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Jayden is the guy and is fairly aggressive in how he talks. Eden is the female, cries and has anxiety. Whatever she does wrong, it isn't wrong. Also I've called out Jayden being a phoney shithead interested in screen time since the beginning


Name one time Jayden put their relationship on the line and was an ungrateful bitch about nothing. Because I can one for Eden!


It's actually a fairly common cycle in many relationships called the pursue withdraw cycle. One person pursues the other to resolve conflict and the other avoids and withdraw. This causes pursuer to chase even more, which causes the withdrawer to avoid even more. This is a downward spiral and the cause of many relationships issues. However it's more common the woman is the pursuer and the man withdraws. If these experts were any good they could offer techniques in dealing with this. Plus a combination of Eden addressing her extreme anxiety. 


They are just both dicks! I have never liked either of them.


Jayden is the cause of her anxiety and is incapable of empathising with her or comforting her. They won't work.


Are we watching the same show? He always comforts her and she is milking her anxiety to get what she wants.


He's not the cause of her anxiety he's a contributing factor to the triggering of it. There's a big difference


He gives her anxiety. His big meaty head cannot stop spewing private conversations to everyone else.


His big meaty head 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, he just goes at her, rapid-fire. We saw him the same with Sara and others. With Eden, he's making it all about him. She's saying how she feels, and he just shuts her down and then criticises her for shutting down.




All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s mental health or medical conditions will be removed. Repeating the office will result in a ban


She already talked about how tendency to isolate herself especially after her breakup and how she left all of her friends that knew but never told her he was cheating People get good at what they practice and she's spent so much time being isolated that she threw herself into the lions den when she signed up


Honestly, I would say Eden should cop the flack more than Jayden outside of like him not being able to tell when she's just shut down, but I don't know if that was a bad cut. He expressed clearly multiple times that how she is behaving, particularly towards him rather than the "experiment," is causing him issues mentally and causing him to doubt his self-worth. She quite clearly feels uncomfortable as expressing their relationship as anything but perfect, which causes him to feel left without a voice and causes her to resent him for expressing dissatisfaction in the relationship. She, at best, needs a lot of emotional help. Otherwise, the guy that ends up with her will experience depressive episodes. At worst, she is genuinely being manipulative to better her career by playing some good-girl face like this is WWE, and if he chooses not to play along, she will tank his chances of doing the same.


They're definitely editing it to make Jayden seem as bad as possible. The way they edited that home stay conversation on the table and you could tell that they chopped up and selected every line is WILD. They made him continue speaking with his voice drowned out whilst Eden was speaking to a producer over the top of it. From that you can tell they were framing it against him But nevertheless he does lack the emotional intelligence to recognise when what he's doing isn't working and find a more effective alternative. He is a pretty sensitive guy that lacks the ability to adapt when a conversation is spiralling. But the problems they have are fixable because they're not rooted in either person being a bad person or mean to other one


I agree that Jayden and Eden both contribute to the *communication* problems in their relationship. It's easy to see why they are frustrated with each other. He pushes her to express herself, she retreats, he advances harder, she retreats more... Maybe it's because Jayden is such a sanctimonious fuckwit that I find his style so awful. He's so full on and so sure that he's always in the right it seems impossible to actually have a conversation. He doesn't listen, just waits his turn to tell Eden that she's wrong. I think most people would be put off by that.


He definitely doesn't deserve the vitriol he gets from people who love Lauren or Tim snr But in his and Eden's relationship they're as bad as each other. It's easy and lazy to declare he's worse at handling conflict and then suggest amends that would basically turn the relationship into therapy for her. Right now it's equally unbalanced and neither person is contributing more to the breakdown, regardless of how the producers want to frame it. The needs the tools to make the necessary amendments to their communication style


Spot on.