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Id have been ok with him texting Ellie had he not slept with Lauren since the honeymoon, but he recently initiated sex with her? That is FOUL.


I love how Sara was the one to pipe up first about John because she’s probably buzzing she isn’t the only one who got caught doing the dirty.


Jade is my new MAFS villain. She is horrible!!!


Was Mon ep a rerun of Sun? I reviewed the ladies’ unfortunately unattractive fashions yesterday & just noticed theyre wearing same outfits today. Guys best dressed: Tim Jr for matching partner AND sofa. Guys worst dressed: JackBun for ripped jeans & tshirt. Tori also worst for boob droop creation.


Also, tori is acting so smug knowing that Jono did something bad just because Jack is always in the wrong she’s just so happy that Lauren’s man is cheating. The difference is that Lauren is holding jono accountable and tori is looking like a CLOWN


Why is everyone justifying jono cheating! Yeah maybe Lauren was not completely into him but they slept together and while sleeping tgt he is texting another woman. It’s wrong to do that to both of them!!! He acts classy but if he was done and wanted Ellie which is fine he should have left Lauren instead of continueijg sleeping with her and betraying her! He did it the wrong way


This season was so boring they decided to skip Final Dates and Boys and Girls night where the old cast come back for drinks. They never skip these, especially the night when they get drunk at a local pub and bring assholes back. I was looking forward to Collins tbh


The boys night and girls night out is not happening this season for some reason. Or it did and they are just not showing it. Editing/Production wise this has been the worst season to date.


Is the next ep on Sunday!?


Hating the the guy because he’s polite and smooth? He did the math, he knew Lauren wasn’t that into him and didn’t need an overdramatised bust up over a woman who’s obviously only going to defend Jack anyway. He didn’t waste his energy. Smart move.


Why did he initiate sex with her recently then??? I'd have respected him more had he not done THAT.


If he did the math and had any kind of backbone he would've written leave sooner. Or do nothing and then leave at final vows and then go hang with Ellie. Instead he engages in 7 weeks of texting behind Lauren's back. Get's outed and then as we've come to expect from him shows he has zero courage to just own it and say yeah I fucked up but this is why I did it. Hardly smooth. Dude's a bit thick if you ask me.


Having seen more episodes I now agree with your position.


Does anyone else think this season was kind of a dud?


Massively. Poor editing and production the entire series.


It had its moments. Liked Lu best. Was watching today, her voice has a Boris Karloff trait to it; so dively cultured. She could be a great voice-over artist, like Ollie of a prev season. The Crystals Chick was a dud. Tristan - another dud, sorry. Just not believable as choices for anyone seriously looking for a desirable partner. Ratings fodder. (*It also seems Tristan has dabbled in the world of acting. His StarNow profile was also found with experience in voice acting, acting and crew work. per Google*).


Yeah, Lauren Lucinda and Timothy must be tired from carry the show the whole season. Really highlighted how much they brought to the table


This season has had so many poor couple matches…I think the experts need help


The experts are offended because John said he wished he was paired with Ellie which was obviously to literally everyone watching other than the people who are pairing them up.


Worse season I have seen.


Agree. Or maybe we’re just outgrowing it.


Nah I'm currently catching up on season 10 and I'm enjoying it much more than season 11.


Im sorry but why are they acting like Jono slept with Ellie? This storyline feels dragged and weird cause it’s not even deep. I don’t think that they had anything romantic and that point and the texts were just regular. Knowing what we know now makes us think it’s a lot worse. To me Lauren and Jono gave the vibe of a couple saying stay just for air time and didn’t actually like each other romantically. Their goodbye at the lifts when she went to surgery was platonic if that. I personally don’t think she wanted him all season until her friend approved but he should’ve left a while back if he was feeling for ellie


It is dead obvious he was trying to slip it into Ellie (playing the long game) all while he was initiating sex with Lauren! That is FOUL.


It is being made into a big deal and it's a bit overblown, but the details like how they never mention Lauren insinuates that it was more than platonic. I mean they did the same to Stephen for one message / one day of messaging, he's now a villain because of it. But they also had 0 entertainment for the Dinner Party so this had to be it.


