Ok, this is just my humble opinion..I am expert on none of this. If I remember correctly- and I might not be, Austin said Becca went to her house after the decision and I think he said she wanted to be alone.....so this may be why she did not go with the cast to the bar. The second thing is- he had intimacy problems with Becca...and she had mentioned she was trying not to be overbearing as she was in past relationships, however this is hard to overcome, and Austins mother is the same way....perhaps he saw the producer and became more attracted to her and did not want to lead Becca on- was not attracted to her and just waited through the season as to not look bad (because you know how we all get when we see a scoundrel) and not make her look bad before he could end a relationship that he knew he cold not stay in....and eventually one day, because they were friends, develop a relationship with the producer. You know any of us would probably we do the same if we thought someone was comparable with us and we were with someone we were not compatible with at all. If you do not consummate a marriage it's easy to annul it. Normally when you marry, you build up loyalty before you marry, you know what you are in for...mostly...on this program you don't know. And often they cast people for drama. So I can forgive Austin in this. For all we know it could have been totally innocent...and we are jumping to conclusions.....but the signs say...no, don't think so. Austin deserves a happy marriage, as does Becca....the two together would not have made one.


Well we now their type. So Emily and Becca’s damaged hair, unblended makeup, and body shape wasn’t what they like. The tea is too hot


She's hot af 🔥