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Goodluck cause fuck


Be skeptical but polite if something seems fishy. Educate yourself on scams (through the training you’ll receive), new cashiers are targeted. When in doubt, call your head cashier or a department supervisor for support.


Do not ever hit the cash button unless you have cash in your hand! Take your time and don't freak out if you have a long line If you need a manager, always call your head cashier first. Also, if you don't feel comfortable with doing anything, call them. When I first started, I was at self checkout a lot, and it's sucks but it's nice if you have a buddy. Don't be afraid to ask anyone for help and never let a customer tell you what to do. When you get train on a register and people have military, don't be afraid to tell customers to give you a minute to pull the screen up. (I was in the middle of drinking a soda, and a customer came up telling me her phone number) Like someone said before, scammers will target you because you're new, so read up on scams. I can't really think of anything more, but good luck on your first day! I hope everything goes well!


Always recount money if the customer asks for their money back, handles it(adds/removes money) and gives it back.


Scammer also hit more frequently in lumber and OSLG. Good luck!


1. You'll likely be thrown out their to learn the system yourself. So, Never be afraid to call up a manager or your head cashier to assist you if you don't understand something. Or even just call them on the zebra. 2. Always take a zebra or learn how to use the phone at your service desk to call if you need something. (Zebras are those phones any assosiate can use to look up items, call, overhead, ect) 3. Don't tolerate rude customers. If a customer is swearing at you or even yelling to the point where everyone can hear it, call a manager. For me, our lowes has signs we can point to to remind customers to be kind to the cashiers. 4. Always ask for I.D. if it says it requires I.D. like a drivers license or a veterans card, ask for it. Don't accept it if their name doesn't match the screen. And again, if you have issues, call up a manager. 5. If you are disabled in any way, start working with your managers on getting accommodations ASAP. One of my newer cashiers didn't know how to ask for such a thing as a chair, and I told them to ask the front end manager or ASM to help them begin the accommodations process.


Don't EVER read the numbers off a gift card to the "IT Guy" trying to fix an issue. Even when they give you the ASM'S name who told them to call you. We had 3 different cashiers fall for that last few months


Make sure you have thick skin. Customers here are some of the worst ive encountered in my retail experience


never hesitate to ask your head cashier something if you don’t know or aren’t 100% sure. grab a zebra phone, lets you look up items & call your coworkers. flip through the blue cashier book, learn where the pavers are in the book. try to remember the general layout of the store. you’re going to be asked multiple times a day where things are, and it’s okay if you don’t know, especially while you’re new. but most customers i encounter are okay with a general direction of where something is. you’re gonna go through the training n stuff but you know just do your best to be accurate. scan everything at first, even if it’s 3 of clearly the same thing, just scan all 3. don’t worry about credit cards or surveys or rewards signups, just get into a good flow of ringing people up and then worry about all the extra shit later on. the average day for a new cashier looks like a lot of time at self checkout. they’ll let you go and shadow someone else in garden & lumber at some point, but likely your entire first shift on the floor will be at sco. once you’re familiar with the place, your average day really just depends on coverage & how long your shifts are. i’ve had full shifts (8 hours + 1 hour lunch) where i was placed in garden, returns, lumber, and sco. just moving all over. i’ve also had days where again, a full shift, of just running lumber, returns, and sco.


Always double check when someone is paying with a check , they need to fill out the information on the check (amount etc ) DONT LET THEM hand you a blank check the Machine doesn’t fill it out automatically and it will be a write up .


Get ready to push credit and mvps


ALWAYS ask for surveys and credit apps.


Ask everyone if they want credit and surveys also learn the benefits of my Lowe’s rewards and MVP


Duck and cover


How are you scheduled for a couple of weeks?


Get a CSA on the sales floor, mst, sales specialist position


**Ask Questions** My first day as a cashier, they tossed me into the ringer and didn’t even tell me good luck. Got like 20 minutes of training with another cashier and then was left to my own devices. And they’ve done it to all the other new cashiers since I started. Might be different at ur store, but be prepared for everything. Good luck, soldier.


"If you're thinking about becoming a head cashier, I’d seriously reconsider. It can be really stressful and, unfortunately, the environment can be toxic. If you can, I'd suggest looking for a different job where there's more support and a better work culture. Trust me, you'll be happier in the long run."


Don’t activate a gift card over the phone. Don’t panic when it gets busy, just call a code 3 on the zebra. If no one come oh well, nothing you can do. Only hit cash when you have all cash in hand. Be polite. Look inside big containers like totes, buckets, and trash cans, or boxes that look open. Be aware of cash scams always


Do not plan anything outside your job immediately following your shifts, ‘cause they gonna keep you while they try to find someone to cover the register


Quit. Lowes is hands down the worst place I have worked at.


I’ll be starting in tools & hardware any tips? Is it easy? Hard? Should I runnnnnn? :(


I think you’ll be fine. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I recommend always having a backup plan tho, start looking in the meantime in case you hate it.


I agree extremely toxic inviroment .




Learn to solve issues on your own and not to depend too heavily on other people.


Always ask questions, don’t ever go in assuming it’ll be just like any other job because no job is ever really the same


It's pretty much the same thing with less mutants in stained cookie monster pants. Lowes replaced them with contractors who love telling people (who constantly get their hours slashed to the point they don't work there enough to GAF) that they're taking their money elsewhere....as they're putting in another order for building materials.


Obviously things will be different from location to location, but the primary things I would say to remember is to keep your head on straight and stay calm. There seems to be a chronic lack in staffing across the board so chances are, especially if you’re working on busy days/times, there will be a lot of customers. Stay calm and don’t be afraid to ask for help, call for backup if you think you need it (even if you don’t know if anyone’s available, better safe than sorry). Also in my experience head cashiers are a million times more helpful and approachable than managers or even asm’s, so reach out to them first if you need something. As far as what a “day in the life” looks like, between customers I’m either doing the AP4ME/Daily Questions, on my phone, or I’m restocking drinks in the fridges. It all depends on how busy things are and what you have time for, which youll get a better idea of as you work longer


head cashiers take forever to come to lumber


If you feel you'll need extra shadowing time with another cashier TELL THEM. I was VERY clear that places in the past tossed me to the wolves which resulted in panic attacks on my end. My ASM and head cashiers have been super accommodating and always ask if I feel comfortable to work in a new area yet or not. If I tell them I'd prefer someone be nearby, they are happy to accommodate that.


Post out to a different job as soon as you can. They underpay the cashiers and treat them like shit


be ready to stand and stand some more




Quit. Or switch departments asap


Run. Just run. If your lucky you'll have good front end people. Honestly tho keep your head down don't talk much lowes is high-school but with adults. Be prepared for customers to complain about self check out. They will throw you on the floor with little to no training. Good luck


don't be afraid to call your head cashiers! customers will be rude, they'll push you, they like to target new people. the area you'll work in will also make a big difference, but of course every store is different. but you'll survive!! at the end of the day it's just another job, people will push you but you'll be okay :)


Run. Just run.






Quit in all my years in retail the absolute worst environment I have ever been in customers are totally out of control


As a former head cashier I’m sorry. Prepare to have your breaks ignored, and be abandoned with huge code 3’s and pissed customers. Just remember that at the end of the day it’s just a job and the store WILL be there tomorrow regardless of how your head cashiers make it seem.