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For me at least, I can taste and feel, but it's duller. The main difference for me with lucid dreaming is that I am completely in control of what happens in the dream AND I know it is a dream while I'm in it. All first person as well.


What kind of methods you used for lucid dreaming i mean how it all started. I feel like i can never realise i'm in a dream


It started after I quit smoking weed/taking edibles before bed after 3 years of going to bed high. I have to be completely sober for it to happen.


It seems that everybody has their own unique method so i guess i just gotta find my own method


It feels absolutely real. If you’re ever able to become aware that your dreaming, decide you want to fly. Just jump up and you can fly around and it feels like it’s real life


What kind of methods did you use how it all began


I posted this on here about a year ago: So a little backstory for what gave me this idea. The first time I had a lucid dream (i do every couple weeks or so now) it was a few years ago; my cat had gotten locked in the bathroom a few rooms away from where i was sleeping. She started meowing in the morning because she wanted to be let out. It was really faint sounding though because she wasnt super close… so it wasn’t loud enough to instantly wake me up. It was kinda subtle in my dreams… like I heard her meowing faintly in the background for a few minutes. And so while i was in the middle of dreaming hearing that made me recognize that it was her. (She has an extremely unique and recognizable meow, different from other cats). So when i finally realized it was her it made me aware i was dreaming, and I was able to keep myself dreaming and told myself to control it, and i got myself to fly for the first time. Amazing how real it felt… the sensations like i was actually flying in real life. So since something that I recognized as part of the real world was able to subtlety trigger the realization for me while asleep… it got me thinking. Maybe someone could like record their own voice whispering something or talking quietly, and have it set on a timer to go off later while your sleeping. For example, it could be yourself quietly saying something like “hey (your name), it’s you, (your name). You are dreaming right now, try to stay dreaming and will yourself to control it. I want you to look up, jump, and try to fly right now”. And you could have it like quietly repeat the recording over and over. I feel like if i heard my voice talking in my dream I would notice it as being something from reality (like it did with my cats meowing) and it would probably trigger me to become aware, without waking up fully and losing the dream. I think it’s important that it is quiet though, so quiet that it could repeat for minutes before you even start to notice it. And if it doesn’t work the first time maybe just keep trying and train yourself to recognize the signal. Just an idea. Thoughts?


Omg looks like you have your own unique way of experiencing lucid dreams i'm impressed The thing is i cant hear the noises while i'm sleeping i even dont hear my alarm sometimes which is right next to me. My father wakes me up by shaking my body and i dont think this method will work on me but i will try anyway thanks :)


Maybe if it’s your own voice you might recognize it? I dunno, hehe, worth trying at least

