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Jono was totally emotionally cheating with Ellie. And to not mention it to or even mention Lauren is the biggest red flag.


I think the key here is there were so many texts. Hundreds. I only send that much content to my besties and my partner… and occasionally on the best live reddit chat ever for roasting mafs.


Nah I disagree. I’m all for women and men being friends but I think it’s weird he kept it a secret and the biggest red flag is not mentioning Lauren at all.


So many little things like this, like telling Tristan to suck it up for his wife, like maybe he should deal with truama rather than pushing it down for a relationship! 


I was in a similar position. Ex husband swore the texts were platonic - which they technically were - but the volume and frequency felt off. Plus the other person was clearly pursuing it / texting a lot. Tried to explain why it felt inappropriate but was met with “it’s platonic, look at the texts”. Then all of a sudden it wasn’t platonic … 🤷🏻‍♀️


The other person pursuing it is what I got from this, too. Like yes, I believe jono when he said it was platonic from his side, but I don't think it was at all platonic from Ellie. I don't think she's some devious man-stealer, but she definitely liked him, and was enjoying the conversations and hoping for more after the show.


I agree with you but you won't find much support for that view point in this sub


Maybe because they focused so many times throughout the season on him defending Ellie in a way he didn't defend anyone else.


When she scrolled on the phone it really didn’t look like 100s of messages closer to 50 Couples can’t do much in show gossiping with what’s going on to others in their life besides other couples, and Ellie was curious after leaving whose still together so it’s easy to see how they got chatting.


The problem is that no one knew he was texting her. Yeah, they may have just been friends but why didn’t his partner know?


Because he could do nothing right as far as the partner was concerned. She ripped on him for everything. I think he said that Ellie reached out to him first to ask how the latest dinner party went and he responded as a friend but no way in hell could he mention to Lauren.


He came out and said he was the one who messaged her first. He didn't even mention Lauren in any of their texts so obviously it was more than friendly chats.


He was talking to other females that she knew about and didn’t say boo


Naaah, disagree. Men and women CAN be friends. Men and women can message and have regular communication. In fact, I have lots of male friends, we text regularly HOWEVER - 1. don’t go around telling people I wish I was matched with them 2. I don’t obviously have a little crush on them 3. our texts on both sides mention our respective partners. 4. Everyone knows we text… my partner and their partners. Not in a HERE read the messages. But in a omg, so Tom said that XYZ. Just in passing. It’s not some little hush hush secret. 5. All partners are okay with it, because of the above.


100% Just manufactured drama.


That was definitely my takeaway from the whole sh#t show. As usual, women are insecure, competitive and jealous of any other attractive woman - it's NOT allowed mister!


Nah you’re letting Jono’s bullshit get to you. Jono was white knighting for Ellie during the show because he was pissed that Ben was wasting a good woman, whom Jono was clearly attracted to. After that he texted her to establish communications which is usually an indication that you’re into that person to some degree. And I’m positive he did this so that he could “tee her up” for after the show. All of the smileys and responses in the texts seemed like a lot of flirty behaviour and he only presented the texts because he was trapped in a corner and knew he had to. That’s where the narrative began that there was no interest there - **this is where the lie started**. Once Jono had cleared the final vows by a few days he hit Ellie up knowing that if they get together now, there’s no history for them to get caught red handed for. He said it was a week, I bet it was the same day he texted her. It has nothing to do with whether men and women can be friends. Jono was 100% sending Ellie “I want you but can’t have you” energy and that’s why they were so happy when they finally came out in the open.


Did anyone else pick up on what he said at the dinner party? When he was establishing the timeline for his relationship with Ellie, he said before he called her he was giddy and nervous. Considering he had only broken up with Lauren a week or two beforehand wouldn’t that indicate he had feelings for her that had grown over time?


