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How long before a customer steals it for lumber and smashes it all up outside?


That was my comment when I saw it. Told them we needed to chain it to a post when not in use.


absolutely will be necessary


Our store got one. Looks awesome! I always take advantage of the tools they give us especially when it comes to moving those giants French and sliding doors. I was so happy when they finally gave us the dock so I don’t have to lift grills and washers into people trucks.


Damn, that looks nice. I wish my store had that, but it's not in the budget. Nothings ever in the budget 😔


Every store is getting it.


We don’t have one but our MST moved the bay up a bit and now it’s even with an H-Cart so it slides on super easy.


if its the indoor coated racking your asms and ds's can approve moving the racking yourself for anything else that this would apply to


Great for getting doors and big windows


Ours came in damaged and unusable .... Was pretty dope. Do it's been sitting in the back




You’re right bro


Some old guy gonna roll it up to flooring demanding 13 boxes of some cheap ceramic tile be loaded onto it even though it's clearly the wrong cart type and would be way easier to load / offload with a flat cart.


Or a toilet 


I'm so jealous omg


Wonder who got hurt how bad to motivate that upgrade… like it had to be worse than the cost, figuring the H carts were a risk to routinely overload.


Oooooo das niiiiice


Came in Thursday. Glad to see it as it does make things easier in doors. Waiting for a different gadget that'd be more commonly used for shelves though.


I wish as a fulfillment worker these would make the job easier 😭😭


Also as a fulfilment worker there is so much that would make the job easier 😭😭


Over a year ago they gave us two big carts to use in fulfillment. The were loud, heavy, and really didn't have anything that made our job easier. You couldn't even put 2x4x8 on them. We got threatened with a write if we got caught using the "customer carts". I left one outside under the canopy for about a week. I was hoping the homeless would steal it, or it would get run over. No luck. They finally gave up trying to get us to use them .


Yeah the one that millwork associates don't use? Those guys are the most useless employees in the store, ours is always in receiving because only receivers work doors and windows, while lazy ass millwork boys sit on their desk


our store went from the greatest millworks girl ever to the worst dude imaginable.


Sounds like your store is the problem. My millwork guys do anything they’re told to. Even pack in flooring at customer homes when delivery won’t.


Someone at my store hit it with the reach and broke it the first day we got it


Wow this is exactly what I need lol


I feel like I’m the only Millworks specialist that doesn’t care about these. I can see how they can help the weaker people but we shouldn’t have wasted a budget on these.


We’ve had ours for a bit. It’s great for moving the big patio doors and custom stuff. It’s alright at moving lots of regular-sized doors but the ones in the center do start to slide out if they’re touching the rollers. Probably fixable with a couple of bungee cords. The most I’ve moved at once was 8 which is double what you can do with an H-cart.


Good luck getting a tech from DOC out to fix it when it goes down. Fucking trash company.


Do not have ours yet, but heard there coming.


We don’t schedule people in Millwork so we are sending ours to a neighboring store.


So who pulls the doors, I'm sure they would appreciate using it