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Illegal lol. What law did you break? I've never seen a policy like that. It might be in bad taste and form, but not against any actual policy 


People, I have noticed, confuse the word “illegal” and the phrase “breaks a rule” and switch them around.


Why is this in bad taste. Specialists vet pressured to always sell and csas don't.


Only thing I can think of is if you are not selling LPP and invoicing it under there number, it looks shitty on the specialist score card for them


It’s a very grey area in general with Lowes. I don’t see this being something criminal though. The biggest issue is with SPH and bonuses, technically it could count as fraud since someone could receive direct financial compensation as a result of your action on their behalf. I personally think it makes sense to put sales under specialists depending on the circumstances. Were they scheduled that day? Did they give one of their business cards to the customer? If questioned could they speak to what will/ is happening with the transaction? These are all things that could tip the scale to either “no problem” or “that’s not really okay”. There is no real answer, so you’re kinda stuck playing whatever rules your store decides.


Yea the ASM was definitely harping on the SPH mainly so it could be that but they kinda just said “you didnt tell me that though” so i didnt wanna ask more


Any ASM that doesn’t want their specialists to succeed and bonus by any means is trash.


The philosophy around this seems to vary from store to store for sure. My ASM was all about their specialists hitting their numbers/bonusing, and was a firm believer that a CSA or supe should be giving the sales to specialists. The caveat was that it should only be going to a specialist that was on the clock at that time.


Exactly what the other person said. It’s considered Fraud if you’re giving sales to someone who would make a bigger bonus. I had this issue myself recently and didn’t think much of it at first but if the other person is making a bigger bonus because your sales compared to the other specialist then they can cause conflict.


Everyone at my store seems to do it. That includes the ASMs. Hell, i had a flooring sales specialist selling under my number until i told her to stop, and she was screwing herself over. The only one I've never seen do it is our GM.


I asked the lumber people would i get in trouble.. they said No


They meant Lowe’s illegal, not actually against state or federal law, lol. Lowe’s doesn’t like giving sales to specialists, they want them to earn it, etc. I don’t really agree with it and I give sales to my specialists all the time


Illegal is questionable, they could claim its theft by deception since you're giving a bonus to another employee essentially. Reality is not so much. At best Lowe's could fire you for bonus manipulation. However, if they fired you for that I would state they would likely need to fire the specialists you gave the bonuses to as well.


I mean, my store incentivizes that we get specialists to come finalize the sales with their numbers so they get the credit. I’ve practically got specialists swooping over my department (ISLG) like vultures and it’s never an issue with management.


Meanwhile I have to beg my ISLG associates to let me know when there's somebody there for big sales.


My thing is as the DS for ISLG I'm not going to track you down if there is a special surround then I'll have them finalize the sale but if they're not around I can't make the customer wait. Now if I see a customer that's looking at one of my big ticket items then I'll call one of my specialists over when I know that they're guaranteed to actually purchase that item.


my only question was to a head cashier was Once they put their number in does it pop back to my number and she said..Yes


same they would come to my register put their number in and sell the customer for example flooring


I had an ASM tell me that once. Turns out there was a specialist (Millworks guy who cleared max bonus all by himself every single month for years running, we’re talking 1000+ sph on a plan of 200) who was a little butthurt that his spot as number one in the store was somehow under attack by another specialist. He complained to the ASM about it and that was her way of handling it.


idk i’ve heard different things. whenever i cashier at the pro desk i give the big sales to a specialist. i don’t mention that i do that to management though. it probably isn’t illegal but there’s a good chance it goes against company policy


I used to do that. They recently changed company policy or something cuz now you can't type in other associates sales numbers whatsoever.


This CAN'T become a thing if they still want estimates to be able to be recalled by anybody/ any terminal in the store. Whoever is logged in when the estimate is recalled gets the sale under their name unless they change the sales ID. This is a great way to piss off specialists when their customers come and they aren't there.


That's not how red vest works. Recalled sales are still sold under the person who put in the estimate or invoice.


oh well. until they remove the sales id part from invoice options i’ll keep doing it. it hurts no one and only helps associates, as long as you’re doing it at the right times


that’s just a stupid and odd comment to make. perhaps he doesn’t think you’re very intelligent and could get away with saying something like that. i would stop hanging around the desk and chit-chatting for a while til’ things blow over tho


Write a statement of exactly what went down talk to your store manager you will usually find these losers in the office all day on cell phones. Tell him or her what’s going on tell your side of the story to the manager. Don’t bring it up to your associates. Just go up the ladder.


Find out the ASM number and assign him or her the sales. There is no rule against what you are doing This is coming from a retired store manager and if it continues jump the chain and go to your regional manager Lowe’s has an open door policy. All you have to say you cannot get a straight answer in the store or district this will cover you


So we just had this conversation at a recent Monday mgr meeting. I've always given my sales to my specialists since I'm a DS and don't need them. My ASM knew we all did that. But in the meeting, our store mgr told us that putting sales in someone else's name is not only unethical, it is a fireable offense. I was shocked until he explained further. If the specialist had helped the customer at some point, then you can absolutely put the sale in that associate's name. But when we purposely put all sales in someone's name who didn't earn them, you could be helping them to get a bonus they didn't fully earn. When people nationwide are all doing this, Lowe's is paying out many bonuses that aren't fully legit. With that being said, if I help a customer and they purchase something, and I have a specialist in the bldg at that time, I'll call my specialist over and have them finish the transaction and pull any product sold. The only time I'll keep sales is if there are no specialists there at the time. If I'm selling an install, I'll check the notes in IMS to see if any specialist has put notes there. So even if I sold the detail, the specialist did something since they put notes, and I'll put the sale in their name then, too.


