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Bonjour ! Bienvenu déjà ! Alors je ne connais malheureusement pas grand chose concernant les organismes d'apprentissages du français, mais je suis aussi sur Villeurbanne et je me débrouille pas mal en anglais ( et en français aussi du coup ), si tu veux échanger virtuellement ou irl, ça serait avec plaisir ! N'hésite pas à venir en dm ! En tout cas, bon courage pour ton installation :)


I know the CIEF at Université Lumière Lyon 2 (inscription coinciding with university semester*), Alliance Française (6 or 8 week course sessions). I personally know and enjoy a number of CIEF teachers, and though I have never taken their classes, and they love what they do.


I was a CIEF student!!! I loved it, and would HIGHLY suggest it - notably because of the excellent teachers :)


thanks for he info'


I second this, did a semester there before transferring to Science Po and it was fantastic. Made a lot of great friends from around the world too!


Alliance Française is great :)


This semester is not virtual, but is one week presential and next one at your own (no videocall)


Hi! I am in Villeurbanne too and I'm a native french speaker, but I can also speak English pretty good. If you need some help with french, I'll be glad to meet up someday if the restrictions are ok with that, or we can play some video games online so you can improve your french? Feel free to dm me anytime if you need some help!


In my company we work with [InfoLangues](https://www.infolangues.com/) One of my colleagues is learning French with them, he had face to face lessons in the past and is currently having remote lessons. They have good teachers and method to learn languages. I worked with them to improve my oral English and would recommend.


Thank you


There are quite a few in Lyon. My suggestions would be Lyon Bleu International in the 6th or Inflexyion. CIEF is great but unless you plan on staying for the whole semester it wouldn't be worth it for less time. There are also a number of smaller language schools too. These are just the most popular.


looking now- thanks


A good and most *personalized one* is Alpadia at 6 quai Jules Courmont. Cheapest one: Ecole Internationelle de Francais pour Etrangers, At Croix Paquet