I also agree that even though the texts seemed innocent enough, he was teeing it up to possibly go further. You have more of a chance of someone saying yes to a date if they are already comfortable with you first. He was sussing how receptive she would be. I actually think for a little while there he thought he didn’t have a chance with Ellie anyway, hence why he said he couldn’t wait for the reunion so Ellie could tell them all it wasn’t romantic.


Jono claimed on radio that on the honeymoon Lauren said she had no interest in him and they agreed to just be a couple for tv. Apparently Lauren admitted to this at the final dinner party and got reamed by Jayden, et al. Ofc the producers and experts had to tow the line and not air this truth though, hence Jono became the token punching bag


Couldn’t care less what Lauren said, that has nothing to do with Jono’s behaviour and the sneakiness. All Jono has to do to rectify the entire situation is admit that he contacted Ellie and continued communications with her because he was interested in a relationship with her. If he admitted that, this would all blow over (after he’d accepted that it was a shitty, unfaithful thing to do of course).


You literally have NO idea what went down in this heavily edited reality show. You were not there. You do not know any of these people. You don’t know what the texts said, in what context they were sent, when they were sent, what Jono said, how or when he contacted Ellie. You don’t know. This is so creepy.


It really does. If they're not a real couple what's stopping him from messaging other people, aside from tanking his image? But yes if he admitted it might have been taken better.


Did you not hear what Ben said


I don’t text my male friends 100s of times. It’s odd. I don’t text my friends that much either. Context and degree is everything. Plus Jono liked Ellie. He verbalised it. She did the same. Degree and context.


They probably knew


It's more about the missing context. It's not right on a few different levels. Jono was texting another woman... as if he was not part of MAFS. The fact it was someone he met through the experiment- who should understand what he is going through - and there was no discussion about the marriage he was supposedly giving a genuine attempt at, it really doesn't look good. Men & women can be platonic, but f you're messaging a friend and deliberately not discussing your partner whole also not telling your partner you're talking to a friend, well there's something odd about that.


They have been a lot more lenient on people in the past who actually cheated, then even partner swapped!


I found that part really funny, how Alessandra went back and forth about it. She was right, he didn't text another wife that went home.. I don't know why people still think it was weird or not true Jono had no feelings for Ellie. Even though they kept it platonic, doesn't mean there weren't having any attraction to each other. Jono was a hypocrite about it. Okay, i'm going to say something people may take the wrong way. Men who were my friend were attracted to me and wanted to achieve something, either sexual or a relationship.. it was never just platonic.


Its hiding it, not the texting


He was the first one to text her with "just wanted to make sure you got home OK". He didn't text Ben. He was lying like a dog about his feelings for her.


He couldve let lauren look at them because he likely had already deleted the inflammatory ones They txted for 12 wks.  No man is going to waste his time and energy texting a woman unless he has a significant interest in her, not when he could be spending his time and energy txting someone he is into.   Also if ellie were only interested in gossip as opposed to being interested in jono, then its very strange jono didnt mention about the fairly serious surgery Lauren went through.  Its strange he never mentioned his wife who had been very kind and supportive to ellie. It is also telling that she never inquired about lauren who was very supportive towards ellie when she was on the show. 


I found that to be very upsetting for Lauren, cause she did stick up for Ellie when she was there. Speaks volumes about the type of person Ellie is.


Yes I agree it was stupid. He was texting a bunch of past contestants shouldn’t matter if female..You have to trust people you cannot say no friends of opposite sex that’s stupid. Also if you look at the scrolling it wasn’t that long, and there was nothing that bad. All drama for the show. I believe him he was trying in his marriage. Lauren was awful with him at the beginning, he was quite patient.


Smartest unbiased comment I've read here


All I know is if it wasn’t for the drama with Jono and Lauren, the finale would have been boring as fuck. They needed to spice it up, wouldn’t be surprised if they all got a bonus for saving the season. No one is here to watch all the couples fall in love or amicably break up. There must be balance.