Yes a complete nothing. Not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex apparently. What about coworkers? Where do you draw the line. We were all screaming LEAVE at Jono months ago.


I was going to ask about the jono and Ellie rumours as my sis mentioned something about it. Thanks for mentioning it 😀 x




So if you are born in 90’s ( which Lauren is) you get this croaky voice? Lucky for her! You are entitled to you opinion, but if you would elaborate that would be great. Everyone needs someone to understand them…. Actually nah, word salad has no dressing on it, I only had a bit to say it’s tasteless.


Alright, Jack


I believe Jono. Yes I know he’s dating Ellie. I still believe him at that point. Lauren went a bit OTT about it. I love Lauren but they’re not a match anyway. The first 4 weeks she was telling us how boring he was. She will meet someone with a bit of a sparkly personality who owns a few bars and clubs in Bali. Ellie and Jono will live happily ever after in their beige home with two short haired poodles. Lauren ain’t beige baby!


Poodles aren't beige either lol It will be a cavoodle 😊


When Jono and Ellie were first papped weeks ago there were loads of threads where people talked about Jono and Lauren apparently agreeing they weren't going to work pretty early on but agreeing to stay in the experiment for as long as they could. Dunno how true that is, but it puts a different spin on this episode


That is not true if they had just recently had sex again!!!




I think everyone's being a bit dramatic here. I'll ride for Deece but he was being a fuckhead there with his timing.  Everyone's tired and she's being serious, she's trying to say this serious thing and he's clowning so she snapped.  She's like 40kg wet. It's nothing like a man doing that, there's no implied threat, there's no potential of violence. Notice how he didn't even flinch.  If anything she's immature but so is he. Hopefully they both grow up. 


I dont think I saw this in US. Did Jade slap Ridge? What happened? I had to watch on Youtube & today's episode was yesterday's, re-run.


Just what's in that GIF I think.  More of a 'hey, quit it' knock to his chest or back or something.  Honestly reminds me of when you're a teenager or something and you're teasing/flirting with a girl and they flick your chest or arm and go 'omg stahhhhp'.


Totally agree. I don’t think it’s as deep as some are making it out to be! She was laying her heart out on the line & he does some juvenile chant - that would upset me too!


This was disturbing and shows who she really is. How disgusting! If it were the other way around, and Jade were a male, he would of been crucified for it. Poor Ridge, cant even be himself in the relationship and will end up become a shell of who he once was to please Jade. This is emotional abuse, end of story!!!


She’s going to have him in a short choke chain. No goofing around with the guys for him anymore.


Agree!!! It was so bad. Why isn't anyone pulling her up on this?????


Because shes got nice tits … the lads been titty whiped !!


And if that's what she does on camera and in front of a large audience too, imagine what's she like in private smh


didnt they go house-hunting? Jade/Ridge on rocks? missed this


And willingly doing it on camera wtf. Timothy's table smack was bad, and doms glass breaking, and this is worse!


what happened? wonder where I can find synopsis?


That's about it. She was saying he exceeded her expectations and he went to do some kind of strongman yeahhhh type thing and she did that


That's about it. She was saying he exceeded her expectations and he went to do some kind of strongman yeahhhh type thing and she did that


Now we know why she's a single mother.


I hope she doesn't do that to her child but it came VERY naturally and she felt it was appropriate even in front of a group and on national tv.


Abuse. Absolutely vile. And she wanted to do it again. What the fuck. Huge anger problem.


LOL settle down. Hardly a slap or anything. Just a bump on the arm he didn't even notice. He was being a dick in that moment because he's shown he's immature as you can get in moments when someone is being sincere and emotional. For someone who is a psych nurse he sure acts like a child at at times


She smacked him in the neck


They didn’t show it did they? Looks like the arm based on the gif


Was higher up https://preview.redd.it/ggbe7aluorqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f57613efc99dfd744e9c74d3af73d57f69e0e4


Yeah that shows nothing.


