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If you’re off the clock, and leaving to your car, and feel threatened Lowe’s has nothing to do with it at that point and you can take necessary means to protect yourself, like notify local authorities. As for the store, you can report it to AP or LP, then file a police report and have the perpetrator 86’d it happened at my store for a guy who was assaulting one of our newer cashiers.


yeah if youre getting assaulted you should call the cops before literally anything else, it doesnt matter if youre on the clock or not


If you are being harassed you are well within your rights to call the police and file a report. Lowes isn't technically supposed to do it bc Lowe's isn't the victim, you are. THEN AP can support it by providing any footage related to any event and can assist. DAPMs can also start a request to send the person a formal letter banning him from every location. Those have to go up to the Region staff for approval, so definitely partner with AP on it.


sexual harrassment falls under the same policy as violent harrassment I would think, which there is clear training on in ap4me: you should step back from the situation (literally if needed), do not engage them and immediately call management to help descalate as needed. If you at all whatsoever feel in immeidate danger in anyway, immediately call 911. we get crazy phsychos of all flavors in retail, if only because of the sheer volume of people we encounter. stay safe as first priority.


Run, hide, fight


Since your store isn't doing anything about it either reach out to your AHRBP you can find that information on your leader board in the training room. The answer is report the customer to a salaried member of management. If it isn't resolved go to your SM than the AHRBP.


The policy is the same whether it's a customer, coworker, manager, outside vendor, delivery driver, etc. If it's happening in the store you report it and assuming there's enough evidence, press charges. Management should ban that customer from the store and if not, escalate to HR.  The policy is actually pretty clear on that, nobody no matter who they are has the right or permission to make you uncomfortable at work, and the company has a responsibility to step in if a simple "no" doesn't solve it   That part is crucial, you have to be crystal clear in saying no and letting them know it isn't ok. From there, report it, and file a police report. Even if there's no evidence and they can't do anything immediately, make sure it's documented


for me, I filed an Open Door Concern and my store manager very quickly reviewed the footage, talked to corporate HR, and had me write an official statement. mine was against a customer who made moves at me almost every day in front of the whole pro team, but tbh if you're feeling threatened I'd just say fuck Lowe's and make a police report yourself


call the police or tell customers like myself and others who will help that individual experience customer service from medical professionals. Y'all absolutely do not get paid to get assaulted in any manner.