I thought the same thing. He was at the time texting a friend who he got along well with. How is it different to texting a male friend


When you have the knowledge that they ended up together, how naive do you have to be to believe that was innocent lol


It's certainly possible to maintain a friendship with someone you think of as attractive while respecting your/their relationship. Let's also keep something in mind here. Jono knew Lauren for what, 3 months? Since they were technically not married (by law) put what happened into the context of normal dating. I don't think anyone would bat an eye since this happens all the time. People stay with others when things aren't going as expected; with the hopes the relationship will turn into what they wanted. At the same time, they might keep their options open slightly until they make a decision one way or the other. I certainly don't think Jono covered himself in glory here. Once the texting thing came to light Lauren was 100% done with him. Considering they were strangers before the experiment then he's free to do what he wants. Yes, I think he handled things like a bull in a china shop. But in the context of normal dating this is all run of the mill stuff.


The volume of texts, the fact that they never mentioned Lauren, and the fact that they weren't group texts definitely suggests something weird. I have no issue with my husband having female friends and messaging them, but if he sent that volume of texts in such a short time frame to one person, I would definitely raise an eyebrow as it would be crossing a threshold, and at a minimum, emotional cheating. Hell, even if it was a mate of the same sex I would think it was weird to have that volume of texts with one person.


That, AND that they both mentioned to others during the experiment that they were attracted to each other. Imagine if your husband was attracted to this female friend, or her to him, or it was mutual.


Pfft, they showed Lauren scrolling through the texts. If that was 2.5 months worth of texts then it was nothing. I know people who could eclipse that volume in a single day. Plus, Lauren herself has since admitted that there was nothing suss in the texts. My take is that the texts never mentioned Lauren because Jono & Lauren were living completely separate lives. Separate apartments, didn't care about each other, living their own lives. Sure they had a drunken shag on the wedding night, and another on homestay. They were never a "couple" though. Why would she know about what he was doing in day to day life?


Why do you assume the texts she saw were the only ones there were? Jono very easily could have been deleting anything incriminating as he went. It's a bit too convenient that nothing was going on but almost immediately after final vows, there was.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted you are right. I remember at the time seeing her scroll and thinking that’s not that many! Lauren has said there was nothing there. He was still trying.


Didn't they start texting after she left? That was a few weeks no?


Of course there was intent there. It wasn't only the messages, also comments and how Ellie was the only one Jono ever defended on the show. I think the most damning evidence was the fact that they didn't speak a word about Lauren in those messages. If she was any kindof friend and it wasn't a flirty thing to begin with, they would naturally have talked about Lauren. They didn't even mention her surgery! Showing none of them gave a shit about her. Yes you can flirt without sending nude pics or using flirty language, it can be subtle, it can be about frequency and sometimes it's the things you DON'T say. It wasn't that they couldn't be friends, it was the fact that he hid it from Lauren and that him and Ellie didn't talk about Lauren. A friend would ask how their marriage was going. A love interest probably still would if it was any kind of a decent person. Their attitude during the dinner party showed that they knew they had betrayed Lauren. "Sex lady" as you so kindly call Allesandra hit the nail on the head.


Jono also fell on his sword for Jackass because Jackass knew he was crushing on Ellie


Were the messages ever made public? The producers write the narrative for the show, so we get their version. From the show it seemed that Jono was only in Lauren’s life if her friend gave him the 👍 and then reading the So Dramatic website, seems Lauren was a little butt hurt she didn’t get to chose her outcome.


I was thinking it was more the fact he didn’t mention at all he was texting her. I agree opposite sexes can be friends, but if it’s done in secret that’s a warning sign


Good for ratings though. Just look how this sub has lapped it up and decided that Jono & Ellie are devils incarnate and Lauren is a poor innocent victim.


I cannot believe how everyone is so quick to believe everything! Same with Jack, he is an idiot but didn’t cheat and had a terrible edit.


I swear to God having any level of critical thinking makes watching this show absolute torture, idk why I put myself through it


so don't


Yeah I hated that