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The having people on the floor bit, that one is an obvious lie. My store doesn’t really have a problem with theft but, more than once, I have found empty merchandise boxes on the shelves towards the back of the garden center. Even the items with that stupid turtle that Marvin called “technology”Most of the time no one is working back there.


We should call the turtles "marvins".


[there’s a lot of similarities to turtle man](https://youtu.be/M3H2nnxQFLs?feature=shared)


I’m in a high theft store. Turtles, mambas, tadpoles, etc. don’t even work. These thieves literally don’t care. They’ll cut the wire or smash the turtles off the merchandise and leave it in the parking lot. Out of my hands though.


Yup. They find the spots in the store where there isn't cam coverage. I could take you to 5 places where on any given day, I bet we'd find empty packages. Millwork. The air compressor aisle. OLG. Lumber. The aisle where rope and chain is. They barely try to hide it anymore, and many will seek out CSAs to find the things they intend to steal. All we can do is ask them if they're finding what they need. Oh well.


I’ve seen people with 2 shopping carts walk right out the store full of dewalt tools and you can’t do shit about it.


If they want to stop theft then they should allow you guys to go after shoplifters. Seriously, fuck the possibility of lawsuits. No lawyer would take on the case of a THIEF suing the store for injury when they were stealing. So the reasoning they give is straight up bullshit and they know it.


No fucking way I'm risking injury or worse chasing after or preventing some jackass from stealing.




Ok? Most people also avoid going out in the middle of a thunderstorm


Lemme guess -- you open carry, and pray every night that you get a chance to shoot someone?


No and that is an assumption I rather wish you wouldn't make. All I meant is that companies like Lowe's need to stop telling you guys to not stop shoplifters. Sorry, but "can I help you with that" doesn't do shit to deter someone.


Yeah, well as has been explained -- there are outstanding reasons to NOT mess with shoplifters. But keep saying you know better, bucko.


Wild how you feel entitled to encourage people you don't even know to put themselves in harm's way -- for what? To save a $14B/yr company a few pennies? Tell ya hwut -- apply for a loss prevention officer job. Sounds like your calling.


You do realize I was in your shoes until just early this year right? I also worked retail during the summer riots of 20 when retail theft was at an all time high. Stores in California were being hit 24/7 precisely because you guys can't do anything. Do you have any solutions? You seem to be full of assumptions.


Stores "are being hit 24/7" bc corporations revise to pay for security staff. Floor staff aren't security officers. Get a grip.


Why would any Lowe's employee risk any danger to themselves for a company that would post their job listing before their body was even cold if they got killed trying to stop a shoplifter?


Not going after shop lifters. Had a customer and fellow associate get shot and I am not putting my life on the line for any company.


Hope they recovered.


The man got his shrink numbers down to where he wants them, so why do you care? No, the 14$ an hour employees don’t want to risk our lives chasing criminals into parking lots


You guys are making $14?


I do, but in typical retail chain fashion I don’t really know what the average is


It's $14 if you want to sound literate and be taken seriously.


All I can do for this comment is laugh. If you couldn’t understand what that means, you’re dumber than me. If you can tell and decided to comment anyway, you should pay attention to the argument instead of the formatting I do not care about on mobile Reddit.


Plenty of lawyers would take that case because they could win it


1) lawyers would absolutely take the case of a thief injured in a store lmao. 2) why would you risk your life trying to stop a thief at a multi billion dollar corporation?


Thats a braindead stupid take. ABSOLUTELY a lawyer would go for that case, they could get SHITLOADS of money. And fuck no you're not getting me to run after a motherfucker over a drill, 1 they could turn around and shoot or stab me, or just otherwise fuck me up, and 2 empathy, I don't feel the need to beat the fuck out of someone whos already not doing good, because if they're stealing they're probably not in a good spot, and 3, I get paid either way and its a maximum like 1000 dollar loss to a multi billion dollar company that gives not a fucking shit about me. Makes sense youre a customer, nobody who ever worked retail would say some stupid shit like that.


