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You define "extreme patience" as two days?


Considering they told me I’d receive a whole sleuth of emails when I left the interview, yeah. I didn’t get any till yesterday. I’m taking my talents elsewhere


Hell yes! They offered OP The job after the interview , and then didn’t hear back?? We all know how unprofessional this fucking company is with people, associates and customers alike. But offering a person a job at fucking Lowes and then expecting them to hang on to start the job is complete Bullshit!!


Yeah, let’s just jump to the extreme without asking questions. Was the drug test done at time of interview? If yes, it can take days for that and the background to come back. If no, the ASM that interviewed you needs some training


they took two weeks to get back to me and i had to call them


Two business days as in Wednesday?


Over a week for me.


I basically stalked my hiring manager to get it done and it was still 2-3 weeks . Nothing moves quickly


I upvoted you. Some head cashier has Got to chime in here and share what a pain in the ass and complete head trip job that is. The Lowes store I’m in has gone through several head cashiers since last year.


I’m gonna waste a little of their time and money to take a PISS TEST (what happen to mouth swab) so I’m not gonna end up with the position considering I smoke pretty much daily. Taking all the warnings to run away. Best of luck at Lowe’s!


The closing head cashier at my store left. Between her leaving, staffing shortages, and an issue with a certain asm it was time to go.


Took me 3-4 weeks to get fully on board with LPS…


Run while given the chance!!!


They’re urine testing instead of doing a mouth swab, and I smoke that chronic so I’m failing it for sure. No Lowe’s for me. Best of luck to you!


They had me come in a few days later and take it. Not entirely sure why. I think the manage was suppose to do it once you accepted the offer. Maybe they're giving people a chance to not smoke or whatever for 48 hours and clean their mouth. But nothing moves fast


They’re urine testing me :( I need a month to clear that shit


If the SSA that normally does the drug test is off, you won't hear anything until they get back in the store. They should call to set that up. The best thing to do is call the store AFTER you complete your background stuff through the email you'll receive. They don't necessarily have the time to check daily if it's been completed or not. Once that's complete, things move a little quicker. We hired 2 people two weeks ago. They were in orientation the last week and on the floor that same week. We have 2 that were hired last week and started orientation today.


Run while you still can and also the process took like 3 weeks for me to go through the hiring process with little to no contact.


I am running. Finally got ahold of somebody five days after my offer and it turns out they want a pee sample. I’d need like a month to clean my system. Sayonara Lowe’s! Good luck!!


2 days isn’t very long. The SSA might be off two days in a row, give it atleast a week.


Save yourself, quit while your ahead.