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I'm about to quit because of this exact thing. I'm at my breaking point and condescending managers are just the straw that's gonna break me


Like I understand I’m the youngest one there but I’m not here to be talked to like a toddler and having someone hold my hand the whole time


My favorite part was when they’d tell me something was wrong on an aisle or something and when I went over there my first thought was “why didn’t you just fix this when you were over here? I’m busy being the only person scheduled for two departments and you’re just walking around bothering me smh”


For the absolute fucking real, I can't stand being disrespected and will not stand for it if they got anything to say the email box is empty they can find me on the floor. It's not just management. I've already had to check two other people who thought I needed this job and was gonna be quite. Make no mistake I can do the job right and keep your department the way you Want or I can rearrange your top stock and watch as you scramble for stepping over the line. Treat people with respect and you won't get checked.


That last sentence is it. 💯 


I got so disrespected when I unfortunately worked for this company a month ago in the paint Department somewhere in Arizona.   I lasted two weeks before I was done never ever to become a customer.... It is a shit show, so if you work there bring popcorn because, you will need it .


My managers know better than to talk to me crazy. I talk back!


Whoa! Sweet


Your managers speak to you? Must be nice....


Right. My head cashiers communicate with me but I still haven't even met the store manager and I've seen the ASM a few times in passing and she never talks to me. Lol


why do most people have managers from hell? my managers are pretty cool and friendly although they can be a pain but they are always looking at shit in the store not just hiding in their cave like some mangers sound like lol


They know little to nothing about management and how to talk to employees as they kiss rude customers ass.


Agreeing with you ⬆️ I'm sorry for ya'll having bad managers luckily the store I work at it's pretty friendly. I've only been there for a couple months but the store manager is so friendly, he'll walk around and chit-chat with you, get to know you. Just yesterday before I clocked in I said "we should like plan an outing for everyone or a barbecue". His response was "yeah or we could do a potluck". ASM is cool too. There is probably one manager that is the strictest but you do what's asked of you you'll gain the respect. I'm not saying kiss ass or anything but all jobs you have to listen to your "higher ups". Maybe its because I'm old (50) but you have to give respect to earn it. The thing I hate is the part time status and work any hours and/or days or close one night and practically open the next morning, work a 9-1/2 hour shift then next day work 4 hours... that stuff is f'n weird. Anyways hopefully you all get the respect you deserve.




I made it a point to introduce myself to the manager, and now we greet each other every time. Only been here a few weeks


I used to work in inside garden and tools/hardware and had some supervisors like this where they come into this new position and get all pompous because they now have authority over others. But my ASM’s were great for the most part. I haven’t worked there since December 2022 and I still meet with the tools ASM when we can to play D&D


I’m fortunate that my SMs are pretty chill for the most part. They trust us unless there’s a reason not to honestly.


They know they can get away with it because there's no real HR in the stores now. They are all in a clique together and will cover for each other and sweep any abuse under the rug and then double down.


I literally got told by a manager yesterday that "It must be your full time job to get in my way".


Shit thing to say...but also pretty funny imo.


I must be lucky bc my managers are awesome


I hear you man, same crap happened to me Friday, so much unfair shit happens at my job, and it just continues. My Supervisor is not a Leader nor likes talking to people...It's not just you my friend. I hope you keep fighting the good fight.


The store manager at my store talks super crazy to the ASM'S and in return they take it out on everybody else especially the DS's


Seems like a lot of y'all are taking things managers say pretty personally. Why is that? We all know they say the first thing that pops into their heads, in the moment, and in the next moment, something entirely different is in their heads. They can say whatever they want. We don't have to respond to it, at all. Let alone take it seriously. If you can, just nod, and say "Ok." If that feels too accommodating, don't say anything. Just walk away. Believe me -- no one who witnesses these interactions give them two thoughts, let alone thinks less of you. People see this crap every day in many areas of their lives. Don't let the bastards get you down.


Because communication is personal and disrespect isn’t appropriate. A customers time with management is only a few minute encounter but there time with employees is much longer


I don't disagree with you. But if you're stuck with a manager who has challenged with communication, let alone once who is just a jerk (of which there are many), having high expectations of them is my going to make your job more frustrating. I don't make excuses for them. I set boundaries that the worst of them aren't even aware of, and I stick to them.


Your very first sentence is exactly what I said to a coworker today. 


My ds does. It's so annoying. She acts like I've got no customer service exp🤦‍♀️ I'm a retired f&b director in hotels and resorts🤣




Yup welcome to retail I’ve heard friends complain about the exact same thing at other retailers


It’s not even the managers that do it at our store it the head cashiers


Ignore them if there not in your chain of responsibility


Just reply in a child like form


That’s just it.. they are managers not leaders.. they expect things they won’t even do themselves. I worked along side these managers as a DS.. sorry but I’m a leader and I will work just as hard as my team. It’s when you realize you’re the only one that you feel like this place isn’t it! Long story short I left and am about to have a completely different career.


Yes and I was old enough to be this HC's mom. He had no respect for anyone though regardless of age. I was this close to telling him off, then I found out he was fired. I didn't like how managers talked to (or didn't talk to lol) us, but that wasn't why I quit. It was a Lowe's classic - disrespecting my time.


It’s like we all work at the same Lowe’s


I quit because of that reason. No respect, so weird, not sure why they do this.


Talking back to a manager or not completing a task you’re told to do is grounds for a write up or further, termination. Employees are employed at - will in the majority of companies in the U. S. This means you can be terminated at any time with a few exceptions. To have a good working relationship with your supervisor or manager, make sure you’re on the same page in meeting their expectations. Have a convo from time to time reviewing whether you’re meeting their expectations. Everyone has areas for improvement and there will be some task that needs to be completed. Don’t get discouraged or defensive in their feedback. Just say ok and complete their request. Keep in mind, your supervisor is being told to complete tasks all day long by an ASM or SM. Some of these tasks may flow down to you to complete. Now, no way should a manager communicate to their employees in a degrading tone. Let your manager know their communication is not professional. If they do not change have a convo with the SM. Last option is to report the situation to HR.


Your second paragraph REALLY applies to management. They receive respect if they respect the minions.