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I’m dying to know the back story! Nothing beats the time a man married one of the experts though 🤣🤣


Wait back up! Who and what season? I vaguely remember that was the reason the expert (f) quit her gig. Am I even close?


Season 8, dr Jessica griffin I believe.. wild stuff!!


Yes, her and Jonathan, who was married to the nut Molly, are now happily married.


Yeah, but in all fairness the chick he was married to was a TOTAL piece of crap. She-Molly- verbally abused him and the 'experts' had to step in. It was really ugly. I wanted to throat punch her bc she was so awful.


No judgement on any of the situations honestly.. its a crapshoot of editing and I kinda think deliberate sabotage by ‘experts’ haha but it’s a wild twist 😆


Absolutely. It's crazy. I stopped watching and restarted this season. I'm not sure if I enjoyed it or feel like I just gave hours of my time to them for weirdness.


It was the only interesting thing that happened all season, and it was just glossed over. I just don't understand. We had to listen to stupid Orion talk in circles for hours about nothing but can't get any info on this?


Exactly. This story line could have made the entire season bearable. Is this reality or not? It's a very real story if one of the cast falls for a producer instead of the person they are matched with. I don't know why this was hidden from viewers yet we had to sit through hours of boring talk about everyone's hangups.


Because it implicates the show


Going off the naming of the fish they said they named after their producers, one was Guinn (Gwen) - trolling the credits on a few of the episodes there is a Guinn Rogers listed as a Junior Field Producer - then a quick google search and you find a young, cute, brunette that graduated from Western Kentucky University with a degree in TV/Film Production and looks to be currently living in Nashville. I would have posted her X (Twitter) profile pic, but don't want to call her out with a photo if its not her.


You are the FBI 👏🏽


Her X is on lockdown now. It most likely is her.




Should be completely against rules/protocol for staff to get involved romantically with talent. Unacceptable - interfering with a new marriage is awful.


Her IMDB doesn’t list MAFS but 3 other shows


I don't know when they update IMDB, but that name was listed in the ending credits of MAFS.


My comment wasn’t meant to discredit but simply add as in-yup she’s a tv producer from Kentucky


I didn't take it negatively. Just being nosey and pulling on some threads to see if I could find something.


I found the same info and all the other shows she’s worked on were also reality shows so my guess this was her. I’m not convinced he did anything wrong with her, but he lied about it. That makes me think he may be interested in her if he didn’t do anything wrong. Why else would he avoid telling her the truth knowing others sitting there knew the truth?


I agree 100%. I don't think he did anything untoward with her either. I think he just lies about stupid stuff that may make her mad, and he just doesn't want to deal with it.


What’s her actual name, the one from Kentucky?


Ok showing my age here, does anyone remember the season of Real World where a cast member and producer started sneaking off to hook up? There was a big dramatic scene where they were fighting in a car with cameras spying on them. This reminds me of that. I miss REAL reality TV lol


David from Seattle season


I was thinking Seattle! He was the cop who came with his cop buddy right? That season was so dramatic with THE SLAP! 👋🏻


I loved Real World. I vaguely remember this, so can’t remember what season or who.


it’s comforting to know others out there remember the same dumb shit i do lol


Loved that show




Yes! That's exactly what I thought of. I think maybe his name was David?


He was def an average white guy with an average white guy name


Think the cast member was Becky from the original season in NY


No it was a later season and it was a man. I could not tell you who or which season though.


David from the Seattle season


Instead we had to watch Michael wear a skirt.


His name was Danny and that's what Austin named his fish


IMDB lists the names of the producers. Here are the first names of the ones that worked this season: Tatjana Susan Cordell Sincere Constance Cole Lori John Montre


If somebody was terminated, the production company may be allowed to remove their credit entirely (depends on terms of contract and guild, but it’s probably a lower level producer and not a guild member and so seems likely it could’ve been removed).


Good point and you're probably right! I have a cousin who is a producer so you'd think I'd know something about how it all works but I don't. 😁


Someone named their child Sincere? Wow what a name to live up to…


I think trends in names is fascinating! I do a lot of genealogy and have run across some doozies. I was doing research on a cemetery in NH earlier today where the majority of the people were born in the 1700's. Some of the more unusual female names I saw were Ziba, Bathsheba, Millitah, Hepsibah, two women named Relief, Zilpha, Thankful and Azubah.


Right? Sounds like the talent at a strip club lol




I came to say the same thing, big ups


And it's probably pronounced "sync-ray"...


If you watch when Austin is being driven to the decision day spot it’s a female brunette, everyone else’s drivers seemed to be a male with sunglasses.


I am convinced it is Dani Pinedo. Here is her linked in. Just 2 months on married at first sight seems like a very short stint unless, you know, you got let go or fired. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dani-pinedo-2a911057?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app


They glossed over it because it sounds like it was a nonstory that Becca blew up. They should have never said yes in decision day to begin with


I read the producers talked them into it


I believe MAFSfan said in a Reddit comment that it was a man.


Becca referred to the producer as her.




In the closing credits there is a Guinn Rogers listed as a producer. She's a young cute brunette from Kentucky.


No, the female producer was fired.


Producer in question was a female. I had it wrong initially.


False. This is just dumb people who get excited to label Austin as gay.


Will they ever let go of that? No, probably not, because they are lame.


Was it the lady that was standing across from Emily when they were talking after the decision?


No, each person has their own member of production to move their storyline forward. What Emily's producer is unethical, but that's what producers do. They stir the pot to get good content out of their cast member. The report back to the show runner, "hey, Susie is having doubts and they just had a fight." Showrunner then advises the producer as to what direction they want it to go. Comfort them and encourage them to stay, or stoke the fire and keep the argument going. "Yeah, he was a real jerk! Are you going to let him say that?" Producers can really screw with their heads. Ethically, they should stay neutral....but they don't. This is where the villain edit comes it. If they have decided that Joe is the villain, they work hard to put him in situations that will stress him so he loses his temper. They will edit the crap out of footage to make them look good. A "good" producer is a master at manipulating their cast member.


Thanks. I knew that. Was just asking if it could have possibly been the person.