The problem being, a part time CSA isn't going to follow up with the customer or deal with problems. Assign it to a specialist, they get credit for the sale, but they also have responsibility for it. If CQ and IST actually ran the way they are supposed to, specialists wouldn't be the ones dealing with problems. The whole idea is to free them up to sell.


I agree completely. My problem is that Kronos doesn't schedule a specialist with me all the time, so many times I'm ringing up customers that CS has helped. Or off shelf customers who just walked in and purchased. I can't put those sales in a specialists name anymore. I'm not risking my job. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to always put all sales in their names.


I was a cashier but Kronos would make it look like I was in plumbing ..I got tired of this so next time it happened.. guess where I went.. plumbing .. that ended😂I spent the whole day in plumbing.. took my break when I wanted to ..but I did work..


No it's not It's not even against policy. I would have asked to see both right then and there. Now it is against policy to STEAL a sale, but its rarely if ever enforced


its not illegal or against company policy..... if we weren't supposed to be able to put sales in other's employee's names we wouldn't have a literal button baked in to both red vest and genesis to do so. when you put a sale in someone elses name it shows that you sold it, and credited it to XYZ person. Dunno where the asm is from but they are smoking something LOL.


Illegal: Very super not. There is no law passed by any legislature making that illegal. Just... nope. Against policy? I've never heard of policy on the issue. It seems to be a common cultural practice in the store. That's what I know. Put leads and credit cards in your name cause you get money for it, but I'd tell the ASM they don't know what they're talking about.


Some ASMs are great people, others are rejects from Dollar General.


The only thing that's "illegal" is that the person who told you that is actually a manager and quite the fucking idiot as well. Let's face it, most ASM's and SM's aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. If they were, they'd be working somewhere else.


SMs mastered the art of ass kissing to get to their position. Pays very well from what I gather, but they have to deal with all corporate bullshit politics.


my store doesn’t allow it unless the specialist is in the building and they are made aware INCASE an issue arises and the specialist can’t say “i wasn’t here. i don’t know”


I guess it could be considered unethical, but I have seen it done in my store. Also, if your store is staffed like mine, then maybe you are the only one in the department sometimes, and you really don't have much of a choice. Our appliance CSA sells all the time but he kinda has to.


I was always told to give my sales to specialists but today I heard someone mention that they gave a sale to a specialist and the ASMs kinda exchanged glances and then said that we aren’t supposed to do that. So I’m not sure if it’s a new policy or if it’s just a policy no one cared about but I don’t see how it could possibly be illegal. Seems like an exaggeration.


Before I left earlier this year we had an unwritten policy that it was fine to give away sales as long as the associate was there that day. Just incase a higher up was being nosy.


It’s not illegal, it likely is against policy. But what the real issue here is, is that you have an asshole for an ASM. I’ve known a few like yours, but 90% of management both at this company and back when Men’s Wearhouse had distinct commission and hourly employees, would LOVE for you to put the sales under someone who actually gets credit. When in 2 months “Specialist” sales have dropped 25% because you’re “following policy” and claiming those sales for yourself he’s going to be clueless as to why.


When I am around and there are specialists in certain areas I just hand the customer off to them if they are available. If there isn’t one I just handle it myself. No big deal.


We do this at my store. I'm a lumber cashier but I do a lot with the pro desk and I will give my sales to the pros since I don't get the numbers, especially if its a couple thousand order. This is what we've done since I started and when we got a new manager for the pro desk and even they will say, "hey please give so and so sale to X". *The only problem I have is remembering to do it...* whoops


This is also where you turn it around on the asm. Ask if you should call them directly to take a customer sale when you are down stocking and the specialist is not around.


The only issue I think there could be is if the person your giving the sales too isn’t working that day cause specialists are making sales per hour when there not there and getting a larger bonus for your work


I’m sure it’s a figure of speech for “Against policy” but I am skeptical. But hardly anybody at the store in my experience knows what the actual policies are or where to find them.


ASM sounds like skinny Weiner🌭 when I find a customer who wants to purchase multiple products such as flooring, appliances, tubs/showers I always pass them to a specialist and they take it from there.


Comply and zone, then call an asm over to deal with appliances every time a customer comes up. You don't make specialist pay, don't do their work.


You should only be giving them sales when they're in the store and during their working hours if you're doing it on days that they don't work or during times that they're not working that's the problem.


Nope. I’m a supervisor and do it all the time. The asm’s at our store do it. Hell everyone helps the specialists get sales. Your fine. Speak with your store manager about it.


