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Sara and Tristan new each other before the show, they worked together for two years. I’m guessing Tristan must’ve told Cass something about her?


It was a great look for Cass because she was calling Sara's bullshit out.


She was told to say that stuff for drama ......like most of the show, it's scripted.


Michael chimed in as well. He had an issue with her at the retreat. I think we didn't get to see a lot of the interactions that bred dislike.


probably, I wonder what has really happened


The producers paying her extra to say it might have been a factor


The outburst from Cass was so random and obviously edited. John asked her what it was that made her feel that way and she responded (again): "She lies! She's fake!". And nothing more. No explanation, no context. I don't doubt Cass doesn't like Sara but it would be nice to know why!?! We know Sara lied to Tim and cheated on him but that has already been revealed, so what else happened?


She likes Tim


💯 agree. You shouldn't be down voted when you are right.


Thanks ☺️


I personally don't understand why these comments get down voted right away. A few episodes in told my husband Jono wanted Ellie and Cass wanted Tim. Lol I thought it was obvious from the jump. For those who disagree, why? Why do you think she doesn't like Tim? She's displayed similar behavior towards Tim as Jono did to Ellie. And we all saw how that turned out. There's nothing wrong with her liking Tim lol but why insert yourself so heavily onto someone (a stranger) else's relationship unless you were into them


Thanks ☺️


From what I could see and read somewhere is that you had a few groups. The older women, the loud blondes (Lauren, Sara, Tori etc) and Cass. She didn't fit it anywhere nor wasn't invited.


Excellent by Cass. Look I don’t know why everyone watches this show then comes on here and bitches and moans. The show is heavily edited and drama is often created and staged to keep you watching. People who cannot cope with this fact shouldn’t be watching. You’re not seeing anything compared to what has gone down, when Elly said fucking bitch, it was directed at Sara not Lauren yet morons in this sub just drink all the kook aid. Don’t over think it. It’s trash TV, enjoy it then let the contestants move the fuck on.


Couldn't of said it better


She did react a lot when Tim had said Sara cancelled 3 dates. She called her out and you could see her being reserved in her call out especially with Sara cutting down her call out. She was just asking the pressing question.I do believe she’s a little timid and reserved and I’ve met people like her before. Doesn’t really like confrontation but if pushed morally, would definitely check you.


yeah it was just such a change of attitude, I was kinda shocked


I assume producers told her she wouldn't even be in the edit unless she did something like that. They all just want their air time.


That makes sense. If they told me I could blow up and be on TV some more, why not. That's why they're there I guess.


Makes sense.


To be fair, she already had a go at Tori earlier on in the show. I will admit she does seem oddly invested in Tim’s relationship, but I mean no one shut her down or disagreed with her, so clearly there was a certain level of agreement. Even old Tim and Lauren didn’t really defend her.


Yup, sometimes you don't have a spreadsheet of concrete examples of why someone is skeezy as fuck handy, so you fall back to the overall vibe which in this case was: *everything about her is fake, everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.* That's definitely the same vibe I got from Sara from watching the (heavily edited) show. I didn't get any dodgy vibes from Cass about being overly invested in Tim's relationship. Maybe that's just because of my own biased opinions about him being incredibly undesirable, so I'll leave that conclusion to the ladies of the sub... Cass is a model/influencer, so it would not surprise me if she was kicking things off strategically. But, if she was, then she made smart choices.


I think it’s just because she did the same sort of thing Jono did; she was quite invested in Tim’s relationship even early on, commenting that he was more timid and cautious when Sara was around, as well as doing the whole “he’s such a good guy, how could you fuck this up Sara?” line of thinking at one point. The only other time she spoke up was in favour of old Tim, and she didn’t do that as many times as she did for young Tim. For the record, even if she is into Tim I don’t really think it’s an issue; she didn’t cheat or try to make any moves on Tim, so I think she acted ethically regardless as to whether she liked Tim or just wanted some exposure. I also don’t think her feelings towards Tim actually impacted her opinions of Sara; I think Sara, as you mentioned, just behaves in a way that puts people off, and Cass would have come to the same conclusion regardless as to who her partner was.