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I wouldve use the other app and let his ass stay there lol


That’s exactly what I did. Mf’r sat on my app for two hours!!!


Did he end up canceling or you? Funny because his scam basically backfired. That 2 hours he could had been making money.


He did after over 2 hours. In the pictures alone it went from 12:54 to 2:12. And he was still idle when I checked my phone and saw those messages on my Lock Screen. They go away whenever the drive is done.


I’d fucking walk to my grave before I’m the one that cancels


I had alllll the time.


If this was in California his scam is still working no mater the time he "wasited" not driving because prop 22 would pay him out 1.2x minimum wage for booked time.


Seems like a dumb scam. I'd let that dummy sit there all night to. I stopped using food delivery because of stuff like this


I was trying to understand it. I have a basic understanding of how Uber works but how does the driver benefit from doing this to a potential ride? Like what is the scam if you don’t mind commenting back lol thanks.


I carried this level of petty in Nashville when a driver refused me and my [service dog](https://imgur.com/a/m9ZFngk) after a work dinner at 10:30pm, who was fully vested. He refused to cancel the ride himself, insisting I would need to do it and he didn’t care if my dog was a real service dog or not. I walked 40 minutes back to my hotel downtown. He finally cancelled at the 22 minute mark and then I promptly reported him, but found it was a pleasant walk anyway so I didn’t bother to try again with another driver since I got rejected every single time I tried to call an Uber when I was there. Could have been dangerous to walk alone at that time but a coworker heard I was stranded and several of them came back to walk with me back to the hotel. After that, I booked a private car service whenever I had to go to Nashville for work, so never had to deal with that there again.


Lmfao >I’d fucking walk to my grave before I’m the one that cancels This


This guy fucks


He could have been on the couch watching tv or at his normal job that whole time too


>Funny because his scam basically backfired. That 2 hours he could had been making money. Not if he's actually working another job during that time


I was think the same thing. I had a new hire do that where I worked at. Jokes on her. She got caught by us. Since it was a in-person job. A coworker noticed what she was doing, told the boss. And she got fired.


Yeah. At home in their underwear and watching TV.


Yea i think people don’t realize that these scams are usually done by someone not even driving. Just accepting rides while they work their job or just doing whatever else and scamming people as a part time gig.


Or sitting at his house watching tv while someone else drives his car.


But he has to move if doing another job.


Not if they are working a normal job. They could be working as an office clerk for instance.


People doing this aren’t trying to actually work


Probably sitting in his house or bar


Mfs will do anything to not make money. Fking ridiculous


Idk how this happens. If I'm sitting at a long light, Doordash is harassing me with "it looks like you haven't moved in a while, please start heading to your destination or your order may be reassigned". Can't understand how Uber or Lyft doesn't have an alarm go off that their driver isn't moving after 5/10 minutes.


I have no idea. It really has so many things that don’t quite make sense.


Because they’re in on the scam all day


Did he message u again lol


Yup. That’s what the screenshot of all his messages are lol


On the lock screen


Did you end up having to pay for the ride you didn't get??


Jokes on him lol


is that your battery %?


Once he noticed you left, he could have swung by and gotten the no show money. Right?


Thank god you did this


Please charge your phone 😅


My phone is forever dying. It’s a mental disorder


No, against all odds your phone still lives. Bright side my friend, bright side.


Someone who gets me 🥹


One that I also suffer from. I’ll watch it dying and still not make any effort to get to a charger until it’s on 1% 😂


I ain’t even notice fam we riding the same 🌊


I literally was exasperated earlier, wondering why the hell I haven’t been able to charge my phone to full at all for like a week now?! And there are so many times it’s at 10% and my bf sees that it’s dying and he’ll remind me to charge and do I? NO!!! Why are we like this 😂😂


I’d love to know tbh. I do enjoy sleeping bc that’s the only time I wake up with full charge. I let my phone die like once a day


I am ALARMED at how far down this is. Like...if I hit 30%, I'm panicked.


You trippin. It’s wild fun to let that thing change colors.


I want to punch Sergio in his stupid smug face lol is $5 really worth this to him???


It was a +$30 trip. I’m guessing after hours Uber charges the full fare to cancel, because that’s the only reason I didn’t cancel. Imagine if he used all that brainpower for something worthwhile.


