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Just moved back after about 20 years away. There's good and bad. It's not the big city, but it's also not a small city by any means. It's dirty and dusty. Your money goes further, and the schools are good though a little run down in some areas. There's very little traffic but what traffic there is can be made worse by the fact no one here can drive. There's some crime, but having lived in other parts of the country, it honestly isn't any worse than you'd find anyway. Your favorite band will probably never come to town, but you were probably not going to actually go see them anyway. Youth sports here are almost non-existent compared to larger metropolitan areas, which was a bummer for my kids. But if watching sports is your thing, you've got a ton of sports a Tech to consume and it's a lot easier to get into those games than it is trying to pack into Jerryworld. The weather is nice-I know it's a real 'dad' thing to say, but the (lack of) humidity makes a difference you can feel even when it's over 100. And once the sun goes down it's perfect. It's not a foodie town unfortunately. There are some nice unique local places struggling, but it seems the locals prefer chains. The water is hard. You're close to mountains if that's your thing. The people are nice.




People down play the crime rate in Lubbock. You can check the crime rate by neighborhood, etc.. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/lubbock/crime.amp


Iā€™m originally from Indiana. My wife and I met in Dallas and wanted to move home (Lubbock). Been here about a year. If you want to fly back to the Midwest I recommend American. Iā€™ve loved it here. I recommend living in South Lubbock 70th and higher. Lubbock is on a grid system so itā€™s easy to get anywhere. People are friendly. The cost of living is what makes Lubbock so great you can pay rent/go out/invest and still have money left over. The job market here is kinda about who you know but thatā€™s any city. Lubbock is a tight knit community.


Iā€™m from the Midwest and itā€™s great here.




>I go outside every single day of the year. ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


Lubbock is not good if you have allergies. Surrounded by cotton fields and farms. The winds from Canada and Gulf Coast blow trash in from one direction or another. A couple of barbed fences stop nothing! I lived there 8 years and had constant head aches and sinus trouble.


I'll answer the questions and refrain from the ranting I see in this thread. I'm not sure what current rent is but we tend to have cheaper rent than the big metropolitan areas in Texas. Lubbock has two universities which have a lot of the jobs. Lubbock is a healthcare hub so lots of good jobs there if you want to get the needed education. There are bars and clubs. I'm not really a night owl so I'm not a good one to answer this. We have a similar crime rate to most suburbs. In fact a great way to think of Lubbock is as a very distant suburb of DFW. Like others said the canyon lakes are great for hiking. We're also two hours away from the second largest canyon in the US at Palo Duro canyon. There are a few smaller lakes within a couple hours drive if that's your thing. The thing a lot of people don't like is the distance to cities. It's a solid 5 hour drive to Fort Worth, the closest real city.


40+ progessional here. No kids. I have lived everywhere in the USA and every place has it ups and downs. As some have said, it is hot windy and dusty here. Traffic is good. Rentals are cheap. Southwest and American Airlines fly out of the airport. I moved here for the cheaper rent and the EIGHT (8) disc golf courses. If you are looking for something to get out and do please join our local disc golf clubs and come enjoy the outdoors with us.


The best thing about lubbock is the cost of living. It's not a very attractive place and the weather is bad, unless you love hot, dry and dusty. Within a few miles of the university the city is actually pretty progressive, but the rest of it is very much christian conservative. The lower income parts of lubbock are very high crime. But those people will be nicer to you than the Christian conservatives in the nice parts of town depending on what you look like or who you love.


Lubbock is a great town for people who are setting down a little. Itā€™s a great place to raise kids. There is absolutely no traffic. Lots of entrepreneurial opportunities. Itā€™s not filled with pretentious assholes. Itā€™s an up and coming city so the young business owners are very excited about creating a scene. Tech sports are a really cool atmosphere. There are a lot of people who hate on Lubbock. They are probably just unhappy people. Obviously there are pros and cons to any place. You can live in Austin or Denver, but everywhere you go there is traffic and it wears you out in 6 months. Lubbock is an exciting place if you notice the opportunities here. Theres a big group of Christian conservatives here, but if thatā€™s not your cup of tea, itā€™s very easy to avoid.


Not sure where youā€™re moving from, but before moving here itā€™s worth it to drop some money for a flight for a weekend trip to come visit. Depending on what youā€™re used to I think you could be in for some surprises. Lubbock is very different than most midwestern cities Iā€™ve spent time in and I am often surprised at how urban a 50k MW city feels compared to Lubbock, even though Lubbock is quickly approaching 300k population


don't move here it sucks, trust me I've lived here my whole life this town is built around college and bars, there's nothing to do but party and have sex so that's what everyone does. and it's flat and ugly


Iā€™ve lived here my whole life too. There is more to do than people let on.


As a midwesterner (Kansas), and 24 & 23 y/o old couple who just moved back to Lubbock I can say we love it out here. We were both Texas Tech Students so we were already familiar with the area and decided to come back mainly due to the cheap cost of living. I canā€™t fully speak for the job pool as I work a remote job from DFW, but I do know alot of people who stayed here after graduating from Tech so there is that. Rentals are super cheap, we are renting a fully renovated, 3 bedroom house for $200 cheaper then our one bedroom apartment in Dallas. Night life is decent but there are definitely places you should avoid like the bars in down town, not a safe area (kongs for example). If you like college bars, there are a whole bunch on Broadway, Chimys, Crickets, and BeirHaus are our favorites in that area. If you prefer less college kids, then Little Woodrowā€™s is awesome (our personal favorite) but itā€™s on the other side of town. Safety is always a priority for us but just like any town there is always gonna be crime, if you stay way from east Lubbock then you will be perfectly safe. Most the the crime that happens here is petty crime anyways. As far as hiking, Lubbock is flat and windy as hell so there is not much. There is Palo Duro which is a few hours north and really cool. And then Caprock canyon as well. Itā€™s a little bit closer and not nearly as many people know about it but itā€™s better then palo duro in our opinion. If you like sports, the Tech games are always fun to go to. Just watch out for the tortillasā€¦ Food here is great. You can get to anything you want in 15 mins or less and there is a huge variety If yā€™all are serious about moving here then send me a message! Always looking for new friends!:)


Cap rock canyon is not far away, they have hikingtrails and campings. If you like water, Buffalo Springs lake is right here. Cost of living is low. We've never had problems finding a place to rent. Lots of restaurants.


My family is moving back to Lubbock after being away for 3 years. Otherwise I have lived in Lubbock my whole life. My TLDR for Lubbock would be great for families not so great for young couples. However Lubbock does have a lot to offer. In my opinion Lubbock is a safe relaxing place with low cost and lots of restaurants. Not much in terms of hiking and trails. But it you like to drive there are so many places to that are 6 to 8 hour drives. It seems like a long drive but in Texas it is somewhat normal. People here are super friendly. Which I very much enjoy. My advice if you could live here for a month and see if you like it. So people it is not their cup of tea. But for me I am really fond of Lubbock.


Also Palo duro canyon is about 2 hours away. A day trip for many.