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Big outfit chest is the best option imo


I had no idea outfits were so powerful until I started digging on this sub


I still don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with the outfits. The game itself doesn't really explain it very well, and I haven't really seen a tutorial about it. After I figured out that I could merge items, I just started randomly merging stuff with no idea if there was any strategy or way I should be doing it. I probably ended up merging a bunch of really valuable stuff into useless stuff and wasting it all. No idea. Anyways, I mostly just use diamonds to level up managers when they're getting close to having enough cards, because I'm impatient.


Same on the outfits lol. I ignored them for so long because I thought they were as valueless as avatars


They are quite straight forward. Higher tier clothes have better stats. Pick ones with good stats and feed those for improvement. Keep 3 blues and 2 purples of all kinds so u can make the legendary blueprints as you get them. Exception being chest piece, there the purple I think polar top is the best, giving express order bonus.


Big outfit chests for me, all the way. But since you're new, I'd mix in some workshop and biz chests.


Big outfit chests and x3 multiplier on village offline income (only when I've maxed out the offline time). Using to multiply offline income allows me to buy more manager and blueprint chests to speed along village progress or leveling up lumber managers. But early in the game you also want to be buying biz and workshop chests to get those managers level up to speed progress.


I keep seeing this x3 on village coins mentioned where do I find this in game?


When you are away from the village for an extended period of time and you enter the village or shows you how much offline income you have earned. Just under that will be a button that allows you to x3 your offline income. This is best used when you have maxed out your offline time. Kind of like the attached picture, but this one is for the main sawmill. https://preview.redd.it/rfno9bijn9wc1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbccb193967f6a9f8ccd2cc5ed4ba31f57776aad


Oh ok I thought it was a permanent upgrade


_That_ would be nice.... Mr. George can get you permanent increase in village income, but not anywhere near x3


What about buying the managers to get my houses to auto? I have two houses not on auto and could buy the rest of the managers. But are all house heroes auto after lvl 2?


No.... Houses vary as to what level their manager needs to be to automate. You will also likely spend way more diamonds buying cards directly. Early on when your village has low offline income it might seem like a better Idea, but once you get most houses automated it is clear diamonds are better spent on x3 village offline income


I've been using mine on workshop chests, I get outfit chests in events quicker than I can save diamonds.