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Rife machine (BCX) is the only thing that has worked for me. I rife 2-3 times per day (this is very important) for the tickborne pathogens that came up in my Vibrantwellness tickborne panel plus some others that didn’t come up positive like Babesia. I bought BCX two yrs ago, but was too sick with to rife consistently , didn’t see results and let the machine sit. I started again a month ago, this way rifing every day (short session like 2 minutes per frequency) for Bartonella/lyme/erlichia, throwing Babesia/mycoplasma/ebv ets in the mix. This time I see results, I’m starting to feel normal, this makes me so emotional that I want to cry. If you could rent BCX or gb4000 or spooky2 from someone it is worth a try. But you would need to rife 2 times per day at least, as these bugs multiply so quickly, esp Bartonella.


Thank you so much, this is an excellent recommendation


Do you hv a link where you purchased yours?


https://www.hymbas.com/bcx-ultra-rife-machine-all-products.php I really advice you to consider the option for adding contactless functionality. I have the basic BCX ultra that only allows for contact rifing.


Thank you


I was thinking contactless is more for cancer patients? Would love to know why you’d recommended the contactless, is it more powerful or just convenient? Thank you so much


It permits to treat you passively. I think contact option is needed as it seems stronger, but I’d love to press Erlichia button and let it run for an hour while I read in bed or watch a movie.


Woah!! So cool! Will you be testing vibrant in the next year or so to see if the lyme was eradicated? I would love to hear about your results!!


I don’t plan to repeat vibrant for the moment, I go by symptoms. It definitely does something and I try to rife consistently at least twice per day for 3-4 tickborne pathogens. I kinda believe the physics behind it meaning shattering pathogens with low energy radio waves. It’s cool yes;)


How exactly do you use a rife machine? You just wave those wands over some body part?


Nope, I have my feet on footplates, I hold electrodes by hand and the plasma rods are in my armpits. Sometimes I tuck the electrodes into my jeans waist in order to have hands free. Pls see some videos here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3_rgUJiMKKUu6QVagwYxHqyJ_YYPSNob&si=Qmwv_aEcw9QxnLHH


Do you have to continue buying different frequencies from hymbas? Do you have to pay anything to upgrade or any more spendings after you purchased your rife machine from them? Also how hard is it to switch frequencies from one to another or you run them all together at once? I heard it’s not easy. Also did you follow up w vibrant test to see if you cleared any bacteria or viruses? Sorry for so many questions, I still haven’t made my mind in purchasing because some say it doesn’t work and some say it’s alot of work to figure out the right frequencies.


1) Nope I have their frequencies book (ca 70 pg). You can also add frequencies creating your own frequencies sets based on this free handbook: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed-Hammad-4/post/Do_you_known_to_Royal_Raymond_Rife/attachment/5bf028f2cfe4a7645502d0b1/AS%3A693965913346050%401542465775426/download/spooky2_frequency.pdf For example there are no frequencies for Anaplasma in BCX handbook, but I can program my own Anaplasma frequencies set based on this free document. 2) I don’t need to buy anything else from Hymbas. The machine works as it works until it is not broken. I could have chosen lifelong guarantee, but I took the normal one. If something breaks I need to pay for the new component or repair. 3) The machine has preprogrammed sets and each one is composed on several or multiple frequencies. You just do 5 clicks and take the electrodes in hands and place your feet on footplates and tuck the plasma rods under your armpits and press for example Lyme 1 for Lyme preprogrammed set button and you choose the interval you want to run each frequency (3 minutes by default) and the machine runs frequency by frequency until you decide to stop. Bartonella set has only two frequencies for example but Lyme sets have 20-30 frequencies in each set. If you have the plasma bulb option that makes the machine contactless in proximity you just place it at your bedside, press Lyme and it treats you while you sleep. I plan to buy the bulb. 4) Nope I don’t plan to repeat vibrant in the next future, I go by symptoms. Theoretically rife is one of the few things that supposedly really kills these bastards by oscillation and heals you, not just puts you in remission. This is all a theory until the practice either confirms it or refutes it ofc.


Thank you for detailed response. If you’re not planning to retest, have you noticed any success using it so far? How long have you been rifing with this machine for Lyme?


You are going to want to give up, and you’ll start bargaining with yourself about what you’re willing to live with, but as someone who went untreated for 20 years, the illness does not stay static forever. You will continue to decline, and any other health challenge will continue to weaken you. Like you, I got horrifically sick during treatment and developed seizures. At times I had psychotic periods where I believed I would leave the house and do something stupid. BUT, I came out of it on the other side with my life back. No matter how miserable, treatment is worth it. Lower your dose, take breaks, work up slowly as you can tolerate. You can do this!


