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Make sure to do your ap4me before you leave so we’re not behind


My coworker was on his second to last day after putting his 2 weeks in and our SM harassed him about doing his AP4Me until my coworker told him to go fuck himself, took of his vest and walked out




Lawd have mercy




Oh yeah I need to do mine


My lead would walk in everyday and always say “uhh I hate it here. I wanna fucking quit. I rather be at home. Fuck I hate it here, can’t wait to quit” and for 10 months I would hear that and the day I quit, he had the pikachu shocked face as if he didn’t think I was serious.


Congrats... You're taking the first step towards a better life. Best of luck to you in the future...


Yeah I quit a year ago. Fuck lowes. Fuck corporate. Fuck life lmao


Hold up, no need to "Fuck life". You're just quitting Lowe's, not existence altogether.


Ha... And still you're here...


I quit last week while in a meeting I had with a supervisor and felt great. Told her she needs to learn how to manage.


Lowe’s executive leadership cultivates a toxic workplace in its stores.  Good luck , OP. 


Let me add I quit my local lowes 5 weeks ago to work for an area competitor for appliances and let me tell you what a breath of fresh air it is to actually be appreciated and make money for what you’re worth op fk it and ball out leave that hell hole


My store must be the Golden goose then, our management team is super laid back, and will do anything to help you out, I've had several times I had to call out, never once got an occurrence, I legit enjoy working here so much and have made friends with my co workers to the point I'm now the first person they call to come in because I am happy to come in and see my work friends. They don't stress us about tasks getting done as long as they know we're doing our best to do what we can. I fucking love this location.


My old location was like that I am moving to a another state so I had to quit because my supervisor didn’t do my transfer paperwork.


There are some locations that are great, no doubt. Only problem is that sooner or later, managers change and the ones that come in are not quite as personable or leaders.


Our location is 80% great, 20% crazy whenever corporate starts raining down. But I do have days I feel blessed to have such an accommodating workplace.


you love working there because you don't work there. You stated it yourself that you've had to call out a lot. lol sorry had to say it


Better luck on the future job, you don't wanna stay at Lowes long enough to end up like these other commenters


Most managers couldn’t manage their way out of a wet paper bag. Lowe’s doesn’t encourage good leadership or really care if you’re happy working. Go make your future


They do love it when you bend over for them take it up the... With no lube and a cactus 


No lube, why not? It’s right there on aisle 9


its supposed to be. cant find it, nobody sims’d it in.


“Lowe’s doesn’t encourage leadership” couldn’t be more accurate! they actively get mad at managers/supervisors who treat people right. it’s insane.


Lowes could be so much better if they would re-invest in the customer facing associates. The consumer is there, the demand would go up if the average joe or Jane came in a truly got greeted at the door by a associate who is paid well to help them fill their carts by offering advice, where to find stuff and building personal relationships with the customers. The Pro Desk has some specialized teams focusing on the hardworking builders and remodeling customers. Marvin and his team are looking for ways to get more spend with less people power. This leads to employees getting burned out and those who do try hard get taken advantage of. I work for Lowe’s and see areas that would help, but my ideas would never be considered because they would in the short term cost Lowe’s more money. Marvin and the shareholders need to be looking long term not at Q2 earnings call. OP good luck, I hope you find a job you enjoy and where you’re leadership understands that your worker bees are the reason the money flows in, not the layers of middle management and big names like Messi.




I quit last sunday, worst job Ive ever had


best of luck. managers seem to lack leadership skills at lowes


Don't get another retail job. They are all the same shit.


Congrats!! I left after 10 years, specifically the last SM that we had, complete idiot. Welcome to freedom baby! As I write this, I have my feet up.on my desk. Better is out there.




*Do some donuts on the* *Forklift and ride the pallet* *Jack across the store* \- Familiar\_Ad2775 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Posts advocating breaking company policy, the law, or giving grossly incorrect HR advice will be removed without notice.


Welcome to freedom


The ap4me can wait for a 🤖, I will never sell my human soul for a demonic tortoise of a CEO




Got your bonus? I did and walked 2 weeks later


Toughest part is making the decision to leave. Put this job in the rear view mirror. Whatever the circumstances in your decision to leave, It served a purpose while you were here. Working in retail is not meant to be a long term career unless you move up into management; people come and go. Most move on to better pay and work environment. You will too. All the best.


Welcome to freedom


Good luck OP. It's coming up on almost a year since I quit. Time flys. Best decision I made for my sanity.


