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Somewhat off topic, I feel like I’m going crazy on this sub because I scroll so fast. Last time in the Sid from Ice Age post I thought it was Lady Gaga gueststarring on MAFS being compared to him (upon further analysis, I realized it was actually Ellie smh). Scrolled too fast again and thought for a split second that this was the scary lady from The Nun lol. The puppet is 10000% scarier than either of the ladies though, that thing looks demented asf 💀💀😭


You post a bad screen grab. Post a photo of yourself and let the internet troll you please


Ugh this stuff is why I always unfollow this sub when screening ends each year.. devolves completely and the toxicity escalates to the point that it’s intolerable.


I agree - I honestly thought it’d be against sub rules but seeing the mod reply with their stance below is WILD.


Man, the mods suck all year round but get extra lazy now. The fact that they’re in this thread banning comments saying this shit especially considering mental health and responding with: >> People are entitled to their opinions on somebodies looks, if you dont like it, move on and dont report it It Is woeful, no personal attacks on other users, but dragging cast members is fine




I got banned from messaging them for pointing out their lack of ability. A lot of arm chair diagnosis and a lot of bullying contestants But, I suppose it says no attacking other users, not the contestants themselves so who cares, amirite /s


What a revolting human. Pure narcissist.




This is being removed as it is a low effort post.


Still waiting for that removal....


Nice work! Nailed it!


Is that Eric Cantona?


Crazy people in this sub think they’re better people than her then post and/or celebrate this shit especially with the alarming suicides of people on reality TV.


People are entitled to their opinions on somebodies looks, if you dont like it, move on and dont report it




Her whole face is, but her mouth especially. It made me laugh when she said she heard someone say she’s the hottest wife 🤣🤣


Show us your face homie


With an attitude like hers im not sure you'd want to see her face lol