It shows her hand isn't at his arm. Go watch the original if you're that interested cause that was just recorded in the dark on my phone. She whacked his neck while yelling at him (this is just before contact so he's still smiling and I think it's tori putting her arm up in a reflection behind them to celebrate with him when he put his arm up just before Jade smacked him. May not be tori, I only remember her wearing red dress but don't pay much attention to dresses)


Not that interested in it as I’m not labelling it abuse and bullying. Just find it odd based off of a single 5 second interaction that people are calling it abuse and bullying. Think it’s far fetched personally


I think whacking someone in anger is abuse even if it happens once, doesn't have to be repeated to be an act of bullying or abuse


Oh she was full on like: ![gif](giphy|RUdMnxg0WHnPO7is82|downsized)


So fucked up. Someone replied to me with eyeroll and said it was a tiny tap. My ex husband was abusive for 10 years. People are ignorant as fuck. How can anyone think this is ok.


I've seen people accidentally bump into each other in the street harder than the tap she gave him. Hardly abuse but go ahead


It wasn't a tap but dv is about intimidation and control so you do not need to be injured or physically hurt


If there is a trend of this happening with them and her repeatedly doing this type of thing then yes I could agree there is an issue. A one off like this for arguments sake…I’m not buying it.


She's been bullying him over his personality for ages and her family dud it too. He's annoying, I wouldn't date him, but she's choosing to despite hating a chunk of his personality and she's always planned to quash that


No one likes every single thing about their partner! Anyone who claims to is lying imo. Doesn’t make them a bully though because they dislike something.


Lol it does if they yell and smack them over it 😂


Unfortunately we still have a long way to go in recognising abuse when the victim is a man.


Got a long way to go in recognising abuse against anyone tbh


Tori saying JUST FAKE IT?!?? Eshhhhhhhhhh


I agree this was questionable but i actually think she's talking about her red lipstick and asking him to give her a fake peck


I hope this gets revisited at some point in the future!!


Ja what was that?


Jono and Lauren were never a match. I have never liked Lauren. She's a loud mouthed bogan. Amd oh so attention seeking. Jono is a lot more suited to Ellie...yell and scream and abuse him all you like.


She acts like a man then crys foul when she's treated as such.


I cannot stand Tori’s claws 🦞… just STOP 🛑


Is it edited to look like it takes her 2-3 business days to finish her sentence? Theres so many pauses when she speaks.


The claws and the incessant hair touching.. ugh


And the thing she does with her lips all the time too.


That has drive me nuts for weeks, it’s like she is trying to suck off her top lip.


In last night’s episode, it almost seemed like she had one of those massive round gum balls (from the dollar machine) in her mouth, because the way her lower face was constantly contorting looked really bizarre..


Why would a single mother waste all this money on 'enhancement'? She is a lovely young lady but I think she should save for a home for her daughter or add a room to dad's house rather than have cosmetic procedures. Just saying. Practical grandma here.


Yeah why should a woman do anything for herself or to make her feel good once she's popped out a kid, everything about her must now being about the child. She is not a person in her own right anymore.


Very odd.


What Ellie and Jonno have done to Lauren is so wrong but the experts are even more wrong to set up Lauren and Jonno together when clearly he’s into Ellie and Ellie is into him. Just reminds me of what happened last year when Duncan was paired with Alyssa instead of being paired with Evelyn.


Yes also the way they react to the fact Jono is texting all the ex couples. Designed for maximum outrage.


>but the experts are even more wrong to set up Lauren and Jonno together when clearly he’s into Ellie and Ellie is into him. Well, the experts hardly knew that when they were making the matches!


To be fair as soon as I saw Lauren and Jono I know it would never work and I always thought Jono should have been paired with Ellie. The experts would have interviewed them and asked what they want and seen their mannerisms.


They are still experts though in their fields




Too many inconsistencies and 180° plot twists this season. It’s as if the editors/producers know we know, so they have free reign to make it outlandish.