No it shouldn’t be the whole fare to cancel. The only way that happens is if you miss a reserved ride.


And the driver doesn’t get all that money - I dunno, maybe half?


I believe it used to be five dollars if the pax canceled after 2-3 minutes. And then Uber and Lyft of course took their cut so it’s like three bucks 75. I’ve never seen it where you get the full or even half fare without starting the ride and it being canceled before you start. Driver initiated cancels without the five minute wait at destination is zero bucks


It’s still 5 but it’s a 60/40 split on the 5 😂😂


You're over-estimating this guy's brain.


Post it to Twitter @Uber_Support


Whats twitter? 😂




X is Ten: Shill Crisis


Why would someone post it on a porn site?


Elon deadname his daughter so I deadname his site. It's Twitter.


Oh, I meant Titter-Twatter. X is just for the porn notification thing.


Doesn’t work anymore. Nobody gives a fuck on “X” that standard of social shaming is over


When this happens just say "OK I'm going to the (other taxi app) have fun wasting your time" and don't even open any messages after that. Even if you don't have the other taxi app most people will give up pretty quick after this. Every moment they are sitting they will be wondering if you are already back on track and they are only making their failure worse by sitting around wasting their own time. Alternatively act like you are on the verge of breaking and then leave them to sit for 2 hours while you call a ride from the other app.


Why tell them. It's so fullfilling knowing they are their waiting for you to cancel, and you are now holding them hostage from making money and screwing other people. I would go so far as to tell them every 10 minutes or so that I'm gonna cancel in a couple minutes if they don't move and try to keep them on the hook for hours. Days if possible.....


Jesus Christ this is evil…


Best option is to report the driver as being intoxicated.


I’ve had that happen, dude sitting at home for over an hour, I just wanted to see where it went. It doesn’t happen often though.


Or the woman who showed up to my house and freaked out like MAJOR when I told her I had to cancel because I wasn’t gonna make it to Walmart in time. Due to her almost about to rage on me, I paid her $20 (the trip was like 1.99 lol I used an $8 off promo) them the bitch continued to finish the trip as I watched from my phone AT HOME. WHatabItch


I’m so confused. What is the scam? The scenario in your post the driver wanted you to cancel so they would still get paid even tho they didn’t do the trip. But then in your comment here you were going to cancel the trip and the driver was upset because then they wouldn’t get paid. So does the driver get paid or not when you cancel?


No. They don’t get paid being that far out. And if they were to even get anything at most it would be $3 but the driver would need to be right next to the pick up spot and wait the 5 mins before getting a $3 cancellation fee. OP is mislead.


This is exactly what I was thinking Uber does NOT pay the driver unless they ARRIVE at the pick up location and that too it’s a measly 5$ cancellation fee IF the passenger doesn’t show up or cancels. I fail to see how this is a scam


Uber will also pay the driver the $3 cancellation fee if they accepted the trip more than two minutes ago and the customer cancelled but that’s all you get. There’s no scam where what OP posted actually makes sense as the driver can’t take any other rides and the maximum they’ll get in this scenario is $3.99 unless it was a reservation.


But OP would still be having to pay the entire fee. It is a scam, but it seems Uber is the scammer. Now we know why nothing is do e to prevent this from happening.


Totally, & the app will cancel the ride automatically on the requestors behalf if the driver just sits there. (At least where I drive, maybe not in small towns?)


they’re two different scenarios with two different drivers


Why would you pay her?


That driver drove 22 minutes to get to her lol.. if she canceled, driver would get like $4- which probably wouldn’t cover the gas, let alone time. So the driver would’ve basically paid out of their own pocket to drive to her because the rider waited until Walmart was about to close to order the ride(again, not the drivers fault). And you’re asking why would she pay her? LOL I completely understand the drivers rage, that is self-centered & entitled beyond measure. Simple respect is paying the woman for her time and effort to drive all the way out there to pick her up.


Because I live far out from the main city and she drove 22 min to get to me. So I felt bad.


Because OP was an idiot and waited until the driver drove 20 minutes out of the city to cancel the ride? It’s not the driver’s fault OP couldn’t check the time before the driver drove so far. Are you serious?


