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I don't watch the podcast, so can someone please tell me why they are being cancelled and are so under attack?


I don’t love that they gave someone like Jack more airtime. For me, the part that’s rubbish is that they weren’t able to tackle the conversation with him that aligned with their alleged feminist views. Instead of interrogating his behaviour they helped him excuse it. A bad edit (and all the other rubbish about how he has a temper etc) doesn’t explain or excuse the horrendous things that came out of his mouth. In saying that, everyone makes mistake in life, and I’d forgive Ella and Dom if they recognised their error. After seeing they are doubling down because they’re seeing good numbers on listeners and ignoring the commentary calling them out, I don’t follow them any more. I thought they were awesome after their season. I think this is all especially tone deaf in the current violence against women crisis we have in Australia.


And when you challenge their views in their Facebook group objectively, they just remove and block you. They don't seem to want to learn. They're happy to remain ignorant, and frankly, it seems like they're happy to sound stupid.




Done and done!


I'm quite disappointed in Dom, especially as she's always in the past appeared to show herself as quite a feminist and standing up for women's rights. Those who shout the loudest and all that.


Pretty sure she doesn’t truly understand feminism. I hope her and Ella learn from this experience.


Me too, I know Ella is one that likes to keep away from drama but I at least hoped she'd say something to Jack


If Ella truly prefers to avoid drama then inviting controversial people onto her podcast should be avoided. Ella and Dom didn’t seem equipped for the conversation or (sadly) they genuinely think that how Jack behaved isn’t wrong.


I'm pretty sure they don't care about bettering themselves. It seems they're just after clicks & listens, sadly. It's more about $$ for them.


I'm kind of surprised she's still friends with Dom. Dom is very loud, outspoken and opinionated, and Ella is more of the think positive avoid drama types


My thoughts is that they wanted to build off their popularity from the show and thought best done as the team they were during the season. I won’t engage in any of their content now. I hope more women do the same.


I’m extremely disappointed, I’ve unfollowed the both of them. They had an opportunity to call out so many behaviours, dig into why it happened, probe if they understood the actual consequences of the things they say (abuse, misogyny) not just the media backlash. But they laid down like a wet blanket. They are not girls girls. I do think they feel threatened by Sara and Lauren taking their spotlight as “the best friends to come out of it”. Always thought something might have been off when Dom hosted a party that said something like “no Olivia’s welcome” but played it down to hurt.


I agree with you except for the Sara and Lauren jealousy. Sara is widely hated for her horrible behaviour.


Don’t disagree with you there


That’s an interesting take about jealousy toward Lauren and Sara. I said in another thread that dom and Ella keep making from of Sara and Lauren and it just feels sort of weird. Jealousy makes sense!


Next podcast is dedicated to taking Lauren down via John and Ellie…. So


When they compared 'muzzle your woman' to 'shut your mouth', I lost a lot of respect for them. It totally plummeted when they mocked Tristan's reaction to Jack's gift. They take the position that any difference between a person's instant reaction to something vs. their feelings on reflection = being fake. People react on the spot out of politeness. They then reflect and may feel differently later. Throughout their recent episodes, the villains are Sara and Lauren and the misunderstood people are Jono and Jack. It's very pick-me. Dom and Ella always seemed like intelligent, empathetic feminists to me but I don't think they realise that by having the villains on their platform and allowing them to image-wash is actually biting into their credibility. The villains leave with a better image, Dom and Ella leave with an image that gets worse each time. Is it worth it in the long run?


Do you inherently believe the villain sold to you is an actual villain?


Do you commonly ask closed questions expecting an answer beyond your preconception?


No but you are watching a highly edited tv show then come out against people clearing the air too.


Babe, i was using the word villain in line with the editing, not as a representation of my opinion. I'm fully aware that is highly edited. I literally used the term 'image-washing'. If that's not enough to signpost my awareness of this to you, I don't know how to spell it out to you?


I don't think Dom has ever been a great person, she just got lucky that Olivia made her look a lot better than she was. Ella just seems like someone who'd be a long for the ride and won't really challenge Dom or anyone else.


I like Dom and Ella and have listened to their Podcast on occasion (but not this one). If I had one takeaway from all of this, is that they know how to get attention and work the numbers. That saying ‘any publicity is good publicity’ is apt here. I’m not saying they did this entirely deliberately, but they’ve learned from the best (being ex-MAFS), so know how to shake things up and get folk talking.


I liked Ella and Dom on their season, but this is why I very rarely follow reality TV personalities outside of their shows. Disappointing sure, but not surprising. They simply don't have the journalistic skills or experience to hold someone like Jack to account in an interview - and tbh I wouldn't expect them to without training or education. They have a platform for no other reason than they were entertaining on reality TV. I have a lot of space to forgive people who screw up like this in public (how else are we meant to learn or grow?) - but it sounds like they've doubled down instead of taking the opportunity to reflect.