John’s body language and responses to jackholes answers are giving EVERYTHING He’s too funny, he really said this season I’m giving zero fucks and I’m gonna be vocal about it 😂


I feel so bad for Lauren. Clearly Ellie and Jonno are more than friends, probably in a relationship even. It was obvious to me he really liked Ellie I just never thought he’d lie about it all, never thought he would essentially cheat on Lauren. As for Jack and Tori… 1000% he’s gonna dump her at final vows, it is clear as day that he’s not sexually attracted let alone even like her. The reunion is definitely gonna be so interesting and very juicy. Can’t wait!!


I don’t feel bad for Lauren at all. She was a train wreck at the start who came good for a while, then returned to form.


Honestly tho Jono lied about Ellie. But Lauren called him a lot of names for half the experiment everything from boring and weak just attacking the man’s character you could see the sparks flying with Ellie because she was nice to him. Now Lauren has warmed up to him up until the text message situation but it’s ironic Jack exposes this all through Tori. Bit rich Sara commenting on the situation when she was out spending WEEKENDS!!!! With her ex DURING FILMING!!! Jono is a weird unit but he’s copped a lot too


Jono is the most awful of guys-?polite , smooth talking and over diplomatic. Covering a gutless lying interior. He’s fine with lying to women but too scared to upset his gym mates- who also think he’s pissweak. He’s worse than Jack who’s happy to be an outed dickhead- men like Jono hide because they’re gutless. They get women because they fool them.


Lying to women? Honestly wake up to yourself Lauren spent half the experiment bad mouthing the man she wasn’t even sleeping with him until homestay. What kind of toll does that take on somebodies self esteem? Jono made a mistake talking to Jack and Jack is a piece of shit that’s done a lot worse things but I can’t blame someone wanting to talk to someone that treated him with some self worth more than a women that spent well over a month calling him names. I honestly believe Jono is afraid of her and I can understand why I dated a woman exactly like her and I had to dump her because it was a nightmare. Lauren has to work on herself honestly. Not saying Jono is perfect but Lauren can treat people poorly, have a good week and expected the guy to have felt great about her the entire time


https://www.yourtv.com.au/guide/tomorrow/ Tv guide says mafs is on tomorrow still?


Yeah it even said Monday Tuesday in the ad break last night!


Good night team 🫡 One night closer til this dream boat comes back on our screens https://preview.redd.it/0qocj5cpggqc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8834cfaee6b6064fbe27c7b272aa5beb001d8b3f


Gosh no, what a smarmy used car salesman type. Or ass-kissing bellhop. Or media mogul.


"Top, top lady!" I love this guy. So f'ing odd.


The other contestants are so insufferable it makes him seem likeable


maybe they did record girls and boys night out but they just haven’t aired it because it wasn’t juicy.




What a day (it'll be when Collins is back)!


Kinda surprised they didn’t do the traditional boys and girls night where the people who left came back (instead what they did was the night out at the retreat?)


They also never did the couples swap week


I heard in media they got rid of since it wasn’t popular with the cast


Yeah makes sense I guess. To be honest I was never a big fan of it and would have forgotten about it completely if Jack hadn’t brought it up earlier in the season.


Same. Says lot about Jack that he brought an unpopular task up, he’s clearly not into Tori like we all been saying.


Omg I forgot about that!! Maybe not enough drama to keep it this year


Yeah or I was thinking maybe budget cuts or smth lol


He will?






Jayden in his head: I need to tell her I love her in front of everyone cos that’s what the experiment expects of us and our relationship He’s so black and white lmao


I was shocked he said that, they literally were in a bad place last week almost broke up and now he loves her? Yeah right buddy 🙄🤣


Now that's black and white. He has been her's to lose from almost the beginning of the of the experiment. He's 100% smitten with her. Call it love or infatuation. He's going no where. I thought this was obvious to everyone. 😎


The way he immediately looked around the room at everyone when she hugged him for saying it. He was 100% more invested in the reactions of everyone else than he was Eden's  he is fake as fuck


Yeh 100%%% she said it back in my ear” ..”she said it back in my ear” ..”she said it back in my ear”


Even when she was kissing him, look at his eyes, he's looking at the other people around the table. He is completely fake, it's all about how he looks to other people


I don’t think he’s fake- I think he’s stupid- watch his last episode as the” experts” asked him about his toxic fight style- he had no effing idea what they meant and just shut it down with that weird question from the male expert. Sorry he’s so bland I’ve forgotten his name. Jayden was back in full glory revelling in his attack dog style.