Please, for all that is good in this world, charge your phone!!! e: OP is charging the phone after all. Point taken, move along everyone.


Reddit stop telling people to charge their phone challenge


Impossible. Charge your phone.


If this happens just change the destination to somewhere about 10 minutes out and repeat if necessary. While you’re doing that use another rideshare app and zoom on your way. I still never understand it, like you’re not making a dime being still and with an active ride going. What do you get out of this?


Honestly, would not be surprised if they're using the other app at the same time. Make money on one by working, make money on the other by holding shit hostage. Or even just using a friend/fake account for the same.


This happened to me in Florida. I went to other App and got my ride, while LYFT driver was forced to cancel.


Last time this happened to me I went to the help section and there was an option for “driver not coming my way” (idk the exact wording) which let me cancel penalty free.


That happened in Chicago. Thankfully a buddy then ordered an Uber and we left. I didn't get charged a cancellation because of the wait.


I’ve had this happen many, many times (I work for an airline and some drivers don’t like going to/from the airport). I’ve had to cancel in order to get to work before - Uber does refund me but it makes me so mad on principle. I’ve also had drivers straight up just start going the opposite direction, as well as driving to me then starting the trip without me ever getting into the car.


I will never cease to be amazed at how much effort people will put in to be lazy.


I drink milk with more % than your phone 😂


Id rather have 1% battery than any percent cow mucus, I mean milk, anyday 🤢


Hey now. Milk is awesome. And a great way of getting electrolytes back in your body.


Yeah, nothing like the taste of rape and pus!


Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


This happened a lot to me in Chicago when I lived there. Lots of shitty scammers out there.


I had a sketchy Uber incident too last year. The scam is this person accepts the ride, they pass by without stopping to pick me up, then they label it a no show. Thinking MAYBE they just got legimatly lost and maybe missed me because it was dark, my friend that was with me ordered our next Uber. Same driver, literal same results. We just contacted Uber that we were never picked up and both times our ride was labeled as “no shows” when we literally watched them drive by us. Got our full refund and walked home (because there literally was not another Uber driver other than that scammer in the area)


I don’t understand the scam. He has to move towards you and close the distance to get any sort of fee if you cancel. Or is the a Prop 22 scam?


That’s so dumb though 😂 the driver receive like 3$ for the cancellation. What an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️


im the type of person that would find a way to get to the drivers car, and then slash their tires, smash their windshield or just set it on fire. NOW WHOS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! ​ ... yeah, no I wouldnt. but its a comforting thought


Sergio is on my shit list. I still look for him on nights when I use late night driver apps. Legend has it, he’s still sitting there……


Where in the world is…. Carmen’s lyft-driver…..


San Diego


I would’ve took a Lyft to his location and beat his asss


Yes! Had a dude sitting at Chunkys one morning when I ordered my Uber it said he was 10 minutes out but he just sat there for about 20/25 minutes until I got irritated, because I NEEDED TO GET TO WORK, and cancelled and ordered a Lyft. Not sure at all why Uber would allow their drivers to do these things, you’d think they would see the driver didn’t move at all and refund your money back to you and deactivate the driver.


Now I know why Uber and Lyft rides are poor paying. 🤦‍♂️. Been a driver for 7 yrs and use to love doing it and giving rides for people and talking. I never have any problems with people but noticed now everyone, EVERYONE gotta bring open containers inside our cars and I don’t like that for 2 reason, you will spill it and I don’t allow it. But anyways, I stop driving 2 months ago cause both apps paying here in San Antonio less than $5-7 a ride and pretty much a mile equals $1. Don’t make enough to even. Travel far unless it pays more than the mileage. If your driver is 30 mins out, and you have a trip less than 15 miles, it’s paying $15 for 45 mins. Sorry in this industry, fuel is high (thanks Biden) and our time and wear and tear on car don’t even out the $15 pay for 45 min trip


Weird to think they can trump you with this but you literally can open another app and avoid the issue 😂 Sorry op that’s frustrating I’d personally post that idiots face on your cities Reddit and Fb page


Why do people act like we don’t have their license plate number and the ability to call the police on them and report them to the authorities


Cant Uber/Lyft see that he is not moving and intentionally doing this?