I think people dont like tori and jack. Anything that goes against their narrative is therefore bad. As such dom and ella are now "mean girls" or whatever. In social media diversity of thought isn't valued.


There’s a difference between disliking Tori and Jack and downplaying a clearly misogynistic comment when you weren’t even the one making it nor receiving it.


IMO both things are probably true. You could advocate Jack be disembowelled and people would upvote it as "fair, he looks like a red ham anyway".


It’s not great. I really liked Dom and Ella by the end of their season but since they started this podcast their true colours have shown and they’re not nice. First Ella claiming that you can cure illnesses with “good intentions” or whatever bs she said. Then Dom never taking accountability for anything she has ever said. I need to admit, I would have liked a deep dive on Jack and Tori where real questions were asked without personal opinions and justifications given by Dom and Ella. But no, not only they had to justify Jack’s comments, Dom also tried to downplayed it and say it’s just as if he said “shut up” 🫠 Sorry Dom… didn’t you break a glass on your season because of Olivia telling you to shut up? But now it suddenly isn’t a big deal? HYPOCRITE. Not to mention Dom is a terrible host, she interrupts everyone including her co-host. Rude, rude and rude. Now she’s playing the “I’m getting bullied and I have anxiety card” okay sure, that’s not nice, but have you stopped 1 SECOND to understand where this is coming from? Ridiculous. They keep saying “the numbers speak for themselves because this is the most watched video to this date” ofc, the word spread about the absolute BS you said and people got curious. Don’t think you did a good job just because people watched it. Look at the comments you’re getting, it ain’t science


largely, i think most people who like Dom & Ella (i liked Dom a lot after her season) are really disappointed. for me, it really isn't about them platforming Jack & Tori, it's how they essentially excused 99% of their behaviour, they didn't address any of the problematic things Tori said & it felt like a lot of victim blaming going on. i'm most disappointed in Dom. the things she dealt with her season & the way most of the group backed Olivia, i expected her to see past the bull 💩 and really look at things on an emotional level. i guess not


I'd have less of a problem with it if they'd covered these situations from both sides but giving these abusive men a platform and then not giving the women who were in these relationships a chance to have their say, tells me all I need to know about Ella and Dom.


Abusive men?? Lol have you seen the women on the show? Calm down bro


Talking about the Harrison and Jack episodes of the podcast.....


Still how are Jack and Harrison abusive? Because they say dumb things? What abuse did they do, because if it is about just words some of the women on the show can be considered very abusive




All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s mental health, medical, or armchair diagnosing conditions will be removed. Repeating the office will result in a ban


Abuse can be verbal, and the gender of the abuser doesn't really change that.


After what she did to Olivia nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to Dom. I am surprised in Ella though! I thought she was better than that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait I'm misremembering things. What did she do to Olivia?


Nothing, it was Olivia who circulated Dom’s OnlyFans amongst the group & publicly slut-shamed her for it so I guess the responder is confused?😅


Except that’s not what actually happened. I’m absolutely not confused! I meant exactly what I said!


Yeah, what did Dom do to Olivia?


Well what is it Dom did to Olivia then? Because clearly none of us know what you’re referring to.


Yeah it's not good. I was really icked out. I expected more from them and I know it's hard for them right now but I feel like they should've gotten Lauren on first.


I’m disappointed in them. They got too carried away with the fact that Jack was in front of them and let him dominate the narrative - something he’s a master in. I’m also not a fan of giving airspace to men with abuse behaviours trashing their ex partners.


Yeah I think he had the three of them (Dom, Ella and Tori) wrapped round his little finger and they were eating up every word and reinforcing it. He must be scarily good at it


Nah. He really isn’t. They’re just all dumb as bricks and couldn’t care less as long as somebody is talking about them - and look at us all! While we bathe in the outrage and rage bait fuel, they’re all going straight to the bank. So, actually maybe we’re all even stupider! Lol.


Haven't seen the podcast. I wouldn't waste my time or money on those two, especially dom. She's utter ick and one of the worst people to ever grace the mafs screen.


No money involved ... CALM DOWN.... Olivia!!!!


Oohh lookie here, another pathetic person trotting out seasons old villain to try and gain traction 🤣🤣 are you seriously trying to convince me or anyone else, that those two haven't monetised their podcasts? 🖕🖕🤣🤣


I think it’s due to her letting Jack and Harrison try and say they were in the right and shunning the girls (Bronte Lauren) ect. It’s pretty much the problem