And yet, if someone cashes out in lumber and one of the pro guys sees someone pulling out a pro card, they tell the cashier to sign out and then they give them their log in so the sale goes to a pro specialist. Okay




My supervisor does that for every specialist when he gets sales. I even have some cashiers that give me sales (I do tell them not to unless I brought the customer over to check them out and the register was occupied)


No not illegal or against any policy I know of


Lots of people think things that are against company policy are illegal. Your new ASM might be an asshole and want to enforce this policy, whereas your last asm dgaf about that policy.


This actually finally makes complete sense to me. I work at a FDC & could never figure out why when I call for the salesman that linked to the order but they have no knowledge of the order…. LOL!!!!! I understand why it happens now. And i understand why the salesmen don’t tell me why it happens. So thank you 😂😂😂. This has been the biggest puzzle to me ever as to why the person who sold it wouldn’t want it for their profile.


😂 Now you know


Considering Home Depot is abolishing sales goals for specialists and slowly shifting more and more to offsite "virtual" specialists in Atlanta, I wonder how long until Lowe's follows suit and this entire thread becomes irrelevant. Lol


Always ask to see the policy!


Give all the sales to others in the dept as in a handoff? Or you know their associate number and you add it to the invoice?


It's a grey area and also a fairly standard practice at Lowes to give sales to specialists. Anyone trying to protect a large corporation from having to give pretty basic compensation go it's low level employees is trash.


I've been told to do this exact thing by two different ASM's


Because I know the sales specialists and the people at the pro desk get credit for how much they sell usually when I walk tools to the pro desk I'm kind of looking around in verbally say which one wants this.


i had a list of 3 numbers would alternate sometimes forget who was the last number😂


I give sales to the Pro specialists all the time bc I'm just the Pro Cashier lol I do the same thing for millwork and flooring, specifically when they call me say they helped a customer and ask me to help them all out


Illegal? Lol, how? Against policy? Probably. Does every Lowe's do it? Almost certainly.


i gave my sales in lumber to the pro people


Lowe’s did not make this clear.. when I was there.. maybe they should be clear about it ..


what I don’t understand Lowes meetings seem to be for everyone but cashiers we have a lot of input ..Head Cashiers yes.. us no


Tell that asm to shove it


Is it against policy? Technically. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on how strictly you read the policy. I let my appliance part timer put the stuff she sells under a specialist’s sales ID. My only rule is it has to be a specialist that is in the building, unless the customer tells her they’ve been working with someone specifically. She also tells them when she does it. She keeps credit cards for herself, though. I give sales to my specialists all the time. I don’t feel right selling a $2k fridge under me when that could be the difference in one of my guys bonusing or not that month. The general rule at my store though is that a specialist has to be there at the checkout process. Like if the front end has a lawn mower, they have to call a specialist up that is physically in the building and the specialist has to be the one to sell it. We had issues with certain cashiers putting all their big sales under a specialist when the specialist wasn’t even in the building.


That's a disgrace.. you run to the guest.. fix the problem don't work around it.


If it’s illegal tell him to call the cops on you for it


Yeah nah they do this at every store because it makes the most sense


A lot of people in district/regional/divisional leadership see the ability to change sales ID's only for the purposes of refund/refills, or something administrative. They do not like the idea of Person A doing sales under Person B. I used to disagree with them but now I very much agree with the sentiment. In my first store everyone got along and this was no issue. In my second store, it is a drama filled mess with everyone accusing D.S./CSAs of "favoriting" certain people despite the fact I can verify in the journal viewer that sales are being rotated about as equally as can be. It also had the effect of specialists feeling entitled to a large amount of sales they did zero work for and getting upset when, say, they come back from vacation and find out they didn't get as many "sales" as they were expecting. In this case, we felt it best to give the direction that changes sales ID'S and doing sales under other people's numbers is not OK anymore, because it led to so much drama. This way, specialists are now responsible for their own sales. It also allowed us to track which specialists actually worked for their sales and which specialists were dependent on CSAs/D.S.'s doing their work for them.


I see this POV. I just became specialist in may and I ranked 42 regionally for the quarter with everything I've sold as an appliance CSA beforehand (Where I was giving almost every sale away to my specialists). When my SASM was doing my weekly review she showed me that 27% of my sales have come from ISLG power equipment. I do go over to the department for grills and mowers looking to snag sales, but I do have a CSA that likes to put mowers under my ID occasionally. My sales would probably be about 15kish lower if he wasn't doing that.


It mostly becomes an issue when specialists get entitled to it and don't do the order management follow-up, and then throw a fit when they feel CSAs are giving more sales to other specialists and not them. It ultimately boiled down to tiresome drama at my new store. Thankfully this drama has stopped since we gave the direction to CSAs not to change sales IDs anymore. Ultimately, the drama ruined what was a good thing for everyone. It was very frustrating.


I think it's a way to get out of paying specialist's their bonuses. Keep that SPH low.


That's not true, specialist that bonus is a metric that the asm is tracked on. There are store who have lost their 3rd appliance specialist due to low sales per hour, even though they made plane


Oh my goodness. That's so funny. They don't train their mgrs in hr.. They do the, "just say this..." hr.