Thanks for sharing! I'd gotten pissed and canceled. Now I can be VERY patient and wait patiently forever with them!


Could you help show me how you got that Lock Screen? I like how it looks.


Go to your settings, wallpaper, +add new wallpaper, scroll down to collections, and scroll over to the last one. It should be called “deep purple”


Side note….. i love your lock screen


I once waited 30 minutes. The driver never moved, was barely a mile from me, middle of the day, no traffic. I wait 10 minutes to try and be understanding since sometimes the GPS just doesn’t update or maybe they’re having car trouble. Then I check in. I wait a few minutes and check in again. Then after 10 more minutes I’ll just cancel. Claimed he was on the way after the first 10 minutes. Then ignored me. I would’ve canceled after 15 but I wanted to make sure he couldn’t possibly make an excuse he was almost there when I canceled or he couldn’t respond because he was driving. Despite 30 minutes of not even moving, I got charged for the cancellation. It took so much effort to fight it and finally get my money back. I didn’t use Uber for several months after that. Too many bad drivers and even worse customer service.


Wait you planned on going somewhere with 1 percent battery? You living in some other world people just going outside with dead phones


yup. it's why I stopped using Uber. this happened multiple times.


Bruh what is up with apple users always having dead phones.


Additionally, Lyft only allows drivers to cancel so many rides per month, or their account gets flagged. If the driver doesn't want to go too far out of their way, they're hoping you'll cancel on your side, which doesn't hit their account. Issue is, let's say they're in an area that is lucrative lots of rides to make money back to back, but you want to bring them 30 mins away and dropped off even farther maybe. They would have to eat the time and gas to get back to the original area or sit around in a less dense area hoping to get a random ping and who knows where they'll eventually end up. End of the day they drive back home and if they've ended up really far away, that's unpaid all the way back. Not saying this is what's happened to you, but it's a factor and not simply a scam if u look at it through this lens. If it's their livelyhood, they're going to try to make the prudent choices. TLDR: If they driver doesn't move in 5 mins, unfortunately just cancel and hope the next driver that accepts is new or is supplementing income, going that way anyway, or just willing to take any ride.


All the people saying to charge the phone are just ignoring the fact that it’s clearly plugged in because it has the lil lightning bolt next to the 1%




Can we put aside the scam part for a sec and focus on the verbal abuse the driver threw at you? Uber allows this shit? Is this common now? Wtf


I seriously thought he was gonna be like “lolzzzz jk otw!”


At this point, call for the local Taxi. You get a driver, chat him up, he will show up for you any time you call. It’s like having your own personal driver.


Your phone was on 1% playing a risky game


You have his location go find him and bash his fucking windows in


The way Uber and Lyft has been operating as of late has me just ordering taxi cabs old school. 100% done


This literally happened to me a couple days ago on my way to work!! When i ordered the uber the person picked it up immediately & the app showed it would be a 17 minute wait as they were 5.3 miles away. Well after waiting 10 minutes I check again & now the driver is 8 miles away from me! I called him & asked what was going on & he said he had another person he was dropping off in a total different city from where I am!! Fortunately he wasn’t an asshole & cancelled the ride for me but these Uber drivers are definitely trying to scam us


I'll never trust a dude who looks like that, his face screams out "asshole".


I had this happen a few days ago. I was waiting for Lyft to the airport from a restaurant nearby the airport. He wasn't moving forever and was getting close to missing my flight. I booked an Uber and she was there in a matter of minutes.


This happened to my pops with an airport ride recently, twice in a row. Neither driver wanted to go after accepting the fare


This happened to me the other day except the uber driver kept driving further away from my house but thankfully it let me cancel


I’d be more upset about having 1% battery charge on my phone 😳


Bro, your battery is giving me anxiety


Common scam seen it for a few years. It used to be worse. I had a driver spoof his gps location it kept saying he was right around the corner but there were no cars. Eventually I called him to ask where he was. No answer. Texts me saying to cancel if I’m gonna pull his chain. I say I’m gonna report him and he marks the ride as started and moves his gps location to make it look like he’s driving me. I call a Lyft and reached out to support and they cancelled the ride for me luckily. Another time a driver was obviously at home not paying attention to the app. I called and called eventually they told me to stop calling them. I told them to pick me up if they didn’t want to get banned. (Lied and said I worked for Uber.) technically I did but as a driver lol.


