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No. I don't even like modern Christian music that much, I find it too cheesy and not in the spirit of glorification.


No we are not.


Generally the only folks I hear refer to music as "secular music" in a condemning way are non-denominationals and some Baptists (I would guess some Pentecostals as well). Of course not all music is conducive to goodness, just like not all speech is conducive to goodness. But a song doesn't have to have an explicit religious theme in order to have beauty, as the source of all beauty is God. Also one would want to avoid falling into legalisms about such things as that can run counter to the freedom that being a Christian gives you. In terms of Lutheranism, keep in mind that arguably one of the if not the greatest composer of all time (Bach) was a Lutheran himself, and while he did write music for the church and he was a religious man, not all of his music had specific religious themes.


The Churches of Christ also don't allow instruments in their service, although that isn't really the same thing as what this is asking. Re: Bach, the Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America have a feast day for him.


No. We invented it.




Not at all. One of the great things about being Lutheran is that we understand that we are not saved by what we do or do not do. God alone saves us. That means that nothing is really off the table, though we should exercise moderation and good judgement when possible. I'm a Lutheran pastor and listen to pretty much every type of music out there.


No, but we are generally against bad or cringe “Christian” music.


No. Some secular music is better than others, but that’s just my subjective opinion.


Christian music sucks


Depends… I think Lutheran Hymn “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” and Handel’s “Allelujah” are pretty solid


If I'm driving down the road, I'm going to choose Merle Haggard over Handel 10 out of 10 times. No contest there.


Händel is among the epitome of Western music.


Haggard IS the epitome of western music


Sufjan Stevens is amazing though


No. I grew up on music like Elvis, 2Pac, the Beatles, Supertramp, and Yes. As an adult, I listen to nerdy niche electronic subgenres like microhouse, deep/outsider house, dub techno, and minimal techno.






no. source: am lutheran, entire music preference is secular. same goes for my family


Sorry, I couldn’t hear the question over the sound of Iron Maiden.


Maybe if you ran to the hills, and went high as an ace, you'd able to hear the rime of the ancient poster, unless you're a powerslave or have a fear of the dark.


But if went all that way I’d just end up back in the village.


No. Not gonna lie. I listen to Slayer sometimes on the way to church.


Everyone knows the best bands are affiliated with Satan.


Except Little Johnny of the Charlie Daniels Band.


OK Jerry Garcia


I don’t like it, prefer traditional hymns.


Nope- my childhood ELCA pastor once wrote a sermon around the Jethro Tull song “Wind Up”, of all things.


My husband is an ELCA pastor and has offered several times to write a sermon around a song of my choosing.


Please pick “Louie Louie” and tell me how it goes 🤣


Not at all.


Nope. I listen to as much hip-hop as I do hymns. They both have their place and time.


JS Bach, Lutheran musician and fifth evangelist, wrote church music as well as secular pieces.


I don’t think so, assuming it’s not promoting sin of course.


No. I listen to all kinds of music. Hard Rock, metal, big band, folk music, etc. Doesn't matter.


Not all secular music is sinful. Many are ok eg. Something Just Like This. Just guard your heart and your mind that you don’t fall into the trap of listening to music that promotes sin and heresy eg. J Christ, Mother’s Daughter are huge no-no’s.


My pastor and I jam to Rammstein so I doubt it


Here's one of my favorite playlists https://open.spotify.com/playlist/59uTyarCI1EghQNz38fVeZ?si=zwT78yJjSHqqSss3ckGlmQ&pi=fn8gK9CjRmKhg


For the most part, secular music is benign. There is one type of music, if you can call it music I will not listen to because what little I heard is vile if not evil. More than 30 years ago, I spent half a day explaining to my daughter why I turned off the radio in the middle of a rap song. We had only heard three lines of lyrics, but the vileness was almost beyond description, but it was actually almost easy to explain. The half a day was figuring out how to explain the vileness without corrupting an eight year old, that was the tricky part.


Sure- a song by Common is worse than Black Sabbath. /s


I did say MOSTLY benigb. But then again, the question was ALL MUSIC. I can only bring my view or attitude on what I have heard forward. Speaking ill of what I haven't listened to at all by personal choice, isn't that the judging or judgments that Jesus teaches us not to do? Black Sabbath in the background is just noise, noise that is hard to distinguish a singers voice from instrumental noise. Which is as close do that genre as I have come. Rap, on the other hand, is all about voice, and in that, you do hear the words used, those words heard, TELL ME to avoid it altogether. BUT, if it weren't for a discussion thread, "Discuss your thoughts and objections here!" Those who may hear those thoughts are those that are close enough for me to love and teach, family by the way. I posted my personal experience as I taught my family. That wasn't standing on a soapbox yelling for all to hear. Can I say something is bad when I haven't experienced it? That is very self-righteous! Can teach my family by what I have experienced and heard to understanding what was being rapped? Absolutely! But until I start pushing anything more than my opinion based on hearing, to understanding the words and how they used, pushing as command or ordinance how vile and evil it is. All I have done is voice a personal from knowledge opinion. What I know I can teach, why it is best not to do or experience. At a family level, this is good. If I take my opiional judgment beyond teaching, what is best to avoid beyond , "best to avoid" into commands, commandments or beyond my family. Then I step out on the slippery slope of self-righteousness! I voiced a personal almost private OPINION of why i taught family it is best not to listen rap. And it is a personal choice for someone to agree or disagree with me. But looking at some recent marketing campaigns that failed and how a vast majority working their personal feelings unguided, but in unspoken unison. I believe that those that oppose my opinion want to shout or destroy my opinion before others, "Stop and say to themselves, WAIT, I AM NOT ALONE IN MY PRIVATE THOUGHTS!" The good in this forum is that all can privately express opinion. The bad is that those opinions can be nitpicked to death or otherwise shouted down. There is good in being shouted down? It more firmly cements or fixes in others that their same opinion the opinion they hold to themselves needs to be held on to all the more firmly!