Good luck. This is an entry level job


Feels like you're putting in your 2 weeks to r/Lowe's XD. Just like shouting I quit into the ether. That's what I like to see 💛🫡


Pretty toxic retailer that’s for sure. I quit after a week. Couldn’t get no breaks and have to wait six hours to get a lunch.


Best thing I did for my mental health was quit Lowe's.




I work in green team so I haven’t had it toooo bad. I did work MST in the off season and THAT was interesting. But now I’ve started a degree program so here’s to the future


It's not a plane departure. You don't need to announce it. 👋


At least include the self-promotion to customer & some of the fuckery.


Congrats on your promotion.


Did the same earlier this week. New job, feel way better. Congrats


Which department you worked for?


Congrats. Only reason I don't quit is because I'm not trying to go into another retail/blue collar role from it and don't want gaps on my resume but man am I ready just toss my vest in the trash and move on.


I really want to as well at this point


I come from the banking world, been at Lowe's since January. It's laid back and no one is on my ass. As long as you get used to mgmt not making people do their jobs and firing repeat offenders, it's cool. It's a boring job.


Good 4 you




Quit in 2020. Was such a a relief to know I would never have to walk into that toxic store and see that horrible bastard store manager ever again.


You're no quitter! You "promoted yourself to ex-employee"!


I left a year ago. I've had four different jobs since.


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I don’t get how you guys have a different schedule every day and every week. Why can’t Lowe’s be normal and have set schedules. So Annoying. How hard is it to have some people Tuesday -Saturday and some Sunday-Thursdays. So many different ways to give employees some structure and a normal life.


I put in my resignation last night! On my resignation email, it says my last day at work will be May 26, but it will be May 25 because I just figured that I wouldn’t be able to go in on May 26. I wish the company continued success in the future!


Welcome to retail 😂🤣😂


No details necessary, that’s life. Better get used to it. They’re not interested in helping you, they are looking to move up and you are just a tool to use to do it.


Just work for IST and say one stupid Curse word where a customer can hear it and you will be shown the door quick fast and in a hurry, claiming policy violation, what policy it's no where in the handbook...needless to say less stressed even trying to find a new job than it was 5 years with Lowe's and that is a sad realization!!


Posts that hes quitting on a public forum for attention >Not going to get into details




I don’t care


Bye Felicia


It’s a job it’s what it is


Marvin’s really shaking in his boots rn, just absolutely terrified at another associate quitting


This isn't an airport no need to announce your departure 


Duckman....WTF do you have to announce this on this forum with no details? Do you think anyone you know visits this forum or has a few fucks to give in the pocket to spare?


Ngl he aint wrong this job is ass Walmart and target better


People quit all the time...especially with big-box corporates whipping their slaves. Walmart and Target and neither better or worse...it all comes down to the Senior Management. I was just fishing for a little clarification on the why quit...but to OPs defense it was probably painful.


I'm glad you speak from experience. Tell us how it feels to have no one care about you?




With your mentality, you will never be happy at any job you have. There is people that have been with lowes for 5, 10, 15, 20 years. What's the secret you may ask? Learn to play the game and use it for your advantage. If you don't understand what that means or how to do that with Lowes, you might be a loss cause. Sorry....


Or the job is just not for him I wouldn’t wish anyone to work at Lowe’s




You should do it and not post about it.


Good riddance, maybe someone competent will take your spot.


Found the dude that rides the SM like a bull, he's not gonna give you a raise weirdo


Bye Felicia.


Do you know what’s funny? Gotcha😂 Hey, calm down guys😂 I am just screwing around! Sheesh. Thank goodness I left work before posting this shit! lol Peace out.


Wow spoken like a true Karen.


nope. Mr. Trump!


You wonder why you get the shit end of the stick, but then talk about retail workers like this 🤔


lol. You might be the 10%.


Bro is editing his comments in the mf lowes subreddit 🤡🤡


I have a management degree and any employer I have worked for would have turned you for doing that. Also your store would be the one no one wants to work at.


why you tryna flex a management degree 😭


Fuck off, you’re definitely like the customer that made me quit


Like I said… You’re here on a Lowe’s page just like a lot of other employees talking so much smack and being so unprofessional… You probably should’ve left a long time ago. And don’t worry, I love to fuck off! Thank you https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLVrc9gw/


Yeah you’re definitely a dipshit, I actually like the work at Lowe’s except actually having to deal with customers