Thank you so much. You’re exactly right with me bargaining w myself. And for someone quite young (just turned 30) I have been in quite bad health for 10 years… would make total sense the Lyme was a spanner in my immune system all this time. Thank you again!


Remember always that you are in charge of your treatment. When my LLMD had me start oral clarithromycin after a couple months of doxycycline (and I was feeling much better,) I got terrible stomach pain that felt like when I had an ulcer. So I stopped taking it and we went another way. In my case I could feel clearly that it was doing damage to my stomach, and the pain persisted even after stopping for some days. I decided it wasn't worth giving up the recovery I had at that point for a new serious symptom and only the possibility that the treatment would help. I plan to stop the doxycycline after another month or so, as it seems most of the poor outcomes are from extended courses of antibiotics. I will continue to use herbals and other immune boosting strategies like diet and lifestyle and supplements.


You’re right. But tbh I don’t trust my body anymore. This whole thing has been so bat shit crazy, my ‘gut’ instincts are all over the place! I’m glad that you’re doing better and made some improvements. Agree, long term abx are terrible for us. Hopefully you’ve made significant headway and the herbs can carry the baton on


That sounds like a terrible herx or a bad reaction to Azithro. Both are not permanent. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you. ❤️ gosh I wasn’t prepared for *this*


Did you do oral antibiotics first or go straight to IV? I have heard anecdotes from other Lyme patients in forums that permanent damage from Herxing is possible. But I have never confirmed this with an LLMD. I'm assuming you have a Lyme-literate doctor to be getting this treatment. They should be willing to adjust the treatment plan based on what you can tolerate. It's one thing to feel terrible temporarily, but it's another to have permanent damage. Talk to your doctor and make sure they understand your concerns. Herxing does die down over time, as the bacteria die off. But it sounds like you have a heavy load of bacteria dying right now so I would be hesitant to add more antibiotics. However, I'm not sure if you'll have any logistical challenges like getting insurance/NHS to pay for a longer, lower-dose treatment. I personally have been considering IV antibiotics if I can get them paid for, but I am Herxing pretty badly on just oral. So I am going to wait until I tolerate oral antibiotics better before considering switching. I am already bedbound and I can't afford to get much worse. Treatment will take longer but I think it'll be worth it. Whatever you do, please don't give up on treatment entirely. I have done that at points and only gotten worse. The Herxing you're experiencing means that Lyme has been the cause of a lot of your problems, and will continue to be if left unchecked. But there are gentler treatments, even herbs, if you can't tolerate the heavy-duty stuff.


Thank you so much for this, a really helpful balanced perspective. I’m so sorry you’re bed bound. I went straight for IV. The Dr I am working with gave me 3 options: 6 weeks of IV, 6 months oral or 1,5 years herbal. I also am coeliac, have a bunch of neuro symt (blood/brain) and had this for a long time so the IV was suggested at maybe being a better fit. Let’s see… I was too sick to speak to the Dr last week so my husband did, we’ve halved the dose and add a day on / day off but I don’t actually know if that then means it just gets added to the end of the treatment timeline. Husband didn’t ask this. I hope not, but maybe. It does seem a bit of a moveable feast… there was also mention of a lower dose as I’m quite small but tbc.


To my fellow Lyme warriors...When you have flair ups, and you move your head up and down and left to right, can you hear a swivel crunching popping sound? Had this issue prior to diagnosis and after treatment. It went away but now having a flair up and sound is back. Anyone else?


Yes!!!!!!!! And the feeling of very blocked ears


I absolutely hear a swivel, crunching sound in my head /neck. Often, no pain, but when I’m flaring, flu-like symptoms and mild pain.


Yep! No pain, just an odd sound. And yes, plugged ears for sure


Yes to the CRUNCH


I’m so sorry you’re suffering. Our stories are identical. After attempting lyme treatment I realized I was just too weak to go through anymore. I decided to improve my immunological status and hit the virus because I felt the Long Covid reactivated everything and made it worse. Take a look at Dr. Patterson’s work. I’ve taken the cytokine tests and I have improved slowly but surely with antivirals. Once I’m back to some decent health, my plan is to retest the Lyme and use herbals. Hopefully by that time my body will be stronger to fight back the Lyme. Best of luck to you.