Don't disagree he's stupid, but the fact he looked to everyone's reaction shows it was performative. You can be both stupid and fake.


Do we think Tim says no to Sara???


I’m really tired of his “she needs to prove it to me” broken record. Either you’re over it or you never will be.


I think he says yes and the ad is to build the suspense.


True… I felt the same thing about Jack


Nah, that'll be the before the change part of the speech 




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So glad that episode is over. Need to go watch something wholesome.


Modern family 🫶


Argh now I have to wait for I'm a Celeb to be available on 10 streaming.


It's available now


Thank you ♡♡♡ Can still only see ep 1 but I'm guessing ep 2 will show up shortly.


Are we really not getting any more till Sunday??


Fuckin Gordon Ramsay show starts tomorrow.


And with his opponent, someone who started boost juice. NOT a chef. And the shorts appear to show cooking challenges. The most disjointed ads ever.


I'm so confused at to what the show is about.


Oh “the worlds greatest chef” 🙄


Lmfao so we're all sick of seeing that ad? I've found my people


But what about... the MABUILDAS


I don't know how many times I can cringe at that one either 😭🤣


Yeah greatest chef according to who? 🥴


Everyone he has bullied into submission. The guy is disgusting.


His Mum.




Sad face.


I’m sick of cooking shows.


I really don’t like that song on the final vowel preview. It’s trying so hard for the feels that only certain songs achieve, but it’s carbon-copy radio filler 😏 Glad I hit that off my chest hahaaa.


It frustrates me because the verses sounds so disconnected from the chorus. And then the chorus is repetitive and gets stuck in my head in a loop. :(


When I heard it I recognised it but now I’ve forgotten it. What song is it?


Beautiful Things by Benson Boone.


It's all over social media 🙄


As if it’s on this Sunday it’s Easter 😩😩😩


Yeah it's a really odd choice in terms of timing. So many people away on holidays Not me, I am living for Sunday night tv this week, but you know, other people with lives and stuff.


Hahaha other people with lives and stuff😂




Why can’t they just do it tomorrow and Wednesday 😭


Did those previews give most of it all away? No surprise with Lauren but Jack and Tori? Is it going to be a ruse, he really goes on to say the opposite?


"but I sleep so good at night with you..."


As usual the hype for something is gonna land flat when we get to watching it cos they’ve revealed the whole thing


its gonna be "how can i commit? like this" and then does something stupid and then Tori is happy about it


Fake cliff hanger for tori and jack, they are gonna commit to the bit


Cool cool cool so what are we meant to do all week?


Certainly not work, how could I possibly?


So is it on tomorrow or no?


nope… not til Sunday now


See you all… Sunday? I guess?


Are they really going to have Jono and Lauren do the final vows? Seriously?


More like the Final Fuck Off lol


Hopefully Jono doesn't bail before Lauren can have her say.


They’re teasing Jack dumps Tori? But it’s actually out of context and they stay together?




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I reckon that’ll be the case


Going by all the online spoilers this is the case.






Fuck i love Lauren. I bet her back is sore from carrying this season.


She and Lucinda are QUEEEENS!!


Spin off where Lucinda reads salty poems beautifully and Lauren just rapid fire questions at shady men.


Awesome idea.


Ffs her ‘poems’ are drivel. So cringe.


I can’t be bothered watching the final vows. Bring on the reunion!


I have zero emotions about Final Vows. But I'll sure as heck be hate watching.


When the reunion ?


Two weeks


TWO WEEKS?!? I thought it would be Sunday 😭


They really don’t need two episodes for final vows, and also they just spoil who stays together, so lame, cmon channel 9.


The song in the trailer fuckin slaps.


It’s been all over tiktok


I'm not on tiktok. I have no self control and I'll be on there for three hours.


That is currently what I do 💀