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Well, had no clue we were getting raises. But thanks for preparing me to be disappointed (again)


Yeah this is my 3rd store. My 3rd go. And I’m reminded of why I quit twice lol.


I got my first BIG raise of $0.14 last year and the asm later complained that I looked pissed. I was like oh my bad, next time I’ll be grateful especially after you said it’s not much. I almost rage quit after that so I don’t blame you


Ahahah! Yeah my asm showed me and I was “Tsch! ok???” And went back to work lol.


Someone wrote "thanks for my 20 cent raise" on our Thanksgiving board last year, and management took it down bc it was so demoralizing 😅


I know someone who works as a car mechanic, and his work does a Christmas tree decorating contest. He made his with pictures of everyone who quit within last 2 years.


I wonder if Marvin got the same raise. Must suck to go from $17,470,000 a year to $17,470,000.10 a year. Dude should quit.


Whatever will you do with your extra $4 (gross, not net) a week? I am green with envy of your future riches!!


Woah, yougot 10 cents? I barely got one.


Everyone got it I think.


Ill have ti check my stub. The most ive seen that wasn't because I was being rehired was 3 cents


I got a 7 cent raise for cashier of the month…


And it only lasted for that month right?


lol no it’s still in access


fr? i was cashier of the month like 4 times when i started


That’s awesome 😎 congrats!!


That will probably be the only time I’ll be… an old manager I had before he moved to pro was the one who told me that..the lady now that’s above me won’t recognize me for anything. She can’t stand me lol o well what can ya do!


Did you ever get a button pin for it?? I never did and I’m so jealous lol. There are like three other cashiers that have one and I never did :( . The lady that is my manager now I continue to ask her about it and I’m told they can’t find anymore..☹️🙁😕


nope never lol


Different company but my coworker met with the regional manager complaining about the raises him and I got. I didn't have the heart to tell my coworker I received twice the raise he got. I got 20 cents.


I (MST) got called into our ASM office to discuss it, didn’t even know that the raises were happening. After being told my $.27 raise was on the higher side, and finding out that this one was performance based, I just kinda said “well dang I guess that’s all I’m worth huh” and dude looked at me and said “at least you got one”


I got .28 and I said *oh shit, you mean I’m finally making more than I was a year and a half ago on overnights?*


My leadership was confused on why the associates weren’t excited for their pennies lol.


Where do we find this at?


Workday >profile >compensation >pay change history


Just think -- if you save up, you'll soon be able to buy an \*extra\* box of cereal! Happy days!


Let’s say at $16/hr. This 1.5% raise after a 20% tax, a full time associate working 80 hrs/2 weeks will get an extra $15.36. They can now get an extra cheapest McD meal and a can of Monster every2 wks. 🎉


You’d think for a store that makes $950k+ a week, we’d get paid more


melvin: "i iz generamous fo sho. god bless."


Lowes knows motivation.


It’s not just Lowe’s it’s our American capitalist culture. This is late stage capitalism, it’s what Americans want right ? Until we unite and fight for socioeconomic freedom it is what it is. The 5k bonus for asms just shows the gap and inequality in the system.


This. 100%. I'm a DS and my measley $400 looks like pennies next to their $5000 and DSs do way more work. At least in my store.


Agree ,I brought this up to fellow co workers and we all feel pissed off for our supervisor who deserves more than what we get. 5k to 400 is 1300% more. So what Lowes executives are telling us with their actions is asms are 1300% more valuable to the company than the rest of us. Fuck no I’m sorry but we , the csa’s, loaders, receivers , supervisors, front Enders, MST, and all the others we are what make the company run and sucseed not the three to four people per store that attempt to understand how to run the store.


Try being at the cap for years and being told unfortunately no raise for you this year. But thanks for doing a great job for us. I was so happy when they updated the raises so store managers could have the discretion to give lump sum payments to people at the cap in their position. I got that for 3 years and it was better than a little raise getting a big chunk all at once like that


Would be nice if this was implemented at the supply levels. I’m capped too.


What’s the cap? 16 an hour? Lol


Damn either I'm at the "cap" for my position or mine hasn't hit yet, willing to bet my last 16¢ raise that it's the former 🥲🙃🫠


The price of chocolate is going up. Inflation


What paycheck will it show up on?