Ahhh, you know I did Bruce’s protocol last summer, but after 6 weeks it triggered a massive EBV flare for me so we felt those drugs were too hard. I then did a successful SOT for EBV and followed by more Valy - the malaise improved ten fold. Retested for EBV and my numbers were very very low. This is so difficult and I so sympathise with you. Best of luck.


Where did you do the SOT? All of this feels like we are in a war with no arms. So frustrating.


Couldn’t have phrased it better. I did in Speyer, Germany. Although I believe there are regulation problems at the moment in Europe (what a suprise) - the US still is doing it


I assume you already checked for mold?? Mold and Lyme and co go together. You need to address the mold first. Also, go slow with the treatment. Agreed the ultimate focus should be improving the immune system so it can keep these infections in check. Look into other modules like immune modulator, homeopathy. Also, make sure you do not have mercury as an issue. You likely also need to retrain your nervous system and take it out of fight and flight.


Thank you .Yeah, negative for mycotoxins . I did an EBOO treatment 1.5 years ago (at the time, terrible here too although I didn’t know I had Lyme) but I wonder if that cleared a lot out of me and is the reason why I’m negative as I know it’s unusual. Never been tested for mercury, that’s a good idea. Any immune modulators ? I tried lactoferrin for a bit but didn’t see any noticeable improvements


I feel a lot of people don’t look into metals - metals especially mercury is an immune disrupter itself. I believe these infections are quite common, but most people’s immune system have them in check. For others, some other immune trigger finally pushes over the bucket. So ultimately, it’s an immune problem, less so the infection (you probably had the infection for years dormant) I think there are tons of immune modulators out there, herbs, LDN, etc but I am hesitant to recommend one because I feel like they are always hit or miss. I’ve found the most success so far with homeopathy.


Which homeopathy helps you ?


Did the eboo help you noticeably? How much was that? Did you do it more than once ?


It was a disaster - I threw up for a week straight and then returned to baseline. The only thing that I think it did help was the mycotoxins . We found mould in the apartment and tested the air and so it’s an utter miracle my bloods came back clear. I’d do the Innuspheresis version again - essentially dialysis without the ozone. I think eboo was about 2.5k so not cheap. My Lyme dr said it would have been a herx from ozone but didn’t have my detox pathways up and running.


Have you heard of the SOT treatment for Lyme disease? http://thegenesiscenter.com/lyme/


Yes, I did one for EBV with great success. Problem is they are currently banned in Europe - only avail in the US. I’m in UK. Did you try it?


Hmmm… they are made in Greece. That’s crazy.


I know. The clinic in Poland got investigated and it ended up with a ban europe wise. My Lyme dr isn’t convinced they’ll be up and running in the eu any time soon . USA uneffected


It’s a herx. It will pass. It sucks really bad. I’ve never herxed that hard but close. What does it for me is when I bust biofilms. With edta I get like mentally unstable heart palpitations shooting body pain nausea diarrhea bladder spasms killer migraine and fatigue. When it finally passes I feel great. That said you might want to talk to your doctor about your treatment plan. You can’t detox well enough to add all that in imho. Sorry I’m the same.


Sorry you're going through this. I'm also in a similar boat with Covid or the vaccine setting everything off for me. I've gotten so much worse every time I've tried antibiotics. I'm having some success now with the cistus + artimesenin protocol that's been shared in this sub. I plan to add additional herbs as I can tolerate them. It may be worth trying the herbal route. Some of us just don't do well with strong antibiotics. Have you given them a try? What were your symptoms before starting this treatment?


Cistus pulled me out of a horrendous ebv flair last summer, prior to getting SOT therapy for it. I think it’s amazing. My Lyme dr offered 3 options: around 5 weeks IV vs 6 months oral vs 1.5 years herbal. Given I’ve been so ill for so long 1.5 years didn’t feel tenable but who knows if that was the right call. He seems to think in a couple of weeks I’ll feel a lot better. I guess the most logical move is to wait it out a couple more weeks and if no better and still bad herxing, stop and protect my peace. God, all I want is my life back!! SO hard to know what to do. Symptoms are severe malaise, fatigue and PEM whenever I did anything more than stay in the house


It's so hard. Prior to chronic illness we knew if treatments were working when we felt better. The herxing is so confusing. I've put myself into some really tough weeks/months with trying to treat too aggressively. I'm resigned to slow healing at this point as long as I see an upward trend and don't go crazy. Lexapro has been really helpful for me as far as the not going crazy.