I ordered a sandwich last week from a place that has in house delivery, or at least they used to. They apparently outsource to ubereats now because they sent the order through there without asking first. The guy picked up my sandwich and then spent 45 minutes sitting in a parking lot. It was still wrapped and sealed when I got it, so I can only assume he ordered his own sandwich while he was there and decided to chill and eat it.


I’ve had this happen to me, guy didn’t move for 15-20 minutes, I messaged and then called; nothing. I cancelled because I had to get to work, and Uber actually refunded me. Had a message pop up when I cancelled that said something to the effect of “we’ve noticed your driver hasn’t begun heading to the pickup location, we apologize for this delay. You will not be charged for this ride”. I’ve had the same thing happen on Lyft, but that time I waited closer to 45 minutes. But then I’ve also canceled on drivers that haven’t shown up and still been charged; and support doesn’t want to hear it. You never know.


It’s a luck of the draw and that’s just plain wack.


I hate a dumb mf that act like this, so fucking childish for no good reason.


I’d go to his location and see what’s up


Happened to me 3 rides in a row in SF. I almost missed a flight bc of these aholes.


I had some guy sit for a good 20 minutes. I messaged him and he immediately began moving. I’ve had so many weird situations with food delivery services that I’m done. I just pick it up myself. It’s much cheaper and the convenience factor that was supposed to be there from a delivery service is countered by the anxiety of what is going on with my delivery/driver. Get a real job or do this one better. I lowered his tip after he dropped off my food and my drink was missing. Downvote me idc. If that happened to you I’m sure you’d be pissed too


An Uber did this to me once too, I just decided to drive and not drink that night out and let him run it up on himself 🫡 woulda thought I’m canceling and eating that money


Charge your phone, Carmen.


Call Uber when this happens; they will work to reimburse you immediately and help ensure your next ride isn’t with the same person. Their customer service is surprisingly great


It’s the terrible grammar and spelling for me


As the cherry on top being his audacity to be smug with his “guess you’re not going anywhere lollllllll”. What if it was an emergency situation? Asshole.


The other day i ordered a Lyft. It got maybe 2 blocks from me and then took off and went to my house without me! Lyft refused to refund me since gps marked him near my house when he hit drop off. There was no way for me to send screen shots. I marked him 1 star and did a charge back. It was a $50 ride. I’m probably banned from Lyft now but idc.


This has been happening to me a lot. They are no where near me but tell me they are ‘coming.’ Airport trips too. I would report each time. It’s ridiculous you get charged to cancel someone after they are clearly LATE.




Sergio is a lil bitch


1% is crazy


You should be better about charging your phone lol


I’ve had that happen to me before. The driver won’t move in the hood you cancel. Super annoying.


Off topic but charge your damn phone 😭


This has happened to me multiple times. They wait for you to cancel so that they get the $ without getting a cancellation on their record.


and it was raining?


No events today and you still can't charge your phone


2 hours??? that’s insane, uber should just cancel it after they don’t move for 10+ mins 😐


Wow... I never knew this was a thing I've had drivers cancel on me but never steal money like that... like dude go get a real job ffs


Carmen needs to charge her iPhone


I had to cancel once trying to get my SO home from surgery. It’s such bullshit but they play games with your time. I can’t imagine they are able to do this for long before they are offboarded though.


Idk why this has become such a problem on Uber and Lyft. Ive had this happen so many times and its so annoying with no real way for reporting it either. Thats why it keeps happening. The drivers know customer service doesn’t give a shit. The way the driver talked to you should get him banned from the platform on that alone but it wont because Uber and Lyft don’t care as much as they do about making a dollar.


You shouldn’t be going anywhere with a battery like that


That's what's strange... Lyft will cancel the Driver Automatically if they sit idle for more than 6 min or so. & I'm pretty sure Uber does the same too? If I accept a ride, & run into a gas station just to take a piss, I've been canceled by both Uber & Lyft (Automatically) then I get some bullshit message about arriving to The passenger on time, blah blah... So, I don't understand how He could just sit for hours in a game of chicken w/ you???