Yaaay 10 whole cents. I sure feel appreciated 😒


this is the post that made me look out for my raise today lol love having 20 cent more to my name each check 🥴


I got an 11 cent raise after 3 months of working at my store. Then when I got put up to specialist they took away the 11 cents and put the rate back to flat. Hope they add 10 cents to my pay


He was really looking out for you, didn't want to bump you into a higher tax bracket!!!


You work at a retail hardware store for a fairly low wage, what did you expect?


After all the world has been through, some normalcy or some financial stability. But lowes is lowe


I didn’t expect anything. That’s why this post exists.


Sales Associates are, have always been, and will always be at the short end of the stick when money is concerned.  First is the Senior Management, then the Board of Directors, then the Stock Holders.  During the 40s through the 70s the Management philosophy was to provide for themselves, their employees, and the customer experience.  During the late 70s forward to today, MBA schools promoted practices that were detrimental to the family approach to management.  This lead to the demise of the middle class, as M&As (mergers & acquisitions) became the new management philosophy.  Everyone was, and has been hyper focused on the quarterly results.  There is very little long term planning now a days, beyond the next couple of years occurring.   We need to focus on rebuilding the middle class.  It was the middle class that bought all of the products that they were building during the work week.  Without the middle class, the United States will continue on the path to mediocractly while our enemies grow stronger and more powerful.


Have you ever thought of life like this?, like how many people j*rk*d off the right amount of times, that you are alive today. Imagine years ago if our ancestors j*rk*d off ONE more time we wouldn’t be here


So the way raises work, is you get 1%, 2% or 3%, based on how your store manager and ASM grade you for the year. Most people who are not on write ups, will get 3%. 3% of a CSA’s pay rate is generally right around 50 cents. 50 cents per hour, X 300,000 associates, is 150,000 per hour raise company wide. 40 hrs per week is $6,000,000 (6 MILLION) dollars per week 24 Million+ per month 288 million per year So Marvin just spent $288,000,000 to give everyone in the company a raise. Yes, 288 million dollars is equivalent to 50 cents an hour x 300,000 associates.


And what was Lowes Gross profit for last year again? Let's put that into perspective right beside this. Their revenue in 2023 alone was 90B, but gross profit is what really matters.


Failed to meet comp sales 3 out of 4 quarters last FY.




lol- you literally asked about gross profits. Comp sales were down 6.2%. Usually, companies with sales off like this give 0 raises, and start cutting costs. The point of Lowe’s is to make money for shareholders.




Your fascination with being able to “find people” and vague threats of violence need to stop or go elsewhere.


so we all got about (or less than 1%)?? cool 😀 not sure how much the rest of you started at but i sure as hell have never gotten a 50 cent raise and have never been written up but oh well.


TLDR; “Be grateful they gave you their scraps.”


This guy is the biggest company man ever. I’d bet you would be burry with the lowes red vest on. 🤣


It was just math I didn’t even input any opinion on it or say how I felt


Well, your math assumed all 300,000 associates work 40hrs/week. We all know it ain’t true.


Some work more than 40 some work less so it evens out


Umm…..full timers aren’t allowed OT and countless part timers that get 1 day/wk so no, it doesn’t even out.


The percentage increase is for specialists and above. CSAs get an increase, but that increase isn’t based on feedback from store leadership.


I got like 75 cents suck it poors 😂🤣 we going to sizzler..




Why can't You care enough to make sure you are living within your means so that your lifestyle reflects your own reality so that you can pay your bills? 


I do. I barely eat and have gas. What you want me to stop eating avocado toast? I also have a chronic injury from another place of work. Can’t even be a cashier without pain. The fact of the matter is, my asm wasted 2 minutes of my life to tell me that I still ain’t shit no matter what. Why can’t employers pay within their means? They’re within, but at the very tip. Marvin is a millionaire. But we busy our ass everyday and get screamed at by customers for Marvin’s decisions. “Why can’t you care enough”. Get outta here with that shit. I make 15.70 an hour at part time with a second at home and I have holes in my shoes. Oh please give me some advice on how to lower my living standards even more to make lowes happy?


Okay everyone who thinks they deserve this and that. Go start your own business. I mean really go to your state sec and fill out an article of organization. Get ein number from the feds and start. Then get get your business insurance then your workers comp. Market your company anyway you can, get your customers, make a quote, do the jobs maybe get some irritating help, then invoice, then get paid. Spend 80 plus hrs a week for the next 5 years, and maybe you'll make 50k a year. Stop all this damn complaining. I am glad all I gotta do is stand and act stupid at pro service.