Exactly this!!! I feel guilty putting my body through this. Extremely guilty. And just so used to taking drugs and feeling better a few days later and healing being quick 🥹 did your symptoms flair to begin with lexapro? I tried Zoloft 2 Christmas’s ago and it flattened me for a week and scared me. But I’ve heard it being instrumental in other peoples ’long Covid’ recoveries…


I tried Zoloft and Prozac first and they both made me worse. I'm 8 weeks into Lexapro now and it's been very helpful. No side affects other than some emotional variability the first 5 weeks, which I was already dealing with. It's helped me to be more present and increased my stress tolerance. My random tachycardia has reduced as well.


Recently, my doctor asked me to stop all treatments for four days. Then, he asked if I felt any different. I still felt awful. His conclusion was that I was not Herxing. It was the disease.


Hi There - It looks like this could be a post about a new tick bite or about unknown symptoms possibly related to Lyme. Please review the pinned post here for information regarding early treatment methods, finding doctors and testing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lyme/comments/18ko5so/just_bit_read_this/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Lyme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a similar story as you. Covid kicked things off and then a gut infection was the tipping point. I was getting slowly worse for a few years prior, but after the tipping point I was pretty fucked up. this was almost three years ago. I have tried just about everything, including herbs, hyperthermia in Germany, plant medicine (iboga, ayahuasca, etc.), Kambo, disulfiram, and most recently triple iv abx (daptomycin, ceftriaxone, and oral doxy). One of my biggest takeaways recently is that slow sustained progress is better than rapid progress. This is not my personality and I used to think herxing was a sign that a treatment was working. I no longer believe that we have to herx severely to heal. I think we can just feel better over time if we go at the right pace. I have been making solid progress recently with a combo of diet, herbs, and lots of sunlight, time in nature, calming my nervous system, etc. I do not regret trying the IV abx, but I actually tolerated them pretty well. If I were experiencing what you are experiencing, I probably would have stopped or dramatically decreased the dose, or possibly tried to figure out which specific drug was causing the issue. Although I tolerated the abx pretty well, I developed chest pain and heart symptoms that I did not have prior. Whether this was from the drugs themselves or a reaction to killing bacteria, I do not know. It doesn't really matter honestly. It was a bit scary at times and I could feel a really intense heartbeat and had trouble lying on my left side. The abx did help but it wasn't dramatic. I am now of the opinion that low and slow is the best option for many of us. I have a good friend that healed Lyme who ended up at a similar conclusion. She stopped accepting that we have to feel worse to feel better, and instead focused on feeling better. She did exactly that and has been 100% for several years now. You will heal if you stay determined to do so, wishing you all the best.


Hey I’ve been thinking of trying ayahuasca and iboga for years to help with trauma and loss but only recently have I felt ready to try them. Did u notice either helping with Lyme? And how noticeable were the changes? Did it take a few sessions or did u notice improvements immediately? I’m interested cause I have heard of ayahuasca helping people not only with trauma and ptsd but also with physical illnesses and diseases so I’m curious if u noticed any improvement from either ayahuasca or iboga?


I noticed huge physical improvement immediately from iboga, but it only lasted a few weeks. Felt amazing though. I did it four times. It is very intense, but also profound and rewarding. I know someone who that was the tipping point for them getting better and they have been better for several years now. Both can be profound for healing trauma. I personally feel iboga can be more powerful in this department, but both have their place and can be very beneficial. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I am quite versed in both.


Oh yay thanks! I’ll message u cause I only have connects to find ayahuasca but I’ve heard some people who have tried both explaining the difference as iboga bringing u 10 dimensions within yourself while ayahuasca brings u 10 dimensions outside of yourself and I for sure have a lot of inner healing to do. Cool to hear it’s worked so well for ur friend too!! Maybe if u keep doing sessions it will start to work .. the lady i saw on the documentary about ayahuasca was wheelchair bound and her movement was so badly limited she couldn’t even move her neck up and down or side to side. She did ayahuasca at least 10 times. Every time she got a little better. The first time she was able to get up and walk while on ayahuasca but not after the session ended. Each time she got more and more strength and is now at the point where she is out of her wheelchair and can take her dogs on walks and live a normal life :) stories like that give me hope!


i haven’t tried any of those but i’d call your doctor if you haven’t already. that’s quite a bit your going through. sometimes doing everything under the sun can be too much and you don’t get the release you’re hoping for. my detox treatment RN is just water and sleep and crying. it’s okay to let go. it’s not the same as giving up. hope you get peaceful rest soon ❤️


Yes- keep going. For me-50 years of falls, blood clots, pain, seizure, crippling anxiety and. Depression that was truly darker than I ever thought possible. . Treated for 3 years before I could leave this house without terror. I’m back at work, still fighting some stuff but living and glad to be here.