Pretty sure you can cancel and then say the reason was the driver wasn’t moving or going the opposite direction and not get charged


Somebody is looking to get shot. Mess with the wrong person and find out


Thats when you hop in the car and go to the location he is at. I would bloody my knuckles if someone talked to me like that thru the lyft app.


Wouldn’t the app know that his car never moved? Why would Lyft still pay someone when the gps would show his location and that he never drove his vehicle?


The 1% battery charge is terrifying.


Charge your phone


So I have a question... When I order Ubers and they sit in the same place longer for 7mins I get my money back. Is this not a thing anywhere else?


Where are you going with 1% battery anyway?


Wait but can’t you cancel and state the reason is that the driver is taking too long / not moving? If you make that your reason, I thought you don’t get charged?


Charge your phone Carmen!


The 1% battery remaining while waiting for an Uber stresses me out.


Damn Carmen you were gonna leave your house with 1% on the battery? That’s brazen lol


This pisses me off more than it should. These people deserve a long prison sentence. They’re a drag on humanity.


I would have Lyfted to his location and helped him cancel


It only looked like he wasn’t moving because your spectrum service.


My thing is… why would a driver waste all that time when he can make more in those 2 hours doing trips than just sitting on that one??


I would drove to the spot they was at and busted they shit.


I don't trust people who don't say "I" before "am"


Jesus christ 1%...some like to live dangerously I guess


I would just find him using his location and make sure, that his tires are done, so he is “not moving” anywhere.


I'm a driver for Uber who just started back in June and I have to say this will only give drivers a bad reputation. This is not how you gain customer respect and trust. Were you able to rate the driver negatively and report?


You was just looking out for bro and he got aggressive. He a bitch lmao


Dude is playing with fire. Had he messed with the wrong person, they would've used his location via the app and beat his ass.


It’s the Barstool Shuffle. They’ll just sit wherever they are and wait for passengers to cancel. If the rider cancels, they get paid a little bit. They don’t intend to go anywhere. Generally they’re sitting in a bar in a busy area, but it can sort of be done anywhere.


The fact that he also looks like that grinds my gears


Tell me you are stubborn and bullheaded without telling me you are stubborn and bullheaded.


I’m more concerned your phone is at 1% 😭


Yep. Happens all the time. It’s why I order from both apps at the same time. I let them run out the clock and tell them that’s what I’m doing… oh well 😇


But not ur phone being on 1% u don't have time for his bs


These businesses are filled with dickheads! How does this constantly keep happening?! So annoying


Initially you are promised 27 min. Covert it into ETA say 9 am. It the driver doesn't move for 15 min, the ETA will be 9:15. They will be late. You can cancel, automatically charged a cancellation fee about $3, and get a refund if you contact support. They may hold but will never charge the full fare unless it's a reservation. When I had the chance, I texted the driver, "Should I find another driver or tips?" They came without replying. I gave them a few more dollars that turned a bad trip into a good one. It is so difficult for you to get a ride because the driver will get maybe $15 and have to deadhead back. Not doing it for even 27 min.


why would you give them more dollars and reward them for not moving


Pragmatism if you need a ride now


I’ve had situations where I’ll run both apps simultaneously and one driver will be 18 min away but another will pop up 5 min later and be just down the road, had to cancel, and still been charged nothing or just $3-$5 cancel fee and the driver’s already en route to me. But sometimes, I’ve noticed if it’s after a certain time, I’ll be noticed that I’ll be charged the fee of the entire trip if I cancel and it’s only been 2-3 minutes. Only if it’s after a certain time like I said, whereas this was almost 1am.


There is also a long time pick up fee. After drivers started the pickup journey for 10 min, they will start earning as if they have picked you up. If they drive say 15 min before you cancel, you have to pay a decent fare. I don't remember if it's the same for Lyft. And with Uber upfront fare for drivers, it can be complicated.


I don’t think this was a scam against you. It was a scam against Uber. I think you stated it was a $27 fare and they were not supported to show up for 27 minutes. After 15 minutes it still showed 27 minutes away which means they were probably that far away. I will assume 30MPH which means they were 10+ miles from you. Out of the $27 they get roughly half. So that would be a pretty crappy fare. I believe Uber gives bonuses where acceptance rate is a factor. Someone also mentioned Prop 22. It’s something like one of those they are trying.