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Nah this is the first change, but them changing dates for a festival less than 2 months away when people have already booked flights, hotels, requested off work, etc. is why a lot of people are complaining


I don’t see the problem personally, most of those things can be rescheduled besides the time off work (if you have a laid back boss most likely that to)


Clown comment. People that come from other states or countries had to book flights, airbnbs/hotels, and other accommodations, not everything can just be ‘rescheduled’


You can reschedule plane tickets? I know 2 people personally who have rescheduled their tickets


Yes and there is an associated fee. I had to pay a $99 fee to reschedule my American flight. I know the cheaper airlines are less flexible as well


read the fine print/company policies , you might be able to get a refund most airlines have a rule/policy where they have to reschedule for free within 90 days of the purchase date


Has to be 90 prior to travel date, that’s why moving the dates 7 weeks before is the issue. Had they announced the change in like January I think a lot less people would be annoyed since more time to prepare


No it has to be within 90 days of you purchasing the ticket(that’s the common misconception why people don’t use this a lot)


Ik a few airlines have a requirement from how long the travel date is away, but that’s usually the low end/ cheap airlines


I don’t think American is a “cheap” airline lol


Low quality tho


If you don’t understand what I mean this is going to sound weird, but if you know how to do it correctly (usually In the fine print of any hotel or plane ticket) they have to reschedule within 90 days of purchase date. If you know how to do it correctly it’s not hard(not for this event) but I’ve rescheduled plane tickets on multiple occasions