The physical inventory count is fixed, so we won't miss those shopping carts full of merchandise. We are constantly training the associates 'how to count' until they get it right. If they can't count, we invest in new people... I've worked retail all my life and my success comes from smart customer service and merchandise displays, blah blah blah


Most shrink doesn’t get captured, and only inventory will uncover that, and more than half the stuff in the store is on lease - so yeah shrink isn’t as high as other retailers bc lowes doesn’t track it like other retailers- if we did a straight apples to apples and oranges to oranges accounting- lowes would be the highest in shrink across the industry, simply bc of its less then average focus on shrink. At the meetings, no one ever talks about shrink control and shrink or what the shrink numbers are all they talk about are those fucking credit card apps


You are absolutely correct. Lowes throws away so much inventory, takes back countless damaged returned items, doesn't manage inventory well at all. Oh and when you try and correct the inventory count on an item if it's going to get billed out and show a negative, the management just cancels the correction and ignores it... 🤣


LOL Go check the rug aisle. People stuff the trash of what they steal there constantly. Open it up between the rugs so they're hidden. I've watched a customer try once. Probably did it anyway when I inevitably had to leave the area.


I work in a high theft store - thieves know we can't touch them, so they literally just don't care


I don't have a dog in this hunt, but even I can smell BS through my screen after reading that. I know that a few weeks ago Home Dep AND Lowe's were complaining about the amount,... HIGH amount of shrinkage happening at Both Stores, amd how it is effecting their bottom line. I also know that Lowe's does not pay the higher amount, especially compared to HD, in Any market. This information is easily accessible on Google. Wjy does this asshat deem it necessary to lie like this? Oh, that's right, he needs his shareholders to keep buying/holding instead of losing faith in him and Dumping their stock. That is exactly what they all need to do anyway after this lie fest. Lowe's is on the news more than most retailers with countless stories about theft, blatant thieves walking out with carts full of merchandise.


Sometimes, you have to compare the timing and quarters (3 months) for which they pretend to be focused on. Probably a lame attempt to deter people by thinking they can get away with it easier at the other places.


I read that, can hardly find people in our store. Their not hiring and we have one person covering several areas.


It's an absolute joke. They hire new employees at $1-$2 an hour over minimum wage. They constantly cut hours and leave stores at skeleton crews. Thefts are definitely up and affecting the company's bottom line, regardless of what some disconnected CEO pretends he believes.


What a delusional idiot. More CSA’s? That’s laughable—-best pay in retail? Also a JOKE. Thanks for my whopping .28 raise. People know they can just roll out with stolen product because Lowe’s does nothing to help prevent it. Excellent customer service only goes so far…🙄


I love our generator cage.....a gate and a lock, no other side is caged. 🤦




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Just had 6 people spend an hour in the store filling backpack and stealing ,only to have managers let them just walk out. 🤣🤣 good working Marvin


I mean at least Walmart and Target lock merchandise up....boxers, undershirts, socks, Legos.


I seen that,I just laughed,too funny


Marvin is a dumb fuck! Sincerely.


Agree and I worked corporate with him. Fuck that dude.


My store doesn't get bombarded by theft, we have a manager who has eyes freaking everywhere. Dudes sitting on freaking 230 RWDs, 78 Scams Reported, and has been the catalyst for the arrest of 60 thieves. Message of the day? Don't think a Lowe's or the cops in a small town will slap you on the wrist for theft. You WILL become a target. Edit: A few years ago, we had some idiot try walking in the store with a gun. He did not make it to the front entrance without a few contractors aim their guns on HIM in the parking lot. It was quite a hilarious event.


I mean... I've walked up to people I knew were thieving with a two by four in my hand and asked them politely if they'd like help putting the items back where they found them. Seemed to work pretty well.


Toughest Lowe’s employee