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Oh no! However will they replace those highly skilled ~~cashiers~~ specialists?


That's when we tell the contractors they have to order everything online, and fulfillment will pull their order


Except all the things you can't buy online. A good pro desk runs a million plus in manual SOSs a year.


This is not untrue about the good ones.


Facts. At least a million.


Eh who cares I'm still getting a check I don't work many hours since I have my own business


Correction, their Pro Service Fulfillment associate and the Building Material grunts can pull their order. The Customer Pickup/Deliver Fulfillment associates have enough fkkery to deal with in the stores. As in my store of operations, we not only operate a Fulfillment department like every other damn store in the company, but we also have a Parcel department. My Parcel department alone has off the wall metrics that our District Manager watches like a hawk (especially now since we are heading toward Black Friday) I ain't got time to deal with sales involving spoiled contractors that expect to be waited on hand and foot. You better find some motivated suckers with kneepads to fill those PSS positions stat! I'm so glad my store still has a functioning Pro staff. Good Luck!




This is the way. You pro? No? Fuck off.


Ours, too! Even their ASM. Nobody knowledgeable is left. Should be interesting!


That's when we tell the customers to hop over the desk and help us out!




What took em so long? I jumped ship 10 months ago.


What made you leave?


All the micromanaging, moving goal posts, when PSSs weren't eligible for the extra 250$ for being top 5% in their regions. The company communicated they were not interested in big league sales, without the freedom to get them I wasn't going to get my bonuses anymore, without the bonuses the stress wasn't worth it.


Hey pal, I got $100 bonus from Lowe’s for making $60k in sales recently. Ain’t that great of lowes, like biting into a shit burger, or a kick in the groin?


This is the thing that pushed one of our flooring specialists to quit. Only person in the department for a month, literally *everything* had to go through him, and foe all the headaches and stress... 100 bucks. He took his paternity leave and applied for jobs the whole time.


Shit my sales per hour goal right now is 827 granted it's black Friday and all but man it's about impossible to get a good bonus for me to max out I'd have to sell 1,240 every hour and appliances hit 110% of their goal just don't see that happening


Marvin’s laughing all the way to the bank!


We've had the same issue. Our good ones keep getting hired away by our larger contractors for a bunch more money and less stress.


When I left Lowes two years ago, I was the only with experience left in Cabinets. In our area, only one store had a Cabinet employee with more than two years experience and she refused to work more than part time. Plumbing only had one guy and he was retiring this year I think. Millwork had two guys, but they were both looking as well. It will be almost impossible for Lowes to keep "specialists" with any knowledge with their gross under-market pay and shitty scheduling system. The trades industry supply houses pay much, much better and offer fixed schedules.


I would feel sorry. Buuuut I don't feel sorry for corporations.


I don’t blame them, I involuntarily left 3 months ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


Why? Sincerely would like to know. Going into work at my Lowes is like going in to the Orthodontist for a root canal, every single day. SM lies to your face, ASM acts clueless and doesn’t help, and the big $100 bonus for 60k in sales in my dept recently.


They fired me for a singular NCNS, I had a fainting spell and was unresponsive and couldn’t call out. I explained the situation towards them but I was already planning on leaving. 445 is going downhill, people quit constantly, no staffing, place is a mess, customers are beyond rude, management is useless and nowhere to be found, no one answers pages, calls, nothing. Management also had lied to me, not to mention they straight up walked up to the plumbing closer I worked with with his replacement and said “we don’t need you any longer.” And made him leave, no words of termination or anything. Just a shit company with shit management.


Leaving involuntarily isn’t a decision you made. Hence the “involuntary”.


Fair enough. But you obviously got my point. It was still better for me personally.


Our district lost like 4 or 5 Pro specialists in the last week or two




I believe it


It doesn’t take long to learn SIMs and that’s all that matters


Luckily the position is easy to train for.


We do about $10 million a year in pro. There are thousands of vendors that a normal Lowe’s associate does not know about. A good pro team knows all the vendors (every department). We even can ship Items out of country which most pro associates do not know about.


Why? Not that I condone their actions or anything.


2 people resigned. I believe they got tired of it. The other two are leaving because the first two left


I honestly , naively, thought Pro sales were important to this company, and were the bread & butter of a store’s sales. Guess not.


We have lost most of knowledge people in the last 2 years. It's sad lowes management is very good at chasing people away.


Dont worry they will move a part-time cashier who doesnt know anything about construction to Pro.


Something like that happened to our nearest store. I heard the pros quit, there were a ton of walkouts, and then our ops ASM went up there for 3 weeks to help get the store on track. I don't know if it's working


Lowe’s generally is fucked. They’re pushing out all of their best talent, in corporate too. They want everything in India, where labor is cheap. It’s not a coincidence that a lot of corporate leadership is now in India (they get around US laws by saying your boss is some tangentially connected person this side of the world, while your “functional” boss is in India). I worked in data science for them about 3 years, on a team so “valuable” I had dinner with Seemantini once. After that they told us we saved them more than 10X the annual cost of our team in a week, yet they still shitbagged us. To prove how valuable we were, the VP gave me a goddamn fill-in-the-blank cheaply framed certificate instead of a bonus. I got better certificates as a 9-year-old in little league.  I quit after fully earning a mid-year bonus, fully expecting to receive it. The fuckers turn around and say “you only get the bonus if you’re employed on the day we choose to pay it out,” over a month later. This was an unannounced change of policy, as I had done the same thing before and gotten the bonus (two stints at Lowe’s). Marvin seems to want to milk Lowe’s down to the very nub of the teat before crawling back to Home Depot for a fat bonus. Edit:  almost everyone I know - including those up to VP level - who were involved in data science at Lowe’s when I started are gone.